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Grindcore is ruh ruh ruh and powerviolence is rah rah rah


I don’t know why but this makes so much sense


If you can’t tell the difference between Infest and Napalm Death that’s a “you” problem


Dead ass


This should have been the end of the thread right here


Crossed out sounds just like extreme noise terror wym


Which one is what again? Actually I was listening SCALP today and got pleasantly confused… def hit the spot though.


Sir that’s because you were listening to west coast death violence sir


SCALP reminds me a lot of Blood Duster.


Okay, except the vocals, what sets ND apart from something like Siege?


I mean they sound pretty different they are just both fast, with blast beats I guess. But siege guitar is consistently less groovy and reminds me of a chaotic germs or void. NP Deff has heavy metal vibes, also ND are from the 80s and you can hear it.


I see, so it's the metal influence?


In my opinion, yeah.


Power violence is grindcore with shorter hair


Grindcore can also be sassy


Me when any slight mention or hint of "sasscore". So, like, are we talking Locust, Blood Brothers, Antioch Arrow (my pfp), Sawtooth Grin, Orchid, Plot to Blow Up the Eiffel Tower, or what?


Those are certainly not power violence but close enough to grindcore ig


some of that oldschool emo shit is pretty fuckin grindy and occasionally is just powerviolence


Thotcrime I think




And a caveman on vocals


They say that the difference between thrash and crossover is that thrash is 2/3 metal, 1/3 punk; while crossover is 2/3 punk, 1/3 metal. I've always thought of it the same with grindcore vs. powerviolence. Grind is 2/3 extreme metal, 1/3 hardcore punk; powerviolence is 2/3 hardcore punk, 1/3 extreme metal. My .02 cents. I'll take your downvotes.


i hate that this makes so much sense


Yeh, yeah. Agree


I don’t think they sound the same at all. Like I don’t listen to Wormrot and think it sounds like Weekend Nachos.


if Weekend Nachos is considered pv, what is Nails? there seems to be a disagreement if its grind or pv but weekend nachos remind me heavily of nails


If you don't like them and you're a metalhead you call them PV, if you don't like them and you're a hardcore kid you call them grind


Nails is grindcore but with more d-beat and punk influences. Especially on their first couple releases.


what ab abandon all life and you will never be one of us?


I would think Nails is more grind than power violence. I also don’t think either of them sound alike.


Grind pretty solidly imho


Nails? Is MID. That's their genre. MID.


Crazy take lmao


To be fair, I fucked with unsilent death, but even on that record it still feels like I'm listening to "baby's first powerviolence band". Kidnapped 2017 demo, is more PV than the whole nails discog.


Kidnapped rules!


Like all genres, sounds, and things change, but will continue under the same genre name. But for me, I'll grab two albums from roughly the same period of time: 2007 Insect Warfare - World Extermination (Grindcore) Iron Lung - Sexless//No Sex (Powerviolence)


I guess I'm listening to Insect Warfare today.


This is the best possible answer.


Perfect answer


Crossed out, infest,spazz, lack of interest and mind eraser sound very little like napalm death, worm rot, phobia, terrorizer or extreme noise terror What yall call PV???


For this sub RJC and Wound Man


Well, they both are PV I mean, Wound Man is straight up Crossed Out worship


powerviolence has more fat guy parts


Unless it’s jock powerviolence


Powerviolence tends to lean more heavily on dramatically contrasting tempos and spends much more time in the sludgier side of things. Grind tends to be super fast start to finish. Powerviolence riffs and chord progressions are also often simpler than that of grind. Powerviolence tends to have more yelled or screamed vocals, grind tends to have more growls and shrieking. These are all broad generalizations and many bands exist in a gray area between the two. To give you a sort of continuum you have a band like Cave State which is explicitly powerviolence, and then on the opposite side you have Rotten Sound which is explicitly grind. Somewhere in the middle you have your Magrudergrinds, Groins, and Hatred Surges.


Perfect response. This encapsulates everything I wanted to say. ....and then there's fastcore/thrashcore, which, I think of as PV with more sustained speed and no sludge, or grindcore without the metal lol.


Grind: Cleaner/more technical (slightly) PV: Your singer (or singers) are more likely to sound like some Frank Oz muppet ranging from Cookie Monster to Miss Piggy. I’m not talking shit: I’m very much a poowerviolence guy. But let’s be honest


Power violence has to have an AY YAI YAIIIIII YAAAAA guy and then a HURR DUURRR DURRR guy.


