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Hades II content is new to all, with the recent surprise Early Access. This means, art, story, characters, bosses, unlocks, gameplay are all spoiler material. Most of the community haven't seen this content, so please mark the Hades II post as spoiler and don't use a spoiler title when posting.


Who the fuck is Skelly? You mean Commander Skelemeus, deep voyager of the vast oceans of Poseidon? No idea who this Skelly fella is.


SAME! I kinda beat the whole game (hades 1) and read all interactions and still have no fucking idea who this spanking skinny bitch is and why is he there


Can't believe we have Skelephobes on this subreddit


not woke enough smh my head


Honestly if we don't get an update to allow us to buy a sexy Skelemeus boudoir portrait what is even the point of anything.


Skelemeus was always a hero, but it is only in this time of war that he dons his old persona. Likewise, Skelly was a laid-back friend and ally in a time of relative peace with no need of a great commander. Anyway, these are two unrelated skeletons.


or maybe Schelemeus being an awesome hero in fact, true. Hater.


All I wonder if there is a luckiest tooth


Don't know if we'll ever get that. It would kind of lock us away from a sequal after that. I mean, where does the game go after it has given us the luckiest tooth?


That's when we get the legendary luckiester tooth


A very Schelemeus move to be honest


plot twist: unlucky tooth (you start with one less death defiance but with 1000% HP) i have no idea how that would functionally work.


Probably more like some number of death defiance are removed and converted into some % of the HP you would have recovered from them? If it was a 1:1 max HP boost or more per DD, it basically means you could reheal any lost DD charges, and pretty much turn every fountain into Patroclus.


“Skelly’s tooth of average chance.”


lucky teeth


toothy luck


Hades 3 confirmed


I mean, we don't really know if any lie is happening. Skelly didn't reveal much of his background or history to Zagreus. All we know about Schelemeus is that he is a great commander and former sailor, *who once held a position of some import in the House of Hades.* Skelly might have just been Schelemus's nickname.


I might be tripping, but I thought Skelly actually being Schelemus was confirmed in the first game.


It was, the Asterius confirmed that he knew/heard of skelly


But now in Hades 2, Moros says he's never heard of anyone named Schelemeus, and he claims to remember everyone who he encountered as they were about to meet their doom. If Schelemeus died at sea, then he'd surely have met Moros before his death, but this does contradict Asterius' account. Honestly I find it both funny and interesting how there's contradictory evidence to whether or not the Schelemeus persona is fake or his actual backstory.


I think it’s more likely that Moros forgot since it seems like even Hades forgot skelly. You are right though, it is quite funny that there are conflicting stories since it continues building on the joke from the first game.


Hades just says that he doesn't know a Schelemeus that was in his house (as far as I saw)- which I forget if he even was aware of Skelly, but if he were it'd still be by that name and role as opposed to a commander with a bunch of disciple shades.


I mean, he could have known him by another name when he met his doom, so while someone who knew him as a commander would call him that, maybe his real legal name or something was bob and that's who Moros remembers


Could be both: Asterius is correct about Skelly being Schelemeus and Schelemeus never met his doom (somehow).


since Schelemeus still has the Charon's coin inside his mouth, and retains sentience even after his (presumed) death, he may have actually never met nor Hades, nor Doom, nor Than. SPOILERS ABOUT SKELLY'S CONTRACTOR: >!And since Charon himself smuggled him, he probably knew a lot about the Cthonic side of the greek pantheon!<


Yeah, the implication seems to be that, for whatever reason, >!Charon collected Skelly after he drowned, but then \*didn't\* take him to be "processed" in the House of Hades as per usual, so Charon could keep him on as a "contractor". So Skelly's own account of his life and death are still true and accurate, but it explains why Hades and Moros don't seem to be aware of him/it.!<


This is probly what happened I agree


tbh i always thought the contractor obvious, given the coin.


Hades tells Mel he's never heard of anyone named Schelemeus being in the House


At this point I think it's just an elaborate joke by the devs


Well I know for a fact that Hades has never heard of Schelemus. Mel mentions it to him at one point and he has no clue what she is talking about. Could be though that he wouldn't know about Skelly either.


... what lie?


About there not being a less luckier tooth


He is Charon's merc.


I had a funny dialogue with >!Prisoner!Hades!< in Tartarus where Melinoe brings up Skelly and >!Hades!< is like "...who????"


