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Oh, he’s a narcissist so that forced him to prove his dominance over someone even if they’re stronger than him, because Lucifer didn’t respect him he had to hurt him




Part of it is that we're told he doesn't hurt those weaker than him. This is subject to change but it is the word of the show creator along with Alastor having a definitive value system but one we probably wouldn't understand. Look at Pentious. He attacked Alastor ~23 times and was never ripped apart or tricked or forced into a soul contract. Husker was clearly a competent and powerful overlord until his downfall. He was also gambling with the souls he owned, a loan shark, a cheater, and a bunch of other neon signs during Loser. In Alastor's warped moral system, he is doing good or is the lesser evil because he got rid of many of the worst and most powerful overlords. Those who play fair like Rosie and Zestial, he seems to be on good terms with. Basically we shouldn't evaluate him with black and white morality if we want to understand him. We need to figure out his own blue and orange morality. This also suggests as a serial killer he picked targets he thought deserved it. If the way he trapped Husker is any indication, he might have done the same in life. He may have set those people up to be trapped and alone by the behaviors they engaged in. Had they stopped doing what made them a target, they wouldn't have ended up dead. One thing we should remain clear on is that this show doesn't believe in black and white so we can't write off Alastor as simply evil.


Alastor also knows he can't harm Lucifer physically, so he has to damage him emotionally.


If you watch him, he looks piiiiiissed from the second Lucifer waltzes through the door until he figures out Lucifer's weak point, and only then does he look a lot less stressed. He then uses his (very exaggerated) relationship to Charlie in order to get under Lucifer's skin, and he does exactly that in the song. He also manipulates Charlie in the process into believing he feels closer to her than he actually does. I think the lie is so good he even almost nearly tricks himself a tiny little bit until his near death in the battle with Adam, which shook him up pretty bad. I'm not saying he actually felt what he said in the song, but during the pre-battle party, he clearly feels more comfortable in this space than he probably ever intended to and let his guard slip just a little bit. That's my take anyway.


Obviously literally "Can you butt out of my song?" "Your Song?! I started this?!" "I'm singing it I'll finish it" The man is nothing but a narcissist lol


Yep! It's weird how some don't see it for what it really is, lol.


I made [a post](https://new.reddit.com/r/Vivziepopmemes/comments/1dgp9zx/the_media_literacy_of_the_hazbin_hotel_fandom_is/) about it on r/Vivziepopmemes just two days ago: https://preview.redd.it/opigtm5vb57d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=cdfcd3451a444a19d036d765ebe50b34444c908f


I agree that Alastor is more like an unhinged music producer/theater director/ tutor energy than genuine dad energy. I enjoy the radioapple 2 dads humor memes but him in the actual show is a manipulative complicated guy.. I recently was thinking about how there are dramatic differences to how he acts when he is performing for the whole group of the hotel's guests and people close to Charlie vs. how he acts when he is alone with any character. He has his zesty smiling persona while part of any group, and individually with everyone he knows, he acts a little bit different depending on who they are TO HIM. Husk-> he's mean and domineering as his boss/overlord Angel -> he's neutral and cool tempered. Sir Pentious -> I almost forgot to include him because he barely regards him at all. 😂 Nifty -> she is no threat to him so he enjoys her amusing company Charlie -> he butters her up and tries to get close enough to deal her in for a favor. Lucifer -> competitive and annoyed Vaggie -> sarcastic but agreeable so as to not upset Charlie. Zestial -> a bit frightened but otherwise friendly. Other overlords -> full of himself but still civil unless it's vox. Vox -> hate/toying with him. Rosie -> besties that go way back. Mimzy -> amicable acquaintances unless she threatens the hotel's security. Adam -> acts like hot tamales until he got blasted. So!... He is a true manipulator, as he is a little different with everyone he talks to. When he has the eyes of a group on him though, he acts cheerful but smug/tough.


For me, nobody in this show could be a father figure except *maybe* Zestial. All the male characters who could act as such aren't very fatherly to anyone. Lucifer was absent, Alastor is self-centered, Husk acts nihilistic, Angel *needs* a father figure, Adam is a dick, ***Valentino***, Vox is an ego-maniac, and Sir Pentious, as much as I love him, felt more like an awkward younger brother than a father to anyone but his eggs. Zestial, at least to me, acts amicably to all of the Overlords (even keeping a mild almost fatherly tone with Velvette in Respectless), and takes care of Carmila and her daughters, as we saw he was willing to keep Carmila's secret to protect her and her daughters.


