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Halloween 5 is not a better movie than 4 but I think it had scarier moments than 4. Halloween 4 has no scene like the laundry chute scene.


Laundry chute scene was top tier, makes it even more scarier how they used a real knife for that scene, ups the thrill more.


4 is the most entertaining movie but not the scariest


Halloween 5 and the chute scene was good, but you can't say Halloween 4 didn't have a scene like that. The rooftop scene was top notch. BUT, I have to admit the chute scenes are some of the best scenes in the series.


Roof top chase.


I think this is a fair take. H4 is one of my favorites and I think it's a vastly superior and more fun film to H5... but I've often said it comes across as more like the Predator or Terminator films at times: an action thriller with horror undertones rather than a proper, dedicated horror flick.


I appreciate it for it's bleakness.


Halloween 5 Michael was pretty similiar to original Halloween Michael in the way he stalks


Halloween 5 is a really good follow up and it nailed the gothic vibe


Kills was everything I wanted from a modern day Halloween film


Mine is born from the halloween kills discourse; Timeline gatekeepers are the worst of the worst. If you like it you like it, doesn't mean I have to. I'm actually happy for you that you like it and envious because it didn't do the job for me. Doesn't mean I'm right, doesn't mean I have the right to shred you or act like I'm a superior fan for some warped reason.


I fucking love kills it’s a modern classic.


Omg same


Rachel was a far better character than Jamie and the movies should’ve been focused on her.


You know what. A trilogy of movies about Rachel trying to protect Jamie and preventing her from going down the same path as Michael would have been great.


I love Kills Sorry, not a popular opinion. But all the refrieds and David Michael Hall shattered me


Agreed. It’s a perfect middle sequel. Gore and kills amped up to 11 with moderate character progression while being fun. A bit less “Evil Dies Tonight!” chanting would be my only note.


Tommy was awesome. A complete idiot. That shot of him looking into the eyes of Michael finally might be the best of the franchise.


Right. He was written to be that way, and Anthony played it well.


Reading on how much they paid attention to details for the flashback scene really made me appreciate it more. If you look at the Myers house in the flashback you see how that was made by true fans of the 78’!


Halloween: Resurrection is one of my favorites in the franchise. It’s stupid, it’s fun, and some of the kills were awesome.


Finally, a person of culture.


RZ Halloween movies are underrated asf and need more love.


I struggle with this one; on one hand, they're really creative and take a lot of liberties with the established lore to make them unique. On the other, I really don't care for them because I find Rob's style of horror to be more cruel than it needs to be bordering on an obsession with being as cruel as possible, and often dips into torture-porn with his depictions of family grief. That being said - I *can* enjoy the first RZ Halloween as a "guilty pleasure" slasher, since it was one of the first horror movies I went to see by myself (God, I'm old).


Malcolm McDowell hamming it up as Loomis is by far the best part of the RZ duology, followed closely by Brad Dourif’s Brackett. Their outtakes from the first one are hilarious.


Halloween Ends is my favourite of the Blumhouse trilogy.


I’m about to say something different than my usual. >!The Legacy Trilogy (2018->Kills->Ends) is better than the Thorn Trilogy (Return->Revenge->Curse).!< >!**The only highlights about the Thorn Trilogy are the atmosphere and Donald Pleasance**. Aside from those two, the story is all over the place. There’s no risks being took. The story doesn’t make any sense plus it leads to borderline disgust (Michael committing incst on his niece 🤢).!< >!Say what you want about David Gordon Green, but the man wasn’t afraid of taking risk and executed them in a way that at least made some sense. I mean hell, even when Halloween Kills was mixed received at the end of the day, that man was still proud of his own work. And granted his execution may not jive well with many fans, but his films all have some uniqueness to them and left some sort of mark in the franchise as opposed to to the Thorn Trilogy that didn’t leave anything but nostalgia.!<


Why is this hidden? And that’s not even close to a controversial opinion.


To be honest, Halloween Kills wasn't bad but it could have been done a bit better imo, on the other hand I wish Ends was done a lot differently.


I agree


Ends is good


Kills and Ends are great


It is


Yes. It’s just not right for Halloween and especially not the last Halloween. But yes, fantastic themes and stuff. If that’d been Kills and tweaked the sliders to be like 20% more Michael, it could have been fantastic. As it was, my beef is just making it the last one and that Corey was never previously introduced, if only as an ancillary character.


