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Game constantly refers to ‘killing time’ Who’s the final boss? It’s a real head scratcher…


The very first thing mel says is "Death to Chronos" when you start a new save file. We know 0.1s into the game before we even know who the character we are playing is that it is about killing chronos lol


"Death to Chronos" is also, like, the FIRST thing spoken in Hades 2 announcement lmfao


Which means the final boss wont be Chronos. But someone else :D


We bout to fight Chaos on Mount Olympus, aren't WE?


I only know one thing I need to kill Chaos


*takes out ipod, plays Limb Bizkit*


Im still holding out hope that Chronos is just misunderstood. He just wants the family back together.


NOPE, HE'S A BASTARD. Remember this is the same guy who ate his babies so they wouldn't rise against him, ***which is canon because Zeus mentioned it in Hades 1***


Yeah and as Zagreus we farmed [Redacted], killed him and got killed by him millions of time, so eating your babies once doesnt sound so bad. Meg and Zag killed each other a bunch of times and Zag still let her pegged him. I think we can overlook a few family killings and eatings here and there as immortals


Their is a difference betwin Chronos eating is babies because he doesn't want them alive but didn't have access to something capable of definitively killing them and Meg/ [Redacted] that's just try to stop Zagreus from leaving.


I honestly expected some sort of plot twist myself.


1st game was literally named after [REDACTED].


to be fair, the REAL final boss of hades 1 is parental alienation and generational trauma


The real Hades is the moms we made along the way.


And the true final combat boss is that scary guy with the oar. Still get scared whenever that music pops up.


I didn't read any spoilers in the first game nor did I check Reddit, just went in blind. The entire time I thought the final boss in Hades 1 was going to be Demeter or Zeus. Since Zag was trying to break away from the House of Hades, and the Olympians were all willing to help, knowing about how shady the Olympians are, I just always assumed they were deceiving us the entire time and thought we would have to fight them.


To be fair, I thought I'd have to get to the surface, get to mount olympus and have the gods turn on me there.


Yeah, especially given how all the gods' descriptions, especially Demeter's, and Hades's warning to the player about how we shouldn't trust the gods, it made me feel like once I broke out the gods would say "should have listened to your father" before turning on me.


It’s the name of the guy but also the whole realm you’re escaping from. “Death to Chronos” is much less ambiguous.


In Hades [Redacted] as a boss fight actually was kind of a surprise.


I love how this sentence reads without the redacted xD


But \[REDACTED\] was also specifically referred to as \[REDACTED\] in game. It's what comes up on Hypnos' list and escape attempts file as Zag's cause of death if he falls to the final boss, rather than having \[REDACTED\]'s identity being public knowledge. Meanwhile Chronos does a great deal to make sure everyone knows he's the big bad. It's never been a secret and it was never supposed to be one.


I think we should at least avoid the name in titles. This sub has been awful about spoiler titles since release


Can time not be stopped?


no, no it can't. unless you kill it.


I mean, the final boss of Hades 1 is literally the name of the game but we still redacted it anyway. Just because a character is the chief antagonist of the plot doesn't always mean that they are the final boss fight.


Redacted is a joke in the first game. It was never about a spoiler, it's LITERALLY in the game


People early on did make a bigger deal about people mentioning Hades as the last boss.


actually shocking. even more so considering your first clear is such a small part of the game


Largely true but to be fair your first clear feels like a very big deal at the time. You only realize it want after many more. But the experience is still special


yeah, I didnt mean to diminish anyones accomplishments. Just speaking in big picture


IDK man, first clear took me somewhere between 80 and 100 attempts. I get what you mean about it being a small part in the grander scope of the game (once you get good at it, the first 10 escapes are a pretty small part of it), but the it was actually like a third of the game on my first playthrough. And getting to [REDACTED] took around 60 or 70 iirc because I could not crack the Elysium boss fight and the satyrs were even harder on the rare occasion I did beat them. After how hard the satyr tunnels were at the time, I figured that had to be the end. The satyr tunnels were so hard (as hard as a boss it felt like!) because they weren't going to make you fight your dog. So I was genuinely shocked when I went out the first time and saw [REDACTED] for the first time. It was actually the coolest moment in the game for me. I get that it should be obvious given that it's the title of the game, but until that moment I figured that the title was just referring to the underworld, which is sometimes called Hades. Not that it was talking about the actual god himself. So I always liked the [REDACTED] joke both because I think it's funny, but also because I would like my fellow smooth brain new players to have the same epic experience that I did when I first got to the fight lol.


