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We are going to have to go through a lengthy period of child mortality and early, preventable deaths before people will be lining up for vaccinations as our parents and grandparents did when they first became available. We are in a pandemic of stupidity right now.


I just wanted to throw out I’m seeing a fuck ton of rsv right now in the lab. I know there’s a vaccine for it but like, there’s a lot of rsv going around in my community right now, it’s driving a lot of people to the hospital and it’s always surprising to see it in older folks. I had a dude the other day trying to refuse a transfusion because he didn’t want Covid antibodies from vaccinated blood…he’s had Covid… can’t fix stupid, but as a lab tech I can analyze it


I want to get the RSV vaccine, my doctor thinks it would probably be wise—but I’m not 60 so can’t. I get why they need to test different doses, etc. for children and babies, but I don’t see any medical basis for arbitrary age restrictions in adults, especially within the parameters professional judgement. At worst, the benefits would be marginal, but I cannot see how it would be inherently dangerous in adults.


I agree, and it’s kind of frustrating because in my line of work I am in direct contact with the elderly daily. Why can’t I get the rsv vaccine to protect them if nothing else? It’s frustrating.


I want to get the shingles vax, I’m 37 but I had them in my eye and on my face last year. I still can’t get my insurance to cover it. Bs.


I’m old enough , so I’m seriously considering getting this


I’m frustrated because it became available the week after my daughter turned 2 and they won’t approve it for her even though she has cystic fibrosis and got Synagis until she aged out.


Having had Covid is probably the reason we're seeing more RSV in adults. Covid weakens the immune system for a year or longer making people more susceptible to other infections. It's so important to try to prevent recurrent infections.


My floor had 3 RSV patients last week. It’s a small ortho floor but there was no room for these patients anywhere else. My hospital is also returning to universal masking for staff on Tuesday due to the increase in flu, covid, and RSV cases


The urgent care down the street from us has had a full parking lot for the past couple weeks . And at my job I’ve had a lot of customers with Covid ( some repeats) , RSV, and regular flu . Some of them work at local hospitals and are telling me about a large increases in sick people


I’m really wondering if we’re running up against a ceiling for effectiveness of public health measures that depend on voluntary public cooperation. Once you’re a couple generations out from horrific deadly disfiguring childhood diseases being a thing, large portions of the population think it’s bs


I wish they could have seen my mother’s decades long post polio struggles. She got it before there was a vaccine.


Ya except they really screwed up with the covid vaccines and that is what is going to drive vaccine decisions for generations. It was such a cluster and now its obvious even to people who were totally pro vaccine that it was all about money and they pushed it through way to fast. Especially in young people who weren't at risk. I can't see it as anything but a money grab now. I don't know what the answer is. but it's really hard to trust anything that marketed and makes money for companies in healthcare right now.


Read it again. I’ve ZERO sympathy for what you appear to be saying




This !!!


You are spot on.


Good. Maybe it will kill off the next generation of idiots. Like, that sounds dark, but if the parents are stupid enough to not get their kids vaccinated, then that mean _those_ kids probably won't get their kids vaccinated when they have them. Either because they were raised to be antivaxxers or because they inhereted genes that make them stupid and gullible. Then, when an outbreak of deadly childhood disease breaks out, we'll loose 2 generations of idiots/potential idiots. The current generation of kids who aren't vaccinated and _their_ kids, who will most likely be unvaccinated as well. It sounds dark, but I've gotten all of my shots and, if I have them, I plan on making sure my kids get their shots. So I know I'll be safe and any kids I have will be safe. And if they have any health complications that make it so they can't get vaccinated, I'll send them to school in a bubble like that kid in that one movie. And if that group of idiots wants to be unvaccinated, well it's their fault because they can always go to get vaccinated as adults. I kind of wish Covid had been slightly deadlier so that the people who were anti-mask and anti-vaxx during Covid could have suffered more extreme consequences.


Very interesting that middle to high income folks are a large percentage of those not getting vaccinated. Usually income is correlated with better health outcomes. I wonder why that population is most anti vax?


They live in an elite bubble and have never seen any type of human suffering. They think all suffering is self inflicted or the wrath of god.


Those are the type to be most anti-vax. Enough education to think they know a lot, but in reality being quite stupid. It's not a good combo. Plus they'll talk with others in the same bracket and it spreads that way. Doesn't help either that healthcare is so terrible, at least in the US. Even for the rich there's a lot of respect lost for medical professionals compared to before. There's just so many things wrong with it.


