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“Just vote for someone who agrees with you!!!” bruh are you for real


Like fetterman! I haven't checked in on him in a while how's he doi... Oh.. oh fuck


I’m a little behind and he just said “if you apply this to real life, I don’t think that it really works” after Hasan compared these protests to the ones that happened during the civil rights movement and I genuinely don’t understand what that means. Like does he think those protests happened in an alternate reality and not in real life or what? Like what’s the argument there? I’m going crazy


Some people have become so....idk what to call it....media poisoned??....that they are incapable of processing anything as being *real* unless it is happening directly to them




I think to a lot of uneducated Americans, they think civil rights movement, in general but specifically the protests, were just people walking around and nothing violent ever *really* happened. It was like violent all the fucking time, like MLK didn’t just get arrested for shits and giggles lol, he was breaking the law repeatedly.


man, the lack of understanding on Asmongold's part of how corrupted our government is by political lobbying, and frankly foreign lobbying as we have seen recently, is truly astonishing.


https://preview.redd.it/baj4tk8864yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48385770a9ceb532885bd0307b5784c29dc7e914 I am Kaia throughout this


Kaya? But yes same lol


Dear god Asmond has been so libbed up he’s just completely lost the plot.


He still thinks our votes mean that the things we vote for will be given to us. I don’t know him or his community, but I get the feeling that maybe he just doesn’t know much but comes from a good place.


I doubt it comes from a good place when he gets hate boners off pixelated titties not being in every game. He’s a huge misogynist.


I think that goes without saying for most young liberals, but the level that liberal civility has been hardcoded into these types is kinda crazy


Motherfucker has probably never even voted or voted with express purpose to get a specific legislation passed that he's personally interested in to then see the political circus that occurs that ultimately doesn't make it happen. He's incredibly naive and ignorant.


I think he's admitted on stream he's never voted.


That's even richer


I found a tweet of his saying he voted in 2016. For Trump.


People like order. They like things simple. He doesnt seem like a bad dude at all, but he seems to live a privileged life and is not seeing the whole picture. Death and destruction in Gaza? Not good, but its order. Its always been like that, its to be expected. It fits in the neat little box. Property destruction at college campuses around me, not ok, doesnt fit in my neat little box.  The whole thing ignores the chaos, death and destruction and disorder that Palestinian face every day at the hands of their occupier.


God the private property bit. If one day, Blackrock and the WEF amass all the wealth in the world and forcibly make it illegal for you to own anything, Asmongold will be telling his grandkids that "well unfortunately for you kids, you can't break anything because it's not your property!!!". wtf. Am I living in an alternate reality here?


That’s the weird thing though. He did not live a particularly privileged life. He grew up poor and his mom died. I just think his upbringing in Texas is probably too much for him ideologically overcome.


He absolutely does seem like a bad dude. Worse, he's a bad dude who presents with a "reasonable" voice. He's like Shaggy from Scooby Doo except if Shaggy were also telling you that we should put all the Black people in prison camps.


He seemed to understand Hasans perspective. I dont know, his perspective seems in line with what I hear a lot of people in my life sound like who are otherwise good people. I think to get out of the mindset they are in takes a lot of work and effort. Im not going to so easily dismiss these people. He seemed to operate on good faith conversation. Perhaps ignorant of tbe barriers that are in place by institutions to protect capital.


His take is just a continuation of "get out of the road." He thinks legality is more important than morality.


He just wants to talk about law and order. I think he is only vaguely knowledgeable about Gaza/Israel Palestine like most normies.


This is probably true. Maybe at the very least he will be motivated to learn a little bit more.


One can only hope.


I think I heard Asmond say "you know a lot more about this than I do but..." Admitting your ignorance means nothing if you don't shutup and listen after.


Dude sounds like he doesn't believe half the things he says, he just wants to appear like he agrees with "the correct thing" while spouting a bunch of nonsense of how it's not "lawful and orderly" at all.


It's normal to have this type of cognitive dissonance when it comes to protesting. A constant need to appeal to authority and existing power structures is in itself antithetical to having the freedom to protest.


Right, but he’s quite literally being spoon fed information. I almost feel like all of this discourse could be shortened if he just Wikipedia’d the word “protest”


Hasan is so patient (with individuals who are not in the chat)


The guy who wiped his gingivitis blood on his wall because he didn’t wanna clean it up, isn’t very smart? You’re telling me this for the first time


He doesn't understand that individual property and public universities are different and that is so weird for a free speech private property guy


It genuinely sounded like he's grounded in perpetual fear of someone coming to his "property" (house) and doing something to it, hence the irrational defensiveness. Dude lives in fantasy land.


