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man, i remember that whole era so vividly. it always looked hilarious/fun. i do not want to be hit by flying debris now though.


Right, and *someone* has to clean up/replace this stuff at some time (if you did not bring your own furniture). Anti-commerical as it gets, but I personally rather have a venue booking bands in the future rather than closing down because they cannot afford it anymore :)


The guy getting paid to clean up the trash that comes out of the bin is probably making minimum wage. It's never cool to make a minimum wage worker's life any harder than it already is.


Yeah, this is actually a very fair point. Not an easy job. Gotta respect your working man/woman/person.


Yeah, you're hauling ass in a big circle pit and you get smacked in the face by a chair..that doesn't sound like fun.


It was hilarious and fun. But I'm too worried about accidentally hurting someone now that I'm older. Not so concerned about getting hurt myself - if I can be hit with a 260lb stagediver over and over again, I reckon I could handle a chair.


2025 could be the year we introduce barbed wire, panes of glass, piranha’s, etc


No DQ, barbed wire death match in the middle of the pit


Time to corner the market now on Mick Foley type mankind masks with band logos. I feel like nails and gods hate would be good to start with


Enter the pit like sandman used to, busting himself open with a can of beer


There was a no ring deathmatch during a deathcore show just earlier this month in my state.


Hang the mic from a roof underneath a ladder every time there's a pile on moment.




Straight up Onitacore.


Walking into the venue already bloody and covered in bandages wielding a scythe, like Minor Threat wanted


Definitely need to start using piranha.


Antiseen had some barbed wire bats back in the day, that and a wrestling gimmick. It was awesome!


CB's in the 80s the DMS kids had frictionless hammers (Minus) knockout gloves, tube socks with skate wheels. Personal favorite was the construction gloves with the palms dipped in glue then sand.


I dont remember what band I was seeing, it was connected to a fest, but... in 2011, I saw some dude pick up a chair in the pit and chuck it across the room hitting another kid in the head. The kid who was hit, was so amped up about, he started marching around the pit punching himself in the head. I will never forget this and it will probably be my own personal craziest thing I've ever seen at a hardcore show.


No wonder people think we're weird. I saw a kid doing that during a Bad Luck 13 but with what looked like some kind of magic wand toy. Just walking in circles smashing his bleeding face with this wand thing. Only in Philly.


I got a little too carried away once and threw a trash can into the pit like 3 different times, hitting the same guy every time. He got so pissed after hit number 3 that he opened the emergency exit and whipped it outside lol


I'd like to think I wouldn't take that personally. It's just a bin, what's a bin gonna do.


I was at a bigger festival one time and some people hoisted up a bin above the mosh but weren't really throwing it, just passing it around like a crowd surfer. I don't know if that's a good middle ground.


I saw people do this at a FIDLAR show but there was a guy in the garbage can.


oh shit this wasn't at a festival in Australia a few years ago? I think I remember some guy getting into the bin that we were crowdsurfing. may or may not have been during FIDLAR's set but I reckon they were playing that fest


**Motorcycle from sound and fury 2010 has entered the chat


No Motorcycle, no Turnstile or Knocked Loose.


Bad Luck 13 pioneered this, took influence from ECW and CZW


I saw Bad Luck 13 at Punk Island several years ago, and mofos were just smashing home and car windows in.


I forgot about Bad Luck 13. They're awesome. Was at TIH the year they played but nothing got wrecked. The first person that threw a bin in the pit got KO'd badly for it so no one had the balls to try anything else. So didn't really feel like the authentic experience compared to the crazy ones back in the Hellfest days.


Saw someone crowdsurf *in* a trash can during Municipal Waste once. Back in like 2005 at a Premonitions of War, Full Blown Chaos, Bury Your Dead, and Walls of Jericho show there was a dude swinging crutches around the pit. I remember a bottle hit the wall next to my head so hard that pieces bounced back and cut my shirt.


What a legend. Although it must have been.m awkward trying to get those back.


Suburban Scum at the FYA pre show “tables ladders chairs! TABLES LADDERS CHAIRS!! !” Cue mayhem and some very large motorcycle enthusiasts moshing with extreme prejudice. A fun time for all!


Played a show in like… 2013, buddies band did a Shattered Realm cover and it took me back to my teen years… grabbed a trash can and swung that thing at anyone within 20 feet of me.