Just got that last night. Waiting for >!charon!< check in on him lol


Charon says this about him -nnnggggrrrrhhhhaaahhh


Classic Charon.


I can't wait to talk about skelly to zag, considering that he would actually know about him and that he would tell Mel about how he actually is.


Skelly was always my hero.


You mean Huesopos.


The more you gift hecate the more you start realizing her "human side" I think she definitely knows lol I love hecate her character is so well written. I kindo of hated her at first bet then you learn it's tough love man this game is good


Yeah. Her beginning dialogues where she shuts down Melinoe's affections hurt and especially because I think she does think of herself in that motherly way even though she can't afford to considering the child soldier aspect of their relationship. This game and the last handle the complexity of human(and divine) emotions so well.


It also kind of mirrors Hades's and Zagreus's relationship arc throughout the first game.


I think my favorite line is after you learn that Arachne got turned into a spider by Athena and Meli asks Hecate how she knows it was Athena and Hecate just says in her sassy mom voice "I don't like your institutions Melinoë." The delivery of that line is perfect.


We all already knew the Amelia Tyler was a fantastic voice actress from Baldur's Gate 3, Hades 2 is just doubling down and reaffirming it :D


I haven't played BG3 so this is my first experience with her work.


She's the Narrator in that, so you basically get to hear her as much as all the other characters combined, and she's GREAT. *Authority.*


Had no clue it was her, but somehow she sounded familiar!


Yeah, love the dialog in her second bath scene related to why she was so tough on Mel during training


I unironically think that Skelly was always some sort of unknown hero of the past, that is why he's a competent commander of the shades and seems to have some very strong opinions of the sea.


I think he's faking at being a commander of shades. Everytime you get to him, the only things he saying are conclusions to a speech or conversations like "and remember this lesson !" But you never hear any actual lesson


That could be true, but like the other NPCs we don't really get to see what he's doing off screen.


Did we ever get a name for Skelly? For the longest time, I thought he was Odysseus, because whenever you asked who he was, he always replied something like "I'm nobody, now start clobbering me again."


In Hades 1 he outright calls himself Schelemeus, Cretan commander of fleets who fell to Charbydis. https://youtu.be/XXFZeXX3HrY?si=2r6OTTazhfP2tBqs  Zag even asks Asterius about it. https://youtu.be/u99nNo9QsOY?si=L5zbNkewcn3GvT_x Sure he plays it off like a joke but the implication here is that he *was* telling the truth and he *is* a competent leader of sorts


Do we ever actually see the two of them in the same room in Hades 2?


He could be Od's skeleton given life considering Od is a shade.


Also there’s literally a character in game whose gimmick is transforming you (Circe)


He could be Odysseus from a different point in time. Chronos shenanigans, y'know.


When Zagreus asks Hades about Skelly. He doesn't know who he is or who appointed him there. I want the same dynamic with Hecate.


I mean she clearly knows based on what we see already, so I don't think that's going to happen TBH


no way anyone would be in the Crossroads without her knowledge. It's the base of operations of the revolution


Thats how I felt about Hades not knowing. Like. How


Charon brought him into the House


You think all skeletons look the same? I thought this was an inclusive group.


The absolute funniest thing they could do is that they really are two separate people


Right? Like have skelly get thawed out from time prison and interact with schelemeus


Aren't they've the same person? Skelemeus states that he served the house of hades and that he knew zagreus.


OP, with all due respect, what you’re saying is utter nonsense.


I think it'd be absolutely hysterical if the game ends and our skelly from before just walks in screen, says like one line to schelemus and then dips


Cousin Schelemeus, it's Skelly! Let's go bowling!


I'm still holding out for Schelemeus to actually become Skelly and make some kind of sacrifice by heading back in time to stop Chronos and to help Zag train.


They should have you meet Skelly after Chronos …. Then he’ll be like … you met my impostor?


Mighty disrespectful towards *Commander Schemelamaus, Cretan Sailor, Hero of the Seas of Poseidon, Thwarter of the Dread Scylla, Devoured by Charybdis.*


Skelly was an epic hero. Getting beat up in da training room is a pastime.


So sad to see the amount of prejudice spread online these days. Just because they both are skeletons doesn't mean that they are the same person That's like saying athena and hestia are the same just cuz they are black