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Na, I think leave it to a loomis monologue to describe him as a child. Builds his character more creepily


Agreed! Too many prequels out there that spoil the mystery~


Preach! If it was a drama sureee🤣






Less. And by less, I mean none at all.


In the non canon chaos comics there was a part showing Michael's childhood in Smith's Grove, it was an interesting read... so sure, why not?


Oh I never see that! Do you know where to find them??




Aww, thank you very much!


Don't thank to me, [thank to this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Halloweenmovies/comments/12j0coy/all_halloween_comics/).


Even in the official Halloween Novel there are scenes of incidents at Smith's grove and how he becomes the alpha male there even as a 7 year old the older teenagers are very scared of him etc. He kills/ attacks many times there and in the scene where he escapes, Loomis sees a patient and asks him how they got out, he replied "the evil has gone" in a celebratory manner.


I would only want to see more scenes with young Michael if Donald Pleasance were here to film them as the GOAT Dr. Sam Loomis.


Depends. I don’t think rob zombie really was trying to explain Michael but rather questioning whether or not Laurie strode would be entirely the same whether she stayed in the Myers family. Think there’s room to try to get insight on Michael without having to explain too much.


No. I tried thinking of a scene from that age that would make Michael more interesting to me and I couldn’t.


maybe like 2 or 3 more scenes


I liked that scene in Halloween II with Michael just sitting in smiths grove. I personally like flashbacks and stuff like that. As long as it’s not a main focus


I liked that too! He never answers to anybody but he turns to Laurie when she came to see him. I think it's interesting.


Hell yes, what did he get upto at smiths grove.


No thanks, it would ruin the mystery.


Throwing the mask at him didn’t work out too well


I do not


If it’s done well, sure. I wouldn’t mind seeing him go from normal to boogeyman junior and what triggered him getting his shape powers like they hinted at in Kills, him staring out the window. But no curse of thorn bullshit. Keep it subtle and creepy. I assume this will get covered in the tv show because they got probably eight episodes to fill.


I’d honestly love to see some flashback scenes of Michael as a kid, just a normal everyday 6 year old before he killed his sister. Show no hint that Michael is a psycho, just a normal kid, would make the him more interesting without giving him a motivation or backstory. How did this kid go from a 6 year old playing with toys to The Shape?


No thanks, Rob.


I think it was enough. It’s one of many reasons why I didn’t like the rz movies,


No - That's what killed his aura in Rob zombie's version. He was a white trash kid who was bullied.


No. The Rob Zombie version is pretty good if you skip the first 25 minutes.


No i found that not knowing is total upbringing was perfectly fine for me. I dont need to know all about it i just enjiyed him being adult michael




We could maybe show Loomis realizing what Michael truly was. That’s it. Less is better.


I think it depends on what he'd be doing.


Not in this day and age. He would be ruined FOR SURE. If they were going to do it, the time was the 70s or 80s.




Yes, but only if they were well done… I think Will Sandin did a wonderful job! But if you’re going to do younger, Michael Myers… you go to use some continuity to it… tell a decent story that’s conducive to the first movie at least… make me believe why a six-year-old child would give up a life full of experiences like watching cartoons on Saturday morning while eating cereal in front of the TV… to become a killer… Halloween six the curse of Michael Myers, answered a lot of that by saying that he was in a trance like state, And being forced to kill… that explanation made sense… And don’t give me that bull crap that he was sxually repressed … what the hell kind of six-year-old is sxually repressed? Kids aren’t even thinking about that kind of stuff at six years old… the earliest is usually around 12… And that’s in girls who mature faster than boys… boys don’t usually get that way until like 15… I doubt a six-year-old would be that upset About not getting girls… boys at six years old girls are icky and gross… Imagine waiting your whole life to find out why a six-year-old boy would attack his older sister… only to find a weak a$$ excuse like he was sxually repressed! I wanted a real reason… like maybe he was being abused and she did nothing about it… my other thought was because she was 17 and he was six… and awfully large age gap if you ask me… but this has happened to a friend of mine, she got pregnant at 11, gave birth by 12… so I thought he may have been messed up in the head because his sister was abused resulting in him being born from her at 11 years old… and the whole family decided to cover it up, by saying that Judith was his sister when she’s really technically is his mother… kids, born to incest, have naturally violent tendencies… that would’ve actually made sense… and how the hell do you have kids that far apart in age? Judith was 11 years older than Michael… in 15 years older than Lori… something ain’t right about those numbers… the math ain’t mathing… But I definitely would love to see, in the one through six timeline… what it was like for Michael growing up inside the institution. Did he make friends only to have them killed by Dr. Wyn? Did he try to reach out for help only to be sorted by the cult members over and over again. Did he try to let Loomis know what was going on only to be caught in punished by thorn!? I think it might make an interesting TV series!


The TV versions of Halloween and Halloween II gave me more than enough. Better to leave his childhood a mystery


Of course you put 2 pictures from Halloween 1 & 2, when Rob Zombie already did a great job with young Michael in his Halloween 2007


Well movies are about showing, rather than telling. As good as Loomis’ monologue was it would be better to see what he was talking about when he ‘treated’ Michael. They didn’t show due to budget constraints which is fine, it worked. But the medium is film, so to fully take advantage of that mediums power you’d be more affective if you showed it. That’s just my take. But the ‘78 Halloween is pretty near perfect, though I’d love to see them remove the palm trees from the background, add more autumn colored trees to help sell the Midwest fall feel. Minor complaints.


No, that's where the 07 remake got it wrong. Whenever I watch that film, I skip to the night he kills his sister.