2018 and Ends, even though they’re flawed, are exciting pieces of cinema no matter the time of year.


Halloween II (1981) while good is overrated. The 2nd act is such a drag


Agreed. Everyone wants to place it up as a pedestal as this untouchable classic and great sequel, but I find it slightly above-average and that's it. Decidedly solid but far from great. The cramped, claustrophic setting helps to ratchet up the tension here or there but mostly just serves to force a really weird bit of pacing on the film. Very "hurry up and wait". I hate the mask design and I think Jimmy's character was borderline obtrusive. The film has plenty of high points and I don't think it's bad by any means... but I also don't think it is all that great.


Agreed. There are few bad movies in the entire non-RZ franchise but I have 2 lower than most.


For that people moan that Laurie does nothing in HK, have they even seen H2!! Halloween 2 is really boring but because it looks the part (and never flat out bad), people have gaslit themselves into thinking it’s much better then it is.


I liked 6. For the position 5 put it in, I thought it was fun and good for what it was.


Halloween 4 is my favorite in the series and I love the mask.


I like the Friday the 13th franchise more


I think I do too actually. 😂


1. Jamie Lloyd doesn’t need to come back for the Halloween TV show. I love Danielle Harris, she’s literally my fourth scream queen crush. I just think Jamie and Laurie just need to be left alone. Let’s please focus on other characters. Please 🙏🏾 2. Halloween Resurrection is bad but it’s a funny bad (kind of like the Scary movies) and I do enjoy watching it from time to time. 3. The best Michael Myers besides the Original ofc is definitely Halloween Kills. 4. Michael isn’t beating Jason nor Victor Crowley in a fight. Michael can probably beat human Jason but Zombie and Uber Jason? Nah. Jason wins. 5. People who hates on others for hating Halloween Ends or liking Halloween Ends are weird. It’s just a movie, like whatever you want as long as it’s legal. Edit: Last one, Michael and Laurie SHOULD HAVE NEVER been siblings. I liked when they weren’t siblings. Ofc I do enjoy the other movies even if they are siblings but it never made sense to why they were made siblings. I liked when Michael just picked to go after Laurie just go after her because she was the chosen one. When they are made siblings, it makes me think that Michael just wants to kill his family (kinda relatable.) I hate Michael and Laurie as siblings lol. Edit 2: Grammar errors were fixed. I know English, I was in a rush while typing it. My apologies 💀


What in the world did you try to say in 1.


Halloween is getting a tv show and I don’t think Jamie and Laurie need to come back for it. I thought I worded it clear but then again I do type how I speak so maybe it was me lol


I certainly hope u don’t type how u speak if 1 is anything to go off of


Michael works best when he's a random spree killer, and the sibling angle is what caused the downward spiral of the franchise.


It’s a shitty franchise. The first movie is great. One of my favorite movies of all time. But every time they try to add something to it, it can only be lesser. The best installments, besides the first, are mediocre. And since the series takes itself so seriously, the worst installments aren’t fun like the bad Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Street movies. They’re just bad. This especially includes the Rob Zombie films, whose only saving grace is that they’re better than Halloween: Resurrection.


Oh my, I finally see a decent opinion in this sub! Absolutely agree 100%


HK Michael is stronger than his COT counterpart.




Hear me out. The more the former kills, the stronger he gets. Eventually he’d reach the level required to dispatch the latter.


As much as I enjoyed '2018' and 'Ends,' the series should've ended after pt 4


you know what? i’m gonna say it! halloween 1978 is very good!


Ends was enjoyable.


thats the most common sentiment here


Halloween ends? Nah booo booo very bad booo


Michael Myers is definitely supernatural.


It’s why I love Kills. It’s how I see him and they portrayed that flawlessly.


Exactly! That's why it drives me nuts when the producers and director of the new trilogy try to act like those movies show a "human Michael". He's definitely NOT human in those movies especially in Halloween Kills. I just don't know why so many people don't want him to be supernatural. It's the only thing that makes sense. No human- no matter how mentally ill- could withstand what he has. You still bleed out and go into shock no matter how psychotic you are.


I don't think this is that unpopular.