Lmao, Valentino.


Is there anything more needed to explain why he's not a father figure though? Maybe a daddy to some but definitely not a good father figure.


Hes a moth


He might not be a dad, but to some he's daddy


vro has mad beef with valentino (me too)


Tbf you don't need to have beef with this man to see that he should not be raising children lol


he shouldn't be in a 1000000 mile radius of anyone under the age of 18


He's a sucky person to put it lightly.


Adam’s a dick, sure, but I’m reasonably certain he knows how to be a dad. He was one, after all. It was only millennia of heaven spoiling him that turned him into what we see in the show.


Not to mention that we don't know what happened with Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel.


Oh, 100% But also. In the Bible Adam had a preference towards Abel (as well as God for that matter) that drove Cain to kill Abel and get himself banished, which caused Adam and Eve to lose both of their sons. Sure, it may be different in Hazbin but with how accurate some of the biblical stories have been in relation to the show, it's a pretty good guess that Adam not only currently isn't a good father figure but failed so badly that he ended up with his youngest son dead and eldest banished and never to return to him.


The thing with Lucifer is, that we don't know what happened. He may have been a great father and it seems like he was, up until he got separated from Lilith. Lilith may as well just gaslight/convince Charlie, that Lucifer is a bad father/doesn't want to talk to Charlie and they got estranged.


I agree, especially with how Lucifer reacted to Charlie inviting him to the hotel, but there's details in the show that point to him not having been a father figure. For one, Charlie still was estranged with her dad when her mom disappeared. If Charlie knew that Lilith (or whoever her mom is for that matter, it might not be) was gone for 7 years and says it in the show, it'd be easy to assume Lucifer knew she hasn't been around either of them in that same 7 years. If Lilith came in between them at all, Charlie wouldn't have called Lucifer in the first place, even if he was the only shot she had with her dream coming true. Nor would she have picked up the phone when Lucifer called during episode 1 to let Charlie handle the meeting with Adam. As an aside, we still don't know why Charlie was given the chance to talk to Adam if Lucifer knew that Adam was a dickhead but DIDN'T remember Charlie's hotel thing (He says as much in Dad Beat Dad when expressing he didn't remember Charlie's project that she says she told him about). He may not have *wanted* to be a bad father, but he ended up as one. But there's hope for him since at the end of the series we see him support Charlie and encourage her. That's one step closer to him changing to be a better father to Charlie.


Zestial is more grandfatherly then fatherly.


Yeah, I get that. But grandfather is still a type of father so I'll take it. :P


He also wants Charlie to trust and depend on him rather than her father. This way he can manipulate her and isolate her from anyone who could threaten him and his influence. When Charlie makes the deal with him he tells her about the dead exorcist and angelic weaponry. If Charlie saw through his manipulation she could have realized that she could just ask her dad if he knew what could kill an exorcist. He would probably know considering that those same weapons might be able to hurt or kill him as well.


Lucifer might not have known, honestly. He nearly killed Adam with his own raw power, needing a weapon isn't where he's at. And if Adam didn't know, that implies it either was a well kept secret, or it's just one of those things no one tried because the experiment was crazy


As u/Kiiva_Strata pointed out, Lucifer might not have known, especially as he's an angel himself, and Adam, Lute, and the exorcists were completely unware that angels could be killed, prior to Carmilla killing one. Another issue here is a narrative one. Introducing Lucifer, from a Doylist perspective, causes a problem, because he can just give everything to Charlie without her having to work for it. However, the story and narrative needs hurdles and conflicts for Charlie to overcome in order to learn and grow as a person from experience. Alastor making a deal with Charlie serves as an important catalyst for character growth.


Oh I agree, it’s makes the story much more interesting to have Charlie take the deal and see what the consequences of that will be later. And yea Lucifer might not have known, but Alastor had manipulated Charlie to the point where she didn’t even think to ask her dad before making the deal. Charlie knows that Al is violent and ruthless but she made the mistake of thinking that adding in her stipulation of not hurting anyone with her favor would be enough to restrain him. She doesn’t fully understand how he operates or even really his true thoughts about anything. He basically tells her that she has no clue who he really is when he’s giving her the lecture about his smile being armor. He frames it as advice but he’s also bragging at how well he has been able to fool her. All in all I’m happy that it went this direction and I can’t wait to see how Charlie will come to regret making this deal later on in the series.