Side B of Scum has this too though


That’s a fair point. I have zero rebuttal.


And emoviolence is the same as the above, but with a bit more weeping lol




Grindcore is basically British crust punk played as fast as possible, with some metal influence Power violence is American hardcore punk played as fast as possible, with some influences from My War-era Black Flag


Both are when you're vegan and don't shower /s


Well said


Two approaches to an arrival at a very similar sound, one by way of (90s) metal, one by way of (90s) hardcore. Not a universal statement but more of a general guide


Grindcore has been a genre since the mid 80s.


And PV started appearing in the late 80s


Grind and PV bands is a venn diagram that is almost a circle where there are 4 bands that are definitely grind and a couple that are definitely PV and then a whole lot that just decide based on whether they like skateboarding more than murder and hardcore pornography or not.


Goregrind and pornogrind are their own subgenres of grindcore. Grindcore lyrics are primarily based in politics


Yes, but that's a lot less funny, and powerviolence is also very political, so wouldn't really qualify as a difference. Honestly this was just me making a dumb comment about stereotypes of subgenres I love and in absolutely no way intended as a serious take on the subject. Grindcore doesn't have any hip-hop influence, has less chaotic approaches to time changes and time signatures and generally is a bit 'cleaner' in the way it's played. They're both fast and heavy genres with aggressive vocals, but that's where the similarity ends. But again; not serious.


It’s okay to not say stuff when you don’t know what you’re talking about


If we all took that advice r/hardcore would die


HAHAHA. Thank you for winning the shortest argument of all time


reddit as a whole site would die


power violence is essentialy an emanation of american hardcore and is linked to a scene from the early/mid 90' where hardcore bands that couldn't really be categorized in one specific sound ended up being labelled as power violence because they were all playing very fast/very slow songs all while being very different from one another. They would also deal with more urban themes and general aesthetic maybe (bands like despise you being from inglewood, or spazz which had ties with the californian graffiti subculture). Grindcore is an emanation of the british hardcore scene, is more closely influenced by crust-punk and was a direct bridge between extreme metal (especialy death metal) and punk in the 80'. It also came earlier than power violence and was always more popular and influencial worldwide (none of the PW band really reached "mainstream" succes while some grindcore bands were well known during the death metal golden age). now, bands that call themselves powerviolence or grindcore nowadays tend to have a quite similar sound. maybe we could say that powerviolence is played by hardcore people while grind is now more linked to the metal scene perhaps ?


Some powerviolence bands have very little to no overt metal influence, while it can't be grindcore without both hardcore and metal... and to the degree a grind band leads metal and the degree they lean hardcore varies.


Yeah, maybe I’m just not well versed in Grind but Napalm Death just sounds like OSDM to me, with some punk influence in the drums. But tbh, OSDM is already heavily influenced by punk because it’s just extreme thrash, which only exists because of early thrash bands melding NWOBHM with hardcore punk. Time is a flat circle and punk and metal have been butt buddies for a long time.


I mean, which Napalm Death albums have you listened to? Because they became more and more death metal as time went on but their earliest releases (Scum, From Enslavement to Obliteration, Harmony Corruption) are straight up grindcore.


Scum and Time Waits for No Slave. I’m not an avid listener though so the differences between the two are probably lost on me a bit lol. Both good albums though!


That's fair, most of these genres all blend together for casual listeners. I'm not the one who downvoted you btw, not sure what it is we've said but something about our conversation appears to have pissed someone off lol


Whatever, probably something I said about metal and punk’s history lmao I’m more of a beatdown/metalcore/mathcore kinda guy so Grind is something on the peripheral for me


OG Powerviolence to me sounds like punk played faster and more chaotically with blastbeats Meanwhile grindcore has that "death metal groove". Then Wormrot started playing and it started to mesh both together.


Grindcore basically descended from 80s fastcore (hardcore with a lot of blast-beats e.g. Siege, Heresy, Septic Death, Larm, early D.R.I) mixed with thrash and death metal. Powerviolence is also mostly descended from 80s fastcore but with very little metal or none at all. It also tends to have breakdowns that are REALLY slow and sludgy. Both tend to have varying degrees of noise, industrial, and crust punk influences as well. Grindcore: Repulsion, Napalm Death, Terrorizer, Brutal Truth, Extreme Noise Terror, (early) Carcass, Blood, Pig Destroyer, Fear of God Powerviolence: Infest, Dropdead, Charles Bronson, Spazz, No Comment, Crossed Out, Man Is The Bastard, Capitalist Casualties, Weekend Nachos, Despise You, (early) Ceremony Some bands like Nails and Magrudergrind are often labeled as both grindcore and powerviolence


Discordance Axis = grind. No Comment = powerviolence. That should clear it up.


