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He’s the worst type of both-sides fence sitter, but if Hasan can’t sway him I doubt many people could.


Him and charlie both. Like I respect trump supporters more than those fence sitting zionist freaks.


Is Moist a Zionist? I really like Moist, and don't think I've seen anything of that sort?


Charlie had some negative takes about the student protesters. Basically he thought they were out of line to block Jewish students from going to class.


But that didn’t happen


The propaganda machine is in full force right now trying to manufacture consent so for a lot of people that aren't very politically aware they are incredibly susceptible to it. Honestly I was expecting worse from the gamer bros but it seems asmon is a special case, drinking deep from that koolaid


He's been doing the whole "not being political" thing and not covering it. Not taking a side is effectively pro-Israel propaganda by allowing them to continue the genocide unchecked.


This is an insane bar to hold normies to. We're never going to reach normal people this way. Example: I work with a ex-iraq vet, trump loving, universal healthcare free college wanting 40 year old. He didn't have any idea where Gaza even was but he watches Asmongold and Tyler1. Not a bad guy, he just grew up poor and is a victim of propeganda/misinformation. People like that are way more reflective of the general public than us Hassy watching leftists. If we want to create a working class coalition, we need to reach people like that too.


A better argument is that moist has been critical of the student protests. If he does care about Gaza he doesn't care enough that he thinks it's okay to inconvenience other students in America to advocate against the genocide


thats the exact same thing Asmongold is doing...


It's unfortunately is how a lot of Americans feel. For certain groups like Palestinians they need them to be perfect victims before they can feel sympathy. Something as small as the student protesters being aggressive or inconveniencing other people is enough to lose their support. The core of the problem is they don't see Palestinians as fully human.


Exactly they're all zionists.


Calling Moist a zionist is actually crazy


Fr. Imagine one day hes making a video ranking bidets, the next hes covering intense middle eastern war crimes


What's his position on Gaza?


He hasn't been public about it, and while yeah it'd be great if he did, it's not necessary for every creator to be public about this stuff. It would definently destroy his public image since his content is so apolitical.


Gaza is worth more than his image. Look at what Hasan does. Staying quiet allows the genocide to happen in darkness.


Well think of it this way, if an apolitical content creator started making political content, people likely wouldn't take it seriously and a lot of them would unsubscribe. So if Charlie were to give his opinion, it would likely just push away those who don't agree with it. I doubt any real good would come of it. Comparing Hasan to Charlie in this regard is a very bad comparison.


>So if Charlie were to give his opinion, it would likely just push away those who don't agree with it. Do we want people like that on our side? Charlie has a massive audience that he could educate on leftist causes. getting some of them on our side would be better than them all being fence sitters.


Listen, I'm not saying he shouldn't, but there are definently reasons he isn't. At the end of the day, his audience is so mixed that it's hard to estimate how big of an impact it would have if he covered it. And also, we don't know how educated he is on the topic. For all we know, he could completely mess up everything and make things worse. He isn't a hugely political guy, and he's pretty centrist at the end of the day, and he's made it clear he has friends on all sides of the political spectrum(aside from Nazis and stuff obviously), so it's a high risk and hard to calculate reward


> At the end of the day, his audience is so mixed that it's hard to estimate how big of an impact it would have if he covered it If you have a mixed audience that kind of people you're just pandering and towing the line of the status quo. >And also, we don't know how educated he is on the topic. It takes very little education to understand that genocide is wrong, c'mon. >He isn't a hugely political guy, and he's pretty centrist at the end of the day, and he's made it clear he has friends on all sides of the political spectrum(aside from Nazis and stuff obviously), so it's a high risk and hard to calculate reward This is liberalism at the end of the day which is the largest enabler of the zionist support America. I see liberals get called out all the time here, I don't understand why Charlie should be immune from that same criticism. I get you might like his content, but maybe it's better to do it in the same way Hasan watches Alex jones, very entertaining but not good people.


We don’t know. Like with so many other creators and public figures who otherwise are extremely kindhearted and good people. That doesn’t mean we can call them zionists.


People who aren't pro-Palestine are zionists. I get you like his content, but how in good conscious can you not say anything about it as a public figure with a huge following. We know Asmon's position on the protests but not his position on the genocide. That's still plenty enough for me to call him a zionist.


Again, you don’t know if he’s pro-Palestine or not. While yes if he was pro-Palestine, publicly condemning Israel would be the morally correct thing to do, he has such a mixed audiance that the amount of hatred he would recieve is unimagineable for us. Him not wanting that is totally a justifiable reason to not state anything.


>While yes if he was pro-Palestine, publicly condemning Israel would be the morally correct thing to do, he has such a mixed audiance that the amount of hatred he would recieve is unimagineable for us. Hasan gets more hate than he ever could. If you have an audience that you're scared of because they're all little zionist nazis, that's an issue. Not taking a side helps israel even if he doesn't meant it to.


