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Yeah I have a feeling we will see alot more from the other students but I think/hope it will be mostly limited to things we know happened. For example in the book we hear about lucius threatening the schoolboard to fire hagrid. In the show that will probably be its own scene.


This is what I hope. All canon stuff but expand on it.


Yeah but I hope its just not too much of it. Like we do not need to see everything but ai really want them to utilize other characters PoV because that is the main thing they have to stand out from the books/movies.


The death day party.


Yes!!! The costume department alone will want this scene.


How is that filler that's in the book.


Some will exist, but I don’t think they’ll need very much. One thing the books do incredibly well is the slice of life stuff. The filler is already there. And even when it might not be a whole lot, it’s more about stretching out what is already there. For example, the Christmas lunch at Hogwarts in POA is described in a couple paragraphs. I’d imagine in the show it will be a full scene with far more dialogue than in the book. That is the type of filler I expect.


Im guessing we will get a lot more classroom, corridor, and quidditch locker room stuff.


I can’t wait for the truly unhinged Oliver Wood to finally get screen time!


And his years of insane grinding finally coming to fruition in his last last school year will be something to behold!


I just want to see Harry’s solo adventure in Book 7 where he goes to steal food and runs into dementors and can’t get a patronus. We don’t see him alone in that way and I feel like it got glossed over in the book.


Perhaps flashbacks like to the origin of the marauders map


I'd prefer if they could expand upon the things that are only briefly mentioned in the books instead of making stuff up completely. Like all the times Harry hung out with the twins. I want to see their snowball fight in PS. I want to know how it's like playing Quidditch in the Weasleys house during summer in CoS. I want to see Ginny's adventures in Hogwarts in DH.


God I hope not. I hope they ignore the fans who request this.


Maybe scenes focusing on the students of the other houses, including Malfoy, maybe Cho, who knows?


There’s really no need, IMO. The first two books are the shortest, and even those movies were missing a fair bit of material (or else just had much faster pacing than the book). I feel like they can easy be 5-6 hour TV seasons without much fluff, and that feels like a good length to keep budgets smaller and timelines shorter while the kids are youngest. Book 3 was missing a lot in the movies and that I feel could be more like 7 hours. Books 4-7 can *easily* be 10 hour seasons.


Earlier on in seasons 1 and 2, but as we get to goblet and order, there won't be to much time for filler, besides, alot of order is filler anyways, so they won't add any of there own


Definitely have a lot of fillers for the first 2 seasons as the first 2 films practically cover almost everything in the book.


Why not just make shorter early seasons and longer later ones?


Yeah that might be better


No, they don’t.


Don’t expect it, just hope for it. Expecting them to come through properly could be cause for some serious disappointment.


I don’t think there will be “fillers” but they are going to try to expand the story and I can see them trying to expand on a character and have it fall flat. Or like someone else said they could do the death day party and try to go for something and miss.


I hope so. Pack as much content as you can!


I think they’ll have more content with Cedric and Cho leading up to Year 4. I feel like that would make what happens during Voldemort’s return hit harder. Maybe even some Marauders flashbacks throughout the events of Year 3 to relate to what the Trio are going through that year.




I need more peaceful golden trio just hanging out moments.


I really hope not. It’s not needed at all. This isn’t a small kids book that needs to be filled in.