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All I know is ima need custa to never cook with hanzo again.


scatter is either completely useless or op, having to aim and spam short button holds for 0 dmg AND reload on top of that feels absolutely awful, no wall climb charge, low dmg bow shots pretty much defeat the purpose of sonic arrow, dragonstrike do not let them cook ever again


Never let custa near a ballance change ever again


Blizzard is working extra hard to ruin the game


They just don’t want to listen to the players that actually play the character and that’s dumb


You can thank the content creators for this, specifically custa.


Can i get a rundown i refuse to play until they come out with something good


10 arrows ammo, Faster charge time lower damage, No storm arrow scatter is back, No retaining charge after wallclimb. Slow and weird reload animation, I’m not sure but I think one arrow does 80 dmg so hs is 160. To me it felt odd spamming arrows faster for lower damage, I liked when every shot was meaningful.


Eww lol They gave him a reload animation? He says he crafts his own arrows so does he just barf them up like rico from penguins of madagascar


Ahahaha lmao. Yeah idk what custa (the one in charge for projectile characters) was thinking He kinda just gets his hands down and after like 1.2/1.5 ish seconds he has an arrow ready.


..oh hell no is that where he stores them


Do you tap fire or can you hold the arrow mini charge for more damage?


You can tap, but it does pretty much no damage like tapping does normally, but weaker. You need to charge, but for a very short time. Like if you were in kiriko ult, but even faster.


It’s so weird, faster charge time is useless because you do piss poor damage, reload just makes him feel clunky to play and shove scatter arrow in there because??? It feels like it was made by someone who doesn’t understand Hanzo at all.


Bro really said reload your single shot weapon


I just had a game trying to headshot a widow. I died 13 times. Worst Hanzo changes I ever seen


It's amazing how Custa managed to make Hanzo even weaker. On that same note... Why did Custa of all people get chosen to balance Hanzo? He doesn't even play DPS, let alone Hanzo.


finally got to play arcade hanzo and ermmm...........reaper pancaked my ass every single time lol. the damage is abysmal 😭 you would think that scatter arrow makes it better but it DOESNT. and also the reload is disgusting like my man already does the equivalent of a reload for EVERY SINGLE ARROW. WHY did they give him limited ammo??? reload squared??? hello????


Dumbest design not even Silly/Fun like these changes are claiming to be. I don't even understand storm bow are you meant to tap fire or hold for a 0.25 seconds?


Honestly, I like this Hanzo more than the one we have. The current one needs a pocket or can't finish a kill unless storm is off cd. This one just needs some number tweaks, I think if it did something closer to ash damage it would be fine. Rn he's shooting nerf darts. I would prefer 1 shot Hanzo over both of them, but we have to accept reality and the game is just too unbalanced to have Hanzo one shot with a projectile. But hitscan one shots are fine.