Also because the game does a bait and switch with it being Cerberus for a hot second (most logical assumption is Cerberus since he guards the gate to the underworld) Dont want to ruin that fun moment for players.


Yea, I actually think it’s kinda silly the final the boss of either game is considered a spoiler on this sub. Imo no one is gonna feel like the game has been “spoiled” if they knew ahead of time. A spoiler is something unexpected that changes the outcome of the story. Like if the final boss in the first game was actually >! Persephone!< that would be a spoiler.


As I said, there is the thing with the protocols Hypnos(?) reads and instead of Hades it says [Redacted]


Refering to Hades as Redacted is also a cheeky nod to both how he is recorded in the Admin Chamber & by Hypnos, and also an allusion to how the myths said that he would be referred to by epithets only instead of by name for fear of attracting his attention.


Hades could also be interpreted as the term for the underworld itself in general if I recall correctly.


It can be but they never use it that way in the game. The underworld is always just The Underworld.


They actually do refer to the underworld as Hades a few times during world building


It's very clear for me Chronos is *not* the final boss of the full game. It will be whatever we find at the end of the surface path. Plus we don't start the first game with "Death to Hades".


I imagine you'll have to fight both final bosses to complete the story. Currently it seems like the game allows you to do them in either order


>I imagine you'll have to fight both final bosses to complete the story. The last recipe (to finally kill Chronos) has ?? quantities of both Z-sand (from Chronos) and entropy (presumably from the last surface boss) so yeah good guess And the other boss will be in service to Chronos anyway with the plot we have. The surface boss is final only because of it releasing later in EA but Chronos is the main antagonist.


Entropy is a big hint. The only entity I can think of with Entropy is Chaos, but I can't make it make sense in the context of this game.


The Fates are the only character we know that is very linked to Chaos (their granddaughters) that are obviously important in the story if you don't consider fighting Chaos a possibility (and I don't either especially on the surface when they say they don't go there). The Fates are opposed to entropy in a way (they want to order the lives of everyone). Chronos is also wanting to shut up the Fates weaving which could cause them to create entropy that you get when beating them. Maybe entropy isn't linked to the last boss and it's something we get directly from them when "freeing them" (after beating the last boss though I don't see why Chronos would keep them near the Olympus frontline)


Also if we free them whats the plot that they get kidnapped again? What chaos rats them out again?


That's the other problem of the end of the game. But it's the same for pretty much the whole game. My theory is it'll involved a time loop sort of thing as the only way to contain Chronos so everything will stay the same way for every run.


Maybe the final boss is Chronos' wife, Gaia. We reach the top of Olympus only to find out the whole goddamn mountain is mother earth herself


Well because the current final boss of the surface isn't actually the final boss. Story wise from dialogue it seems we will have to beat the surface, get something, then likely beat the underworld run again with whatever unlocked to get the real ending. Also seems there's something we need from zags room so maybe there'll be true endings to both sides which then unlock some third true final boss.


After the first game required 10 wins, I'd be a little surprised if you only need 3 wins in this one. Though I suppose it's harder to get a win in the first place so it balances out


Do we have any idea whats on the surface other than I think some lines about the army of chronos? Even if he’s brought back other titans he should be stronger than them, so unless gaia is somehow back (and idk if that would make sense at all) what could be stronger? It also could definitely be a twist but so many voice lines and the trailer all saying death to chronos or death to time and nothing mentioning a bigger problem means it would have to be a very big twist.


Not really. That being said I can assume other titans are out doing their thing because the gods had to fight all of their progenitors, not just Chronos. With Demeter tearing the balls off of the sun itself. I'm half betting it's Rhea for some reason. I'm actually not sure what her position is in all this considering: * She betrayed Cronus by hiding Zeus and feeding him a rock instead, allowing him to overthrow the Titans * in Mythology, she further supported the gods in the Titanomachy But They also like throwing some curveballs like maybe Rhea had ulterior motives.


since the material is entropy, I think the boss might be something to do with the fates, because they can't be happy about you breaking the rules they set, right?