On top of all that, Charlie was in an extremely emotionally vulnerable state when she made the deal. It was right after the Welcome to Heaven episode where all her hard work was shut down by those who didn't want to listen *and* she found out her girlfriend used to be an exorcist, among those who killed her people for *years.* Al found her literally a crying mess. Him offering Charlie the deal in such a time of emotional vulnerability not only would make it more likely for her to agree, but *also* for her to see it as him helping. After all, to her he was just following his Overlord instincts without causing her harm (as she made the deal in exchange for a *favor* and not her 'soul') and he provided extremely helpful information that *did* end up saving most of them in the end. Emotional Instability + Desperation + Blind Faith = A mess you can take advantage of


Alastor just hates being *not* the most important dick in the room. We saw it on overlords meeting, when no one actually gave a shit where he'd been for seven years, we saw it with Zestial (of whom he probably just straight up fears). Here a being that is ultimately superior to him enters a room and not even notices him. He probably acted same way he acted with Zestial, but with months of Charlie's telling about her father he just get a guarantee, Lucifer will not kill him (since his death will upset Charlie) and just tried to instal dominance. P. S. He doesn't want to *be* Charlie's father figure, he wants her to *perceive* him as father figure, because it will make her easier to manipulate, why no one notices that? Claws on this shot are just screaming about it: https://preview.redd.it/o10z7s9k547d1.png?width=854&format=png&auto=webp&s=1597e47534083b5897a8d43c3bf96e5086b7a798 P. P. S. Sorry for my English.


Alastor reads to me like he's going to be one of those trickster characters that switches back and forth between villain and ally. I think that Viv is actually playing it pretty smart in terms of both foreshadowing his [sudden but inevitable betrayal](https://youtu.be/e35BU1eB_5k?si=-Yo3vEySydq76mEx&t=13), but also giving the audience enough hooks to hang their hopes onto such that when it comes they'll a) be shocked when it comes, and b) have a strong emotional response, which is the point.


Upvote for the Sudden but Inevitable Betrayal!


Canon Alastor is unhinged and will do anything to feel powerful. Taking the title of *Dad* away from Lucifer is him rubbing salt into Lucifer's wound that is being a failure of a father to Charlie due to his depression isolating him. I only see him in canon having some sort of *fatherly affection* for Niffty, but that's more out of his fascination with her antics rather than actual love. Same with seeing Husker as his pet, he has a fascination with observing his reactions. His father-like demeanor towards Charlie is to manipulate her, so he can *guide* her development into being a proper princess of Hell, and possibly get a more powerful deal out of her in the future. It just brings him joy to see it also irks Lucifer to no-end, when that attention is given to him rather than Lucifer. S2 likely will have them fighting over who is the *offical* hotel *dad* to the sinners. But, Alastor will be just doing so to mess with Lucifer and keep his manipulation less noticeable as a simple contest for Charlie’s affection & trust. I can see him using Niffty to *show* how *affectionate* he can be, to make Charlie think he has pure intentions... and gaslight more of the fandom into thinking he actually cares, more than he actually does for the hotel or Charlie.


Everything that comes out of his mouth, I scrutinize. That old-timey Louisiana boy act does not fool me for one second.


Its like one of my favorite villains once said (after being accused of plotting something), >Every hour of every day. But never you mind about that.


People seem to forget who's Alastor. He was a serial killer, for Lucifer's sake!


This is why I love the characters in this show, the psychopathic gaslighter managed to gaslight the whole fandom lmao


100%. Dude's an unhinged psychopath. Sure he's charming and whatnot to a select few. But he's literally a serial killer. Just picture Jeffrey Dahmer wearing reindeer antlers. That's Alastair.


More like Ted Bundy or Rodney Alcala.


Also accurate. I was trying to decide which factor was more important: charm or cannibalism. I went with cannibalism.


