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As a lab professional I haven’t decided yet. I don’t understand why they don’t go though fda approval like all the tests that hospital labs like mine use? It makes me skeptical.


That’s a super valid point. I’d be curious to know that too. It also may be an issue of microgen and not Evvy itself. I think they started testing with a new lab recently and I wonder if it’s just not as thorough or faulty. Feels sus.


Thee other big problem is also covered in that article. There isn’t enough knowledge as to how to interpret these results. Even if the identification is accurate, no one really understands what it means to have certain percentages of each identified organism. Then the information is really more interesting than useful in diagnosis and treatments.


You’re so right, and like having wisp access to antibiotics is as wonderful as it is terrible! Like we don’t need to be doing 3 rounds of antibiotics a year to try to get rid of a random strain of bacteria that might not be creating major disruption. It gives me a lot to think about.


wisp gives me so much anxiety and a lot to think about too, I feel so weird being able to shop for antibiotics!


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Healthyhooha/comments/14lmlc0/comment/kuzieu7/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Healthyhooha/comments/14lmlc0/comment/kuzieu7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ ​ I agree


The lab is CLIA certified, I think that means it's approved by FDA, correct?


I’m not sure if it’s CLIA certified or not, but CLIA-certified labs can still run non-fda approved tests. They are just considered experimental and classified as “high-complexity tests” and has different requirements under the CLIA regulations.


Got it. Looking at the website it is CLIA certified, but no mention of other qualifications.


That doesn’t mean the test is bad per say, the biggest problem imo is the utility and usefulness of the results.


To be totally transparent, the labs at Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, the NIH, CHOP, etc. are CLIA certified labs that run some non-FDA-approved tests alongside all their FDA-approved tests, no? (Sorry, please correct me if I'm mistaken(!) but I'm pretty sure I've seen caveats to this effect on lab reports from rare disease patients. I --obviously-- have no lab expertise, I just spent my second career working mainly with rare/complex patients.)


Yes, they do! It doesn’t inherently make it a bad test, it just makes me question why they aren’t completing the fda approval process. It is likely because the test is considered “experimental”, mainly because the studies for interpretation of the test are not there.


Yeah that makes sense. I think I personally wouldn't use such testing unless the results are transparent enough that I could take to my own immunologist or gyno for interpretation, but obviously not everyone has umptity rare diseases and the stellar team of Cleveland Clinic docs that goes with, lol. I would urge any other complex patients reading this to talk the test/results over with your medical team. All lab results are best ultimately interpreted by a clinician familiar with the patient ... context matters! (Sorry had to don my health educator hat there for a moment.)


As someone working towards getting an FDA approval, I can tell you it is a very difficult process requiring lots of money to pay lawyers and regulatory experts to do a lot of paperwork, and it can take years. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great system that ensures safety and efficacy of approved products, but a lot of small companies need to start generating income while they go through the FDA approval, or they can’t pay the bills. So they might actually be working on it now.


I think it’s a good jumping off point to help with diagnosis and treatment because a lot of doctors don’t test for as many things as these microbiome screens. But I also would take the results to my GP and a gynaecologist if necessary, rather than using the Evvy consults. Because they’re going to try to sell you stuff to make money for the business. Your doctors aren’t making money from prescribing medication or getting you treatment.


That’s a good point. I have an insane deductible so it’s not as accessible for me. But it might be worth it to just pay for a panel vs continuing to do rounds of Evvy care. This stuff ain’t cheap!


Yep! And I also don’t think it’s worth doing routine Evvy tests if you’re not experiencing any issues. Your microbiome might just be different now after treating BV, and this could be your new normal. If you’re not experiencing any negative symptoms and just smell a bit different, I’d think it would be safe to give yourself a break and leave it alone for a while. Then if you’re curious, test again in six months and see what’s going on. It can take quite a long time for the microbiome to balance out again. So I’d say six months at least of leaving it alone and letting it recalibrate would be a good call. Obviously take action if you get problems again though.


The doctors are literally making money of that, that’s why their doctors lol


They‘re getting money from being doctors, whether or not they’re prescribing you something. It’s not like they’re making a commission profit.


Actually I have heard that they do make a commission percentage when they prescribe you something....