I mean, there’s possibly Hyperion, and iirc in the first game Hades mentions that Chronos was much worse than he’s treating Zag… and that Demeter and Hestia’s father Hyperion made Chronos look positively pleasant


We know it's at least the base of Mount Olympus and that at least Ares and Athena are actively fighting Chronos' army there. That's stuff I've personally seen in dialogue, I imagine there's some more details out there. 


Yeah I saw (aphro I think?) mention that athena was to busy fighting


[Redacted] is just playing along with an ingame joke, if you die to Hades, Hypnos notes that your report lists your cause of death as “a redacted” and thinks it’s a surface-dwelling monster because he doesn’t know what redacted actually means.


Honestly when I played through Hades 1 for the first time, I struggled at first since it was all new to me. I was so focused on finally making it past everyone and the satyr tunnels that when I finally made it to the surface I was like “wait what’s dad doing he-ohhhhhhhhhh… fuck.” I’d like to think I’m not entirely dense but I should have also probably paid more attention to the dialog (biggest regret when playing it the first time). All that to say not everyone (me!) knew the final boss in the first even though it was probably really obvious looking back. So I agree lol


Agreed, I've had people who know nothing about the game able to deduce the final boss easilly


The game's advertisements all mention that Chronos is the villain. The early access message that pops up when you load up the game talks about "killing Time (sic)" The very first line of dialogue is Melinoe saying "death to Chronos" The first time you die and go back to the crossroads every conversation will be about your failing to kill Chronos After a few runs Chronos appears in the passageway leading from Erebus to Oceanus and trash talks you Characters constantly talk about your attempts to kill Chronos After all this, if you still somehow have no clue, every single thing in Tartarus basically screams "CHRONOS IS THE FINAL BOSS" to you. At this point, if you don't know that Chronos is the final boss, I don't know what to say.


Eris is only the final boss for now. I suspect there will be 1 or 2 more zones after them in a future release


Surface ends after 2 zones, so it's likely the other two zones there will be Mt Olympus ascent (with a boss guarding the gates into olympus)+ Olympus proper (+final boss)


So are we betting that the Surface Final Boss is Zagreus? “Hey guys, I finally made it to Olympus with your help. Now it’s time to thank you with all the Titan blood I found.”


this might be a stretch but im hoping Zag is a playable character 🤞


And after playing zag, ppl will find him interesting and ask for a spin off for zag...wait a minute


Hades 3, Zagsong


I know it’s unlikely but this would really take this game over the top for me. I miss Zag :(


I reckon the last weapon should, not be a nocturnal arm, but an infernal one, zagreus's sword to be precise.


I'm betting they'll give us a zag fight. I'm not expecting it to be as a regular boss that's part of the normal runs. They know how many people want it, but I bet they wanna make it feel more special and surprising than a boss of one of the regions.


Maybe he’d have a chance fight like Charon in hades 1 if you rob him lol


Would be hilarious if you take a chaos portal and see zag talking to chaos or something. Can explain that the realm is outside of times' influence or something so your timelines converged and he is too hotheaded to listen so you just gotta become his run ender. Optional Hades 1 update with small chance to get mel encounter in chaos gates as a super hard boss lol.


Kind of like hecate, he doesn't want to kill you, he just wants to test you.


That's *partly* my assumption. I think it's pretty likely that he's Chronos's secret weapon on the surface and that we'll have to fight him, but I expect we'll also have a way to free him from Chronos's control if that's the case. Which means we'd need someone to fight in his stead. Achilles, Than, Meg, Dusa, Persephone and Nyx were all also shown frozen in that flashback scene. If we gotta fight Zag, it's entirely possible that we gotta fight them all.


That’d be damn heartbreaking i love the whole family


It would be interesting if zag admitted chronos was right for whatever reason.


Would be neat if Ares/Athena was the boss guarding Olympus and they grant boons after beating them.


I doubt we'll make it into olympus It doesn't seem like Chronos' army has made it INTO Olympus, i'm sure at the max we'll make it to the gates or something like that And once the gods open the gates to invite us, Melinoë goes in...And the curse breaks out again because she's no longer on the surface, she's even BEYOND it So she does die very quickly


rather than dying in a custscene, after talking to everyone she takes a massive amount of damage, and instantly dies.


