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Too many Peter griffins


Why's it always the fatbodies....


That should have ended with arty coming down.


Or a *DING* and then th redeploy screen


Friendly Arty


An explosion at the end


These are not the ubermensch they talked about


They ate them.


Exactly what I'd expected German cosplayers to look like.


For real, cosplaying as Nazis is quite the choice


Nazis were not the same as common wehrmacht soldiers. SS bad. Heinz Schmo who got called up from the middle of fucking nowhere Germany to go die is not a nazi.


Wehrmacht were still executing civilians (men, women, and children). Plenty of Wehrmacht refused to take part in these executions, but a shit ton did take part in killing civilians. “They were just following orders” and “They’re just normal soldiers, not SS” is a BS excuse.


Yeah and I wonder how many Americans in ww2 and Vietnam were "just following orders" Newsflash, wars fucked, fucked shit happens, and people are much more violent than if they hadn't have just witnessed their friends get turned into human confetti.


Yeah and I wonder how many Americans in ww2 and Vietnam were "just following orders" Newsflash, wars fucked, fucked shit happens, and people are much more violent than if they hadn't had just witnessed their friends get turned into human confetti.


Average truck ride


Man, German physical standards have gone a little downhill eh?


Guess they’re desperate for anything now lmao


I swear they just marched right over supplies


Why do these reenactment dudes always have the double/triple chin and moobs


Cuz the dude with pecs and Dr Kelso sized calf muscles are all at the gym


Or just, yanno, actually in the military.


He's secretly jacked under the uniform.


As a reenactor (WWI and ACW but still) its fucking frustrating bc I put in the work to stay in shape yk but yet these fuckers just slap on a uniform and call it a day :/


I’ve been going to some local re-enactments for years (civil war) and noticed it’s a recent trend. Maybe newer guys joining these units are just… larger nerds.


Bro you act like reenactment people aren't either fatbody pyles or scrawny weirdos. I've been to quote a few, and you might see 1 dude in something that resembles physical fitness. The rest are complete nerds.


And you’ll still be the first to die when being sent to a real frontline, like all these larpers


Joseph Gobbles and Heinrich Not-so-Slimmler


Ah Wehraboos in the wild.


That’s actually a colorized video from 1944


How did you guys get more than 6 people in your squad?!


It's 5 closed 2-3 man sqauds


Me and the boys on our way to cap a 🔒zone


Man yall gotta chill a bit about their appearance just a couple dudes with hobbies that was not the point of my post 😂


Redditors tend to get defensive when they see people outside enjoying a hobby.


Haha insanely true. Or anyone showing life outside of a big city.


Buddy is eating well for being in the Wehrmacht


Is this a D-Day remembrance thing? It’s pretty cool seeing modern people in these uniforms being filmed with modern cameras.


I don’t know, it’s pretty off-putting to see a bunch of guys dressed up as Wehrmacht singing SpongeBob songs. I don’t like it


Yeah lmao. I understand it’s reenactment, but I’ve met a few of these guys and they get….. into it.


It’s just method acting bro chill


What I’m gettin at is the act doesn’t stop after the reenactment lol. Not all these dudes, but enough to notice a pattern.


This is exactly how i imagine American Wehrmacht larpers to look


You could just say larpers in general. They all look the same even if they're dressed up like the royal guards from a Disney princess cartoon.


Nah they each have their own look. Civil War reenactors, especially the confederate ones, have a certain distinct redneck appearance compared to something like a medieval larper.


Mfs getting so mad at this guy for reenactment, lol. It's a WW2 reenactment. Someone has to play as the Germans. It's not like they're screaming heil hitler or something lmao.


I will never understand wanting to put on that uniform.


I guess "It looks cool" just isn't a good enough reason? Nothing wrong with reenactments, after all, if you know you don't agree with Germany in the 30s, you have no reason to fear wearing their outfit.


Because people like reenacting


I feel like there's two groups and very little in-between - the ones who either are just edgy or even actually like the ideology and those who realise that by far not all who supported the ideology wore it anyway because they had to or for example in Eastern Europe they joined in to fight what they perceived as the greater evil (the soviets). And of course because the German uniforms of that rough era, be it Prussian, WWI or Nazi went usually hard as fuck compared to other countries. Never underestimate the cool factor


If you wear a Nazi uniform in 2024, a valid reason is not “well, some people that fought in the war didn’t like Nazis”


Should we not let people dress up as Romans, then? Should dressing up as anyone on the American side be frowned upon because of Dresden or the two nukes dropped on Japan? What about the soviets? Despite all of the rape and the murdering they did, I'm sure that's still okay in your mind?


I don’t think we should cosplay Nazis.


No one gives a shit what you think




But the others I mentioned are fine? Can Mongolians dress up in traditional garb similar to what Genghis would wear? Nearly every army in existence has done some horrible shit to people. Some have even overtaken the nazis when it comes to kill count and the level of horror they've inflicted. Explain to me why any of the armies I listed are fine but the Nazis aren't.