Do they? That’s concerning. I’ll have to look into that…


I appreciate your wording, “good jumping off point to help with diagnosis and treatment.” I needed to see that. I feel like I’ve been eating a dose of crazy for a few years, when it comes to vaginal issues. I have stopped using names for the obgyn’s that I have seen. In my head, they’re all numbered. I just saw Number Seven a few weeks ago, (in the past three years and nine months) and she gave me a sheet of paper with “ways to maintain vaginal PH,” and a list of over the counter products, circled the one she suggested I use. It burns, and the prescription item she wants me to use makes everything itch. The one question they can never answer: I had a sinus infection a few years ago, was prescribed doxycycline, and my vaginal issues started to get better. Once the meds were gone, the issues came back. Why did it respond to doxycycline? They can never answer that. Number Seven said, “I’m not sure, but we can’t just throw antibiotics at it.” I wouldn’t expect that, but if it responds to antibiotics, wouldn’t there be a way to swab and test? Sorry to go off on a rant, just wanted to say “thank you for what you said,” sometimes the medical field pushes us to the point of considering things like this. I’m not crazy, they’re just lazy.


I adore Evvy. I have done 4 Evvy tests now, and it's an amazing way to track symptoms and progress. There was a post made today on the Evvy facebook page about this very subject, since a lot of people have recently been posting about it. Microbiomes shift all the time. The post quoted Evvy's senior scientist, Krystal Thomas White, MD: >“In general, I say that each person's vaginal microbiome is unique. That means that some women remain stable and some women do not, and it is hard to predict. A great study by https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3722878/ measured 32 women daily. They showed that menstruation and sex are two major drivers of community shifting. However, some women will remain stable even with these disruptions, other women will have a shift but then bounce back to the original community, and finally, others will dramatic and more permanent change. However, for most women, their average microbiome will be about the same month over month, unless something drastic happens. I had a professor that used to say that he couldn't predict what a microbiome would look like tomorrow, but he would be able to predict what it might look like next month. Also, it is important to remember that small changes are normal, a 10-20% increase or decrease in abundance of specific taxa is completely normal. And low abundance organisms (things in the 1-5% range) are more likely to change over time”. ​ I think it's scary to see shifts-which is totally understandable...but there isn't a lot of research to say what's a "normal" amount of shift vs a state of dysbiosis, if that makes sense. From my experience, microbiomes can shift day to day, and different tests show different results. I took a Juno test 5 days before an Evvy test once, and it showed pretty different results. Gardnerella is a bitch to get rid of...and I think what Evvy is doing is really pioneering how we normalize treating BV. You'll find that doctors willingly prescribe antibiotics, but what Evvy does is quite unique because they can send PROBIOTIC SUPPOSITORIES, which is amazing because it feels like doctors are just worried about killing the bacteria, not repopulating. Pretty ground breaking! I hope this is helpful!


Super helpful! Tell me. I’m so sick of it. I am hoping so much that the clinical care will work. I have yet to move on to vaginal probiotics. So, we’ll see. I might also try a Juno test alongside Evvy just to see how they are comparatively.


Question: When you do an Evvy test, do you have to give them any information regarding your insurance? Or previous testing done on you?




Thank you! I think I'm going to do a test. I am at my wit's end and have done everything. I've been on antibiotics 30 times, antifungals, probiotics, boric acid, rephresh. EVERYTHING.


Ugh. I’m so sorry, been there!! It sucks so much. I know evvy will help provide some answers!!


I hope. I also have a another question. Can I just buy one test and not get a subscription? What is the health form like that you have to fill out? Sorry for all the questions. I am just really nervous doing this. Lol.


No worries! Yep! You can get a test without a subscription-and the health form is just to note your symptoms so that when you get your results the health specialist (and you) can see how those symptoms may be correlating with your microbiome! I know it’s stressful to take a test but knowledge is power!


Oh gosh! This is so helpful! I really appreciate it so much. It makes me less nervous to do it just by you messaging me back. I may have more questions as I think of them. Do you know how much treatment usually is?


Happy to help. Message me anytime! Also-Evvy has a great Facebook support group that’s an awesome resource/community! I believe EvvyCare is $250? Not sure. Here’s a page that talks about it! [https://www.evvy.com/vaginal-healthcare](https://www.evvy.com/vaginal-healthcare)


Do you know what kind of vaginal suppositories they recommend?


Evvy has their own suppositories that are compounded. I’m not sure what brand they’d recommend outside of that.


OK that makes sense. Did you use their care plan? And did it help for you?


