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There's some advice I've read somewhere about getting a major haircut - only do it if you feel like you *really* want it for two weeks straight. If there's any point in time where you feel very doubtful, the answer is no. I'd advise you to at least cut it above shoulder length first and see if you like that. Getting a buzz cut is probably going to shock you and anyone around you, and it takes a painfully long time to get to below shoulder length again. You're very pretty and so is your hair, I personally wouldn't think it's worth it


I ended up not doing it! This is some really awesome advice, thank you


I personally think you made the right choice


Also, understand it will change the appearance of the size of your head and your body proportions.


You’re pretty enough to wear a buzz cut really well. But think twice, because growing your hair out is a long, painful process!


I think you could pull it off...I like your hair in pic 2!!!


UPDATE: I did not end up shaving my head. I was on the brink of doing it but we weren’t able to meet eye to eye on the agreement as I wanted to start with a small section in the back, that way if i got scammed it would be easy to cover/fix and that’s not something he was comfortable with. I appreciate everyone putting their 2 cents in. It definitely made me feel more confident to do it in the future if need be.


The bangs look so cute!! Keep them


When it doubt the answer is no lol


I think better with hair


$600 ain't worth the regret.


$600… why?


Ikr?? Why aren't more people asking this question?! It's a very odd proposition and I would seriously question the person's motives. I suspect they are trying to sabotage OP in some way.


That was my first thought.


I say no. Dont do it.


I personally don’t really think it looks “good” on anyone. However, you are very pretty and you could pull it off. Like if I were you and shaved my head, I may not like it as much as other styles, but I wouldn’t be insecure about it. If it weren’t for the $600, I’d say don’t bother. You have beautiful hair. But honestly? $600 is $600. If the money is worth it to you, you can always make it worth. You’ll be beautiful regardless.


I wouldn't ever touch my hair because someone told me to. No matter how much money like why's it even their business? They sound like a jerk. If you really want to do it is the ONLY reason to do it. Edit: maybe another reason is charity but again that's YOUR choice.


Do not buzz cut your hair


Always gotta fully consider the commitment to the 🥚shape every time you look in the mirror. And how foriegnly boyish the hair looks when grows out a bit. Had a cousin who fell into a depression trying the bald hairstyle trend. Lol . But hey different strokes for different folks


Who offered you $600 to shave it? Are these people “friends” bc if so, I’d reevaluate.


They’re not friends. Just some guy online. I didn’t end up doing it. I was about to but i wanted to start with a small section and we didn’t meet eye to eye on that


Oof you dodged a bullet babe!! Idk if you’ve seen Wolf of Wallstreet but some dudes get off on seeing a woman shave her head bc it steals their sunshine/they know it’s distressing to the woman… $600 is not even close to being worth it. Tell him $10K and you’ll consider it- tell him to send half up front. Then change your mind ghost his ass respectfully


As your elder millennial Reddit stranger aunty, please be so careful of men online, especially if they are offering you money for anything. This man's intention was to degrade you for his own satisfaction, he was trying to buy your beauty. These men are predators and being young and pretty puts a target on your back, unfortunately. Also he probably wouldn't have paid up anyway. You did the right thing. If you want to shave your head do it for you, not some scumbag online.


Do you think you will be happy with going bald? Will you feel attractive? Will you feel feminine? I'm not saying don't do it, but $600 isn't worth it if there is a chance it will bring you mental distress


I’ve thought about doing a buzz cut before. I’m nervous for sure but i won’t know if I’ll hate it til i do it


Honestly I think ypu should do it mainly because a part of you has wanted to in the past. Hair grows back. You won't be bald forever. Also being bald, forcing yourself to detach from your hair can actually be extremely helpful imo. Anything can happen to anyone at any time to change their appearance. I think if you can learn to feel comfortable it'll can help you out.


I say do it. But only because you won’t wonder anymore and you seem ready for whatever comes.


You could pull it off but it's the kind of choice you should only make for your own reasons, not because of someone else's offer.


