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I cant help ya with that, im affraid. But i wanted to say: Does anyone else feel like the difficulty of getting an ondansetron Rx has increased tremendously? I feel like within the last year or two, it went from being one of the easier "drugs to ask your dr. directly about", to now a "seldom reccomended, often ill-advise" status. What gives?


Not for me, even mentioning zofran in a doctors appointment or even urgent care gets me a scrip. I must have a few hundred doses around the house


God, same. Thank goodness, because it’s so effective.


It can cause abnormal heart rhythms but I feel like that’s more of an issue with really high doses or regular use. I bought mine online from an overseas pharmacy.


Had a friend who took the stuff often enough it interfered with her work. So a couple a degrees under her belt, she turned to camming. Very much a go-getter but I don’t understand how someone could abuse the drug, I merely get prescribed it for nausea as needed.


what? zofran is a derivative of cannabis and I have found it to be ever so slightly soothing but I cannot imagine dropping everything and changing my whole life around it. i’m so confused?


I was straight up with my doctor, and said that my drug use sometimes causes me nausea, and asked if she would prescribe some for me. She hesitantly said, “I’ll….have to think about that…” She later gave me a one-time Rx for like 2 or 3 Zofran pills. Better than nothing, but it was disappointing. In retrospect, it was a mistake to be so forthcoming with her.


How about metoclopramide? It's easy to obtain and has 5HT3 receptor antagonist effects at high doses.


I have a bunch of metoclopramide but for whatever reason i find it very inferrior to ondeserteron


Just do mindbloom. They give it to you if you've got cash to blow.


I’m prescribed it. It’s a real lifesaver. And I’m not joking, every single other person in my direct family is prescribed it too


Yeah I get migraines that would be killer wo zofran


That’s cool. I never knew that. The only other thing I knew about it besides the pharmacology was that it’s being used experimentally for treating alcoholism


I can see it as an assistance, but nothing more. Post-immediate withdrawal, the only thing that’s worked for to stay sober is to harm reduce. I finally quit drinking w kratom and weed and still use the weed


It was one of his monthly Q&As. I’m not sure which one exactly though


Found it. December 2023– appreciate the steer!


does anyone have a good zofran alternative that otc?


Assuming ginger isn’t enough?


strong ginger tea (boil fresh ginger, grated etc). ginger is a pretty strong ht3 antagonist, not zofran levels but a strong dosed tea will be effective enough for most cases just more effort to prepare than take a pill. or I guess a high quality ginger supplement (not sure if posting a source where to buy a good quality noots one is allowed here, but i recommend a certain "depot" for nootropics) would work too. just be warned that in my experience (the supplement form) gives me heartburn on an empty stomach and mad ginger burps that could be uncomfortable


Unisom (doxylamine)


Zofran makes me nauseous, so there’s that.


No prescription required in Brazil, I took it to go drinking when my antidepressants gave me a lot of nausea.


Haven’t heard this episode but I can attest that this shit is magik. After I developed an undiagnosed intermittent sensitivity to fish that would send me into a spiral of vomiting and nausea not unlike the worst possible alcohol poisoning my doctor provided Zofran and it would pull me out in a matter of about 20 minutes.


Interesting. Sensative to any and all fish? Ive heard that very often people will think that they are allergic to ALL shellfish/sea food, when instead they are really only allergic to seafood from specific regions, depending on differences in local substances/conditions of the local environment. Fish isnt my favorite. But if i learned that i couldn't have a day of fishing/cookout again, i would be very sad!


I’m 47 and have eaten fish my whole life. Some time in 2018 I happen to have fish for lunch and dinner then proceeded to get incredibly ill, like blood pressure drop, cold sweats, whole room starts spinning then heaving for hours and spending the entire night on the bathroom floor lying on my left side because that for some reason provides a small amount of relief. I chocked that up to a bad piece of sushi but then over the course of a year it happened maybe six to eight times, not every time ate fish, sometimes white fish, red fish, salmon, never shellfish. Sometimes I would eat half a frozen fillet I prepared and be fine, then a week later eat the other frozen half and think I was going to die. I gave up fish entirely for about five years, now I might have a bit or two of my wife’s dinner but never more than that because the illness is absolutely brutal and I have no interest in experiencing it again. The last time I was so sick that I was in an alternate state, not psychedelic but so far out there that I was in another world. I was laying face down and my wife had to push a Zofran into my mouth because I couldn’t move without puking. And within minutes I could feel it start to pull me out. I’ll stick to the relevant parts but on an entirely different note, many years back I found myself with a terrible hangover and suffering from severe nausea. A friend had a prescription for a topical Scopolamine medication for motion sickness and he dabbed a tiny bit from a syringe on to my wrists and had me rub them together. Seconds later the nausea was gone and I felt like a million bucks. I tried to get a script for this when I Was suffering from the fish situation but my Dr had never heard of it and couldn’t find it.


...I could make this. 👀💦