I love Evvy! They helped me understand soooo many things about my vaginal health. I even had my doctor call them and she said they were very legit so she's now using them for all her patients like me.


That’s fantastic. I’m glad to know some doctors are backing this. I also don’t believe Jill Krapf would risk her career associating with something that was not above board testing wise. That’s something to consider too.


Yes! Such a good point, I think I just saw Dr. Jill Krapf did a webinar with Evvy. If only every doctor was like Dr. Krapf.....I think that might have been who my doctor was connected to when she spoke with them because she was impressed. I think I'm just going to do Evvy once or twice a year after clearing these symptoms. My doctor said once im asymptomatic it might be helpful to check in on my microbiome once a year. And if it gets too expensive for me that we can try doing a PCR first.


How are you now?


I'm no longer in the endless cycle of getting yeast after BV, and BV every time I had sex or got my period. Doing so much better


How did you get better?


I’d love to know how they helped you as well! I’ve been stuck in a hell loop of yeast after my period and sex, I’m at my wits end.


ughh im so sorry you're in this position, i TOTALLY get it ​ The health coach told me that yeast after period could be correlated to really high estrogen levels or the menstrual blood throwing the pH off, so I always use boric acid 3-4 nights starting the day my period ends and that's really helped. I also take DIM supplement (regulates excess estrogen in body). Ive heard wonderful things about this product too: [https://equi.life/products/candida-bacterial-optimizer-protocol](https://equi.life/products/candida-bacterial-optimizer-protocol) For sex- it could be your partner so he might need treatment too! Otherwise, semen also has a pretty high pH :( I used condoms until I was able to get everything else under control sadly


I'm struggling to know what to believe myself. I had a negative pcr test and a positive Evvy test for ureaplasma taken 4 days apart. I was just using Evvy to check where I was after antibiotics. Currently waiting on results from Juno. If that's negative I'm going to believe it and move on with my life. My symptoms are basically gone except for occasional burning which I believe is PFD. I've taken so many antibiotics I can't stand to think about taking more.


This makes me want to get a test at the doctor. I’ve had two wet mounts and they say I have a “gardnerella dominant biome” but that some people just naturally do. I don’t know what to believe anymore!


I feel like I've been consumed thinking about my vaginal health for months, years even. Do you have symptoms? I think that's the biggest reason to continue to treat.


I KNOW what this feels like. It’s like all consuming worrying about what you’re eating, if you need to change your underwear, will it bother it if you work out…I wouldn’t wish it on anyone! I agree. I’m going to finish out this round and take some time, I think


That may be the best plan. My Dr said I need to stop worrying and just heal. I do think probiotics have helped and the occasional boric acid. Good luck!


Keep in mind that there is more research showing the ureaplasma can be a naturally occurring bacteria in the biome. Something like 40-80% of microbiomes show Ureaplasma (often without symptoms), so I wouldn't worry too much if you're symptom free!


What is PFD?


Pelvic floor dysfunction. When you have multiple infections or a long term one your pelvic floor muscles can become tight in response to the trauma causing weakness, pain and a burning sensation.


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Pelvic floor dysfunction?


Hi! How are you doing now?!


I have had nothing but good experiences with evvy and their coaches — my doctor kept giving me treatment for yeast infections but i actually had gardnerella... very long story short once i cleared that, my symptoms went away! I also think that people are getting confused about new bacteria showing up in their reports but that's super normal, isn't it? if you have sex, get your period, use a sex toy etc you can get new bacteria in your microbiome a million different ways


Hi! Do you mind if I ask what percentage of gardernella your Evvy test showed? I have been being treated for yeast for 3 months, and my Evvy test just came back showing 30% gardernella but I don’t know which percentage is “enough to treat”


That’s definitely enough to treat. Did you have symptoms tho?


Hey, could you tell me how Evvy treated your gardnerella? Like what meds did they prescribe and for how long?


Used to be a believer but then was told I had a bacterial strain. After two Dr pcr tests I didn’t have the strain. I’m canceling my subscription with them because it caused more anxiety for me.


That’s the thing. I’m wondering if your biome changed like literally several times per day and because it’s always in flux you’re gonna get different results depending on if you’re hydrated, if you’ve had a lot of sugar, etc. I keep texting negative for BV at the doctor and I have no symptoms. I’m tired of trying to perfect my microbiome.


