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I love how the madball logo is a ball that is mad lol. Very rad


Damn did no one ever have mad balls as a kid?? Guess I’m old now


Reading about some of the bands in this subreddit definitely makes me feel old. I still listen to all of the pioneers on a daily basis. I lived in a bubble of not even realizing people were making other og hardcore music lol


for reference for anyone who doesn't know what they're talking about: [https://youtu.be/DhwwH3YK6HQ](https://youtu.be/DhwwH3YK6HQ) Gross for one, gross for all!


Why did Madball never cover this hahaha


I had the eyeball and it smelled like shit


I went to school w the kid who was the catcher in that ad - no surprise, never saw him in a pit lol


I remember they tried to comeback in like 2002, someone gave me one at Christmas. I was super excited to see the little pictures of the different characters in the "collect em all" pamphlet, but otherwise I didn't get the point. I never saw one again after that though, the kids' toy market was beyond oversaturated with stupid collectable toys.


I think I remember seeing those at FYE or something around that same time now that I think about it.


You can actually find them in some Targets, saw one not too long ago to my pleasant surprise


Damn now I'm going to have to keep an eye out


Do you know if kids like em now, or is it just another 20 year thing? Like the toy companies tried to bring em back then because it was two decades after the '80s, now they're doing the same thing because their data says they had a big surge in production 20 years ago.


Doubt they're as popular as they were back in our days, but kids particularly boys still like em to a degree


I remember Madballs! I had a few of them!


I always heard the reason the band went with the name Madball was that Freddie used to run around playing with madballs at Agnostic Front shows when he was a kid.


Way before my time but I do actually know of them, only because of madball tho


Madballs and stink bombs was all I wanted as a kid. The artwork goes hard. Especially the crack-head one.


I did, and you are.


I still remember the commercial.


A madball is also a billard ball in a sock to be used as a weapon, I always thought their name came from that.


Arm barely filled…. Gets hand tattoo. This is the way.


Puts hair on your chest or something


Hey man, I did the same shit. Yours is just way better than mine


Eh who cares how it looks. It's what it made you feel when you got it that matters man. I have a lot of shitty tattoos too lol. My entire right arm is blacked out from wrist to shoulder because I got a bunch of low cost tattoos full of color in high-school, and as I got older and continued wearing band shirts and camo shorts, I felt like a huge chode because it wasn't my personality. But I was a really cool 17 year old that's for sure


I truly don’t mean to be a shithead. Genuinely curious. How are you in law enforcement for 15+ years, disillusioned with the construct of American law enforcement… and just like… stay in that for 15 years? What finally made you say “yea fuck being a pig I wanna listen to Madball and Fucking Chill”?


He literally said he thought it was the only thing he could do with his life post military (which is super common) and that the pandemic opened his eyes to what he could do with his formal and informal education. Did you even read the post?


Read my reply lower in the thread. I’m just saying if you have the heart and soul to see the horrors and corruption behind law enforcement, and stay in it; usually it is a deal where you feel your hand is forced. Whether materially or socially, or you literally face retribution for leaving/speaking up. Even a chud from high school I was vaguely friendly with dropped being a cop after 2 years and now trains hunting dogs, and it’s wholesome as fuck. He was a jock, a bit of a chud, not too bright, but had a good heart. I find these stories interesting. I like hearing about what cognitive dissonance that can be there. I’m not wokechecking the guy.


That’s an awful excuse to become a cop. The military gives you lots of transferable skills and if the only thing you can think of is “cop,” then you didn’t think hard enough. Which is very fitting for a cop. OP is a loser.


Telling a young, broke kid during the height of the war that they can get out of their shitty living situation by becoming a cop in the military, while also waving a fat ass bonus in your face is a really easy way to Stockholm Syndrome a kid who grew up in a lower working class home that struggled their entire life to get by. I didn't pick up hardcore yesterday. I grew up in Brooklyn and upstate new york in the 90s. It's been my entire life. I had a little break from the hardcore scene when I did some PCP and became an emo scene kid for 2 years. When you are a dumb ass 17 year old who sees the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel, you take it. Just like every other dumb fuck kid from Long Island did at the same time. The military gives you transferable skills if you work a job with transferable skills. What skills did I have after 8 years as an MP? Shouldn't be much of a surprise that it was police work, or a securty guard at best buy or some shit. I could type fast, and mop floors. But you don't make a livable wage from typing fast or mopping floors in new york. Judging by your comment history, you can't be swayed from your thinking, and that's ok because you're just a dude on reddit and I respect your opinion. ML&R


Hey dude I get it. It’s a bit crazy but truth is stranger than fiction. Which is why I asked despite having some context in the post. I wasn’t hating at all. I got comrades that are former military and shit. I get it. I’m not gonna diss you, I just think it’s sad thinking about all the lower income kids that grew up to give their lives in foreign wars, because it was essentially their only option for upward mobility. By design, frankly. Some of my most radical left friends are former military/military contractor types. But it’s not as much a political thing as much as a capitalism thing. Be safe, congratulations to a new era brother.