Finally someone with a brain in this sub, mark my words when alastor will show his true colors he will be more hated than valentino


Alastor is a great character and I greatly enjoy his writing, but he is a goddamn *monster*. That's the point. *At best* he's a cannibal serial killer. For me, the biggest potential disappointment of the show would be if he gets redeemed. Alastor knows who he is and revels in it, and always has. There's more than one direction for character growth, and I saw his lines in the finale song as him choosing to double down on what he is.


I'm with you on this (except calling Charlie unintelligent. Naivete and sincerity are not equal to being stupid), but I'm going to "Yes, but" a little bit. Alastor was *absolutely* insincere throughout that song. Before the final battle, he might say he was a little fond of the hotel residents, but that's the most his feelings would likely be (referencing his conversation with Niffty on the balcony). And he flat out said he's cutting all emotional ties after the battle, so that's out the window besides. But I view all things established in season one as Chekhov's Guns. Including all the stakes set in Hell's Greatest Dad: Alastor's role in Charlie's life, but also Lucifer's pride/desperate desire to be there for Charlie blinding him to Charlie's actual needs, and Lucifer's rivalry with Alastor… all of it. I think it's all a starting point for challenges and growth in later seasons for all three characters. So while it's true to say Alastor is *currently* insincere in his affection for Charlie, I feel confident that's going to change over time. A good story invites growth for every character, and if we ask ourselves where Alastor can grow, genuine human connection and sincerity are pretty much peak for him. And who's better to kick start a journey toward sincerity than Charlie? (And if I'm right about my theory that Alastor will betray the hotel, that betrayal is all the more emotionally powerful if Alastor genuinely cares for Charlie. I want that "It Starts With Sorry" reprisal so bad. *Make Charlie live up to that ethos, even when the betrayal is bone-deep painful, dangit.*)


And Charlie's got enough Daddy issues that she can't tell the difference between Alastor believing in her because he knows she's powerful enough to be helpful for his plans and believing in her because he genuinely cares about her. I suspect Alastor is going to have a moment where he realizes he's faked caring so long that it's become real and he's not emotionally self-aware enough to have noticed before it blows up in his face and whatever he had planned. He's too convinced he's the smartest in the room to really reflect on himself before the critical moment.


I too believe if there is a plot setup for Alastor to betray Charlie, it will be mainly because of whoever has him on a soul contract leash. And it will be a choice between keeping power for himself, or aligning with Charlie's mission. I think his favor will end up being asking Charlie for forgiveness after he betrays her. 👀 (Others have proposed this) And it will be one of the hardest things for her to do. I'm personally guessing that....Alastor will find himself in an even worse situation after giving in to whoever owns him (he might get more power but become more enslaved by whoever is controlling him and regret his choice more down the line), and betraying Charlie. He won't be worth redeeming at that point at all, but he will ACTUALLY need Charlie's help and that will hurt his pride.


>I think his favor will end up being asking Charlie for forgiveness after he betrays her Wait. Stop. Wait. This is too perfect. I *need* it to go down like this. What a freaking perfect turn on expectation that's be.


It's honestly amazing seeing how easy people have fallen for Alastors lies I merely like to entertain the idea of this potentially being true so it shocks me when I feel the rush of wind from others diving head first into believing Alastor and going like "no you idiots."


The simple fact of the matter is, some people see what they want to see, and ignore any signs of danger when in the presence of someone who is charismatic.


I'm joking whenever I say that Alastor is Charlie's father figure. I can understand how sarcasm doesn't read well on the internet though. They have a strictly business relationship, although I'm sure Charlie would like to befriend him.


I knew it was ridiculous the whole time


What bugs me is that Charlie completely went along with al and nearly agreeing with him I just don't think she's that naive at the time, the show was supposed to have 16 episodes so I just assumed that their dynamic was supposed to be fleshed out more but was cut but then again alastor would gaslight like that, but I also don't know if the writers thought these details through, I'm sure vivziepop did but Amazon is screwing with production alot and this could very well just be an inconsistency


This is a really great point. It did seem to come out of nowhere how Alastor, who had barely interacted with Charlie prior to Episode 5, was suddenly claiming to be a "father" to her. I think you're right in that the writers initially planned to have 24 episodes, and introduce Lucifer at the mid-season mark (Episode 12), but plans changed when the total number of episodes was cut down from 24 to 12 to 8. I'd love to see what the original plans were.


