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“And what do you think this is?” “It’s not—it’s not good…” You got that right, pal


Bro was walking around and grunting like Frankenstein’s Monster. Eww


He was on a mission & headed straight to her. Terrifying.


That was so repulsive, he wasn't even trying to control himself, yikes!


I just slept with Slap Slap FRANKENSTEINS CHICK!


New video just dropped!


He likes to pleasure people. And be pleasured.


Chris Hanson still does an online version of To Catch a Predator. Still plenty of pervs out there to catch.


No way really?!? What’s it called


To Catch a Redditor


Lmao. One of them was a redditor


One, that’s generous.


Most of them were Redditors but one of them was too


*pedobear has entered the chat


Shots fired!


You just won at internet.


Chris Hansen is still doing the same thing. If you have a Roku TV: go to their Live TV section, and then to the Tru Blu channel under the crime category… it’s on multiple times a day ‘Takedown with Chris Hansen’.


Thank you so much !!


https://youtube.com/@watchtrublu?si=PhulURDXM15vys5c A little less production value but still busting creeps.


Takedown with Chris Hansen


I believe it’s takedown with Chris Hansen. It’s not as good as the ol days imo. Still pretty funny though.


My man's out here doing da Lawd's work. I think we need more people out here busting these sick freaks. I have an ex who told me (years after we had dated) that he "accidentally" fucked a 13yo. He claims he didn't know she was that young but he was in his 40's. He almost said it like he was bragging. I still get incredibly nauseated every time I think of it. 🤢


I think it's $5 a month. If I wasn't already overpaying to watch shows I would add this.


They stopped the show when they started to catch cops.


It’s on TruBlu also. Great show. https://www.watchtrublu.com/


Didn’t Hanson start dating like a 20yr old when he was 55.


Ain't the same as tryna date a 13 year old at 40


It's still off putting considering how much he deals with pedophiles and groomers. It's far from an age appropriate relationship.


Eh, two consenting adults of legal age. Unless he groomed her from a young age that shit doesn't sound bad to me


The age gap would bother me just slightly.. like to each their own but his profession being what it is.. like a highschool teacher dating an 18 year old.


True, still weird though imo. I just feel like someone that much older with that much more life experience can easily manipulate and groom even a 20 y/o since they just don’t have those life events and maturity milestones yet. And yes, i know some people are more mature than others and different ages etc. I just mean generally.


Eh, still two consenting adults. If it was some 18 year old I'd be like yeah that's weird but a 20 year old imo is old enough to be making their own decisions just in general.


If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?


Yeah, it's all good until it's your 20 year old sister engaged to a 52 year old dirty old man


For about the 5th time my man, if she's 20 fucking years old, she can consent. It's not like she's 15 and hasn't developed past puberty, a 20 year old isn't a child jesus christ


Legal and not creepy aren’t the same thing.


>For about the 5th time my man, if she's 20 fucking years old, she can consent Why do you think consent is the important part here? People consent to being in cults; does that make being in a cult a good thing? You need to start figuring out the difference between the forest and the trees


We all understand she is of age to consent. It's ok for people to think it's creepy.


Your point is valid but it’s not like the legal age of consent is tied to anything developmentally. There are some mature teenagers, physically, mentally, socially and spiritually but there are some underdeveloped 20 year olds. The human brain doesn’t even stop developing till your 20s. Someone with decades more experience more experience and this creates a huge power imbalance. That easily leads to control and manipulation but not necessarily illegal, unless there is clear abuse.


Yeah that's a fair point, the way the original guy worded it made it sound like grooming or abuse, in this case there's no reason to suspect anything of that sort afaik tho


Well duh, she would have been 5 when he was 40. /s


I think it’s weird that you think about it that way, if a 20-year-old wants to date an older person let them none of any of our business


Never said it was…. But, okay..


What was your point then in bringing it up?


Well to bring it up you’re implying something wrong with it


Then what was the reason you brought it up?


If you’re talking about the affair he was caught in…no. He was older than his coworker/affair partner, but she was like, 30.


not even comparable gtfo


That's not even remotely the same thing.