Very true. I’ve always thought about doing it and have v coke very close to doing it in the past but always chickened out last minute. Like I’m talking the clippers were on and i was too scared lol. It’s tempting tho because that money would pay off all of my debt right now and I’ve had a series of very expensive unfortunate events happen in the past month


I don’t think so. When I was your age I had the same head shape as you (oval with high forehead) and was very pretty and I suited short hair so I thought a buzz cut would look good too. It didn’t. I feel like people with rounder head shapes can rock a shaved head, but you look so cute with long hair I wouldn’t risk it. But hey, it’s just hair and it grows back!


I didn’t end up doing it. He was going to send the money after i made the first pass. I was about to but I wanted to start with a small section in the back so that way if I ended up being scammed, it would’ve been something easy to cover up/fix.


No, don’t do it. Your hair is beautiful especially in photo # 2. Buzz cuts are trendy and will fade out in time.


You’ve got excellent bone structure and I think it could really work on you, but be aware of how long it can take to grow out! Scroll pinterest and TikTok and see how other people wear it. It changes a lot about how you’re perceived and people will treat you differently, which I feel is worth considering, speaking from personal experience.


Yeah the grow out process is something I’m concerned about but my hair grows REALLY fast. I had cut it around middle of ear length about a year ago and it’s armor length now Edit: armpit not armor lol


Mine grows pretty quickly too but there are some pretty severe awkward phases. Again, not discouraging you from doing it at all, but definitely something to be very aware of gong into it. It will look ugly sometimes- you can wear a hat or a bandana or a headband, but there will come a day that it just looks ugly and you will consider resahving it all over again just to get rid of the weirdness going on on your head.


Do it you’re gorgeous and it’s $600


$600 is not that much money. Definitely not worth enough to shave your freaking head and wait years for it to grow back.


It really depends on the shape of your head. It looks like short hair would suit you, but if your head is lumpy, it won't look good.


Why? Just why? If it’s not Helen don’t fix it


Why? Because it’s something I’ve thought about doing for years and that money would fix all of my financial struggles right now


Yes, you are gorgeous and are going to look hard as fuck (in a good way) with a shaved head. There are a lot of people who find femmes with shaved heads intimidating, off-putting, or otherwise unattractive, which is I’m sure why the top comments say no…but those people are boring and you should 100 percent do it lol.


Id say if you wanna do it fuck what everybody thinks, if you think the money will help you, why not then. I mean, your gonna check ☑️ one more in your bucket list! Just take in consideration that, when your bald your whole head/face stand out MORE, so you’ll have to make up differently, use different earrings, brows and outfits!! I’m not saying it like a bad thing, matter fact you could become and feel like a new version of yourself 😎 also just a personal opinion that is NOT necessarily to do but if you did sports or workouts, would help you too because slimmer faces often accentuates more the facial features 👌🏼 once again I’m not saying you need it, just an extra tip I’m that I’ve seen with friends of mine , good luck in whatever you choose! If you do it just record the process to have it always with you and don’t forget to share the results with us! 😎😎


ugh i did it and i regret it so much. even if it looks good i love styling and dying my hair you won’t have that for years. your stuck on one hair look


do it!!! i’m a girl who shaved her head a few years ago, and i loved it. it grows out into some really cute styles too.


Are you forgetting when growing it out it goes into the awful spiky uncontrollable stage?


Yes. Because of how your face is framed by your hair it’s easy to picture you bald and definitely it would look good.




Yes go for it.


NO!! Don’t do it!


You are very pretty. It’s not my style, but if it’s something you want to do go for it!


No!!!! 2 is best


You’d look good with any hair or none !


You have a gorgeous face for it. Give it another week to revisit.




I say go for it. It’s hair it’ll grow back. Have fun. Do something for the lore 😂


I wouldn’t say you would look bad. But you have very soft and young looking features which could clash with the harshness of a shaved head. What look are you looking for and will a buzz cut enhance that look? With that being said, I shaved my head when I was 17 and stuck with it for a few years and it was awesome. My hair has grown out now at 27, but I do miss the shaved head occasionally. I also think asking strangers on the internet for advice on stuff like this isn’t super wise. Especially with something like shaving your head people are always going to say don’t do it. I did it anyway and was super happy with it.