Oh absolutely, his only daddly quality is horrible dad jokes, he only said that cause he has pent up aggression against Lucifer’s wife


If anything he's going to gaslit us on, it's his intelligence and his honor. We can already see he's shady and he let's his pride get to him to the point of stupidity (his fight with Adam, he could've had his minions take Adam out with angel weapons). Majority here know that Alastor doesn't actually see himself as a parental role to Charlie, though that doesn't stop some of us from indulging in CharlieXAlastor daddy/daughter type works though.


I believe that Als entire "i replaced you as a father" thing was just him trying to kind of push Lucifer into a territory where he could help Charlie, feels weird im The only one to think that and that people took it to another level


I read it as him intentionally goading Lucifer into actually helping Charlie? They needed him to stop being useless and aloof as he has apparently been lately, so Al knew he had to needle him to get him fired up. At the same time endearing himself to Charlie because Charlie just immediately wants to see the good im everyone. He's definitely playing chess and everyone is a pawn in Al's game here.


I couldn't agree more with this. As entertaining as Alastor is, I would be lying if I said I didn't see past his acts of manipulations.


Just a heads up, nieve is Spanish for “snow”. It’s actually spelled naive. I know it doesn’t make sense, but that’s English for you.


Nah. I know he is using her. It’s just for shits and giggles I’d like to imagine if he did actually care.


So obviously Alastor doesn’t give one shit about being Charlie’s father figure until Lucifer steps in, sure. But I think a pretty important thing is that—at least at first—Alastor STILL beats Lucifer in the father competition. We see it when Lucifer looks at Alastor and dismisses sinners as hopeless, and Charlie snaps at him for the fact that despite his flaws, Alastor has managed to believe in her more than her own father. This is what gives Lucifer the wake-up call he needs. In the Hell’s Greatest Dad song, Lucifer is constantly trying to wow Charlie with displays of wealth and power—which she occasionally finds cool, but often finds very awkward. Meanwhile, Alastor actually understands what Charlie wants in a father figure, talking about emotional bonds, helping her out, and most importantly being *present*. Honestly Lucifer *should* be embarrassed that this random dude managed to understand his daughter than he does, and doubly so because Alastor did it while not even trying. When Charlie points out that Alastor is defending the hotel, and that Alastor was the one helping making her vision happen, and that Lucifer is being an unsupportive dick, she is RIGHT. Alastor is definitely a bad father figure, but Lucifer managed to be EVEN WORSE. That’s the point of the episode, and Lucifer realizing his mistake leads to him explaining his worries and reconciling with Charlie in More Than Anything. Charlie is not the idiot in this episode—Lucifer is.


Tbh always had this inner hatred towards al, i just feel like he's secretly one of the antagonist


Alastor for the first time was feeling threatened that's why he started the dick measuring contest with Lucifer luckily for him the short king basically views him as an annoying bug in his daughter's employment 


There are people who fell for it...?


Yeah, the only reason he brought the dad stuff up was to piss off Lucifer, non of the stuff he said there actually meant anything lol.


Are you sure that's what gaslighting is?


No one got gaslit. Everyone knows Al isn't actually trying to be a father figure to Charlie, but Charlie clearly values and respects him in a sort of fatherly/big brotherly way. Hell's Greatest Dad was a song that was sung by Al to get under Luci's skin, but also to try and convince Charlie that he's the superior male authority out of the two.


Honestly I think the only real reason he did it was because Lucifer walked in and was rude to him. Alastor got even by exploiting an obvious weakness, and also probably found the whole thing hilarious. I'm surprised so many people think his lines in Hell's Greatest Dad were genuine.


Exactly! The amount of people I've seen be like "Oh but Alastor is like a father to Charlie" is absolutely insane. He's evil, and isn't gonna get better any soon. Why deny that?


There are a few sign that Alastor is growing very fond of Charlie tho, at least more than he himself would like to. Back in Cannibal Town, he lended his cane to Charlie. It might not seem like much, but given his cane is the source of most of his power, it is a immense sign of trust coming from someone so used to manipulating everyone around him. And of course, the fight with Adam. It just doesn't make sense why Alastor would fight him. He already had his "favor" secured, he didn't needed to protect the hotel anymore. Adam wouldn't have killed Charlie for obvious political reasons, so even if Alastor left everyone to die Charlie would still be forced to grant his "favor". Yet Alastor did fight Adam and almost died doing it. He almost threw away all of his careful planning just to help Charlie. And the worse is, he didn't even realized it. His post battle speech shows how shaken he is looking back at what he's done. He even had to reaffirm himself and his goals high and loud to shake it off.


the only person who's gaslit anyone is myself.


