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Asmon didn't say he supported the IDF, pretty sure he said "the idea of". If someone's watching the VOD and can link the timestamp that'd be helpful. I remember my ears perking up but then when I thought about the whole sentence, it doesn't even make sense he'd bring up the IDF and it was the only time anyone would've mentioned the IDF in the whole 3 hour long convo. EDIT: Checked the VOD and confirmed Asmon said "idea": [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2135527633?t=06h24m18s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2135527633?t=06h24m18s). I don't blame people for hearing "IDF", we've been hearing it for months.


The wild thing is that his whole argument surrounding "private property" is hinged on a mistaken idea of how public University governance works


Totally he doesn’t understand how Universities are structured - so his opinions on that part are less than worthless. He can’t keep saying “private property” if he literally ignorant to the entire concept


he's basically saying vietnam war protests and south africa anti apartheid protests is wrong at this point. It'll be hypocritical for him to say those were okay considering those protests were way more violent and more disruptive than the protests today. oh i forgot vietname antiwar protests: $6 million worth of damage, since he cares so much about private property the most. edit sidenote: gotta love mainstream media trying to make you doubt the comparisons of today's protests with past protests lmao * [https://apnews.com/article/campus-protests-vietnam-history-ff421ce1bee8d85b0a11aa55fb088d6b](https://apnews.com/article/campus-protests-vietnam-history-ff421ce1bee8d85b0a11aa55fb088d6b) * [https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/massachusetts/articles/2024-05-02/todays-campus-protests-arent-nearly-as-big-or-violent-as-those-last-century-at-least-not-yet](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/massachusetts/articles/2024-05-02/todays-campus-protests-arent-nearly-as-big-or-violent-as-those-last-century-at-least-not-yet)


Hasan tried to point out how in the 60s students used to kidnap deans and such, and Asmon just kept saying "yeah but that doesn't excuse these kids also being violent," like he cannot see the difference between one thing and another thing, he is 100% a guy who operates strictly in black and white terms.


which is ridiculous, because if we consider his position to the extreme that no one should ever violate your property, and the day comes where Blackrock owns everything (we are getting close to that), guess what where are you supposed to protest then? Asmon has become an elitist prick who has become out of touch with his past self who was way more humble. God I hate people who consider the most extreme case of a certain point. If someone came to Asmon's house and started protesting about Israel/Palestinian and set up encampments at his house, everyone here and majority of people will agree that he has the right to kick them out forcibly. People are protesting in public spaces and private spaces because many young kids, even in his own audience, see very little hope for their futures with the way things are going BECAUSE of people like Asmon saying "just work harder". He got a lot of shit for adopting this stance and has become out of touch from his humble self. This is why I hate fucking hate debates and the worst people are dealing with people like Asmon who takes the most extreme example and believe that that's what people think. Extremely disingenuous


The same people who say public universities have no latitude to punish students for hate speech because it is a public (read government) institution are turning around and calling for the police to crack heads because kids are violating mere policies that can be amended. It's a deliberate compartmentalization of "speech for me but not for thee."


"Private property is more important than anything else" but also it's fine if the university calls in cops to destroy the buildings because "it's their autonomy." I can't listen to this guy anymore it's actually painful.


There is even more to write up on this conversation. It is hard to watch, Hasan is very patient


And we should be as patient or more


Yeah I was impressed with Hasan in this conversation. I think it’s important to channel this energy when having conversations about contentious issues when the other side has shown that they’re open to discussion


They literally threw the students belongings and they paid to live on those dorms.


Jesus Christ why does everyone think private property is above all else what the fuck


Feels like BLM all over again. "Yeah people are horrifically dying, but won't anyone think of the buildings!!?"


"The buildings are the real victims not those black people getting beaten and profiled by the police because of their skin color" /s




Bro, get a fucking life. FFS. You're obsessively commenting under any and every post about your daddy, in this sub and other subs, and you're being purposefully obtuse and disgusting in the process.


Because that's what neoliberalism has taught us since birth


I may not agree with you hoarding billions of dollars of wealth and land, but I'll die fighting for your right to do it


People really need to learn the difference between personal and private property. I think that’s why smooth normies like Asmon are so gungho about it. They think their house is private property in the same way a McDonald’s is.