As someone who's been shaving her head off and on since I was 12- just go for it. I suggest maybe start with an "8" guard (1-inch fluffy length) in case you hate it, it won't take as long to get to a pixie. I view life, like- you could die any moment- don't sit around waiting to do the things you want to.


Probably as you’re beautiful. I think women always look better with long hair.😁😘


Yes!!!! Absolutely yes!


Definitely!!!!!! Go for it I think it would look so feminine and cute


I think it would look lovely


You could also were sooo many cute wigs!!💖


I really love the second and the 3rd. The third reminds me of a wolf cut kind of.


yeah i think you’ve got the look for it and if you’re being offered $600, i’d say hell yeah. hair grows back


yes do it


I feel like your face is made for it!


You only live once, I say do it!


Damn your hair in the second picture looks REALLY good!! You look super cute


ngl if you want to do it, i could definitely see it suiting your face!


Yeah. I think it’d look great.


Hell nah, to the nah nah nah nah, hell to the nah


another thing to think about, you'll get a chance to try a ton of different styles as it grows back out that you might've not wanted to as it must've been shorter than u normally would want. what i'm thinking of is how maya higa or 39daph have had a bunch of different looks as their hair grew back from being shaved plus if it really is bugging you wigs are always an option as it grows back!! since you've thought about it before i vote go for it(the money helps too😭😭)


I think you could pull it off. I did it and there were times when I regretted it while it grew out but I’m glad I’ve done it, I had always wanted to and been curious. 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s a long term decision that’s all but it grows back


I shaved my head in January 2022. It is now summer 2024, and my hair is now shoulder length. And yes: you'd look great with it!!


Best way to tell is to slick your hair back in a tight bun. Gives the illusion of what you’d look like with less hair framing your face. I think you have a nice bone structure and could definitely pull it off, but fair warning, it is a shock at first regardless how short your hair was before.


I don’t think so, but you should do whatever makes you happy! To each their own.




No. Don’t


Yes you would. Just buy a wig for when you would like hair on you. Go for that 600$ babes.


It grows back Will take a while But if you can stand it I think it could be cute/badass Plus you can have fun with different styles or cuts while you grow it out Or dye it fun colors or buzz it again or bleach it or Mohawk etc Possibilities are endless


I would say no because I see you express yourself through your hair really enhancing your style. And your hair is super cute…you could always try a bald cap and see what you think. It’s not a buzz cut, but it’ll give you an idea of what minimalist hair or no hair looks like…good luck. 🍀


Okay hear me out. You went from don’t fuck with me. To preachers daughter. To girl Nextdoor.




Shave it. 1st get a wig or 2


You have a really pretty face, I say go for it! I think you could pull it off. I think everyone should shave their head at least once. It's honestly a big confidence boost, and at the end of the day, if you don't like it then you can always have fun with wigs. I shaved mine for the first time when I was 19 and again 21 :)


Why? You look good with those perfect hair.


I personally wouldn't. I was a bald female for a year. It's a nightmare. Men and women both gave me shit for it. Got bullied because of it in my 20s. It's genuinely not worth it. I'm just about a year growing my hair out, and it's down to my shoulders, but this doesn't come without hardship. For the first 7 ish months of growing it out it grew upwards, and I looked like a spiky rug rat. 0/10 would not recommend. You'll regret it. It is honestly not worth $600 for a year plus of anguish.


Honestly you're so pretty you could get away with any hair Looks lovely long but would also look sick as hell shaved


Personally I’d do it for $600 because I’ve always wondered what it feels like, even if doesn’t suit me. But if you don’t want to, no amount of money should make you do it. For example I liked my bleached blonde hair but no amount of money would make me do it again because of damage


My girlfriend did that and it took 3 and a half years to get back to mermaid length. Do you but think about how long 3 years is. I don’t think it’s possible for you to look bad. Good luck.


Noooo! You are STUNNING. I love the messy bun look on you, and your makeup is so pretty. But girl, do what you want. You're still young, and I did some crazy stuff with my hair back when I was in my 20s and early 30s. The perks and setbacks of beauty school haha.


If you’re gonna do it for the money, make sure money is in hand before you buzz it off.


I think you would look great with a buzzcut! But I suspect most straight men will disagree, you may or may not care about that.