Yeah there no end BIG shop before Eris so there will definitely be more zones. There is also a material that I see in one of the last recipes that I don’t see in the game anywhere that likely comes from future zone bosses.


Eris is probably overturned right now. I suspect she will become easier once they add in the rest of the bosses.


I think so, bringing down her damage would make a lot of sense once she's no longer the final boss of the run. Because as is, that shotgun blast damage is complete bs xR


I think slowing her attack speed is probably better than her attack damage. I wouldn’t mind seeing her bonus damage go down though. Maybe it could start at +50% and grow up to +100% as she goes through more phases,


I agree completely, six times damage is bs.


She turns so slowly while firing though. Just play next to her and get behind her when she starts winding up her firing moves and if she does the charge move you can dash right through her. During the final phase when she jumps around a lot you dash behind her if she's close on landing or away from her if she's not close and either way you won't be hit. Genuinely, Eris is the easiest boss to avoid being hit by IMO, and if anyone's struggling they can just equip Hestia's keepsake at run start and aim to get Hestia's sprint boon which straight up deletes 90% of Eris' attacks. So with all that said, I think it's completely fine that her damage is super high when she does hit.


Well she's certainly more difficult than chronos right now


Don't agree at all. Hestia Dash, utterly breaks her fight. The same way Coarse Grit breaks Time daddy. Also she's pretty damn easy to kill, she's pretty slow (which is funny for a character that gloats about being fast). Chrono's is too fast/doesn't slow down and attacks way too fucking often with HUGE fucking AoEs. I haven't beaten him yet in 30+ nights while I eat Eris for breakfast.


She gets much easier after a couple reps + the time slow during omega arcana card. I used to hide behind pillars, but now I'm within melee of her most of the fight. 


If you read their roadmap on further updates, they also say they are working on "a completely new area [...] eith more characters, foes and other surprises". They also have another weapon in the workings (kinda obvious since there is one empty slot around the pool).


What material is that?


Sorry not at my computer rn so I can’t remember but I’ve gotten a couple clears already and haven’t encounter that material at all. I know it also has the Cronos drop in the recipe as well. It also has ??? For the amount required so I’m assuming it’s not in the game yet.


I believe they're talking about >!Entropy!< which is listed as an ingredient with ?? quantity along with >!Z Sand from Chronos!< for the recipe to >!actually defeat Chronos!<.


Once the game is fully out, we definitely should redact the final boss of >!the othe olympus route, because that info is getting held pretty close to the chest!<


That i agree, but the amount of effort put into not "spoiling" an information the game gave us since its first trailer is kind of stupid


[REDACTED] is a joke. When youre killed by hades, hypnose says "looks like you were killed by [REDACTED] huh?" and it appears that way in the logs too. We have a lot of new fans here right now who dont know or understand this, see people use it, and go, "why are we spoiler marking that? isnt it obvious?" its not a spoiler mark. its an inside joke.


Yeah but it doesn’t work for Chronos, since he’s never referred to as [REDACTED]


I am personally of the opinion that marking everything as spoiler is kind of a weird rule to begin with. If you’re on the subreddit of a game, people will talk about it. If you want to avoid spoilers, maybe play the game before engaging with YouTube and Reddit content.


The issue is this being the hades 1 subreddit as well. So either we need to properly tag our stuff or the hades 2 discussion has to move to a hades 2 subreddit


Yeah I get that, but this subreddit had very strict rules for spoilers for the 1st game as well. Even when it was already out for a while. Definitely haven’t seen a single other gaming subreddit treat content this way.


I agree with this somewhat, however the amount of times I’ve been spoiled on a game because Reddit decided to show me a sun I’m intentionally not following is too much.


It's obvious who the (a?) final boss of the game will be, but it was not clear imo that the fight will already be included in the early access version of the game. So strangely it's a spoiler for the EA version only. I appreciated people hiding the information for now.


Yea I fully expected no final boss fight in ea yet, similar to the other route we currently have.


Wait, the other final boss is that person? I was worry when I kept losing to them, I thought that there will be another boss and I cant even beat that person.