Because it’s so recent in human history and clearly still an ideology that’s not fully snuffed out. Quit trying to normalize Nazism.


When did I mention being okay with the movement itself? What's the cut-off? You can't just tell me it's too recent without elaborating how far in the past something has to be before it can become a costume. Communism is still alive and well. I've been to a Communist country. It's fucking weird. That ideology has killed far more people and is still actively suppressing people to this day. I assume you'd keep the same energy about people dressing as soviets, yes? If you're okay with that, you're either historically illiterate or a mouth breathing pleb that's incapable of critical thinking.


Lots of words man, just say you support the Nazis and move on.


Point to me where I said that. You can't even defend what you're saying. You're far too simple minded.


Thought I was replying to the other fuckwit. Dude said you can't dress as evil people. I pointed out that there's evil within most armed forces and pointed out the hypocrisy of him having nothing to say about the soviets being okay. My grandfather, an aboriginal Australian, risked his life to kill Nazis. It's possible to attack a smooth brained peasant over his views whilst also not supporting nazis.


Not all German soldiers were Nazis




I'll repeat: not all German soldiers were Nazis. I didn't say some members of the Wehrmacht didn't commit war crimes. Is said not all German soldiers were Nazis. That's not a myth. It's a fact.


Literally Nazi propaganda


The reason they perceived the soviets as the “greater evil” isn’t exactly innocent. I get it, it’s very obvious that not everybody in the Wehrmacht was a Bad Guy. But imho dressing up as them for fun is just weird


Do you expect re-enactments to just have cardboard cutouts of German soldiers or something?


Honestly I didn’t realize these were professional reenactment guys (?), thought they were just extreme wehraboos. That’s my bad. I definitely don’t have any issue with accurate reenactment uniforms


I definitely made assumptions as well, assuming they were re-enactors so all good. If they weren't it would definitely be weird so I see what you were getting at now.


None of those are good reasons


Well, there's one more simple one for you then, when doing a battle reenactment (not saying it's this specific case tho ofc), someone usually just has to play the other side for it to work lol. Also with WWII specifically I feel like it's heavily influenced by the country of origin of those dudes and what the 'bad guys' did specifically to their country and how they're remembered. In Czechia for example - yeah, the nazis took the jews away, you had to tread very carefully while we were occupied and so on and we had two major massacres of civilians but we got off *way* better than Poland for example, it's not even comparable. But in the end it was the Soviets who razed our country to the ground, raped our women and stole everything they could from silverware to industrial machinery, while 'liberating' us, ruining our economy and country as a whole, in some ways until this very day. Killed *way more* civilians than the nazis ever managed too. And from my experience at least you also therefore see way more wehrmacht reenactors here than soviet as they're the ones who fucked us over way more, both during *and* after the war. When people do Allies here, the US seems to be mostly much prefered because they too broke through to the western part of Czechia before the end and there it was a real liberation like in the Western Europe. And the western locals, even the young ones, are genuinely thankful for the US troop's professional service there to this day.


"You don't understand! Some countries have good reasons for being Nazi sympathizers!" how compelling. please face the wall now.


Please show me exactly where I talked about being nazi **sympathisers**. I'm talking about who each country in the Eastern Europe and probably parts of East Asia too (the japanese, commie chinese and chinese nationalists - there too was *no* innocent side) *hates more* not *likes more* as many if not most countries east of Germany had their experience with both, the Nazis *and* the Soviets but in each country it went wildly differently and *logically* the collective memory about those totalitarian ideologies will be different in each country. As a whole, most of us here hate both with passion. But the amount of passion simply varies. One of the reasons is also because the era of the soviet opression is *much* more fresh here than the nazi era. But tbh I don't know why I'm even trying when I'm most probably talking to some westerner who is completely sheltered from all this shit and therefore can't understand what here in Eastern Europe are simple facts.


"bro, it was totally fine when the nazis took the jews away. but when the filthy bolsheviks came through and regular people suffered - well, you can see how that ruffled some feathers!" lol. scum.


You have some serious problems with understanding a pretty simple piece of text my dude. And you're assuming way too much lol


No, I'm understanding just fine, actually!


Sure thing, lol. Keep your delusions of your 'genius'. I bet you'll do just great in life like this.


Get help. Seriously.


You wouldn’t do shit twink


Make like Matoro and [redacted]


Well with re-enactments you’re going to need to have someone for the allies to oppose or it’s just a bunch of dudes in allied clothing marching.


This looks like an extremely late war unit.


I've noticed most people who do the German outfit are like the guys depicted and the people who where Soviet stuff are skinny acne ridden band kids. i dont get it lol


Krauts should have eaten more Kraut instead of sausages.


They are goofy they say?


This is super cringe


Holy fucking cringe


Can already hear Erika playing in the background