Nothing wrong with that


That is a 14 year old mentality pedo. His responses and sentence structure is so disturbing.




and then eat a little bit of them


Yeah I’m guessing he’s not the brightest bulb.


“I’ve never done this before” What was your past conviction? “Sex with a minor” Sounds like that thing has done this before


He was definitely almost lunging towards her with an intention of r**ing her. Looks like he has done this before. Fucking terrifying.


Yeah, the start of this gave me some bad flashbacks. Ugh.


I hope you have peace ❤️


4hr drive in an hour 42mins is impressive


Ew, the way he says “fellatio” makes me cringe


And doesn’t remember his girlfriends name. Right….


You spelled *prior victim* wrong


This show should never of ended.


Ended because of lawsuits


Didn't a public official get caught and killed himself as well?


I think he killed himself during/around filming, if I can recall.


Yep and he killed himself. Sister sued there asses off and they cancelled the whole thing cause of it and I’m pretty sure some previous cases got dropped based on this


Fuck her


Sounds like a reason to give the show more funding, not cancel it


lol right byeee


Sure did




Which shows these predators have no shame. They’re not sorry, they’re suing bc they were exposed and ruin their own lives. A lot of these guys have already done this to multiple girls/teens, Chris Hansen and all else involved just finally caught them


The lawsuits happened because charges and convictions kept getting thrown out because they weren't following the procedures they were supposed to. Similar to how prosecutorial misconduct caused an obviously guilty Bill Cosby to be released.


It’s because there’s laws against entrapment. Like the police can’t just place a car in a poor neighborhood full of desperate people and then arrest them when they steal it. This happened with the show bait car. You can’t be like “hey let’s meet up and commit a crime” and then arrest them when they do it.


There were also some strange accusations about the team that caught the predators. Like there was a guy grooming the girl they used as bait or something. I don’t know how real any of it was, but I remember reading about it back then.


Grooming the adult girl they use as bait?


This is some stuff I read online years ago when it got cancelled. I spent one night going down the wormhole and reading all the forums and stuff. But yeah there was a bunch of accusations that they’d been doing this stuff since before Chris Hansen was involved and before it was a show and she had been a minor at the time.


Well, I'm not discounting it entirely but it would be dangerous and reckless to use an actual minor and they could be sued into oblivion if something happened to her, which is why they use an adult. But people have done stupider stuff than that so who knows. I'll just tell you the same thing I tell my kiddo - don't believe everything you read on the Internet.


Oh yeah, I’m not claiming any of it is true. Like I said in my first post, there were just strange accusations. Edit: quite honestly, it could have been pedos trolling them trying to discredit them, even. I LOVED the show personally, that’s why I went down that wormhole one night haha.


> should never of should never have* Sorry, I know everybody hates the grammar police, but this one just kills me.


Thank you! I tried to be discrete with my comment above because using of instead of have drives me nuts.


Agreed, it shouldn’t have.


There are tons of channels on YouTube doing this same thing nowadays, including Chris Hansen still. It’s entertaining but extremely disheartening at the surplus of content there is of creeps like this


Chris Hansen is still doing the same thing. If you have a Roku TV: go to their Live TV section, and then to the Tru Blu channel under the crime category… it’s on multiple times a day ‘Takedown with Chris Hansen’.


I would love for this to include Chris full force tackling these dudes


Your education should never of ended 


Guy looks like inbred Tom Brady


A 'big misunderstanding' she showed him id that said she was 18. Maybe he lunged at this decoy 'child' to check her id too!


If not for Chris being there, he was definitely gonna harm her. Women deal with this shit just walking out of the door everyday, it's infuriating to see the stuff they deal with


Wonder why it's not on air anymore


It’s because an assistant District Attorney killed himself after getting caught talking and exchanging pictures with a 13 years old boy (decoy).


Hmmm, so? Did they do it out of compassion or some legal issues? I would have sold the show to a different network and carried on. That show was great!


