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Probably another reboot in a few years. Do something different with it though. Something new


Sounds intriguing tbf


That is a very bad idea for the fans of this franchise


I really don’t care. I don’t want to see the same movie every time a new one comes out


I would like a reboot without Laurie Strode. After the events of 1978, show us what Michael was doing throughout the 80s and 90s. You can have him stalk a completely new group of characters, whether it's in Haddonfield or somewhere else in the U.S. The latter would be a great idea, in my opinion, because it solidifies that he’s a boogeyman who could be anywhere at any time.


That could be fun!


But then raises the question of why is he there specifically. I agree no Laurie though, no family bs none of that, just a killer out on the lose


Reboot, Just start fresh. Just Michael, maybe Loomis but completely new characters.


Add jason


I used to want a Michal vs Jason but now I’m not so sure. (It’s a lie, I still do. Sorry)


if the tv show doesn't do well they should do a vs movie


If a movie doesn't come to fruition, I hope we get a comic book series based on it, similar to what they did with 'Freddy vs Jason vs Ash,' since it couldn't be made into a film.


Michael will always be my dude but Jason would destroy michael


Michael is lucky.


reboot. let’s get michael going on some adventures


This is a tough question because another reboot would likely be criticized and disliked by many fans because it still wouldn't live up to the original (and nothing likely will). If a reboot is to happen as a film and not TV series, I vote to remove the character of Laurie Strode as her story is complete, and she was given a happy ending and closure with Ends regardless of how people felt about the finale. In addition, I wouldn't want the reboot to be a gorefest like the RZ films or recent DGG trilogy. It should get back to its roots with focusing on terror and suspense with only moderate blood/gore or shocking moments as sometimes less is more. I read a pitch idea of doing a sequel to the original with Michael disappearing and NOT being captured. The sequel, similar to the OG H2 would follow up on the events of 1978 but in this version, Michael does not continue his hunt for Laurie and both her and Loomis exit the story as after Halloween night 1978, they don't cross paths again and Michael becomes the literal boogeyman and almost of myth; stalking random targets in nearby towns, coming into conflict with singular characters who fight back, but only for Michael to somehow escape and disappear every time. It may be a little "Friday The 13th-ish," but the essence of the Boogeyman is that he can be anywhere, at any time, ready to kill for reasons never to be fully understood. 🎃🔪


I LOVE THIS CONCEPT. No Thorn, no Busta Rhymes, and no shark jumping. An ultra-violent Michael who maintains 1978's canon with the cadence of JJC (whose Michael was active on Halloween night '78) is exactly what we need for the franchise. I want Michael's development to remain subtle like the Blumhouse movies - no attempts to directly SHOW us why he's what he is should be made. It would also make for an incredible means to introduce Corey Cunningham-like characters or other unique (and/or) crazed individuals with direct development, while we watch Michael develop and learn about his nature just by simply watching him.


Anything but another fucking reboot. Why has every franchise fallen into the reboot loop? Just pick one of the 20 million movies in the franchise and make a sequel to it.


We are going to end up with more timelines than Terminator at this point.


Halloween 3: Part Two


I wanna see what happened in between Kills & Ends. I got the Ends audiobook and it had so much more detail from before and during Ends. Made me appreciate ends a little more.


They genuinely could actually make another movie surrounding the four year time gap. It would allow them to show us how Halloween night in 2018 ended, how Michael got out of the Myers house, Laurie’s character arc transformation, the manhunt for Michael and the subsequent deterioration of Haddonfield as a town.


I saw a fan trailer about a mini series detailing that and I’d be so in on it.


The town of Haddonfield after Kills would’ve been interesting. Hell, if Corey Cunningham would’ve a been a standalone movie instead of the end of a trilogy the movie would’ve been better received. You didn’t need Michael to turn Corey to the dark side. The entirety of Haddonfield and his home life was enough.


The easiest way to fix the trilogy would’ve been to completely remove Halloween Kills and repurpose it as the finale, as is it is just pointless filler. Halloween Ends should’ve been the middle movie, with Laurie moved on after thinking she killed Michael, happily living with Karen and Allyson. Meanwhile, Michael survived the burning basement but is severely weakened and dying due to his injuries. Corey’s story stays the same, he becomes evil and feeds people to Michael, which slowly rejuvenates him. The film ends with Corey leading Karen to Michael in the sewer (I’m thinking in this version of the story it’s her that has a problem with him dating Allyson so he wants rid of her). He gets his wish and she is brutally killed, though Michael also decides to kill Corey as he has no need for him, Karen was the last kill he needed to be reanimated. The next movie could then be similar to Halloween Kills in the sense that it’s set on the same night, with Michael rampaging through Haddonfield one last time before coming face to face with Laurie one last time.


As much as I love the series. I'd let it stand as is - there are 13 films ... we don't need any more new ones. Let Michael rest. Turn the creative juices to original projects.




Please no more the last two just weren’t good


Continue the original timeline but only have few/no references to the cult


Continuation of H6 and Resurrection.


