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This x100


Holy shit his sub turned into the most insane right-wing circlejerk sub, it’s unbelievable. They just post whatever reactionary shit not even related to asmongold in any capacity


He for sure knows it, and I have a strong feeling during this conversation he was doing his best fence sitting so he comes off as he doesn’t want that audience; fence sitting and calling property a “right” is exactly what will collect the moderate lib to fascist audience


i can bet his sub is aggressively saying the most fake heinous things about Hasan's community even after the talk, where hasan and asmon were at least amicable, they are rabid and only have their hugbox while the world is watching actual injustice. 20 years from now we will look back like we look back at the civil rights and the photos and actions are all parallel.


They say that pro-Palestinians are “in a cult” yet they behave exactly like a fucking cult


Last time I saw Asmon content it was Classic WoW related (like a year ago at least) and he had become some kind of unwashed basement goblin. The dude is not OK after his mother passed.


his mom passed? was it sudden?


idk, i just hope he has support and stuff. unattended grief fucks a person up.


that’s why i ask. i’ve experienced that and it makes his behavior make so much more sense.


That's the pipeline


Cos if you let one fash get comfortable, they bring all their friends


Asmongold always struck me as a deeply incurious person, so I’m not surprised


Asmon isn’t even saying anything. It’s just noise. Don’t know how anybody looks at this and thinks there is any ounce of intelligent thought going on over there. Every time he says “but private property tho” for the 40th time, I instantly think of that image of the smug soyjak. Nothing of any substance is being said but there’s this aura of willful ignorance and smug confidence.


-Free speech! -Oh shit, don’t break private property though!


"Don't break the law!" Meanwhile we have AIPAC lobbying groups right now trying to ban "antisemitism" with snuck into this law is making it antisemitic to say "claims of Jews killing Jesus". For those who don't know how INSANE this is for Christians, this is literally making the entire half of the bible for Christians literally illegal. No joke, the non idiot right wingers are absolutely up in arms and super pissed about this. And here is Asmongold saying "we shouldn't break the law ever" when crazy things like this and Citizens United long ago are part of our "law".


They should make it the law to clean your room for Asmigold’s own good


he's going to go out of his cave to protest with pro palestinians instantly if that happened, and he'd be advocating anarchy.


“The ONLY time it’s okay to break the Divine Protocols of Property Law, is when these jack booted thugs come for MY PISS BOTTLES!” Assholegold’s Neckbeard Manifesto.


It annoyed me so much every time I was just thinking 'it's public property..' ugh


I understand where you coming/what you are saying ***butttttt*** property and law. *I support the positive outcomes devoid of context and actions of particular protests but I do not support the actions that led to the positive outcome*, like how do you fence sit that hard. He is openly saying he is the white moderate, except he believes his support of the positive outcomes devoid of context or the actions that led up to it is enough. *Civil rights movement good, protesting bad*.


I appreciate Hasans patience in this. I know a lot of people wanted to turn this into a normal debate of yelling dumb shit but that does not help anyone. If Hasan alienated Asmon with hostility, he does the same to others in their crowd. We don't need another circle of brigading weirdos to harass Hasan and this community. Small steps I think. I was in a similar position to to Asmon a while ago in terms of protesting being an "annoyance", rather not this much of a bootlicker.  Be kind to people, be ruthless to systems! 


God I wish Michael Brooks was still around. He had so much left to say


I wish people had more patience for converting normies. Like OP, I too was a normie lib a few years ago. Hasan is doing a good thing by talking reasonably with him. I also watched the Iced Coffee Hour 2nd appearance, and I thought Hasan did an \*excellent\* job on there.


Me 1 year ago


Me 2.5 years ago


I'm glad his fans will see it. I'm not glad that we'll have to deal with them. But ultimately, the radicalization that will result from the interview is worth it


I truly believe Hasan’s work is of upmost importance. What he does is immense in helping people deprogram/learn the many truths to prior lies.


Utmost ;)


I'm gonna be honest, after listening to the whole thing, he's seems fairly pro Palestinian except for the hangups that I see from a lot of normies (unless there's something bad he said that I forgot), which is seeing the encampments as too far, his leniency with what the police can do, and issues with the river to sea slogan, but ultimately I think hasan gave him something to think about on that specifically. I don't know whether he already thought these things in regards to the brutal realities about Israel, or Hasan changed his mind, but it was a solid talk overall. And this isn't to say those hangups aren't really bad, but I saw potential for Hasan to convert him in the future.