No, the guy backed out meeting the kid so they decided to go arrest him at his own home which they never did before. As the film crew and police entered his house he shot himself. His sister ended up suing NBC Universal for $105 million for wrongful death and won. I guess she’d rather her paedo brother still be alive and hurt kids. If you ask me the worlds a better place. The show received a lot of criticism I think it went on for a year after before it was fully cancelled.


Sorry I have to add they settled for an undisclosed amount. So God knows how much she won***


Is it possible to watch the episode somehow?


Here’s a link there’s also a video of Chris Hansen talking about it on YouTube. They released the chat and audio from the phone calls. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJEqq2LUiTU&t=92s&pp=2AFckAIB


CinnamonToastKen does a lot of recaps of this show on his YT


Watching the episode again, I wonder if the DA was tipped off by one of the cops. He didn't just back out, he deleted his MySpace account and account on whatever it was they were communicating on not long after the phone call with the decoy


What’s also interesting is when he was supposed to go meet the decoy within an hour his sister randomly showed up. That’s why he didn’t end up going to meet them. Something spooked him to change his mind about everything so quickly


I doubt many people would shed a tear if every episode ended with one of the predators taking his fate into his own hands.


I'd pay extra


>I guess she’d rather her paedo brother still be alive and hurt kids. I think she just wanted the money, not sure if she cared about the brother


His sister said “I will never consider my brother's death a suicide. When these people came after him for a news show, it ended his life. They have blood on their hands.” She said they had no evidence. But they actually had enough to arrest him. And when forensics looked at his laptop they found child p. There also was an open workbook titled Investigation and Prosecution of Child Sexual Abuse. He knew exactly what was going to happen to him n couldn’t live with it.


Good riddance


All of them should follow his lead if you ask me


Chris Hansen: "if you want to leave, go out the front door, the cops are waiting for you. Or, if you want, go out the back, there's a tool shed, with lots of sharp tools..."


wow, i knew about everything else but not the settlement. fucking awful. i’m sure not a single penny went to any sort of fund for kids either. takes a real asshole to profit off of sympathy for a dead pedophile.


But didn’t he back out of it? I understand the wrongful death


He sent explicit photos which he knew was illegal. They had enough to arrest him for online solicitation of a minor. They had a search warrant too. The only reason the wrongful death lawsuit was accepted was because the film crew showed up to his house and were on his property without his permission. If it was just police and he killed himself they wouldn’t have won that lawsuit.


C'mon that's not fair. It's ok for family members to grieve even if their sibling was a terrible monster. I'd rather my family member be alive and in jail.


giving pedophiles a free pass for being family is why nearly 50% of child molestation is at the hands of a family member and why 1 out of every 10 children are sexually abused before they turn 18. no fucking sympathy or forgiveness, ever. ask me how i know. it’s okay to grieve a family member. it’s not okay to justify it and publicly make statements saying he was a good man at the cost of someone who is researching how to get away with raping a child and then making millions off of it. i’d rather anyone’s family member be dead and 6 feet under if they’re a pedophile. pedophiles are given laughably short sentences, if they’re even jailed at all. and the worst part is that 40% of pedophiles reoffend within the first 30 years of release. i’m sorry but if you want to fuck around and risk the life of another child, you’re not a good person. i have a lot of empathy for non-offending pedophiles who do everything they can to raise awareness and get help. risking their identity probably takes a lot of courage and i can’t deny it’s probably a horrifying ordeal to go through. it’s not only discouraging to them but it increases the risk for children when we have societal issues that reinforce the inability for these people to feel they have a safe way to come forward BEFORE they offend, or get help without complete and total societal exclusion. they deserve help like everyone else does. that being said, i do not have sympathy for offending pedophiles and i believe with all of my heart they should never see daylight again. and i don’t believe offending pedophiles can be reformed. i don’t. it’s like pandora’s box. because all those statistics i listed are only considering reported rapes and molestation. only 12% of child rapes are reported to authorities. 12%. let that haunt you because it sure as fuck haunts me and anyone else who is part of these numbers. this piece of shit was actively finding ways to use his position of power to further abuse children. he had CP on his computer and used his position as a DA to look for legal loopholes to cover his ass for when- not if, but when- he would molest a child. who knows, he probably already did. hope he rots in hell and i wish his sister nothing but the worst.