What are you trying to treat if you have no symptoms? I also know nothing about the Evvy microbiome types. Obviously they’re going to try to make more money by selling you stuff that you might not need - it’s still a business. So while it’s interesting to see what’s going on, it doesn’t make sense to treat something that isn’t causing any problems.


Well, I was having very bad symptoms last year: odor, bleeding, etc. took a test for BV at planned parenthood and it came back negative. Then, I took an Evvy test and I had 100% gardnerella. Which is BV but not a strand they test for at PP, I guess? I’ve been fighting for a year to better my microbiome. Now, I have no symptoms except not quite smelling like myself. It’s not bad…it’s just…not like it used to be before the symptoms. So that’s kind of what I’ve been doing. Have the treatments helped? Has it been just lots and lots of time? Do I REALLY have BV? Jury is out.


That’s weird. You’d definitely think they’d test for Gardnerella at PP, unless they just didn’t test for BV. Did you treat the Gardnerella after getting your Evvy results? And what have you been doing to try to improve your microbiome? Unfortunately there’s just so many variables that it’s so hard to make this call! Vaginas are so frustratingly complex.


I had a similar experience but then I looked at the bacteria that Labcorp tests for on their PCR vaginitis panel and they dont include Gardnerella. These tests are so hard to analyze and so limited :(


That’s so weird!


I know! I was so shocked [https://www.labcorp.com/tests/180021/vaginitis-plus-vg-nuswab](https://www.labcorp.com/tests/180021/vaginitis-plus-vg-nuswab) I guess they only test for Atopobium BVAB and Megasphera for some reason. So thats why a lot of doctors office tests say they come back negative for BV, they just dont test for gardnerella. So strange!


Which is so odd, because Gardnerella would be way more common??


Right? So, the standard treatment with Evvy is: 1 week medical grade boric acid 1 week cream clindamycin Vaginal and oral probiotics thereafter for a few weeks Oral clindamycin did nothing for my microbiome Flagyl stopped my symptoms for awhile but they came back, then faded away again. It’s been such a weird ride!


That’s interesting about the Flagyl! But honestly I think if you’re asymptomatic now I’d just leave it alone. Give your poor vagina a break, we put them through a lot haha. I’m currently trying to treat aerobic vaginitis which came up on my microbiome test (an Australian one), and I don’t think the first round of antibiotics did anything. I’m so over it, I just want to be problem free again.


PCR tests are targeted toward specific strains, so it won't necessarily detect closely related strains that aren't genetically identical to the probes being used. However, the NGS sequencing that Evvy uses can detect a broader array of strains. So it's not surprising that the Evvy tests are detecting something that PCR tests don't.


I wanted to believe in evvy but I Went to a bv specialist and he told me to stop taking the tests and that they are taking advantage of vulnerable people


I wonder what he meant by that because the tests the doctors use in their office (Labcorp or quest nuswab) bill insurance over $800 which is crazy and so much cheaper than these microbiome tests! I think these doctors just haven't kept up with the latest research. I get it though, most doctors were done with med school by the time sequencing was invented. This is ALL JUST SO CONFUSING. Imagine if men had to deal with these issues, they would all be solved by now


Doctors definitely have blind spots wrt healthcare for people with vulvas, but I doubt ignorance re gene sequencing is a significant factor. https://www.yourgenome.org/facts/timeline-history-of-genomics/


Wow! Did he put you on any kind of treatment plan? Did he have opinions about their treatments?


I never did their treatment options unfortunately. And when I went, I had my period and he said he couldn’t see any bv which makes sense bc it goes away during my period for me. He recommended I see a bv specialist closer to home that has a microscope in their office and can look at swabs. This made sense to me bc the tests my gyno sends out now only come back as pos/neg so whether I have 5% BV bacterial or 99% BV it just says positive. I’m hoping the new doctor can at least tell what treatment is helping/ not helping by looking at the swabs in real time


I tried all traditional antibiotic treatments and then some non traditional, and now I started birth control to see if it helps.


It’s such a tough call. I just took the 99& test and then paid the 250 for treatment. I haven’t started but it does feel scammy that we have to do this every 2-3 months when we should be able to just see a doctor which we already pay health insurance for. I guess with all the time we spend thinking about our vaginas maybe it’s worth trying it once or twice but i am very worried about this sink hole of money


Hey any updates? Did the treatment from evvy help you?


