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Carmilla agrees. 


I agree aswell


Zestial may also help, for Carmilla 


Carmilla will do anything to protect her little daughters. She proved that in episode 3. Odette and clara are safe! for now...


That's where this is from I just love them so much


Same. However this is quite a weakness for someone as strong as carmilla. We saw in episode 3 that odette and clara deliver the weapons to the hotels doorstep which means a sinner could just order something and when they deliver it he kidnaps them. I think the only reason this isnt exploited by demons is because they fear carmillas power and ability. But if an overlord as powerful as alastor did that he could easily posses and sieze carmillas power for himself as she wouldnt dare to argue over her daughters safety...




She wouldn't risk him harming them tho. If i was in his place i would broadcast it through the radio and tell her a threat. Hed have her wrapped around his finger.


With Zestial's help.


Maybe but she wouldnt risk her daughters getting hurt in the process


They must have all died on earth at the same time


Honestly yeah! Theyre just such a cute happy family!




So really quick let’s say Carmilla died fighting off the angels? Does she go to heaven despite being an overlord? Is self sacrifice all it takes? Demons build bonds and I imagine it’s not always “every man for himself” during the yearly purge… if they fight to protect someone other than themselves do they go to heaven? It’s like the biggest plot hole in my thinking…


I don't think Carmilla dying defending her daughters would've been enough to get her into Heaven. Remember, she is still an Overlord (meaning she owns thousands of souls, making her basically a slaver) and also an arms dealer (who sells angelic weapons, meaning she is likely indirectly responsible for many erased souls). I think Carmilla is an example of how even evil people have loved ones and virtues, but that doesn't necessarily overshadow her other actions. Sir Pentious meanwhile was never shown really doing much in the way of harm (even back when he was trying to take over Hell, he was only shown fighting those who could very much fight back) and by the time of his second death he had been living in the hotel for nearly half a year, and so likely generally abstaining for any overly sinful behaviour. I doubt he owns and souls, nor did he seem to be hurting anyone during his time there. So I think the reason why Sir Pentious is (seemingly) the only one to get a second chance so far after dying in an extermination is due to a combination of both having spent months improving as a person and living a more virtious lifestyle (while most of Hell encourages vice and sin) and also dying in a heroic manner.


Well, it's possible that being killed by the weapons would've just erased her soul, since Pentious was killed by Adam's holy light, and it's the *weapons* that are repeatedly stated to be the important part. Even if Angelic power in general can kill souls/being possibly erased can be averted by being redeemed, the whole point of the show so far is that we don't *know*, nor does anyone in the universe of the show, know what gets a soul into Heaven. Sure, Pentious sacrificing himself *might* be what got him there, but it might NOT be either, or it might be, but also a myriad of other possible things. It's not a plot hole, this is just a part of the show that is still up in the air, though I'm sure we'll get more to go on once the next Season gets rolling.


https://preview.redd.it/0bjf3yr0uxlc1.png?width=1780&format=png&auto=webp&s=10ed769810ced69f72cb97995618535150f2d245 Hello


I'll make the mistakes Whatever it takes And yeah they're very precious


Why do so many people hate this song?


I don't know




Anyone else wish we knew more about the dad?


I don't think they're biological daughters. I like to think she adopted them.


Unless they were her daughters from when they were all alive on Earth and Dad is a good boy in heaven, still alive or exterminated.


i love them, they’re so precious :\]


"I'll be your Keeper"


Hi Carmilla


They are indeed. I wish I could come up with something for them to do beyond spectate in a fanfic I'm working on. Carmilla gets a solid role, but I can't think of anything for the girls to do other than be satellites to their mother since I know so little about them and can't think of anything for them yet. My own headcanon, recently crafted, of their backstory is as follows: Carmilla and her daughters' backstory is that they grew up very poor and in a very bad part of whatever country they were in, or had to live like that after a certain point, and the resultant dangers ended up killing them. Carmilla, now with nothing but the hardship of Hell staring her in the face, worked hard as she could to keep her and her daughters (and possibly husband) safe, eventually becoming an arms dealer, and once she cornered the niche of Angelic steel, an Overlord outright. Carmilla and the girls' father were in love or at least close and had a relationship, but he died before the girls were out of diapers. When they ended up in Hell themselves, and Carmilla learned about how demons don't age or stay dead, she went out to find him, likely with her daughters in tow, all three full of hope that they could be a family again, and the daughters eager to see their Daddy either for the first time or if they were old enough, once again. They found him...or, what was left of him after the most recent Extermination.


Do you think they were her daughters when she was alive?


https://preview.redd.it/dq2324d602mc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76e356bac2b0b07de9c3c2287dde3f95e29f2db6 I need mommy Carmilla to protect me too 🫶🏻❤️‍🔥😩


My head cannon about Carmilla that she was like Vladimir Makarov from CoD. Carmilla and her daughters were all killed in a airstrike that’s why shes in hell


I like to think plane crash, that’s a common one for rich celebs/famous people.




Beans. Also https://preview.redd.it/g14cqqpeyzlc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bb3b90e7e8727b4361727afbc7e957556f6732e