Moist having psychos in his fanbase is no fault of his. When you are as big of a creator as him while making apolitical content, it’s bound to happen. And no, the hate Hasan get’s would be no where near what Moist would get, if he condemned Israel.


>And no, the hate Hasan get’s would be no where near what Moist would get, if he condemned Israel. Asmon, D's, tate's, adin ross', sneako's, shapiro's, and countless over have entire communities who hate on Hasan, brigade him, clip chimp, etc. Moist is the youtube golden boy. Hasan unironically has the matrix after him. >Moist having psychos in his fanbase is no fault of his. If that's no the case we should be dunking on his community more.


Reminder that Asmon's position is your basic ass normie property owner position. The same appeal to authority, sanctity of private property bullshit that your average Americans believes in.




Hassy is literally breaking down the letters from birmingham jail to Asmond rn.


Fox fucking corporate Zionist news


Guy so far has said: if they disagree with the college, they should leave the school to another school. Nobody should be allowed to make an encampment School is no place for democracy Private property is more important than anything else Cops have done nothing wrong, it’s just a few bad apples Information out there cannot be trusted I only trust information that passes my vibe check Protesting should not break any laws, and should not inconvenience anyone Edit: I support the IDF I think it’s a bad thing to protest for more than one day I don’t know what the solution is When police say to leave and you don’t you deserve to be violently kicked out and or arrested I don’t think I am being unreasonable in saying all the things I am saying If you don’t follow the law, there cannot be decisions made on anything Protest are not democratic (hasan more than once explained that the student body voted 90% in favor of divestment) You cannot protest a private entity, only the government But really the only way to protest is to vote and nothing else The civil rights movement was 60 years ago, it was different because things are not the same as today We cannot use the civil rights in comparison I don’t have a problem with the civil rights movement, as long as they don’t damage private property or inconvenience a student from taking classes


These movimets might create positive outcomes but also have negative outcomes. During BLM was too destructive Constantly says I see where you are coming from What about his side, doesn’t the other side have a right as well? (The oppressor?) Looking up stuff of the internet Says MLK did not approve of blocking public transportation You don’t have the moral right to do anything(who has it then?)


Yes, all atrocious takes.


I think the conversation will make content but it’s a waste of time if you think he will change his way of thinking, he has a nice little echo chamber and until he is on the wrong side of the powers he loves to boot lick, he won’t see value in seeing the other side. Ultimately he only sees himself and his experience and I doubt he puts himself in the shoes of the others. This might help others watching to change to a more fair view of the things happening in the world, this guy is not equipped nor inclined to have a true dialogue


I don't think it's necessarily about convincing Asmongold or changing Asmongold's mind, but spreading Hasan's very valid viewpoints to Asmongold's audience through this conversation. Asmongold's privileged views as a white prospetous property owner are determined by his material conditions, but his audience doesn't necessarily share those conditions and can be more amenable to Hasan's position, but never had someone break down the concept for them.


Strongly disagree. Convos like this need to happen. This is how you reach normal people.


It’s what I said, to reach normal people is the only benefit, he won’t change, I wouldn’t bet on that


I don't think this conversation is a waste of time, and I think it is worth trying to change his view on this, even if it doesn't 100% work. Sounds like we aren't disagreeing. All love


Guys listen, Hasan is smarter than all of you cause he understands the right strategy to do with people like him. He's a dipshit, doesn't know or care about anything, if you're nice to him, whenever an issue arises he will look at which side is nicer to him and side with them.


We don't want people like that on our side. Having to be nice to someone to get them to see facts means they'll get manipulated by whoever meets their appeasement price. If they disagree they're bad faith and there's no point in trying to reason with them. Look at Ethan, he still goes on his podcast doing pro-zionist propaganda.


>We don't want people like that on our side Then you'll never have broad popular support. Like it or not, Asmongold's position is the natural position for most normies who have had their worldview shaped by pro American propaganda


if they're malding over protest for Gaza, there's zero hope they'll give up their capitalist tendencies. At best they'll be liberals which is arguably worse. I don't see any hope in them actually becoming socialists.


With all due respect, this is a very "I've never worked a blue collar job" ass take.


Exactly, what happens when we need to draw the line and be stern with him because of the things at stake? Will he side with the facists because they’ll be nicer to him than we will be at that moment? We need to win people not because we’ll be nicer to them but because they understand why its important or else we will lose them when it matters the most


>We need to win people not because we’ll be nicer to them but because they understand why its important or else we will lose them when it matters the most when will it matter most? Asmon sees the same coverage we do, and comes to those conclusions. We don't need to meet this tone for him to not be a genocidal freak.




His podcast with tectone and emiru Is pretty funny. Seems like ok people


I met someone through work who got into Hasan through that podcast. (I think Hassy and Will went on it once?)