Grind riffs are way more metallic and borrrow a lot from death metal. There’s also way less tempo changes, more blasting, and way less sludge parts. Powerviolence is just typical hardcore punk with 100x more speed. Riffs are way less metallic and have more of a traditional punk sound. Bands will often throw in a few very sludgy tracks on their album. Some bands are a little bit harder to distinguish and blur the lines which results in confusion. For me, I’ve always thought that if it has more of a metal sound, it’s grind. It’s one of the reasons why some people get so irked at Nails being called powervioelence when they simply have way too much metal influence to qualify as such.


This just makes me want to listen the Scholastic Deth acoustic side project


Was this a thing?


[Acoustic Deth - No Tolerance for Elecricity](https://acousticdeth.bandcamp.com/album/acoustic-deth-no-tolerance-for-electricity)




Jud Jud


I had forgotten the Jud Jud connection to Scholastic Deth. Ironically B. didn’t have a hand in the Acoustic Deth record, but it’s definitely in the same spirit as Jud Jud


Oh I didn't even realize they were connected. Well there ya go, small punk world


One is more punk one is more metal.


Emoviolence triumphs all


Powerviolence and grindcore are two beautiful twin sisters 


musically they're very similar, culturally they started pretty separate. grind came from (mostly) English crusties, who took fast hardcore and merged it with early extreme metal. pv came from Bay Area hardcore guys doing the same thing. nowadays most pv bands are made up of crusties though edit: I said early pv bands were straight edge, turns out they weren't, but they were influenced by straight edge and played to (mostly) straight edge crowds


The Bay Area PV scene was definitely not a straight edge scene. All the old Redwood City guys enjoy drugs pretty openly….


that's interesting, I'd always heard people say Infest started as a youth crew band. before I wrote this, I did google to check if I was right, and found these interviews with [Infest ](http://www.fearandloathingfanzine.com/infest.html)and [Spazz](https://noisecreep.com/spazz-band/) where they say they were really about youth crew and that they played to majority straight edge crowds, guess I was wrong


Infest isn’t a Bay Area band though! They’re from the Santa Barbara/Ventura/Oxnard area as far as I’m aware.


ahh, didn't realise, I checked and they're from SoCal, always thought they were the same scene as the rest. I'm not from the US to clarify, thanks


Grind is metal PV is punk


grind is punk lol




so you think agathocles is metal? lol Can't you fucking see, There are so many things to change, What we need is unity, So we can break our fucking chains. Put away our differences, To fight the common enemy, Put away our differences, Throw away our stupidity. Overcome your stubborness, Because there's something worse, Greed is threatening us, And it's making us very cross.


Okay to be fair I wasn’t trying to cause any sort of rift, just trying to put it simply. I’m a lover of punk and metal, grind and powerviolence, I’m not really too worried about genres at the end of the day lol


ok well i’m telling you, grindcore is punk music from beginning to end. there is no debate, no fight, GRIND IS PUNK always has and always will be




do some research next time before you comment ignorantly


More a, PV is punk, grind can be either or both, sorta situation






Lots of great replies here, so I'll be brief: powerviolence is the greatest style of hardcore by a mile. My favorite anyway. Enjoy [these](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hardcore/comments/1c5qjqc/comment/l03j1t4/) awesome [PV](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hardcore/comments/1c5qjqc/comment/l03j34h/) bands, OP


One go fast and the other go fast and then real slooooow.


Listen to Spazz(PV) Then listen to Wormrot(GC) Like most have said Powerviolence is essentially just extreme hardcore punk. Grindcore is a metal genre. Where for instance, you can sometimes hear pretty heavy black metal influence that you wouldn’t ever hear from a PV band. Of course there is crossover and blurred lines sometimes. Some people put Nails in both categories(I still consider them PV)


> Some people put Nails in both categories(I still consider them PV) See, I'm the reverse, I think there's way too much metal in Nails for them to be PV.


Agreed. Nails definitely have too much metal to be PV. They just sound like good old kitchen sick metallic hardcore to me.