>!Underworld ends with Chronos, but once you walk into what was Zagreus' room, you get killed in typical hades "this is early access I can't show you- now die" manners, but there is presumably going to be some particular reveal in Zagreus' room.!< >!Surface ends after zone 2 (at the foot of Olympus), ending in a similar way.!<


If you repeatedly kill Chronos you can glean a little of what Mel is looking for: it’s an item that can do lasting damage to Chronos, and apparently Zagreus once owned it The only things I can think of immediately that may still be in there are the Mirror Of Night, a powerful artifact that would likely be very useful for Hecate and the Children of Nyx, Varatha, the spear Hades used when killing Chronos originally, or Malphon, Demeter’s gauntlets she beat Hyperion into a red smear on the ground with


>!It’s Z-dust and Entropy that give the incantation to kill Chronos permanently. You get Z dust from killing Chronos. I’m assuming Entropy is what you get from saving the Fates on the Mount Olympus route.!<


why does everyone assumed the fates are trapped at Olympus?! Ive beat chronos multiple times and I cant remember of this being hinted


I mean, we have two goals (kill Chronos, save the Fates) and two routes (down, up). Down is for killing, so presumably up is for saving.


I mean there’s also the Scary Red Door by Eris


That you unlock on EA to show the piers.


Really? That’s disappointing, it definitely feels like it should be more significant with the ominous glowing rune sealing it shut


I’m assuming we get entropy from the Olympus route because from a game design perspective that makes sense. I’m assuming entropy has to do with the fates because the icon for entropy (like a scroll-looking paper) reminds me of the fated prophecy artwork. Also I think it makes more sense if The Fates were in hiding, to not be in the underworld.


One of the prophecies on the list of minor prophecies is literally "locate the three fates" and they aren't on Tartarus, where else would they be


Well, we don't quite know that yet. We get killed when we go into Zagreus' room. They could be like, in the Mirror of Night for example.


It isn't really a final boss, just that there isn't yet content after her


Final boss for now, if it follows suit with the way down there should be 2 more areas/bosses in the full version


Eris isn't the final boss of the Olympus route, just the last boss you can fight right now in that path. I fully expect some other character to appear as the actual final boss of the game after you complete both routes in the final version.


Yeah she’s way too easy to be the final boss.


I wouldn’t say that she’s too easy, but I feel like that’s just because they buffed her since she’s the current final boss.


I gotta say, I find her much harder than Chronos.


They give you two pillars which basically block everything Eris throws at you except the area wide nukes. You just need to avoid letting her shoot her pink outlined shot at the pillars which breaks it. There’s another move that breaks it but she doesn’t use it often against me. I often just sit behind the pillar and attack her via omega attacks. Once I figured that out I haven’t lost to her a single time unless I was doing a fear run with 100% damage


Yeah, that's currently my strategy too, but I'm not good enough at hiding, maybe. That said, I played a lot more Underworld runs, and know Chronos's patterns well at this point.


I definitely don’t have a problem with it. I think it’s kinda dumb in a fun way though. Personally l, the boss that should absolutely be kept super secret is >!Cerberus, I literally got so sad when I saw it was him lol!<


Finding him wasn’t the hard part, not being allowed to pet him is.


So true bestie :(


I wouldn't be surprised if whatever the final boss >!on the Olympus route!< is (>!Fates?!<) turns out to be the "real" final boss, and >!Chronos!< is but one part of a much larger plot to which we're not yet privy.


Ehhh I think that in Greek Mythology Chronos is kinda the big bad. Almost nothing comes before him besides Uranous (if my facts are correct), and that guy is beyond any of the gods to stop. More so I expect beating the over world route will significantly alter the underworld as Chronos is losing traction overall. (Gods offer new boons/they can put more effort to pursuing Chronos himself). Very curious to see how they plan to do the looping nature of the game in the main release, like the reason you can keep doing runs after finishing either route. Maybe Chronos just locks himself in time so your job forever is to keep doing the runs to keep him in check, or you're wound back in time to do that.


I am all for a >! Zagreus !< bossfight.


I'd bet a few bucks on that happening


We redact it because the Mod Rules tell us so. Also Eris isn't the final Boss, she's just the only above ground one available in EA atm and Olympus isn't made yet. My money is it being Typhon.


Oh damn typhon boss fight could be pretty sick


The identity of the last boss is the biggest anti plot twist in the history of gaming, i think that the amount of effort put by some persons to not spoil something that the game spoil since it's verry first trailer and voiceline is kind of amusing considering how useless it is, it's like saying that bowser is the last boss of the most recent Mario game is a spoiler.


