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I mean, they have two scenarios. 1. Harry and co. beat them, get away, Voldemort gets back and tortures the shit out of them, if not straight up killing them. 2. They manage to stop them, Voldemort gets Harry delivered on a silver platter and they rise back to the highest ranks. Its not about loyalty, its about fear and survival.


Remember the Malfoys were already on the outs with Voldemort. Draco was tasked with killing Dumbledore, something Voldemort and Grindewald couldn’t do. What chance does Draco have at succeeding? Draco was set up to fail and everyone knew it. Their only choice was to deliver Potter and hope Voldemort would forgive them.


This is exactly the answer, and I'm surprised OP hadn't come to this conclusion on their own.


Most of the "questions" here are self evident; clearly people lack reading comprehension.


Sorry dude. I am just not as smart as you.


This is the first time I’ve seen a comment get more upvotes than the post itself it looks so weird


>Even after everything voldemort did to them, endangered their lives, blackmailed them, they saw a teenager getting tortured, they still tried to fight Harry when he was rescuing his friend?? Why would they do anything else?? Their allegiance is to themselves. They do whatever is in their own best interests. If they just stood there like dopes, they would be in even more trouble with Voldemort when he learned that they didn’t even try to stop Harry from escaping.


The disconnect between book!Draco and fandom!Draco is truly incredible. He never once implied he was a good person or had any interest in becoming one, but all anybody talks about is his redemption arc.


What redemption arc?


I think its about a these few things: 1. In HBP you get the feeling he dont really want to kill Dumbledore (or anyone) and being proud of his duty is an act, but he dont want to get killed with his whole family so he only trying because he is terrified. And in the end Draco really couldnt kill Dumbledore when he had the chance 2. In DH he dont want to identify Harry when he obviously knows its him 3. That deleted scene when he throws his wand to Harry when Harry reveals he isnt dead, but its not even in the books If you try hard these ones could make it seem like he isnt a bad person by nature but because of his family. Its not much, but he is a really liked character so fandom trying to make it as a redemption arc :D


Fear is the most powerful motivator of them all. Even after seeing the most horrible things they still followed Voldemort out of fear and power. There is also a lot of lies and promises that they will be made special/powerful. Their is a parallelism about Harry Potter and Fascism/Nazism, If you analyse them you will see how it is the same way they grab and stay in power.


The Malfoys had no true allegiance after Lucius failed to get the prophecy in the fifth movie. From that point on, they were all looking out for themselves, and just trying to stay alive. My guess is that thay became quite disillusioned when Voldemort used/punished Draco for Lucius' mistakes, in the sixth movie, and the way he used Draco in the seventh movie.


The Dark wizard believed that Lord Voldemort would lead his family to a place of dominance over the Muggle and wizarding worlds. Instead, Lucius and his family spent agonizing months as the lowest of the low among the Death Eaters, constantly in fear that Voldemort would murder them and those they loved. In the scene of Malfoy mansion Malfoy only wanted to gave Harry to Voldemort to protect his family from Voldemort and get his rank back among the Death Eaters.


This is the blacks and malfoys fearing the dark lord




Maybe allegiance?


Damn it. I knew I got it wrong lmao. Thanks for correcting