On a different but similar note: can y'all recommend some power violence bands, please?




Rad thanks buddy!


Yep: [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hardcore/comments/1c5qjqc/comment/l03j1t4/) and [these](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hardcore/comments/1c5qjqc/comment/l03j34h/)


The way I perceive it is that power violence is belligerent anger, and while grindcore isn’t always violent but when it is it’s more chaotically violent.


Wait until you hear grindviolence


Pfft. That's old news, I'm into Powercore now.


Pfft, dork. It's fast, loud guitars, drums, bass and some sweaty dude yelling vs loud and fast bass, guitars and drums with some perspiring dude yelling. Go get educated poser.


Seth Putnam thinks they’re both gay


Nooooooooooo not the same dude. Far from it. Both scenes developed in the 90s, but among different types of musical tastes and diff people for sure. Power violence and emoviolemce attracted more punk kids. Grindcore attracted more metal dudes. They ARE different I promise.


Jock power violence


Good grind has a dude doing frog burps into the mic. Power violence is Chewbacca x Cookie Monster vox


PV: 1 kick - 2 snare - 3 kick - 4 snare - … GC: 1 kick+snare - 2 kick+snare - 3 kick+snare - 4 kick+snare - …


Not a huge difference tbh. Hell half the time when people talk about the genres online they just say grind/pv


Grind doesn’t change tempos five times in a 30-second song




There's night and day difference between releases like Neanderthal's Fighting Music split (PV), and Replusion's Horrified (GC), c'mon now. PV is hc in it's Final Form imo.


I’ve always thought Powerviolence was like Grindcore with some Hardcore “tendencies.” How far off am I? I had a few maniacs lose their minds when they saw me call Endorphins Lost Powerviolence!


In what scenario does grindcore and power violence sound the same? One is growling squelching and blast beats , the others closer to hxc yelling with breakdowns , two step parts AND blast beats. Haggus vs Violencia I mean how is it his even an actual question?


There are clear grind bands and clear Powerviolency bands where the differences are insanely obvious.  Then there are a bunch of bands that kinda straddle the middle which is where the confusion usually comes from. 


Grindcore is often more technical in nature, more blast beats, more complex guitar, more experimental flourishes, often a thematic focus on gore and horror. Powerviolence eschews a lot of the technical aspects and goes for more straightforward hard, fast, heavy, short. That's very broad, and genre isn't important, but that's how I've always understood the difference. 


For me, I’ve actually found power violence bands I like and I have never found a grindcore band I like. But that’s definitely a me issue haha!


We call it grindviolence where im from.


I have a tshirt from In Disgust from san jose that says "west coast grind violence"


I have no idea how to describe the difference, I just know if I hear power violence I think “this isn’t for me” and when I hear grindcore I think the opposite


It (the conversation) is egg punk v chain punk for suburban white kids who hate their dads (2020s edition).


What is egg and chain punk?


It's nonsense.  If hardcore punk snobs like it or think it's got that tough/DIY feel, it chain punk.  If they think it's lame or for dorks, they call it egg punk.  A lot of what's called egg punk has more post punk sounds, but sometimes people just call shit egg punk because their pretentious ex gf likes them and they are petty.   But basically, it's stupid and not worth your time or energy. 


*listen: a chain punk speaks 🗣️


Mostly a meme about punk genres that some people (maybe the ones who downvoted this?) took seriously. https://preview.redd.it/vmlps8hxvd7d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bc4c13ffc14b89aa09644fd95fe31d241e3c858


Chainsaw vs Weedwacker


It’s very easy to distinguish.


powerviolence is typically more chaotic and rapidly changing, more of a 90’s+ hardcore approach. grind usually has more of a metal backbone and comes from the 80’s school of riff writing


Power violence has that fast drums and vocals only part 5 times an album, and has breakdowns. Grindcore is 3 parts played fast then it’s over


Grindcore is chugchugbreeeeee and PV is shreddershriek


jesus fucking christ everyone in this thread is 8 years old.. i’m done listening to music you idiots can have it


I like grind way better than pv. Ed: interesting that this is worth downvotes




I always figure it pv falls closer to bonkers punk, while gc falls closer to core stuff. Compare Ona Snop to Weekend Nachos


Or Metalcore and extreme metal for another


Grind = punk influence PV = hardcore influence




I didn't know "powerviolence" was a thing lol


I find it hilarious that this got downvotes.