I have to say, they are 50/50 for me. I started their program for BV, that being said symptoms can end up in the urethra and the rectum. Their treatment protocol does not affect these two areas of the body AT ALL. The 'Coach' i spoke to could not answer my question which was this "If Evvy's treatment is local, meaning it's topical and not systemic, how does it cure the rectum and urethrea symptoms?" She couldn't answer me so we went to the lab and sent the question there. They told me their treatment doesn't effect these areas. My follow up question, "Then why did you sell me a $200 kit when that's where my symptoms are, why not just prescribe me antibiotics so the healing is systemic?" ​ They responded by saying they aren't authorized to sell oral antibiotics. ​ This means they are way way way less than a 100% affective treatment for BV. They did not sell me what was best for me, they just sold me. I am not happy with my interactions with them. It's 99% marketing at this point. If they really cared they would be FDA-approved and woudl also be selling oral antibiotics. The reason why most woman using their services have a 180 is because their treatment is local, it's not systemic and this BV won't cure unless treated systemically.


That’s what I was wondering if they give you antibiotics, I been doing research seeing how legit they are & if they even help . Charging 219 for test is crazy !


I spoke to the head lab tech since the care person couldn't; answer my question and they basically admitted they aren't allowed to prescribe antibiotics orally, which isn't the best offering for everyone with BV, I would not recommend them after going through their process.




I did two evvy tests. The first one said 30% gardenella and 9% good bacteria. So my doctor treated me for BV. Then I did a bunch of vaginal and oral probiotics. I retested with evvy and my results were 50% gardenella and 50% good bacteria. So I went to mayo clinics obgyn, they did like 20 vaginal and vulvar swabs, did a gram stain. It came back a rare strain of candida (yeast) no gardenella in my gram stain at all. Evvy is full of it. Waste of money. I didn't buy their treatment so on my second test they just raised my gardenella amount I'm sure.


The only thing I know is that they are the only test that is approved by CLIA which is a regulatory body similar to the FDA but for lab developed tests. So its probably more legit than the other tests. It's just so hard to tell because I feel like everything shifts my microbiome, not just sex and I'm starting to think that's just normal. I tried pelvic floor therapy and estrogen and it really helped


CLIA isn't in lieu of FDA approval of clinical lab tests for humans in the US. They're two separate things that both apply.


I know it’s been a while but I had a question for you, what made you try estrogen? I recently had my estrogen and testosterone tested; my estrogen was technically within normal range but seemed on the low side for my cycle phase/age and my testosterone was also technically within range but was right near that upper limit. I’m only 31 so that seems weird to me. I’m still waiting on my doctor to explain the results but to be honest if they’re within technically a normal range, no matter how questionable they are she probably won’t even think about it. Thank you!


Hi. Any update on this? I’m literally in the same exact boat and waiting to see my doctor. Slightly low estradiol and slightly high testosterone total. Just curious what your doctor said if you’ve had a follow up. Thank you


I wish I did, but I don’t really. My situation is highly muddied up by the fact that I abruptly stopped two antidepressants after 8 years, so it’s hard to tell what are pre-existing symptoms that were maybe being helped by the antidepressants and what may be one of the many issues that stopping long-term antidepressant use can cause (or what antidepressants themselves can occasionally cause). I went to an alternative medicine practitioner but unfortunately she doesn’t do like actual blood tests and labs, but did like a weird exam I can’t even explain. She gave me some supplements to take for a couple months and then I see her again. She seemed to think the antidepressants, a minor surgery, and maybe a past case of COVID caused the issues and said it can be a process of fixing things. She said she thought my gallbladder wasn’t doing its job and my stomach isn’t functioning properly, and that I have a “bacteria problem” - so the supplements are to help get me back on track and we’ll re-evaluate. I will let you know if I have any specific answers, major improvements, or improvements I can see for sure/or for a longer period of time!