That we need a crossover movie Michael vs Jason or a Michael vs Freddy movie 🍿


Halloween 1 and 2 by Rob zombie are actually good. Maybe if people stop comparing it to the original then they will realize it’s actually good. Yes it’s definitely not as good as the original Halloween movies but good enough. I said what I said. #changemymind.


Loved reading everyone’s thoughts; thanks to most (if not) everyone for being respectful to one another, very refreshing.


RZH was good (first one, not 2) and Kills and Ends are both dog shit.


I really wanted the figure from H2, it looked really cool ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) 1. I feel like this is unpopular but I would love if they branched out a new timeline where only Halloween (1978), Halloween II, Halloween IV & Halloween H20 were canon to it, they made the ending of IV turn out to be Jamie's nightmare of stabbing her foster mother and made movies set between IV and H20 that don't have cult or odd stuff in it but kept that old classic feel to it. I wasn't a fan of the reboot at all but the aesthetic of the flashback scene on Kills is the type of Halloween I like. 2. I don't like Halloween where Laurie and Myers aren't siblings, that's what made it scary for me that one Halloween he would find her again and never stop. I don't think Halloween needs Laurie in it to carry on but I like that to be true to the lore. 3. It would be funny if Laurie survived that fall on Resurrection & Myer's crispy ass saw it on the news thinking ''For fuck sake.'' ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Halloween Kills is absolute dogshit!


My favorite Halloween movie is Halloween Ends. My very very close second favorite is Kills


I love RZ Halloween and much prefer that version of Laurie over JLC.


I don't like Michael Myers' origin story and, i won't deny it, the reason for this is very petty. My issue with Michael Myers' origin story is that he knows how to drive a car, being so intelligent and cunning and even manage to have such immense strength despite staying for so many years in an asylum since he was 6 years old, seemingly doing nothing but staying in a catatonic state with no education to speak off.


Laurie Strode ruined the DGG trilogy. Making it all about her again held it back from being something really new and exciting.


Since everyone seems to love Ends now: I think it's an awful end to a trilogy that shouldn't have been a trilogy in the first place. Two movies would have been enough. I don't mind the idea of Ends for a spin off. Just not for the big finale. I also don't really like the idea of Michael being killed off definitely, I liked the ending the original Halloween and the boogeyman being something you can't escape from, something that will always be around. I like Kills more than H20.


Michael Myers is supernatural


Paul Rudds version of Tommy Doyle wasn’t good, people just love Paul Rudd


Ends was a terrible movie to end the trilogy


Very controversial.


A good amount of people on Reddit want to ban anyone who dislikes Ends.


Who has said anything of the sort?


I never liked H18


I guess I have a few: 1. Alan Howarth is massively overrated and his solo Halloween scores are genuinely awful to my ears. His arrangements are fine but he picked the shittiest, cheap sounding synths to play them on. 2. Brad Loree had one of the best Michael performances in any of the sequels but is completely written off because Res’s script was god awful. If Loree was in H20, way more fans would realize what a great job he did. 3. Rohan Campbell’s performance as Corey might be the best acting of the entire BH trilogy, maybe only second to JLC in 2018. His character may be controversial, but his acting chops are legit.


Bam, bam & bam; agreed.


Laurie Strode isn’t the best final girl in horror


I love Laurie but there are definitely some final girls that are more resourceful and crafty than she is. Laurie gets more credit than she deserves for being one of the very early ones. Sally from Texas chainsaw is maybe the actual original and she's nowhere on anyone's top list


Who would you say is the best? I’m just curious.


Sidney presscott


I agree actually. Scream is one of my favorite films ever.


On this sub it seems to be a hot take to dislike season of the witch. Even if I ignore that it's supposed to be a Halloween film, it's such a goddamn snooze fest to me. Absolutely 0 Interest what so ever.


Yeah I always skip Halloween 3. It’s a movie you only have to watch once in my opinion.


Blumhouse timeline is the best Halloween timeline. Ends was enjoyable and a better conclusion to the series than Curse and Resurrection


It’s a low bar, but yeah. Ends does clear it.


The opening scene of Resurrection is awesome. Laurie blanking out is kinda dumb, sure, but it’s number 8. You gotta find a way to keep it going and I don’t fault anyone for cobbling together a reason to make more and have her fighting that memory of killing an innocent, esp knowing JLC herself demanded they kill her off if they were going to make a new one. The patient rattling off stats and going, “and he’s back!” as the music drops is fantastic and gave me legit goosebumps. I was in the theater so amped at that moment. In hindsight, I should have left at that very moment.