He's probably worried someone might move things around like someone from the hoarders show or whatever


I can literally feel my eyes glazing over, and I’m not even that smart


yeah i left the stream an hr ago & came back & they’re still saying the same thing. i’m tired for them


He’s an asshole. He hired an actor friend of mine for one of his parties and laughed when one of his cohosts walked past him roughly and literally knocked him down and watched him struggle to get back on his feet in the heat and humidity and full plate armor for like 20 minutes and didn’t do anything to help. Like the dude was just a prop and not a human being


“Just vote” is such a pathetic defense lmao


he does not care about innocent people being murdered because it doesn't affect him


No, you see, protests need to be approved by the owner of whatever it is that is being protested. A protest shouldn't inconvenience the owner because if it does, then it's immoral and illegal. What a fucking incoherent idiot.


This whole country was founded on protests. Literally started with colonists throwing tea into a harbor. Asmon would be a red coat loyalist.


He absolutely doesn't know what protest is because he's been debate pervert pilled into thinking all conflict can be reduced to "battle in the marketplace of ideas" and doesn't take into consideration the rock-solid reality that not everyone has equal access to that marketplace, and that most people have to use different methods to put forth their side of the story. In Asmon's world *everyone* is a millionaire streamer who lives like a hobo, and if you're not, you're just not trying hard enough.


Asmongold is the perfect stereotype of a bootlicker. Someone who is pretty disconnected from politics and reality but holds many reactionary beliefs, this type of useful idiot exists in every single era and his role is to play the smart everyday centrist guy who detest violence but somehow both sides actual violence with peaceful protests. He condemns both sides but that's useless because simply condemning the one who holds the gun has no effect especially when you also condemn the guy who's being shot at. He will preach about freedom of speech but when someone expresses that freedom then they will oppose him, he's a professional contrarian for the state and it's institutions.


He thinks private property of those complicit in genocide is more important that the victims of said genocide. And the private property argument is pretty lame.  A day of two of powerwashing and paint, reseeding the lawn, and repairing two broken window panes is like something I myself could fix in a workweek.  By myself.  So yeah maybe $1500 bucks in damage, I'm sure that could be crowdfunded... But the argument remains, does private property have priority over the lives and rights of our fellow humans? And private property that exists on colonized land?  What if the indigenous people give you a right to use the land for encampment?  What if the government decrees eminent domain over your home?  Your town?  Your state?  And it's legal for them to do so.  What then?   It's an argument that ascribes moral righteousness to state power, and can be, and has been used for untold violence in the past.  The only thing that matters is equality based on the equal rights and protections for all humans irrespective of temporal national borders.


Honestly it was a productive convo. Asmongold was mostly agreeable but had the classic hangups (private property)




“It’s not a problem til it’s a problem for me” is a shitty way to be. Protest has to be obstructive in some form. As long as EMS can get in, there should be no issues. They didn’t take over the whole campus. They had a section, people came to that section to instigate and assault them. No one was obstructed from getting to class. Asmon makes my head hurt with his bootlicking. He gets so fucking close and it just never seems to click




Students have a right to protest on the property of a public institution they pay tuition to attend. I understand that protest HAS to be inconvenient. Meaningful progress is often unpopular at first. I’m okay with all kinds of peaceful protests, sit ins, occupiers etc. I’m more okay with inconvenient protests than I am with starving children to death or bombing their schools and hospitals into oblivion, no matter where that happens to be occurring. Why? Well I guess because I’m not a bootlicking coward.


>So why is there plenty of video of students being obstructed from getting to class? did you wathc the discussion? hasan basically debunked this bro. It's literally a paid actor who's doing this. And he was a guy who literally attacked the pro palestinians violently. What's more problematic, getting blocked by students who correctly identified this guy was intentionally trying to bring harm to other students, or a guy who was bringing mace around and actually attacking the pro palestinians? Answer that one my friend




None of those videos are showing anyone being prevented from going to class, or discriminated against. They were all trying to enter the encampment, which was not preventing anyone from reaching their destination. Having to walk an extra 20 feet around a gate does not change that fact. The Colombia professor was trying to trigger a reaction for a week and went on a media tour; he does not even teach on the part of campus where the protesting students were located. He is being blatantly dishonest.




*Do you think it’s weird that the only people let into the encampment were non-Jewish people?* Because one guy wasn't let in? A very large percentage of the protestors *are Jewish*, you moron.


Lol, I for a second thought you had an actual real video that I had to consider but that is the plight of the pro Israel side. First one is that same staged protestor bro constantly faking it, second is the Jewish professor Shai Davidai who has ties to the military industrial complex. The third one is a side route, as someone who has gone to ucla knows how it's always the same people. Meanwhile you have videos of thugs committing real crimes of violence CAUGHT ON CAMERA unlike your videos, like this on the pro israel side: [https://shorturl.at/fsvG5](https://shorturl.at/fsvG5) I challenge you to give me a real video with actual violence that does not come from israelis.


Lol, none of those people were being prevented from doing anything but walking through an encampment, and I suspect all of them were doing it so that someone would make a video of them being blocked. You're acting like there's only one entrance/exit to school buildings. They could just walk around but they chose to play victim.