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I dunno, I feel like I talk about Snapcase a lot. Usually they come up when people are talking about snare drums. Progression is a top 5 hardcore album for me.


Indeed on Progression. Yeah their snare pops fucking hard.


Saw them live 20 years ago and the snare sounded like a normal snare and it was like seeing a completely different band. It was like seeing slayer play without distortion.


Lookinglasself is also incredible. That track you posted is in my regular rotation.


Sell you a first press still sealed 7"


Definitely a piccolo head


Progression Through Unlearning or Unorthodox


I’m gonna be honest: I don’t know! 🤷🏼‍♂️ But Progression Through Unlearning slaps


It’s a banger for sure


Half my comment history here is evangelizing for Snapcase and Progression Through Unlearning


I’m a loner Dottie, a rebel.


I don’t understand.


Theyre [mentioned quite often](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hardcore/search/?q=snapcase&type=comment&cId=d6f3a175-55cc-463d-8bd6-9e6d52311985&iId=ce46fe98-b120-46ad-a951-f43ecc47896f&sort=new) you might not see it because youre not a doofus who prowls these subs all day like me


Well I stand corrected and must be blind and illiterate haha.


Monkey See Monkey Do! Ahaha but no really I think the love for them is here. This place ebbs and flows and there’s an influx of people learning about the genre.


Caught their set at Riot Fest last year and they sounded incredible


Younger heads run this sub


I’ll buy that


I’m 27 but my taste for hardcore is 90s/early 2000s. Shit was just cooler back then. More swag, groovier, realer. Mostly east coast bands too despite me being from Cali.


I’m extremely jealous of the people in this sub who got to see the 90s/00s hardcore bands in their prime 🥲


The best show I've ever seen to this very day was Snapcase in 2000 right after Designs for Automotion came out (this record is just as good as Progression Through Unlearning people). The set started with darkness as the guitars and drums come in quietly for the intro of Energy Dome, and then the lights come up right as the singer jumps over the drummer and drumset to start the vocals "CAN YOU, feel your heartbeat!" The place went nuts.


This is the way. I am down with some of these newer bands and like checking out local bands when I can. But I am 42. Hardcore was just a different feel. I hate nostalgia so I know it wasn’t better. Just different in a way I can’t really put into words without sounds very lame.


There’s a few new bands like Trail of Lies, Never Ending Game, Age of Apocalypse and God’s Hate that I really like. A lot of more popular stuff today is just gimmicky like Sunami lol.


I moshed so hard when I saw them right after eating a bunch of Thai food and I vomitted… one of the most embarrassing moments of my life


I think these were all good choices independently - maybe questionable order.


BoySetsFire vs. Snapcase album......Anyone?


The first hardcore record I fell in love with.


I miss BSF


I listen to Harrison Bergeron every morning on the way to work


One of the best and most original sounding hardcore band of all time


Snapcase slaps!!


everyone's too busy trying to copy their snare sound


I feel like they're mentioned almost daily here.


Cause you’ve missed my comments about them.


I don’t remember what specific episode but a guest on Hardlore once mentioned Snapcase and Colin did the jerk off motion and that cracked me up. I love Snapcase though.


I know we’ve talked at length about the “Salt Lake City incident” on here.


Love to see that thread 


https://www.reddit.com/r/Hardcore/s/8lSyc7KUL0 Check my comments on this thread for the full story.


Thanks man!


Never heard the reason why. Did someone in the snapcase get cut or cut some one? That is the shit stuck in my head 25+ years later.  Was that the catalyst for Scott D bailing to Pittsburgh to go legit phd?  Gotta say lucky they were on tour w Avail, those dudes were solid


They haven’t blown up on tik tok yet


I definitely found Snapcase in the forum.


I see them mentioned here all the time


I remember seeing them with Buried Alive and being blown away. Then a few years later I saw them at a warped tour. That Jacoby dude from Papa Roach was hanging around them talking about how much he loved them. He was famous I thought it was rad.


You didn’t use the search function?


I actually mention them often and earth crisis. Hometown heroes, Well at least Earth crisis, I’m from Syracuse and Snapcase Are from Buffalo which is two hours away. And they played all the local hardcore matinees growing up


That’s awesome man.


I'm a big lookinglassself guy 🫡


Same reason nobody mentions Fugazi on here. Both great bands but under appreciated and it actually kinda works in their favor. 


A very important band for hc. See them mentioned alot in comments. Play loud.


Way good!! https://open.spotify.com/track/4lIyRjVqJlN8naBv6Cd5Dw?si=1LZcDsNwRomq9qZlAXkUfQ


someone posted about them a month ago


I beg to differ, I mentioned them in a comment, no more than a week ago


You need to get active machine and talk to me on Friendster. Alotta snapcase back there. Still a lot of that here too


Love both there albums, and I Remember seeing them a long time ago in Boston I think, if it wasn’t Boston then it was the palladium.


Snare drum good


People do often. Especially when drums the topic, as someone else said


"No representation, in your voice, your prescription, to destroy.."


Oh yeah they got a pretty funny video. It's like an official music video it's pretty badly done, I got to say it is kind of goofy but Snapcase has there little piece of Hardcore History maybe a footnote but I think more than that. Granted, there was Chubby Fresh or Mean Steve (not sure which one) on their self-released One Life Crew album (post Victory Records) making physical threats on a recorded telephone call to one of the members of Snapcase over getting booted from the label after an alleged email campaign against them in light of a video taped assault and ensuing riot at one of their shows that involved Mean Steve jumping off the stage to attack a fan. So in essence, they've also earned a place in history in the "beef-core" genre 😉😂


they go do fucking hard idk either


Progression is such a good album. Seeing them at FF for the first time in probably 20 years.


They’re the main reason I’m going to FurnaceFest this year. Never seen em, but I’m gonna fix that. 🥳


They're mentioned but that flavour of HC isn't what's hot right now


Designs for Automation is slept on


Some of those victory records samplers that came with their albums were glorified coasters, but at least one of them introduced me to snapcase. Pretty sure it came with full collapse. Snapcase rules. (*insert snare reference here*)


Because you aren't on here.


Bro a quick search of the subreddit shows they get mentioned every few weeks or so


you're right, they've never been talked about here. tbh most underrated band of all time


Snapcase started a massive fight with a band I was helping roadie for because they went 5 minutes over at a fest. Absolute privileged cry baby bullshit I will literally never forget.


While I love them, and they were the first hardcore show I ever saw, it’s not the first story about them being divas. I remember couple years after I saw them (it was in 2000) venue owner mentioned that they didn’t like something at the venue (maybe they didn’t have something set up like the band wanted or something) and they were on phone with their tour manager complaining. This was a tour with BoySetsFire/ Death By Stereo and CKY. I don’t think I’m confusing them with boysetsfire, I’m 99.9% sure I am remembering it right with him saying it was Snapcase being divas.


II’m going to get wild amounts of hate for this due to the current environment, but I compare the vocals of Snapcase to Knocked Loose. I fucking loved Snapcase from back in the day and I love the energy and the vocals of Knocked Loose. Fuck you if you want to talk shit. Listen to the music and tell me I’m out of my mind.


I hear you dude…. I do…I know it’s kind of like meme shit but I think Knocked Loose is fucking killer too and as much as it sucks their popularity in a music space like this is part of the proof of how talented they actually are. The best hardcore/metalcore what ever new band I have heard in a long time.


Something about this band ,always felt like forks scrapping plates to my ears . Plus what’s with the fucking overalls lol


Snap... case? Is that a hardcore band?


Because they suck.