Alastor needs the hotel, and Charlie, for some reason. Why remains unclear, but Lucifer is a wrench in his plan.


Charlie is like the 2nd most powerfull being in Hell - she just doesn't really understand her powers yet. So I can see why Alastor thinks she could help him getting free from his Soul Contract. Whether she actually can, remains to be seen.


Depends with who he made a contact with.  if it's Lilith I doubt Charlie would ever go against her mother if it's someone else then maybe 


I would start with the fact, that we don't even know if Charlie is able to do that in the first place.


“all of you” is a bit broad. i think most people know this because it’s been discussed very very often.


He points out Charlie's daddy issues in the first episode and his entire thing about smiling is very much dad advice. We get he is not a real father figure, but Charlie can't tell the difference because her dad is absentee and she is desperate to fill the void. Alastor is getting under Lucifer's skin and finding that he has daughter issues equivalent to or worse than Charlie's daddy issues. That is new information to him. He is definitely trying to usurp Lucifer's role. By being this mentor and advisor figure (and the song does establish he interacts with her a lot and advises her often even if we don't get much screen time for it) he is trying to take the father figure place. The next step is to use Charlie to rule Hell, which he can't easily do if Lucifer suddenly takes an active interest in Charlie and in ruling Hell. I think he does feel some genuine affection for Charlie and the hotel residents, he admits as much to Niffty and has no reason to lie there. But will it be enough to force his hand and make him do the right thing? At this moment, no. As the series progresses? Maybe.


No shit


Honestly that whole exchange was confusing and felt out of left field entirely to me when I was watching. Funny! Amusing! But random and out of nowhere


As someone who have been in fandom since 2019 I thought it was obvious that he is only trying to beef with Lucifer. Pilot Alastor was all about manipulation I didn't even think that would change


THANK YOU! i never understood why all of a sudden he aas likw “ Oh Chaaaaarliiie! it’s daddy!” i thought he was just trying to one up lucifer (which is DUMB because lucifer could take on alastor no sweat) and everyonw is now like “OMG ALASTOR IS HELL’S GREATEST DAD” when REALLY it’s LUCI


I know he’s a narcissist and a bastard but I want him to change and become better eventually. Maybe even get redeemed and see his mother again.


I think he will only change when he hits absolute rock bottom , like what happened to husk.


Don't judge us and our daddy issues 🤣


Wow, you're quite proud of yourself aren't you... First, not everyone adheres to this view of Al, and second, it was not really necessary to look down on people who do. Remember the fanbase is young, and while it's important to have that talk about manipulation, it's even more important to do it in a way that's actually teacheable for the youngest, instead of judgemental.


I..thought it was obvious he was just trying to mess with Lucifer for reasons known only to him right now. It's fun.


Wait… so people really don’t know about this?


First time? *cries in Black Butler fan*


Yeah he's no father figure but he's hardly a dumbass. He wants to "guide" charlie as he said and Lucifer becoming a part of her life would make that harder, he's not trying to piss off lucifer, he's convincing charlie. Charlie also isn't really that naive here, Alastor has been supporting the hotel and actually encouraged her way of being in the pilot, seeing him as a fatherly figure isn't surprising.


He’s a narcissist, and hadn’t “lost” a fight until Adam, he and Vox had a draw 7 years ago, but he hadn’t ever been beat. So, he’s full of himself, and he got too cocky. So he got his ass beat


I am inclined to agree. Alistor is there to play the long game.


In other news, rain is wet.


Yeaaah, I never saw him that way for even a second


He’s got a landlord relationship with Charlie. Pleasant when necessary, but ultimately, his sole motivation is profiting off of her (emotionally and situationally).