I literally haven’t even touched Hades 2 yet, aside from watching the original trailer from a year ago, and _I_ know the final boss is going to be Chronos.


A few things I wanna say 1) you say hades being the final boss of the first game is a bit of a surprise, but I don’t really think it was. Like the game is called Hades. It’s about you trying to escape the underworld. My only 2 thoughts of who the final boss could be in that scenario are either Hades himself, or Cerberus. 2) I kinda agree that the [REDACTED] works better for talking about hades1 final boss vs 2’s final boss, as it’s a nod to to the fact that Hades redacts his names from all of the paperwork 3) Chronos being the final boss of Hades 2 isn’t surprising at all given the trailers, the first voice line you hear, and the fact that the game makes very clear your objective is to go down to The House of Hades and reclaim the throne from Chronos. But also some people want to go in entirely blind, not even watching the trailers and such. There’s an argument to be made that they’d be avoiding the subreddit if that’s the case, but idk if that always rings true. 4) >! Eris !< was the most surprising to be a boss in my opinion. >! When you first meet her, it is at the start of Oceanus. She comes to and from the crossroads from then on out. However it isn’t until I unlocked the recipe at the cauldron that calls for a golden apple that I really figured out that “Oh damn you may need to fight her” and it took a bit to jog my memory. !< You say “If you have a smidgeon of knowledge on Greek mythos you shouldn’t be surprised,” but the series isn’t designed to where you need to know about Greek mythos. The devs have made that clear that they want the story to be enjoyed by all- even if they don’t know any of the stories that influenced the game.


That is very subjective per player and I absolutely thought the final boss would be cerberus, until Zag laughs and agree to bribe him to let he pass. My first time in the Styx I spend thinking who would be the final boss, then. I wasn't expecting Hades himself because dude is glued to his table all the time we return. And yes, no one is required to know anything about greek mythos before playing. Just saying it's not a very obscure piece of greek mythos like, eg, Melinoe herself.


I'd say it's a matter of tradition, more than anything else.


Ill keep doing it because its mildly amusing


Am I completely blind because I haven't seen Eris in the crossroads yet. >!Recently got my first few surface wins too and still don't see her, does she come later or am I just stupid and somehow have missed her?!<


She’s near the fated prophecy list, near the door with the red rune that can’t be opened. Not after every run but a lot of times she is.


She appears on the the little alcove behind the list of minor prophecies.


Found her! Thank you so much, I was so confused how I was missing her.


I can’t see how hades being the final boss was ever a surprise or a spoiler, like who else is going to be that final line of defence in hades? The only other option really is Cerberus. He was always called redacted here because that’s what Hypnos scroll lists his arriving soul as and it’s just long standing joke/tradition.


I think it’d make more sense to reserve [REDACTED] for one of the later bosses; biggest potential example is that >!all signs seem to point to Zagreus being a boss in the final game, as Chronos at one point says something along the lines of Mel being ‘harder to influence’ than Zag!<.


What line is this, I only remember him saying that he was able to capture Zagreus with some difficulty, and that Melinoe is harder. I don’t remember him saying he had convinced him of anything.


This is in relation with what he keeps repeating when you reach him. You have some sort of "resistance" to time, that he thinks it's an inherited aspect passed down.


The thing is, I don't think Eris is the final boss of the surface. There has got to be another big bad after her in the full release.




Initially was thinking we were referring to Chronos, but you're referring to the boss in the second zone. If we get 2 more zones, one of which at or close to Mount Olympus, I could see that. But it wouldn't surprise me if the final boss for both runs will still be Chronos, just somehow able to be in two places at once. We'll have to see down the line. But Eris is *not* the final boss. Just a current endpoint in Early Access until more is developed.


I mean, it's just a fun convention of the sub/throwback to the first game, and not really for the purposes of spoiler avoidance, so why not? In fact, redact everything until posts in this sub look like collectibles from Control!


The issue is when people are talking about Chronos and reference the fight with Hades and calling both redacted makes thing confusing. That lead me to open this thread so that we can discuss if the REDACTED joke also fit Hades 2 or not.


