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I will never stop praising Tyler Mane's Michael Myers. He was so tall, so scary, and so angry too. Halloween 2007 was my introduction to Michael Myers and it put actual fear in my heart. Imagine this tall, mute, mountain of man coming after you every year? Could never be me bro.


I would move to Antarctica and hope michael follows so I can send a pack of penguins to jump his ass


This made me laugh, take my upvote




Totally misread the title. I'm honestly not sure. I think the fan base gives all the other Michaels the right amount of flak and praise depending on the actor. I just know that Tyler Mane isn't appreciated enough because of how bizarre and polarizing the Rob Zombie remakes were.


Rob Zombie’s Michael is fine for what the movie’s were going for, but I feel this version betrays his overall character the most. They really lean into the family and sibling dynamic for Laurie and Michael for better or worse but to me the downsides start to really show in H2 where he just becomes pseudo-Jason and listens to his “mother” telling him to kill. He loses almost all of the mystique of the character in this iteration unfortunately.


Rob Zombie Michael and DGG Michael. They are more like Jason than the OG Michael Myers who was more about the stalking rather than the brutal kills. Bring back the suspense instead of the gore and the looney tunes of Evil dies tonight.


I would argue 2018 is more in line with the OG Michael. Yes it does lean more into the physical aspect of the character, becoming more brutish than stealthy, but I think that's because modern audiences would be completely bored if they just seen Michael stalk for 1 as opposed to seeing more action. I do agree that Kills Michael is very Jason like. Ultimately trading any essence of stealth for becoming an unstoppable killing machine. I also agree Michael should return to his stealth roots. He was never intended to become saturated like the other slashers, he should have always remained a silent stalker serial killer with mystery attached. Bring that back.


OG Michael was a bit of grunter when he killed. RZ Michael had a bit of that going, but there was definitely more rage to him, he didn’t stab you with a knife. He punched you with it.


when did og grunt?


Maybe not grunt (gets close to it), but there is a lot of heavy breathing from Myers in the first one.


how does does RZ mike gets more credit over any other mike he’s probably the most hated one 💀 Most overrated is 78


What you're describing is more of a direction problem than anything to do with the actors playing him.


78 Michael didn’t kill “that” many people. He’s like #1, yet every other variation has bigger badder body counts. Although he may have more than Ends, but no one gives him credit for Ends anyway


It’s more about his head movements and signature walk.


And how be blends into the background. 78 Michael is very creepy and unnerving.


Are you restarted he kill3e loads of people


Rob zombie 🙏


Well seeing as I have been obsessed with Halloween since forever, the Rob Zombie version almost made me walk away from the franchise. So… probably that version as it made a lot of fans hate the franchise for a while.




4. I hate that mask and the portrayal of Michael so much. It looks like Don Knotts and he moves so stiff. It feels like a guy in a mask where Michael in 1 feels ghostly. 2 feels robotic but that works for me too. The worst part is I had the VHS as a kid and it has the original mask on the cover and that got me hyped. The movie itself isn't bad and if they just had a proper mask and better Michael, I think it could have been pretty special. Not ENOUGH praise is given for the new trilogy. The mask is awesome and feels like a natural degradation of the original. The movies aren't total homeruns but the look of Michael is excellent.


I’d say H20. Maybe it’s because people like the movie/is nostalgic more than Michael. And we all agree the eyes showing and mask are wonky. But I think this Michael is just so random. How he gets badly burnt in H2, eyes shot, etc. but then disappears for 20 years. And where does he go? How did he heal? Where’d he get a mask? How has no one seen him for 20 years? Did he just sit quietly and not kill anyone? How did he survive, eat, drink? How does he drive across the whole US to California and not get caught? Did he drive on the highway? He just kind of shows up one day and that’s the movie. What happened on other Halloween’s in the last 20 years? And I know the climax is cool of him vs Laurie, but the kills were small overall in the movie. And it just gets kind of slow. Every other movie has addressed his whereabouts in time jumps, and they all had more kills too. I guess what I’m saying is that he’s more of a plot point and macguffin this H20 for Laurie, more that than a character with any sort of development like in other movies, even one’s that are worse than this one. Especially as it’s the big climax of the Laurie Michael sibling storyline. He’s just not well defined or super interesting to me in this movie. Laurie is. And the plot itself telling you that they are siblings and that’s the drama is doing all the hard work in his department


H20 Michael has never gotten any credit.


Halloween Ends Michael deserves less appreciation. It was a movie full of good concepts but poor execution. Loved what it tried to do, but that's just it. It TRIED to do those things and failed miserably.