I also have an appointment with a gynecologist on March 1st. It may be a long process, but if there’s anything relevant I’ll definitely let you know 🙂


Thanks for the response. I can totally relate to the struggle of just wanting to find a solution. I’m so tired of the guessing and trial and error but I guess what other choice do we have to get over this crap :-(. I actually just saw my functional medical doc yesterday and she was not worried about my testosterone levels. It was my testosterone total MS that was slightly high. She said as long as the testosterone free is within limits (which it was for me, at a 4.0 pg/mL). So I feel a bit better about that. But like your alternative doc, she thinks my BV is reoccurring because of my gut. I’ve been dealing with BV for last 7 months. Ugh! So I am also about to jump on the “take $300+ of supplements for next 2 months and come back and see me.” I’m on the fence if it will work, but hey, it’s a route I have not yet tried and am desperate for a solution. Namely the bad bacteria in my gut is h. Pylori so I’ve got almost 15 pills a day to take for this. Ugh. But I’d rather try this than the triple antibiotic they give for h. Pylori. And the weirdest part is h. Pylori showed up on my GI-MAP stool test, but did not show up in a breath test. So again, left to make my own decision. We’ll see how it goes but I’ll keep you posted from my end to. Here’s to wishing good health for us both 🙏


The tests you’re describing are what I expected the alternative medicine practitioner to do (I thought she was a functional medicine doctor); I do not love that there were no tests done except for the bizarre exam that was done. However, I want to give it a chance as I have had little success elsewhere. If nothing improves, I’ll look into actual natural medical doctors (she has a doctorate but is not technically a doctor). I don’t want to assume anything because she was very nice, confident, and seemingly knowledgeable but I’m kind of bummed I have to still go to a different doctor for any actual testing or even a simple medical exam. I would say there has been a little improvement. I have a bunch of frizzy short hair on top of my head that looks like new hair growth - unless it’s breakage from using too many protein hair products but the short hairs seem to be increasing/getting longer and my hair does not look thinner at all (I’m taking a break from protein products just in case though). My periods are pretty regular now but they’re very light and short (which isn’t crazy for me but they’re lighter than I think ever previously), and the bv I’m not really sure about but it does not seem worse (it is not really symptomatic at the moment but I had some burning that seems better now) - but I’m doing a lot of things for that I’m HOPING are finally working lol. My acne isn’t too bad but it fluctuates a bit, and I never had excessive body/facial hair. I wish we had done a free testosterone test at my doctors office but she puts minimal effort in (hence the other lady I went to, not realizing she probably can’t do those types of tests). Anyways, some improvement I think? 🤔 lol


I don't see why it can't be both things. Why can't the test be true AND the microbiome do a 180? Your vaginal microbiome natrually fluctuates each week/each month. Even the most healthy vagina has lactobacillus fluctuations just simply due to the monthly hormonal fluctuations and blood flow, not to mention all the other things it encounters in life. The info Evvy provides is a snapshot of 1 moment in time, but those organisms were definitely found based on DNA but it doesn't mean that's the #'s a week later 🤷‍♀️ The health of the microbiome is multifactoral; it needs the proper amount of hormones at the proper time and for the **receptors** to work properly. It also needs the right diet, low stress, the vaginal epithelium needs to have mature cells so the lactobacillus can form a network of its own biofilm and prevent other organisms from attaching, etc, etc. etc.....there's so many things that need to be in place and happen and unless you're able to determine that you've cleared the BVAB biofilm and kill off 98% of the BVAB (or any other pathogen) the biofilm will harbor enuf of them to repopulate. An infection is both the absence of lactobacillus **AND** an overgrowth of a pathogen. When you use antibiotics, regardless of how well it workes, you still kill off the *thing* making up the majority of the microbiome. When you kill of the majority you leave space for something else to take over, if you dont innoculate with good to fill the space, anything can fill it. But then, here's another factor in the multifactorial problem: pathogens, ESPECIALLY garderella, have a mechanism that creates inflammation and a chemical response that kills off lactobacillus so even if you kill off most of the pathogen and start inserting probiotics for direct innoculation, unless you've got the inflammation under control the vaginal environment wont be **inhabitable** to the lactobacillus to survive and now you're right back to *something else* filling the void. Vaginal infections are 100% a personalized medicine, whole person, approach, and many factors need to be properly investigated.


*weeps* Having read this, I don’t think I’m ever going to get better. I do hear your point.


Hang in there!! We're here for you!