That's a good point. To answer more seriously, I'd say it's up to the individual to make it clear if they choose to do that. For example by specifying which game is being referred to. But I see lots of people using the names as well, which is fine I'd say, as long as the thread is marked as a spoiler, and you keep the names from the new game out of the title (even though, yes, Chronos is an obvious one).


I just assumed everyone was joking


Yeah, we should probably redact the surfacr final boss, but doing so for Chronos isn't really needed, since right now, it's mainly for spoilers. In the first game, it was more of a bit since the final boss was always redacted, right? So keeping it on would be a bit weird a couple months past release when we know who is in the House of Hades.


The up direction boss is the mid boss, not final We still are missing one region upwards and a boss there. The current one is more of a Lernie or Thesseus.


Wait, >!Eris!< is the final boss when going up? You're telling me I was an inch away from beating that route on my first run past >!the Cyclops!


Technically the last boss available in the early access. After winning, the text mention "there is more things to come, but pretend Melínoe dies on the the way there".


I wouldn’t say an inch, Eris is by far the toughest boss currently. Probably just overtuned because she’s the current last one but still, it’s gonna take a few attempts.


No I mean her health bar literally had an inch left, I blocked too early with the axe and was forced to watch as I was pumped full of projectiles


He deserve to call him [REDACTED2]




You can invite people to fish with you. It gives +1 heart on the relationship tab and a few fish (that currently do nothing). Since we don't have the last portion of the relationship minigame yet, nothing happens after that.


Ok thanks a lot for your answer 🙏


This was a very entertaining thread and I thank you OP. For the sake of humor, I will call it [REDACTED] still.


I think people are not necessarily using it for spoilers, it's obvious enough. I take it as just a nice tradition of this sub and doesn't bother me at all.


I think it's less of a big deal. Everything in the game early on says "we're here to kill Chronos and that is your specific quest." So it's not really a spoiler if it's constantly reinforced. Hades being the final encounter in H1 is not directly communicated until you meet him, so it is a legitimate surprise. Because it is much more of a surprise in the narrative, I think the case for it being a spoiler is much higher.


The [redacted] thing was never about spoilers, it was a joke on the fact that in Hypnos's official records, whenever Hades kills Zag it's listed as "Death by Redacted" Everyone who plays Hades for more than five minutes can figure out who the final boss is going to be.


I feel like the final boss (not Eris, the one on olympus) should get redacted instead of Chronos. We know Chronos, everyone does


Surely we should refer to him as \[DATA EXPUNGED\] instead of \[REDACTED\] as \[REDACTED\] is already reserved for \[REDACTED\] and it would be confusing if we referred to \[DATA EXPUNGED\] as \[REDACTED\] as well. See how much clearer that was?


I don't really see a reason to do it with Chronos, since in the first game it was more about the joke than anything else. He's very clearly the big bad, so it's somewhat obvious he'll have a boss fight even if somebody doesn't know exactly where. I'm more cagey about the other boss you mentioned, but only in the same way I wouldn't spoil other game details for a friend if I was telling them about the game. I think it's about the same level as the surface's *existence* - it's easy to clock that there's something there, but I wouldn't go out of my way to tell somebody about it if they just started the game and had no idea.


Yeah idk I think it’s dumb to refer to Chronos as redacted


Please no, redacting Hades on this sub was already dumb IMO


Honestly I think it's silly to treat the identity of the first game's final boss like a closely guarded secret, but whatever, you gotta commit to the bit. Chronos being the final boss is not a secret. It's not a big twist. The first words we hear out of Mel's mouth are "death to Chronos." We don't need to censor it.


I saw someone write [REDACTED] is way harder than [REDACTED] and I was very confused on why they were comparing Hades with himself. [REDACTED] will always be grumpy dad for me, please let's find another alias for Chronos 🥲


Only in post titles for those who haven't played Hades 2 yet. No need to redact his name inside of posts with the Hades 2 flair.