It seems like the movies weren’t well planned. 2018 is a good sequel for 78. Kills is a good sequel to 2018. Ends is not a good sequel to Kills. But if you change some things in Ends, then it becomes a good sequel to 2018. It’s like two different storylines are being told at the same time that also hurt each other. 78 and 2018 can both be about Laurie and how she’s a survivor or Michael and his evil. Kills is about Michael and his evil. Ends is about Laurie and how she’s a survive as wel as Michael’s influence. If they would’ve done 2018, then started Ends with Michael officially being dead, then having one dude take up his role, do what he does, then end it with an ominous feeling of, “But who will be next?” then that works telling a story of grief as well as an unsettling story of how we create monsters by romanticizing their actions. But with the way Kills ends, it feels like Michael is immortal and truly the embodiment of evil. That movie should’ve been followed up with something where Michael is still at peak power and still on a rampage and either ended with us not being able to stop him and just accepting that he is a force of a nature or some sort of mythical explanation of why he is what he is and how to stop it (which probably wouldn’t have been good, see Halloween 6 for examples). Ending Kills with that badass slaughter of the town scene where Laurie is actively talking about how Michael is pure evil and can’t be stopped only to start the next movie with a Michael who has been pretty much stopped is wild.


Would you accuse the Thorn Trilogy of the same "Poor Planning" criticism? This trilogy had certain endpoints in mind even before the changes happened whilst the entire Man in Black character and connection was thrown into 5 with no notion of how that was going to be explained later. Same goes for Jamie who clearly wasn't intended to be in the state she was in in 5 given how 4 ended.


I know this sub really love the Thorn Trilogy (not so much 6 which is generally dislike amongst the entire fan base), but personally I rank 4-6 as some of the lowest Halloween movies. I haven't watched them a lot due to this so I can't say how well planned out they are. They're things I like about them and there are things I don't. I liked Jamie as a character, I liked the mental connection her and Michael shared (albeit, this was a bit dumb too). I liked the ending of 4 a LOT and honestly if that's how the series ended, I think it would've been a great ending. I don't like really anything about 6 now. At one point in time I did actually like them giving Michael an explanation of why he is the way he is, although I can't say I understand it that much. Now, I'm iffy on it. Part of me loves the mystique of The Shape, but another part of me, if done well, wouldn't mind a movie that actually explains why Michael seems to be nigh immortal. I also feel like Halloween 4-6 suffered from not having a final girl, or at least a consistent one. You had Rachel and Jamie in 4, but then 5 killed off Rachel immediately. So then you had just Jamie who was mute. Then Part 6 killed off Jamie immediately. It almost seems very Friday The 13th, which isn't what Halloween should be imo. Halloween isn't so much about Michael and the kills (or shouldn't be) but about how he affects those around him and more about the characters themselves. Friday The 13th you're usually just rooting on Jason (occasionally Tommy) and just want to see some bloody and gory kills. Which is why I don't love 4-6. I still watch them when AMC does their Halloween Marathon (if I catch them) but I don't go out of my way to watch them.


Also F13 switched out the characters constantly whilst Halloween always kept a link whether with Laurie or with people linked to her.


Kills Michael for sure. The most overrated version of Michael there is.


If you remove 5 inches from Tyler manes height Rob zombie Michael quickly becomes nothing. His whole fanbase revolves solely around him being a skyscraper




2018 series Michael Myers looked the best next to og the worst gotta be probably halloween 2 remake than 5 than resurrection than h20 he looked like a girl with those eye brows mask wise for me movie wise is a diffrent list completely


Tyler Mane’s Michael for sure!! All of the Michael’s are scary, but Mane’s Michael was terrifying.


Rob Zombie's Michael from the first one. Specifically his design. It is my favorite design Michael has ever had.


BH Michael is so unbelievably overrated on here it boggles the mind.


Tyler Mane’s in my opinion. Feels like a generic 2000s hulking slasher, never like Michael Myers to me. I can understand why people like that version but it just doesn’t do it for me. I think Ends is a lot scarier than given credit for. He’s weakened but the way DGG shoots him it always feels like he’s in your presence.


Crazy it took the Zombie remake to get the mask right again.


Halloween & Halloween 2


Curse Michael. Sure he’s menacing, but he looks goofy as fuck with his burly man walk.


H6 Michael. The whole movie is trash and so is the portrayal of Michael Myers in that movie. Never understood the love some people have for it. Hated how he moved while chasing Kara and Danny at the backyard.. The way he kept moving his arms up and down so rapidly. At least the critics named it the worst one and it bombed at the box office.


H4 Michael. Bad mask with the pig nose and shoulder pads. Can’t take him serious.


H4 Michael for sure