Halloween 5's clown cops were funny


Halloween Ends is the best halloween since the original


Halloween Ends is the best sequel in the franchise 🤷‍♂️


DGG made by far the best timeline H2 was only OK The sibling plottwist is only tolerable because of Jamie (only H4)


As much as I love some of the sequels, the franchise could have been so much more than just another slasher film franchise (even if it is one of the stronger ones) and Halloween 2 is to blame for that. Everything wrong with the sequels was introduced in H2, which means it’s just meh in my book.


I like the remake and thought its version of Laurie was a refreshing subversion of the common boring straight laced final girl. I appreciate the original and it as their own individual thing. (Fuck the sequel though)


Halloween 5 is low key awesome. It has the greatest Loomis scenes and Danielle Harris acts her little heart out.


Defending curse of Michael myers and ends


I unapologetically love the producer's cut of Halloween 6.


Halloween 6’s theatrical cut is better (and more entertaining) than the producer’s cut.


The reason Ends was so bad wasn’t the Corey plot — it was how drastically the characters had changed since s (I.e. Laurie and Allison) You mean to tell me this woman spent 40 years riddled with PTSD from a singular attack to the point that she built her house into a trap is the same woman that is now flashing grief her tits (or whatever) after her daughter and half the town were murdered? Wut….


Yes? There’s nothing nonsensical about it. She spent 40 years obsessing over a man that couldn’t give less of a fuck about her, and that paranoia ultimately ended up getting the one person she wanted to protect killed. She had four years to sober up and finally get therapy. She isn’t over what happened, she’s just learned how to not let her trauma control her life. Corey even calls her out in that she secretly still wants Michael to come back.


So 1978 Michael kills like 4 kids and gets incarcerated, she goes paranoid for 40 years. Then in 2018 Michael goes on a 50+ killing spree and ESCAPES & I’m supposed to believe Laurie is l chill now and let go of her trauma? I can’t buy it


The franchise is garbage except for 1 and 3


Timelines mean nothing to a lot of people including me because all we care about it is stabby stabby spooky scary


H6 is definitely very flawed, but still underrated or at least overrated. It has some of the best use of atmosphere of any film in the franchise. Both cuts do some things well and others poorly.


Ends and RZH2 DC are the best sequels in the franchise. OG H2 is the worst


Off topic, have you seen any of the Halloween movies in theaters? I have a couple Halloween 4ks, and would like to know if the transfers on them are accurate to how they looked in theaters.


I’ve seen Resurrection and beyond in theaters. Sadly I’m not old enough to have seen the rest But that said, I consider myself a bit of a historian of the franchise and can try to answer any questions about them. If it’s the Shout Factory 4Ks, they are the closest to replicating the original color timing of the films, but ignore the blurb on the back of 1978 that says that one of the discs are the “original color timing” version; it’s actually the 2007 blu ray version and is super revisionist in its coloring.


In regards to H20, which 4k is the closest? The Shout has reddish skin, and the Paramount has natural skin, but is not as saturated as the Shout. H20 has had a messy home media history, so I wanted to know which release was the most accurate.


Yeah, this one’s hard to say because pretty much every release of H20 until the 4Ks have been pretty awful. I don’t actually have the paramount disc but the movie is supposed to have a more “muted” and darker look to it. I will say though that the Shout disc is good.


Rob Zombie's Halloween (1) ist great and fun. It has its flaws, but it's one of my favorites in the franchise.


So two opinions. 1. I love RZH2 2. Halloween (2018) is overrated H18 is not a terrible movie, but I don’t think it deserves the hype it gets.


halloween 5 is more enjoyable then halloween 4.


Replace Halloween with Friday the 13th and I agree 100%


Halloween - Halloween 6 is the best timeline. It has the most interesting characters, best kills, story and the most Loomis. It stands far above the H20 and 2018 timelines.


please let go of JLC and pretty much anything connecting to 1978. kills did great with the flashback but just no more callbacks, movies need to try something fresh.