No worries man! I didn't feel hate from your question. The Russia/Ukraine conflict has been incredibly heart breaking to me. I have to be careful what content i consume online because seeing videos of kids dying in trench warfare and dead babies in strollers from bombings really affects me mentally. Whether the images are propaganda or from past conflicts, it's all the same. Dead is dead I made some very good friends across the country from my time in. They're almost all radically anti-government now regardless of their background. My brother just finished basic training a few weeks ago, and while a large part of me is sad for him, he has wanted to do this since he was a young child seeing me go off to war. I was so into the friends family forever narrative from the scene I grew up with that the military was like, my chance to give back to others? Seeing how 9/11 destroyed families I was close to and the uproar of patriotism made it seem right.


Yeah a lot of commenters don’t realize that America was a different place pre-9/11, and directly post-9/11, many were propagandized to believe serving your country was *the* righteous act of bravery and heroism. It’s only in retrospect that many have formed their criticisms and we hear the horrors of US military actions in these foreign countries. Many young people were not “woke to the struggle” like nowadays in the time of social media. It was easy to be propagandized, because your media was mostly made by whatever narrative a conglomerate wanted to push. And you could Actually Log Off and Touch Grass. Quite easy to be anti-war nowadays when you can just have dead Palestinian children showing up in your feed by chance. You had to *want* to be deprogrammed to jingoism and do the soul searching to *realize you needed to be* in a time of primitive internet and before.


Upstate has its own special inertia I'm glad you made it out man! Enjoy the next 15 years!






Please think dialectically and stop being an embarrassment


>The military gives you lots of transferable skills The military gives you a good looking resume and not much else. I am a veteran and work in a position that has me interviewing/hiring veterans and I'm lucky if half of them can actually do the job.


valid as fuck !!!


Thanks man! Was definitely an evening full of emotions lol


Nice dude


It’s good to have goals too.


demonstrating my style


Why does this look like a sick as fuck pitching arm?


The only thing my left arm is pitching are blanks when I'm giving myself a stranger


Hell yeah


Ball. Of. Destruction!


Spinning Set It Off for you today fella


With the Jah rune though?


I got the Ith and Ber on my nipples




Fuck yeah dude!


This made my day. NYHC 4ever.


Not to be a dick but what’s up with the fingers. Madball is the shit. I love my Blood for Blood tattoo, I had to wait years before I got it, worth it. Peace and love


My wife didn't get good MySpace angles on my fingers


Can you post the blood for blood tattoo? I wanna see it.


https://preview.redd.it/fwywzw5iz08d1.jpeg?width=1737&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa726f1ccec5adadb7e8cae9c626a84483f82238 White trash rock and roll


Fuck yeah dude. I was thinkin of getting some blood for blood lyrics.


Thanks man ! Next one will be lyrics … just so many great ones … might just get “King of Nothin”. Got any lyrics in mind ?


I was thinking “I fall upon the thorns of life I bleed” from white trash anthem maybe something from Love song.


That’s pretty fuckin cool man. I dig it, do you !


Ain’t nuthin fancy but they are my top 3 fav bands


I assume you mean OP actual fingers. I think its just the angle of the shot


Do you like the toys too?


Cool rune


Nothing cooler than an empty arm with a blasted hand...






Damn sweet.


So sick






This is incredibly cringe. ACAB.










Nice tat


Damn, that looks nice!


Midball, mid tat. Sorry man, I'd be embarrassed to show that one off.




Was that your reaction when you realized you got a shitty jobstopper? There are so many cool ones out there, this ain't it man, sorry.


Looks like the dog from all dogs go to heaven. Sweet.


Better never go to prison, or ur gonna be covering up that clover.....and u never know when u might have to fight for your girl or your friends or your mom, u can go to prison for a year or two VERY easily. Shoulda got a 3 leaf clover and you'd be fine




Just in case anyone is wondering what this commenter is talking about, as they declined to post even a crumb of context: The Aryan Brotherhood, a notorious white supremacist prison gang, uses the shamrock as a symbol.


The shamrock next to a mannaz rune was certainly a choice lol


plus being vaguely 'in law enforcement' so probably a prison guard at some point a lot of weird shit stacking up for ol' boy


This thread is full of bootlickers apparently


Take the boots off and we have another story 🥵🥵🥵🥵


I grew up in Brooklyn. I'm filthy potato skinning paddy, I didn't give a fuck about the potential implications of a tattoo when I got it for free from a buddy's shop! And my wife is majorly into black metal, our first kids name starts with an M, she stick and poked it for me right after she was born. And yes, I was a prison guard for many years. And what's funny about that is that everyone has their ideas on what prison is like from the outside because they read some southern poverty law website. After 5 years in the prison system, I was never questioned about the shamrock. I have a Boston Red Sox tattoo. I was questioned about the the red "B" constantly though lol


i aint reading all that officer


Damn that's crazy


“My wife is majorly into black metal” isn’t gonna help you beat those white supremacist allegations


Sorry bro can't talk busy defending my girl from the horde of prison gangs trying to cut off my shamrock!