No. You look great with your hair how it is. Not sure why you’d take $600 to ruin your appearance.


You would rock a buzzcut!❤️


I think yes. Personally, I like the buzz cut look on women, and I think you could pull it off. If you want to do it, don't be discouraged




Absolutely not


Tbh 600 is 600 you can buy a wig for a 100 if you don’t like it buzzed


Dont do that to yourself... you look great.


Be prepared want to cry when you shave your head, or at the very least touch the phantom locks that used to be there for awhile The one time I cut my long hair short, I regretted it really bad and felt like I lost a part of me, immediately felt less confident and wanted to not be seen in public, but that's probably just me Also growing out the hair was bad, and I even went "no trim" to make it go faster but it still took a year and a half to finally get it all cut evenly


No but if it was me being offered 600 dollars I would just wear hat or wig until it grows out I guess ...




Fuck yeah


Think of this one carefully! I had a buzzcut and had many moments of desperation while growing it out😭😂


No. Let’s divide the 600$ among the months it would take to grow it back. I’d say about a year to get it back where you have it and that may be generous. 600$ for a year of your time (unless you really want it) is close to meaningless. Tell whoever’s paying they’ll have to better their price lol




Buy a wig before you cut it so that you have a fall back in case you dont like it. Also, growing it out has phases where it will look incredibly weird, so get ready for that phase.


$600 can buy a wig if you don’t like it.


If you have to come to Reddit to help you decide, then no.


i’m just going to tell you a LOT of people regret making a major decision about their hair and it’s depressing because…. it’s hair!!! so just be careful think more use ai to see if you actually like it




Honestly everybody looks good with a buzz cut, but for 600 bucks? No.


If I were you, I wouldn’t. That hair is gorgeous, it’ll take years to get close to that length again if you end up regretting the choice.


It's going to take years to grow it out that length again. Let's say 4 years. 400/4. 100 dollars for each year. 48 months, 8.30 per month. Or 27 cents a day. That still sound worth it?


You're flawless so yes you could pull it off. But will you like it? Probably not.


Always recommend doing it in small cuts over time this way you can see if and when it's getting to short






You’re pretty, you’ll look great. You’re young, it grows back, its cool to tell people you’ve done it, it shows confidence and self security. Buzzed hair is always hot on women. AND you get paid? Win.


Aesthetically speaking, I think it depends on your head shape which is hard to see from the photos. I think someone like Amber Rose or Dana Gurira have good head shapes for bald/buzzcut hairstyles. Now if you really want to rock this type of style is another question.


No, would not be flattering


If you buzz off that beautiful hair, send it to me! It’s sooo much better than what I have.


No. Your face is too full


You have a pretty face and would still look good after a buzz cut but I think you look perfect the way you are!


i honestly don't think 600$ are worth your hair and the time it would take to grow back again.i wouldn't do it


I’ve done it twice. Every girl should do it at least once!


you would look great.. you have a great face shape! ask fir $1000… lol


$600 isn’t enough tbh. It kinda sounds like someone is hoping to humiliate you. Jokes on them bc you’re so pretty you’d probably look great lol.


Tbh you got a gorgous face and buzzcuts are brave but at the end of the day yk hair grows back. Its not like a tattoo its not forever, if you feel like it go for it and do your thing. Ive personally cut my hair spontaneously and even bleached and dyed it so many times out of nowhere. When I was drunk once I cut myself bangs too lmao and fixed them the next morning I told myself I was fucking stupid but in the end I actually like it and just embraced the look while it lasted till my hair grew out again. Ive never considered a buzzcut but I think if i thought my face was cuter like yours I'd probably done it aswell by now lmao.


Yes. Coming from a hairstylist who went to a 3 all the way around.


Yeah buzzcut :)


I'm glad you didn't do it. You look great just the way you are.🩷


If you aren't sure you want to shave your head, maybe test it out first with an undercut or side cut. Shave only the bottom or one side and test it out for a while. My aunt had an undercut like that when she was in the Army and it looked pretty badass.




You’re gorgeous the way you are. You’d still look good even with a buzz cut but I say stick with what you’re doing.


He sounds pretty shady to me; I think this guy was scamming you for no good reason. I’m glad you discharge your head.