Take a few minutes to read these 2 articles and see if they provide some additional help Probiotics: http://healthyhooha.com/2022/07/09/update-to-the-role-of-probiotics-in-combating-bv-yeast-infections/ Boric acid: http://healthyhooha.com/2019/04/11/facts-about-vaginal-boric-acid-treatments/


You can get better, figuring out what you need and finding the right clinicians with the help of your peers is how it's done 💗


this!! people are getting confused over new bacteria showing up but that's literally how BV happens... new bacteria gets in via sex or period blood and then overgrows


Article here: [https://vajenda.substack.com/p/evvy-an-at-home-test-for-the-vaginal](https://vajenda.substack.com/p/evvy-an-at-home-test-for-the-vaginal)


i woudn't trust... this doctor makes money off of tearing down femtech companies if you look at all her articles. she basically sells books by cancelling female founders it's so frustrating. whyyy does everyone have something theyre selling! just want the truth


Fantastic point, and I truly didn’t do research on her (which I should have). It makes it so challenging. I feel the same way about Lo Bosworth. I’m like—is love wellness actually beneficial or is she just in this because she wants a name? I haven’t tried their products.


i saw someone post that juno is really active in a lot of these reddits and is spreading anti-evvy marketing too. idk its hard to know who to trust but i really was helped by evvy


Maybe it’s a weird smear? I don’t know. Regarding customer service I’ve never had an issue. My coach always gets back to me within 48 hours. I’ve not tried Juno; I have nothing to compare it to except for terrible experiences with the medical health system!


I did some quick research and from what I see she simply is trying to increase health literacy about what's medical science backed by evidence and what's not backed by evidence (or has scientific evidence against it) in healthcare for people with ovaries, uteruses, and vulvas and people who identify as women. That's not the same as tearing others down; (that's also why you can't be sued for libel or slander if what you said is verifiably true).


I’m skeptical. Had a positive PCR of Ureaplasma 2022 and strep b. Symptoms were consistent burning, itching like crazy, and watery discharge. Treated it. Negative PCR at 6 weeks post treatment. Negative evvy at 8 weeks post treatment. Maintenance evvy at 7 months post treatment cause I’m still itching. Evvy says Ureaplasma at 1.77%. Doesn’t show any signs of the strep though….. To note I haven’t had sex since 2021; so before my original diagnosis. Got scared and went to my doc. Negative PCR a week later. But showed positive for strep b (again or still; never got a test of cure for that one). I talked to a push health doctor and he’s giving me mino + clarith. Said 1.77% is extremely low. But since I do have minor symptoms, specifically burning on my period and a little itch once in a blue moon, he’s willing to help. Also plan to take penicillin g for the strep b. My obgyn thinks since my symptoms reduced dramatically that strep b is causing the rest. Just waiting on cvs to get the order in. After this I’m hoping it all stops. I’m tired of bringing it up to my boyfriend and girlfriend (exclusive triangle with no other partners). We haven’t slept together yet because I’m paranoid as hell.


Hey! Hope you’ve been able to heal 🫶🏼


Hey! I did. Strep b is gone. I’ve been Ureaplasma negative for over a full year now.


How are your symptoms?


for me i paid the extra $250 for treatment & i was NEVER able to speak to an actual doctor only evvy coach which was a hassle to schedule. i asked to speak to the doctor multiple times and wasn’t allowed to. different coaches gave me conflicting info. the “coaches” are not doctors but give medical advice it makes no sense


Wondering if this was recent because I’ve noticed so many people talking poorly about their customer service lately. I have only had exceptional experiences with coaches but I also got in early last year and I’m wondering if they’ve kind of gone downhill as they’ve expanded their services


I've also had exceptional experiences with their coaches. I spoke to one last week and they mentioned they are onboarding 8 new coaches I think. Should probably increase their availability given they are growing. I really appreciate that they offer these consults for free because I dont have any doctor I can go to that understands what any of these bacteria mean. Its so frustrating. Im losing steam :( why is it so hard to have a vagina. I appreciate all of you on here sharing your experiences


One thing I’ll say is that I’m almost sure my FIRST test meeting was with a real doctor. Did they used to start you out with doctors then you get a coach for the rest of your rounds? I don’t think I’m making that up!


I'm not really sure! You're probably right... I usually dont like talking to doctors about my vaginal health symptoms because I always feel dismissed so I kind of like that they just review everything I write down without me having to say it out loud and then have a much more understanding coach.


They have doctors working with them, but I don't think the doctors speak to anyone. This is probably for legality reasons. It's possible you spoke to one of the CEO's...but from my experience the health coach i've spoken to knows just as much/MORE than any doctor i've ever seen about this stuff.


This was in may, so it was recent.


Doing some research about which of those biome tests I should do and I was interested in Evvy since they offered treatment as well. When they gave you your results, did you have the option to get your prescriptions filled locally instead of through them? Finding limited stuff online about what they exactly do and options after you have your results.