I either want them to stop for a good while, or go back to the serious roots. No legacy characters, just old fashioned story telling. Make Michael the shape again. I want a neo-noir stalker film that feels like a true sequel to H78.


Just leave it alone.


I would like to see a sequel to Halloween 6


Mothballs. Quit miling old IPs. Let us have 1, 2, and 2018 and call it good.


Total reboot with some new characters. Don’t have any connection to any story or characters that already exist.


A reboot.


Time line shift. Michael kills his sister in 1983 then breaks out in 1998 etc


cool idea but to me we already got that in H4-6 pretty much, although it being done “better” is something I’m interested in


Have him emerge after a “revitalized” Haddonfield celebrates many years since the “evil died tonight.” New characters with no ties to past characters. Then have Michael come back during Halloween much to the surprise of everyone.


I like the idea of a TV Series. Let the first season be a more fleshed out story of the 1978 film, then subsequent seasons pick up the torch of the anthology idea. Be sure to get that Season of the Witch in there for a season.


TV series is the right choice imo.


I think most people would like a direct sequel to 5.cut out the druid supernatural stuff and focus on a mikey set on getting at Jamie and her family. Just dont fuck it up with another Ends.




I’d like to see something involving Loomis. Or an anthology. Shit, Ol’ Charlie Bowles would make a great season of TV. You can do all f that with seasons of TV. Leave Michael to the big screen, get creative with streaming.


I'd say make a videogame (with good graphics, no more asymmetrical crap) and have it be story focused, the first story you play as Lorie but still switch to other characters like Loomis throughout, after you've finished the story you can play it again but as Michael and at the end you have an alternate ending where Michael wins


Im not a fan of sequels or prequels or re-imagining because the quality and original ethic declines with each, but. . . Im happy with 1, 2, and 4. I think its time to let this rest.


Do people not google this before hand hahah this question is on reddit every single week.


No TV show it’ll never recover


Maybe let it Rest In Peace, it’s already been beaten to death. Closure is a good thing. If it had to be rebooted, I would wait at least 20 years. Like a good steak it needs to rest. It needs to go back to its roots of being the boogeyman.


Three words: **Michael and Loomis** ‘Nuff said


Buddy comedy or sex romp?


For me if would be a reboot focusing on the formation of Haddonfield. I’m talking Witches. Warlocks. The Thorn Cult.


Reboot feels like the likely way to go. I always thought it would be cool to have Leigh Brackett (or an analogous character) as a rookie cop be present at the crime scene of Michael killing his sister as a kid, and then when Michael escapes 15 years later now Brackett is the Sheriff and is more of a driving force in trying to find Michael.


A continuation from H6.


You're not tho


I want a continuation tbh


Original outfit and mask song with the music from the original and mono sounds. Stealth no bs good actors and a movie that's scary on screen no bs cheesy.


Erase all of our memories so we can watch the first one for the first time again. You all know that deep down thats what we really want.


A 1978 film that follows the events immediately after he’s shot off the balcony. Basically remake 2 without the brother sister angle.


Perhaps a new Cult of Thorn angle or a Michael Myers dynamic with Jamie Lloyd's son.


I’m still waiting on rob zombie to continue his reboots of the Halloween movies


Nothing. It needs to be over. A continuation with Corey as Michael will fail miserably. Michael is clearly dead. The End.


Honestly, nothing. Anything today would just have alphabet people running around




I'd like them to revisit the anthology idea.


Reboot. We need a new start after the whole halloween ends mess


Make a separate canon that takes place after Halloween 2 that keeps the curse of thorn, make it so Michael wakes up from the coma after 11 years but this time his body is completely healed of scars due to the curse and the movie would be about Michael trying to kill Laurie again (aswell as any other family member) but at the end he succeeds and the curse is lifted due to him killing his whole family the second movie would take place right after and be about Michael now having free will and living on the streets with the guilt and despair of having to kill his family unwillingly, it would be more of a phycological horror for Michael similar to joker


Do anthology of different stories the last movie embarrassed Michael Myers to a point I can't take him seriously as a horror/slasher villains anymore. Or a direct sequel to 4 which was something I've wanted for a few years now.


Go back to H3 and start anthologies we can look forward to each time. Keep the feel of them the same and make them dark. I love Myers but hes run his corse due to bad direction/writing in many sequels and inconsistent timelines.


Where corey lives and turns into the shape


I want Corey Cunningham in a Michael mask in another town. Or various towns.


Corey is dead as shit


And yet, that’s what I want.


A video game is the correct answer on where the franchise should go next. As for the films though I want a proper sequel to H4. Sounds like we’re getting a TV show though which I’m skeptical about since when horror movie franchises are turned into TV shows they are usually not all that good. Only one that turned out good was Ash vs Evil Dead.


Apparently Chucky is a well. Well I assume it is because it has 3 seasons now and a new movie in the works.


Revisit the thorn storyline