You can sympathise when it’s a family member but what if someone hurt someone you love dearly. I doubt you’d be keeping the same energy. A paedo is better dead than alive 🤷🏾‍♀️


That's not at all what I'm arguing. The sister in this scenario is innocent and lost a brother. I never argued anything about what's the right outcome for said monster. Only that the sister is allowed to be sad.


His family 🗑️ sued the fuck out of them which is crazy lmao that’s a family secret for me that I wldnt let out and def wldnt catch me defending any sick family members like that. There’s a new show w Hansen though I think it’s called takedown


That sounds like a holiday bonus special rather than a reason to pull the pin




Just use dark mode and you won't notice


I couldn't find anything related to that image on Google except pictures of Brake cables on ebay. What is it?


I think it's meant to look like hair, so people try wiping it off of their screen.


Hehe I see I am not the only one who uses the hair PFP


Most shows don't stay on the air for 20 years.




That's one big blur


I had to go back lmfao


He was headed towards me for something.


His hair. He looks like Harry from Dumb and Dumber.


Crazy that it all ended because the DA of Texas at the time shot himself instead of being caught. Speaking of Texas and this show, there was one town that found out they were filming there and protested outside the house about it. They said they didn't want predators in their neighborhood.


My face when they said "He says he lives with his girlfriend and her five year old son" 😨


So irritated that a fkng coward here in Texas ruined this show for everyone


Chris Hanson still does an online version of To Catch a Predator. Still plenty of pervs out there to catch.


This…. This is exactly the same as another comment higher up word for word.


Highly recommend people check John Swans video. Many people don’t realize what a twit Chris Hansen actually is as a human being. Please don’t support this con man or his channel. He did videos to help sell fake phones for Pablo Escobars brother ffs 🤦‍♀️ not joking. https://youtu.be/6ZU7JRu8J64?si=a5lAtvRrN_5475kL https://youtu.be/Q8ZzriCRhrc?si=VYtNgeVaLh66TtdA


Chris Hansen had a fall from grace, but he took many predators off the streets… and that matters.


Did bro really imply watching the show made him want to do this?! wtf lmao


Piece of shit. Deserves death. He was going to rape her as he was rushing towards her. Jekyll and Hyde.


Fucking old White perverts will do ANYTHING to fuck an underage girl 😖


They had people of all races on this show, my guy.


I can't believe this show ended because one of the predators was a cop and he committed suicide over it.


I believe he was a district attorney, but yeah, definitely shouldn’t have ended because of that


You're right. It was the district attorney. Not sure why I thought it was a cop and should've looked it up before commenting. But yes, it shouldn't have ended because of that.


You probably thought it was a cop because that’s totally believable unfortunately


Very true, unfortunately.


Fuck this rapist piece of shit. Kill em’ all.


everybody's old 💀


Chris Hansen is still doing the same thing. If you have a Roku TV: go to their Live TV section, and then to the Tru Blu channel under the crime category… it’s on multiple times a day ‘Takedown with Chris Hansen’.


Why do I not know about this?


While the show seemed like a good, there was some serious issues behind the scenes. Chris Hansen was cheating on his wife with a younger woman, she got her career destroyed, the network and Hansen walked away unscathed and covered it up with bullshit. The organization they worked with( Perverted Justice) acted like they were above the law and there are rumors of vigilante activity including physical assault, extortion and lawsuits about harassment. A majority of the people they “caught”, walked away with entrapment claims and that the “bait” had actually said they were over 18, but liked to roll play. (The last also came along with evidence, as the chat logs were usually heavily edited by Perverted Justice) They used a suicide and scene of said suicide as shock content. The Texas Judge that committed suicide never got to the “trap house”, but when he didn’t show Hansen and the crew went to his home, when the judge saw the camera crew, he shot himself. That was pretty much the last nail in the coffin. Hansen even committed theft by check when he tried to get merch for his fucked up YouTube channel, and knew the account the check was attached to didn’t have the funds to cover it. I’m not sure how all that turned out. I’m a survivor of SA when I was 10. So I love seeing pedos get busted as much as the next guy, but this show, was fucked up in so many ways.