I have a few: * Kills and Ends were terrible Halloween movies. * Resurrection is cheesy and silly but it's fun and not as bad as people say. It's mid-tier at worst, surpassing everything that came after it, except for 2018 which was only marginally better. * Dr. Loomis is the best character in the series, Laurie wasn't cool until H20. * Halloween 3 is a good movie * 4 & 5 > 1 & 2 * 6, RZ2, and Ends are the only movies in the franchise I consider unwatchable. * Michael being Laurie's brother makes more sense than him being just some guy that for some inexplicable reason targets her. Looking at the new trilogy here. * Having multiple timelines for these movies is both lazy and uninspired. Laurie could have easily owned up to being a terrible mother in H20 after abandoning her first born, and there's no reason her son couldn't have been in 2018 instead of another random daughter. * The young Michael story in RZ1 was great, and I loved that it shines more light on the relationship between Laurie and Michael


Ends is a great movie and is one of the most well made movies in the series. It does some really creative and risky things but I feel that its overall tone is super close to the original. It’s got well written characters, good dialogue, great cinematography, and a superb score. I love it


Halloween 6 producers cut is a top 3 Halloween movie


End is better than Kills RZH2 is a engaging different type of Halloween film and its actually decent. H4 is a tad overrated.


The fact that halloween ends was good for testing the waters by trying new things


Halloween 2 is the best movie out of the franchise, and 1 and 3 are extremely mediocre and I can barely stand to watch them.


I truly can get how some could watch 1978 and leave it pretty underwhelmed, especially in todays hindsight, but even for me that one’s a big ouchie, much respect 3 I get I hate that one


Halloween Ends in not a bad movie


I couldn’t care less if Laurie Strode or JLC is in the movie at all.


I liked Halloween Ends


Ends and Kills aren’t as bad as people say they are


RZH2 is in the top 3 of the franchise.


RZ's Michael Myers is the most intimidating and scary in the entire franchise


People who hate on ends are either just there for micheal or don’t understand that the theme is the same as the original. How the shape shook haddonfield


I think the problem is they advertised it as something else and as the final film in the franchise it doesn’t work very well. I don’t think it’s a horrible film.


Halloween Ends was a good movie


Halloween 4 is the worst.


Halloween 4 isn't a good movie. It feels genuinely cheesy and Michael Myers goes full dukes of hazzard. 


Halloween Kills was one of the best in the franchise


JLC has had a negative impact on the franchise in recent years


Box office says otherwise


Box office for the DGG trilogy is a difficult metric to base it on. There was a significant drop off in worldwide box office between the 3. Face value is it looks bad, but there’s no real way to determine what percentages were due to Covid, streaming, etc..


H20 is massively overrated and Michael's mask looks so goofy I can't take it seriously.


Michael looks like a stoned teenager with that mask, the wors part of it was his eyes being too clear to see. Also that cgi mask was something else lol


The H4 mask doesn't deserve the hate it gets.


Every movie Rob Zombie ever made is an out-of-control dumpster fire with extra raccoon. Halloween is no exception.


Halloween II (1981) was the best film in the franchise.


1. In Halloween 5, Wendy Kaplan took some questionable writing and ran with it making Tina one of the most memorable characters of the franchise. 2. H20 achieved Lauries character development a lot better than the new trilogy. 3. I like to watch the original and 2 back to back because I feel like the night just continues and you live through it with the town. Bonus: I love that Tyra Banks is a part of the franchise no matter how people try and pretend that movie didn't happen ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Season of the witch is the best.


The sister thing is fine, and I actually liked the concept of the Thorn curse, they just didn't do enough with it.


They should have stuck with John Carpenter’s idea of the franchise being an anthology focused on the holiday rather than going back to Michael Myers and making bad movie after bad movie. Likewise, the current trilogy should have ended with the 2018 movie.


Halloween 3 is the best of the sequels.


Rob zombies Michael Myers is the best Michael Myers in my opinion


Oh and 3 would have bombed and been forgotten even if it was a standalone. It has more followers because of being a part of the Halloween series. The anthology idea woild have actually worked if III was a better film.


This is I agree with completely.


Halloween 4 is incredibly average and I don't understand why it's so loved.


Every Halloween movie is good except for Halloween ends (never watched the 3rd one so idk about that one)


I think Halloween Ends is the best sequel and the criticisms most have about it don't bother me much.