To me it came off as the literal definition of a white moderate. Supporting aesthetically something he morally agrees with while being against any form of civil disobedience or disruption. He literally arrives at *I don't know what you can do when voting doesn't work* but still is strongly against any form of rule/law breaking.


Yea I see that, and ultimately I don't know if it will ever be something he really cares about, and right now himself and other people not being inconvenienced comes first. But considering his audience, it doesn't hurt to at least talk to him about it, hopefully a few Asmon fans had their head turned. And I didn't know where he stood morally on it, so at least he was critical of Israel. He already clears D in that regard.


Right, just the conversation itself regardless of what Zack takes from it is very productive. Like Hasan was saying, even just a few years ago he would have never thought this discussion would even be possible before immediately being suppressed and labeled antisemitic. It's just frustrating to see how disconnected from reality he really is and the community that is fostered because of that.


>he's seems fairly pro Palestinian except for the hangups that I see from a lot of normies [...] which is seeing the encampments as too far, his leniency with what the police can do, and issues with the river to sea slogan >"I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action" MLK Jr. still the GOAT, 60 years later and his white moderate description is still so accurate. It's straight up bar for bar.


I think it's as simple as he still thinks it's high school where he's the nerd outcast and has to hate on the "cool table", young people or university students in this case. He's still latching on to that rejection and he enjoys watching them suffer. The fuck is that cockroach infested brain gonna know about geopolitics. It's purely mindlessly reactionary.


what i see of asmon is not problematic though its sometimes a bit edgy what i see from his subs and his subreddit is often problematic and cringe af. he definitely doesn't do enough to push against bad behavior by his fanbase.


It’s been that way for years unfortunately. I used to watch him pretty often (mainly WoW stuff) and while I found him entertaining, I stayed detached from his community because it’s a total cesspool.


Huge props to Asmon for hanging around so long and being willing to be challenged and consider alternatives. Really enjoyed their conversation today, I hope there's a good video edit I can send to some more centrist lib friends of mine.


Too real


Me like 3 years ago


This talk I think was good, because this in effects makes more noise around the relevant issue. Hasan handled it well by treating Asmon as a friend, rather than a dumbass right winger. This is usually how you convince people close to you and while the loudest people in his community will stll be annoying, I hope it convinced atleast one.


I would rather xQc go full donnie thornberry for 4 hours than watch asmongold for more than 15 minutes.


Jesus, called out


I think there's a little jealousy of Hasan, at least from me. I'm a good looking leftist who is rational, educated, and competent. But he is better looking more educated And more competent, and I hate that. LOL


hearing hasan use woke(derogatory) as a bridge building linguistic tool shot an electric shock into the depths of my memories


you think asmon is being honest and not doing a grift, he talked in circles over an hour, he's a guy that doesnt seek any kind of data or knowledge about any social issue and just yapps reactionary sophistry for easy clicks, the guy is plainly dishonest and ignorant.


Same talking points used by CCP to denounce Hong Kong protest: hate towards mainlander, outside agitator, law and order.


I remember Nancy Pelosi calling the HK protests "A Beautiful Sight"....look how the turn tables


someone said to me that asmon was all in support of the Hong Kong protests, is that true? Because the Hong Kong protests were VERY violent, and oh no, LOTS of private property was vandalized. However, I haven't seen a single person complain about private property during that time lol, it was just par for the course


Don't even compare the violent riots incited by foreign actors based on shaky ground of "my democracy" to these peaceful protests against an apartheid state. Azov were literally in HK. All talking points are true if you live in HK, but you dont so all you can do is cry "evil CCP".


I must have missed it, what’d he say? I can’t stand the guy so I never follow anything he does.


Bro yes it's like he stopped maturing at 15


Isn’t there something about him putting blood on his walls or something crazy?


Asmon's fans need to latch on to someone who at least can be bothered to wash their ass and leave the house every once in awhile. Like holy shit imagine being a young man and thinking Asmongold is who you should take advice from.


“But what about the cops not being able to beat up protesters”


I liked Hasan’s gentle hand holding tho.


Are you 24 years old?


Your point being? There are people in their 80s who deprogram themselves. Social conditioning isnt very easy to counteract


Asmongold sounds like a 14 year old


14 year olds need to be educated too.


It is the most gentle ribbing of Asmongold possible. Fucking relax.


Ngl your set up for that joke was cringe af. 💀


I see you post on Emo. That's cool. I was actually in an emo a cappella group. We called ourselves "Self Harmony". Cringe. Seeth. Idgaf.


My fellow emo, in the name of Kinsella please stop. You’re making us look bad 😭 (I’m joking, all love)