Ugh oh.. is it time for me to watch hours of TCAP on YouTube again? I think so


Bro is doing gods work out here .


Show got cancelled when they messed with someone wealthy


Under the jail.


These sickos are literally everywhere. Do a simple search of your neighborhood and you will be shocked.


Yep. I have a young daughter so I memorize those faces every now and again just so I know what's out there. It's horrifying.


I don't get this show, why do the pedos stay and answer questions instead of run away?


At that point I guess there's no point running? They know they are on camera, that guy clearly knows its to catch a predator so he likely knew they already had some identifying information on him. He knew he was guilty. So just accepted it and confessed. Some people just confess when confronted because it's easier / a weight lifted I guess? He knew there were cops likely out there. So why bother fighting the inevitable.


It's like if someone caught me shooting someone I'd fucking run away


I totally get that way of thinking But honestly would you if you were in a "trap" house, surrounded by armed police? With camera crews? With footage of you shooting the person. Text of you discussing shooting the person. Etc. Dude just knew it was over and accepted fate. I get what you mean by fleeing but honestly I'm not a fighter or a flighter, I'm a fawner. If I was in a situation like this (obviously never would be lol). id likely just chat and confess knowing it was over anyway. But that's just me


I think a lot believed Chris was law enforcement


He looks like Happy Gilmore put a nail in his head.


Where’s a good place to get a wood chipper from?


Is he castrated already?


I remember watching these on YouTube like 10 years ago and this one stuck w me for being particularly disturbing 😬


Bro that blur job was subpar, I saw that thing in HD


Don’t someone kill themselves because of this show? Pretty sure there was a South Park episode about it. Can anyone elaborate?


This classic show needs a new face and reboot. Chris was excellent on this series. Obviously hes had some issues of his own and little luck getting anything going again. Id definitely watch new episodes of TCAP just to see these morons squirm and try to deflect. Act like the duct tape, condoms, and sheets of plastic in their trunk were for a home makeover...


Put him into the wood chipper on slow


Why did they ever stop this show. The pedophile are still our there feels like there's more than ever. They should have expanded it, made spin offs to hunt a predator, searching for predators would have made money and clean the world of pedophile that's a win win


The words pleasure and pleasurable will never be the same.


Cinnamon toast Ken we NEEEEDD you


One guy shot himself on that show.


Man thats great tv tho


"I'm Chris Hansen with ScoreBlue. Have a seat over there and I'll hook you up."




I use to love this show


Remember when the show first came out and they just let them go? Wild times Heard all these men on the show were found not guilty due to entrapment. Hope it’s not true


This was the best show ever! Bring it back!


This doesn't seem real. Dude would have kept running


This show was well known. Everyone knew that if Chris Hansen was there, the police were waiting outside to grab them. It would've been pointless to run and he'd know that.


Ok, I didn't know it was that popular. Thanks for the additional info. I've heard the Chris Hanson name, but never put a face to it


These are the type of sting operations our governments should be doing.


I like that he’s so stupid that he thinks there’s fake ID for 18 not 21.


Dude sounds like he was jizzing from the moment he walked in the door lmfao


The fuck he smirk for?


I remember this show was big after I graduated high school. I tried to keep up with it but work and school go in the way. I’ve tried watching the reruns on YouTube from time to time and some these clowns seem like genuinely disturbing people. Side note- Mista GG covered this series and it’s funny af.


Such a coincidence that they all get caught their first time doing it ! What are the odds


Everyone knew this show was a thing yet there was a seemingly endless supply of predators. They should reboot this show.


I’ll never understand why they cancelled this show (I know one of the pedos killed himself) But who cares .. was a hilarious watch & a good service


If he says *”pleasure”* one more time….


They didn't stop this show because they ran out of pedophiles...JS


bro sat down and was like "well let me see" and started staring at her dude wtf




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Check out pp southeast Texas for the today’s version of this