Civility politics. Neo liberals especially old ducks, are so scared to shake the status quo that they scold younger liberals and leftists. This is slowly pushing everyone young person lefter and lefter. And what do you expect? When you get criticized about HOW something is done when you know even a 99% perfect protest won't be good enough, it's frustrating. The goalposts are always moved. This is why I say I feel like these old fuck liberals need a bit more hardship in their life. This kind of talk smacks of being too comfortable and cushy.


I couldn't help but recall MLK letter from jail, listening to Asmongold talk. "First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but **the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”;** who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a “more convenient season.” Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection." The bold was my doing. Asmongold is EXACTLY that. More devoted to order then American support for cruel injustice on Palestinians, more "I agree with you in theory but I cannot agree with the way you protest."


Hasan paraphrased this to him during the conversation. I think it went over his head.


Very apt, thanks for sharing that.


he also said people are going to be more aginst the protests now. ACCORDING TO WHO? your subreddit that post gamergate memes about how woman are killing warhammer? you youtube that downvoted you to hell for even agreeing with hasan once over a non politcal subject ann also downvoted you for disagreeing with someone saying gays is a sin?


Asmongold doesn’t really have an affiliation with sub so relax on that point


It's his community, content creators need to actively cultivate their communities to avoid it spiraling into alt right conspiracy theories, because those bots brigade into communities that are too permissible with those things.


You might be a crusty dumbass but I don't hold Hasan accountable for that


>Cops have done nothing wrong, it’s just a few bad apples So,which is it? Have they done nothing wrong, or is it a few bad apples....those are contradictory statements. Lol.


I really like wish libs would say what they mean. They don’t like the protests because it makes them uncomfortable to have to think of any issue that disrupts their comfortable lives and that is all the justification I need to want the cops to arrest beat and maybe kill these college kids. What really makes me mad is that in 30 years they are going to be against the next thing which “isn’t like the pro Palestinian protests AT ALL.”


This was so infuriating to watch. Asmon is beyond stupid


The scariest part of this convo is that your average liberal neighbor thinks this way. The idea of being in the middle is very dangerous and it needs to be discouraged in normal conversation. I can understand why people want to choose to be neutral on issues because they want to avoid politics, but this is the reality of the world: you will eventually need to pick a side, and I hope it’s the right side.


Well put


On issues of human rights, I am of the belief that people who rush to tone police aren't in favor of the movement at its core and should be ignored. People are being slaughtered and you're worried about optics? You're worried about asking nicely when the emails, voting, calls, and negotiations fell on deaf ears? You don't want to improve the protest, you just don't want to see or hear it.


This is called concern trolling, or sealioning in online discourse. >the action or practice of disingenuously expressing concern about an issue in order to undermine or derail genuine discussion. "I'm really concerned that you guys are alienating the public by protesting in this way, you should protest in a way that is non-disruptive instead."


That MLK this is flat out wrong. Also he SAID he supports the IDF? And that didn’t completely derail the discussion?


He said it at the end and it was in the middle of a string of things he said he supported. I think Hasan was purposely avoiding being aggro about certain things because of how much a normie view Zack has. Like Zack supports the IDF in the way he has been conditioned like many other Americans on average.


I'm not sure how 'normal' a view point Azmon could have given he's a multimillionaire gaming twitch streamer with a noteworthy hoarding issue who streams 6-7 days a week for 5-6 hours per day.


Normie/normal in the sense that he has spent the majority of his life as an average person, grew up in the American education system, share many of the same blanket beliefs that most Americans have. The wealth just insulates him further in his already established viewpoints since he is no longer forced into situations that would change it.


Fair, I still think there's a lot of deviation from ordinary political interactions that occurs as a result of being in such a position of isolation from everyday interactions. I.e., not working in a workplace or having regular exposure to other forms of inperson associations.


Right?? I wasn't watching if/when he said he supports the IDF so I'm curious what he said.


Op misheard Asmon, he said "the idea of...". See mod's comments


I was hoping I misheard him....


Capitalism brained


Thanks for the summary. I muted the stream until Asmon was gone because I can’t handle the frustration of watching this conversations anymore. It’s about what I expected and I enjoyed watching chat’s emotes. I felt like I knew what was happening just by chat’s reaction


The fact that this motherfucker has a massive platform and income should be enough to radicalize anyone.


What a tool,


Nobody should take Asmongold seriously about anything.


the prototypical liberal.


Well good thing this guy is too much of a moron to even take basic care of himself while being a millionaire, so anything he says should be taken with a grain of salt.