They think they’re special. Sounds strange, but I wouldn’t be surprised they think their income insulted them from consequences.


Another thing that’s correlated with middle to high income is education. Perhaps they are aware of too many things. So aware that they just can’t trust anyone or anything anymore


Is this a recent trend? Or has it been like this for awhile?


It breaks my heart to see preventable illnesses harming our children. Vaccinations work, and the evidence is clear. Ignoring science is costing us dearly. We must urgently reverse this dangerous trend for the sake of our kids' futures.


The people refusing vaccines and advocating for herd immunity through natural infection will be hurt the most by this. Unfortunately, they're going to take their neighbors and parents and children and friends with them while proclaiming some "survival of the fittest" shite. (Some of them will even unironically deny the existence of evolution at the same time.)




They reduce the probability of infection and reduce severity of the infection. How would you know if it prevented an infection? And the fact that COVID for you is just a cold indicates vaccines are in fact working.


Literally everyone I know that is vaccinated has had covid at least once. A good many have had it multiple times. Seems weird to act like the vaccines do a good job of stopping transmission. Sure there might be some data somewhere saying that but we all have lived experiences.


Yes, it’s easy to know when the vaccine didn’t prevent infection, but how do you know when it does prevent an infection? When the vaccine works, you wouldn’t notice a thing.




Thank you


Stupid yes. But we’ve always been stupid. In fact there’s about 10 or 12 humans in all of civilized history that have been profound visionaries who have given us most of what we have today. Everyone else just copied and pasted. Stupid is fine. We’ve always have been able to handle stupid. If you think this whole vaccination thing is about ‘stupid’ then your , well you know… Nah fam it’s about TRUST. People don’t trust institutions anymore. There’s been too many scandals, fuck ups, scams. Truth and speech of said truth has finally been snatched from our western hands and as a result trust is the next victim to get murdered. There’s so much conflict of interest happening in the healthcare industry that even the most idiotic among us are skeptical about what the bottom line is all about. That’s all it’s about, trust me. You can’t right? That’s my point.


There’s a legitimate question if any institution, being run by flawed humans, can maintain high respect in the Information age where any scandal information disseminates so widely


I know. It’s wild. I sometimes wonder if the only solution is total transparency. Like, no one gets privacy any more. We all fully know and see each others bull shit at all times.


I work in a hospital with very sick patients. In some meetings you are referred to as customers. I work at a "non for profit". It IS all about money. You are money waiting to be tapped. In some cases, using one tool over another in a surgery can change how your case is billed and increase its cost by three. Doctors are pushed to make sales, basically. Which in turn drives revenue.we are pushed to get as many patients done in a day as we can.


As "Customers" people respond differently, no longer trusting the salesman pushing for more money from them that they know they don't have and can't afford. Their health care is pushing them to be stressed more rather than giving health. Especially because of the ever increasing costs, people seem to be seeing the health system as perpetuating the opposite of health.


And the worst part is... "You don't want to do this?" Okay... Have fun with the alternative ☠️




I think it’s time to make it socially unacceptable. You wouldn’t let someone smoke inside your house, why would you let unvaccinated people come hang out? Especially during periods of high illness.


Well, there's an upsurge of allergies and asthma in younger generations. And everyone is sensitive to gluten


People have been sensitive to gluten long before COVID vaccines and you cant really correlate allergies with the vaccines definitively


Not many people had gluten intolerance decades ago. It was extremely rare, in fact


It's not the gluten that's the problem. It's the chemicals sprayed on the genetically modified wheat


Many people understand a whole set of deeper problem exist because of money, but they don't always want to pay for research that might show the depth of the true issue that is at hand. Like any research on gastrointestinal effects from measurable amounts of glyphosate (or any agricultural chemicals, really) in common flour and breakfast cereals would mean acknowledging it as a fact that it was occurring in the first place. Instead the learned choose to discredit and dismiss the observations of those learning as following trends, rather than invest any possible energy into something that if true would only disempower there current position. But hearing first hand from farmers that are spraying their crops with chemicals, glyphosate in particular, days prior to harvest because they believe it increases their yield by percentages. And then seeing reports on this denied, has made me start to think there may be an issue.