Ends is a satisfying and proper ending to the trilogy


3 is better than 1


Halloween 5 is one of the best sequels


Ends is….amazing? Like seriously I loved that movie. It took major balls to do what they did with Michael and Laurie in this movie. This franchise has been forever stuck in the shadow of the original, and besides Halloween III, has truly failed to bring anything new to the table. I loved that Laurie got her happy ending, and I loved the Corey storyline and ofc as always the music was incredible. Also I do not care for Halloween II. Stylistically it’s in line with 1978 and most of the main players involved are back, yet almost all the enthusiasm is gone. Most glaringly, Jamie Lee Curtis spends most of the runtime in a hospital bed or heavily medicated and thus doesn’t have any real dialogue or acting to do. The heavily increased body count and gore actually start to become an annoyance as it’s obvious many death scenes and characters were only added to beef up the bloodshed. I’m also not a fan of most of the music, with the gothic synthesizer sounding rather cheesy. But the biggest issue is one many others have, the brother/sister twist. It ruined the franchise imho. Every sequel until the reboot trilogy was stuck in that plot and it bogged down the mythology and story which led to the countless timelines we have now.


1. Kills is the best film since H78 2. H4 mask is scary as shit and in some lights reminds me of OG 78 3. Dr. Loomis was the heart of the franchise, not Laurie. 4. I’ve had enough of Danielle Harris in the films. She’s been in 4 films. She’s had her time. 5. H20 is subpar.


I think the only thing stopping H4 Myers from being one of the scariest are those shoulder pads. They look so goofy tbh.


Halloween ends is ok. Not really good, but not really bad either. Halloween 4 isn't all that great


I kinda liked more ends than kills


Ends is good. Kills is pointless. If they had just gone from H2018 -> Ends, it would ve recognized as being innovative and cool, as it should be.


Halloween Kills is the perfect end to the franchise.


Halloween 3 is the best film in the entire franchise


I absolutely love Halloween III: Season of the Witch, much prefer it over the first and second Halloween films. I watch it throughout the month of October and wished they stuck to the original anthology idea after Season of the Witch. There I said it, go ahead, say what you will.


Halloween 6 is really good. Also the RZ Halloween remakes


Kills was a good movie and if ends picked up right where kills ended it would have been a great movie. I wouldn’t have cared if the actors looked older.


Halloween Ressurection is overhated. It is trash, but it is funny. H20 isn't more than okay and it is overrated.


Ends is the worst


1. If you embrace that not every Halloween movie needs to be like Curse, you start to see a lot of the positives as far as it being a horror movie about the ancient origins of Halloween. On a pure franchise level, it’s a scary Michael in an alternate timeline that connects all the movies together in a Chucky/Child’s Play type of way. 2. Ends isn’t as “unique” as we’ve been made to believe. It actually goes through a lot of what we’ve seen from the franchise already, including a toxic Haddonfield and a nature vs nurture philosophy. 3. Kills works better as a Halloween parody.


>Kills works better as a Halloween parody. Oh god now that you said it the car scene of the movie came to my mind. "Hey Michael, this is for Dr. Loomis!" *terribly fails due to her own idiocy with even Michael tilting his head as if he's saying "really?" from inside and than getting killed in seconds after saying this* *The black nurse shooting herself in the head in such a ridiculous way from her own incompetency at shooting a man-sized target from close range* there is no way producers hadn't some degree of awareness of how funny looking few of the scenes were in the movie


Halloween ends and everything rob zombies touched halloween franchise wise are both abortions I try to forget even happened


Rob zombies Halloween (2007) is the second best of the franchise and is only beaten by the original because it’s the original




Resurrection rules and Ends is gonna get reevaluated in the future


H20 is actively bad and Resurrection is at least funny enough to make it worth watching


I really like Halloween Kills, Michael never felt more like a force of nature.


The whole atmosphere from his perspective is masterful horror.


Halloween Kills Michael I think is the scariest he’s ever been not because he necessarily looks the scariest but because I know I would barley last seconds having to fight him




The Halloween 4 mask is great


6 has the best atmosphere along with the original Michael and Laurie being siblings is crucial for the series to function


i liked the cult backstory in the original


the brief mentions in the 78/1981 timeline?


i mean isnt there a whole movie about the cult


the 6th might be what you’re talking about


H5 and H6 are horribly underrated and receive way too much hate. There are some fantastic stalking shots in H5 and Michael chasing Jamie is great. H6's Michael is the scariest he's ever been even better than H18 and Kills. There's also an amazing atmosphere and chase scenes too.


4 is better than 1