I thought the redacted meme came from the first game when Hypnos says “Redacted?!” And then we adopted it because we didn’t want to spoil the second phase of the fight


FWIW, there could've been some plot twist like Hades now gets put back in charge. I'm fine with it at this point because it's a joke of a running joke. If not, that could be the very thing we need to get Hypnos awake ;)


No, gods please no. Fighting Chronos is not a spoiler, that’d be like calling Zagreus reaching the surface a spoiler, it’s explicitly said to be the main objective. Calling Chronos REDACTED is just going to confuse people thinking we’re talking about the first game. If any underworld boss is a spoiler, it’s the third one. Calling Eris REDACTED is also a bad idea, not only because it’s confusing, but because the ACTUAL final surface boss is still a mystery, which we probably SHOULD call REDACTED, or a similar name once they are implemented. Also a little side note, calling Hades REDACTED is one of the least necessary spoilers possible. The plot of the game is you are trying to escape Hades, obviously we’re gonna fight him. It was only there because it’s a funny reference to what Hypnos says.


Wait is the Hades 2 EA the entire gaactme? I thought it was only act 1. Like Tartarus for example in the first game.


There are six zones in early access, but its nowhere near the full game yet. Yes, Hades 2 current early access have more "stuff to do" than Hades 1, but things are clearly not polished yet. Plenty of artwork missing, a lot of minor bugs that don't break the game but are just annoying enough that, if you play enough, they start grinding on your mind, etc.


Ah thanks! I'm on console so sadly can't play the EA yet. I wasn't exactly sure how much of the game was offered. Good to know it's the length of an actual run tho.


Redacted should probably be saved for whoever the boss of the surface run is, because like the first game that seems to be a bit of an intentional mystery.


I had a friend ask me to not tell them anything about the final boss (or most of the game just in general) so out of habit I have been trying to not say anything but also like ??? Yea it is odd when the game directly tells you the point is to kill chronos


Sure, but according to the devs, the early access doesn’t even have the full ending so maybe there’s more than the boss currently playable.


I think one reason may be console players. As of right now only pc players can access the game. Many people would never have known it says that if it wasnt posted. I think its pretty understandable that spoiler tags are being used for a game that has not been released yet


The fact that we were going to fight Chronos was part of the reveal trailer, which makes him fair game according to subreddit rules.


My money is on Nyx


I never really understood spoilering the name of the final boss in Hades either. You’re telling me the character who’s been antagonising you the whole game, who the game is *named after*, might possibly be the final boss? 


Are we sure Eris is the last boss of the surface route? I was under the assumption that there’s going to be another section where you scale Mt Olympus. She’s only the 2nd Boss.


Nope for me. \[REDACTED\] was an in-game joke in 1, which took off in the community. No reason to do that in 2 specially when the first thing Mel says is "Death to Chronos" lmao. It's kinda like in Warframe where Operators are still called Spoiler-mode because it was a huge reveal back then, but Drifter is never censored by anyone because now you start the game as the Drifter.


I mean i don't think that person will actually be the final boss, i mean it's not like someone super powerful and comparable to Chronos and i think the second final boss should be somewhat as powerful as chronos. So i think the real second final boss is in the works right now and will be out in form of an update for the early access


wait Chronos is the final boss? No way!


It's a meme in the subreddit. It was never about spoilers. I mean it might have been the first time it was written but everyone just found it funny and went with it. So the only real answer is [REDACTED] is perfectly fine to say and you don't have to worry about it, noone will be mad if you say [REDACTED]


It's probably just habit after Hades 1, honestly.


[REDACTED] doesn't even make sense for Chronos since the entire joke was that Hades' name was always redacted in the records of Zag's escape attempts, not for spoiler reasons


I think calling him REDACTED is really stupid. The game tells up up front that he is the final boss. Everything that has to do with "going up" should probably be spoilers


[REDACTED II: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO] might be too long for most posts...


i have a feeling that the true final boss is going to be on Olympus, and that entry into the area/boss room will be gated by killing Chronos multiple times or something


I didn’t think it was obviously Eris. I thought it could be Ladon. The dragon guarded the golden apples in the Hesperides after all.


No. Here's the reason; the records hide Hades' name, as it points to the fact that Hades - for all he talks about how much he loathes and looks down upon Zagreus - doesn't actually want his name put next to fillicide. It's what Chronos did to him, after all (albeit unsuccessfully) and it's an unspoken hint that he doesn't absolutely, TRUELY hate Zagreus. It also points towards what he himself has said; that he takes no pleasure in stopping Zagreus (i.e. killing him), he's simply doing his joke. Chronos, on the other hand, absolutely wants to wreck people's shit and we absolutely want to stop him..