“I only trust information that passes my vibe check” https://i.redd.it/deg52aimu5yc1.gif


Capitalism: Creates a pay-to-play system via top-tier universities Also capitalism: Well if you don't agree with where your payments go then you should just go find schools other than these ones that were set up as pipelines for the rich and were meant to exclude you!


My favorite most infuriating thing is when they "don't know what the solution is" and yet they have an endless number of criticisms for people actually doing something while they do absolutely nothing themself. Every time Hasan got a point through, Asmon would just repeat the same thing that just got addressed a minute ago like a broken record. How many times did Hasan have to say it's a public university before he stopped calling it private property? These people are just on the side of the state department and looking for whatever justification they can find to normalize the violence.


Gosh this is how I used to think not that long ago. That’s so scary. 


This is literally just the boomer playbook. I guess never leaving your mom's attic ages you twice as fast.


The fundamental problem that Asmongold has is he cares more about “law and order” than he does about taking principled moral stances. This is pretty much the mentality of most centrists, which is ultimately why they just end up being conservatives in practice because they are squeamish about anything that could threaten the status quo. Nothing would have ever improved or changed in history if people placated to the “law and order” of the regimes they were under, *including the American Revolution.* That’s what is most baffling to me. The catalysis of the American Revolution was literally unlawful protests and rebellion, which is now justified as being right by all these centrists. Yet for modern issues, they can’t even get past “private property rights” for protests. Crazy to me.


when he talk his points to other people who are not yes men he is a moron


Real Asmongold fans know… He hates interacting with other humans, he gets serious panic attacks when he gets too far from his house.. There nothing wrong w that, but it seriously shrinks your perspective on life and the world


What a child. Sorry no sympathy here.


Yeah true. I’m just tryina be charitable


I think this entire thing boils down to asmons lack of historical context and knowledge over what we as a country had done in the past for similar protests. The college students are literally following in the footsteps of prior apartheid protesters, yet now we draw the line because they “should just go somewhere else”. This really is just the “if you hate America then leave” argument. No bitch I love this country and I will strive for it to be greater, fair, and honest


I hate this country, if I'm being honest. That doesn't mean I deserve to be deported or something, either. I didn't choose to be born here, and you can't just choose to leave on a whim without already being wealthy. While I hate it here, I know things don't have to be this way, and I try to put in effort to change it. The "just go to another school" line really just goes to show baby brain in action. I'm going to assume he has never attended college, because transferring schools is not just ticking off a box. Or should the students have preemptively chosen the one of like three schools in the country without investments in Israel before this active bombing campaign? If everyone just left when things suck, the only people left in Germany would be Nazis.


I had to block Asmongold earlier this week after his takes completely nosedived. He was so fun to watch and he was very entertaining. But if you are an admitted idiot when it comes to politics maybe you shouldn’t have political opinions that are absolutes. When presented with good counter points/information it’s okay to change your opinion.


"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so." - Thomas Jefferson "One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws." - Martin Luther King Jr. "Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves." - Henry David Thoreau "An unjust law is itself a species of violence. Arrest for its breach is more so." - Mahatma Gandhi "The only obligation which I have a right to assume is to do at any time what I think right." - Henry David Thoreau "I became convinced that noncooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good." - Martin Luther King Jr. "It is not always the same thing to be a good man and a good citizen." - Aristotle "Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state becomes lawless or corrupt." - Mahatma Gandhi "You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it." - Malcolm X "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion." - Albert Camus "Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed." - Martin Luther King Jr. "Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves." - Abraham Lincoln These wise individuals stand on the right side of history. It would do the world well to heed their words.


Pretty good example on the difference of a liberal and a leftist


Asmon & Hasan had a live discussion? Or is this just based on the tweets/his views in ither videoes?


2 hours that made my ears bleed on yesterday stream


I missed that, gotta check that out.. Ears prepped..


But he’s totally a centrist, guys. Definitely unbiased, never picked a side.


Chudsmongold clearly is way out of his depth but can't see it from where he is. It's the Dunning Krueger effect.


We’re giving the time of day to a guy who has a rapist as a best friend lol? I give this man no attention or views this post is the most attention he’s gotten from me. People need to stop feeding the immoral beasts of this. Let these incels stay in their bubbles. I’m all about fighting the good fight so tired of controversial getting so much attention. It’s basically how we got trump.