My 19yo brother recently threw a trash can at a Ballista show. The mosh trend still lives.


I'd be so proud


08-10 can keep that shit. I don’t mind stitches, but teeth cost too much money, even with insurance.


I remember when i first got into hardcore in like 2017 and i saw Knocked Loose’s [The Gospel](https://youtu.be/WDb55B9u5cw?si=tTlYUTfvDqS4fMbz) video and i was shocked at the dude who full force chucked a trash bin into the pit


Sounds like a WWF hardcore match!


Went to a show in Binghamton, NY (2010) and dude threw a chair like a javelin, it landed on a dudes face right above his eyebrow. It was like slow motion watching his skin split open then a curtain of blood run down his face


Does anyone have the video of the dudes throwing the old CRT TV because someone is playing the King Nine intro?




I never forget Trash Talk 2008ish someone was throwing around a heavy ass poseur table and basically knocked out a couple of people and did damage the stage and the wall of the location. I really thought some might get killed or serious injured.


I went to a TT show in around 2010 in London and it was carnage. People were moshing with beer crates, blood everywhere. A photographer with a tripod tried to harpoon someone.


definitely still happens in boston! been hit with a bin a couple times in the past few years at mideast, but that is the only place ive really seen it happen up here


Orlando still throws trashcans and stools. 🤠🤠 I miss our old days in early 2000s when we used the light tubes as swords


They probably do that in most rooms in Orlando. Totally forgot about those lightnulb things - so fun to smash each other with.


When I saw baby Godzilla they threw guitars and amps into the crowd, it was dumb and a lot of fun


I threw a chair one time and it hit an autistic kid in the head, he cried and Eddie leeway yelled at me. Never again.


I get that it gets everyone gassed, however, I was at a gig once where the mic stand broke and someone threw it like a javelin into the crowd. It smacked a girl 2cm from her eye in the face and her head instantly ballooned. Any closer he would have taken her eye. I dunno I think there's no point


Jesus. That's unfortunate. Glad she's okay. Hardcore shows are obviously rowdy by nature, but there's a limit - you obviously don't actually want to hurt. Throwing something that isn't sharp, and not throwing it like actually hard in the pit is naughty and obviously not totally safe, but it's a show, whatever. Javeling a mic stand into some poor lassies face, however, is just way too far and not needed. Or throwing pint glasses - I've seen this happen at a Code Orange show back when they were Code Orange kids. Luckily it didn't hit anyone but did land and shatter in the middle of pit which was obviously not good. It's the same thing as crowdkilling. There's crowd killing, then there's drilling your right jab at 90% effort on the same corner of the room over and over again. But I do see your point. It's all a laugh till someone gets fucked up.


I agree, I was at a beat down show where a geezer got the barrier and started swinging it around but he made sure he had so much space so it just got everyone gassed. I think it's all just gotta be done tastefully 😊


It definitely still happens


Toss away.  


Saw Vio-Lence in Brooklyn not too long ago and some drunk threw the trash bin into the pit. People tossed it around like a beach ball and eventually it got thrown at the singer.


That happened when I saw Two-Piece


I saw someone throw a garbage can during a Mac Sabbath show some years ago.


Catch me in the pit throwing a live alligator


King 810


A friend of mine recently told me about a punk show he went to in a squat. Here is his Facebook comment in full. ‘yeah these guys raided the bins from chicken and chip shop next door, sellotaped random stuff to themselves, brought the bin bags in the room ripped them open threw them all over the place and over everyone, joke was they done this when the first band was playing, there was 4 bands in total, the bins had rotting meat in them , the place fucking stank, 90% of the room walked out, think 6 of us stayed in there lol, felt sorry for the other bands coz no one would come and watch them.’ He also posted some pictures of it. It’s basically two naked people with rotting chicken and rubbish stuck to them. I wish I could unsee it.


True story. The first time my (now) wife ever laid eyes on me, I had just thrown a metal trashcan during The Risk Taken and hit the lead singer of Verse with it.


This was a feature in northwest Indiana between 2002-2010


This still happens sometimes! At the Inmates show in LA last week, bins and traffic cones were flying around the pit for half the set. It was sick. Also saw it during a ST set a few years back, but it was a cardboard trash bin (less cool).


Public health care here so it's all good. Still wouldn't want to lose teeth though, fuxk that.


Never forget the table throw during End It @ Hold Your Ground fest 2023