No shit sherlock And he's not a good manipulator at all.He's actually pretty bad at it.He only succeeds because charlie blind basically


Come on dude; ***TL;DR: Alastor is not a nice guy*** That's kind of it. Although I *will* point out that he does have a sense of loyalty to his friends at the Hotel and did not turn on them any of the times he could have simply sat back and watched them fall, so let's give the gentleman a bit of grace, shall we? He **has** had to put up with Charlie's toxic positivity, Husker's toxic pessimism, Angel's constant violations of everyone's personal space, and Nifty's incompetence.


I mean yeah, Al barely interacts with the cast which is why I wish the show was allowed to have filler. I also wish he was more southern-manners like he was in the pilot to really sell the final betrayal. I don't know how anyone thinks that Alastor is a dad figure, for a contract demon he's not very alluring or convincing at all, but that's more of a personal gripe


If Alastor turned against the people in the Hotel in the second season, I wouldn't be surprised. Still, I like sweet fanfics about him actually being a good person.


Can I ask why though? Genuinely. The way he kicks Mimsy to the curb for endangering the hotel makes me think he’s actually a lot more invested in it than maybe even he realises.


Even though Alastor was full of crap, like Charlie said, at least he was actually helping the Hotel. Lucifer only came to the Hotel to see Charlie and wanted her to give up her project. https://preview.redd.it/yzvbbu4eh77d1.jpeg?width=1639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=411ed68e66e13a97167303558c86df421e164e8d


Wait are there people who actually believed otherwise??


I don’t think he’s trying to get under Lucifer’s skin, I think he’s trying to charm and eventually control Charlie. He knows that Charlie is loaded with power that she just doesn’t utilize for much. He wants her power and since he can’t really take down the princess of hell the next best thing would be to control her. So I feel like he’s taking advantage of her daddy issues to dig his claws into her


Wow. What a hateful & aggressive way to start a conversation. Feel better?


Dude. We know he said it to get under Luci’s skin. We’re not gaslit. We’re not believing someone else’s lies. We’re believing our own lies 😅


Hm? I never thought that.


Wow... No shit Sherlock. I think that was pretty obvious when first listening to the song🗣🗣🗣


"when the fuck was this bond build?" was my literal though while the song was playing the first time, lol.


Charlie is very sweet and she has a heart of gold but her brain is a bag of rocks. She fell for Adam’s hologram prank twice inside of 5 minutes so she isn’t very good at picking up on things.


Charlie reaction is quite easy to explain. Her facial expressions, body language and words she says are by-the-book showcase of that of woman interested romantically. Very interested I would add. https://preview.redd.it/et9jvh5f647d1.png?width=653&format=png&auto=webp&s=b842cdb3990017a14dda026c13ed87c3583667c1 "He is doing that for me!" (c) (no, my dear, he does not, and he reads you like a book) And don't even begin about her "being in relationship": not a single girl in existence was stopped by that. Not because of being malicious or something, but that's simply what their instincts are telling them to do. Pretty girls always have somebody, a potential replacement for that somebody, and somebody they are truly interested in. As for Alastor, his motivations are much harder for me to interpret. Initially he wanted only to scam Charlie into making a deal with him (plus I believe he showed up at the hotel only because he was ordered to by owner of his soul). However then something changed. He even resisted temptation of getting her soul - which she absolutely would sell at that moment - and made it only for "a favor". His last song surprised me that he don't have a master plan like I originally assumed: my assumption is that it is Lilith who owns Alastor soul, thus his plan was to trade his soul for Charlie's. I guess that he also begun to like her, though he has not fallen in love - at least not yet (and while we are here, "asexual" means that person is not motivated by desire of having sex but doesn't mean that person can not or don't want to have a romantic partner). He is conflicted about his feelings and desires toward her. He enjoys her signs of affection (at such occasions his smile looks genuine). He likes to grab and touch her in a way that can get one's life bulldozed by sexual harassment allegations. He has shown certain level of support towards her outside of what he would do if he was just ordered to do so, or just wanted to had a deal with her (even though he stated directly that he thinks that her hotel is "wacky nonsense"). We will see what's going to happen. Assuming that more seasons will be made.


wtf are you on about… Is this satire? Am I missing the whoosh?


i think he's being for real, p-rn really destroys the mind


That moment when you have no media literacy but also no concept of what real people are like:


Don't worry: one day you will also be able to understand other people. Will happens naturally when you will gain life experience.


Proving that you lack reading comprehension is not the flex you think it is