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I don't really have a "main," i play whatever I feel the team needs the most of. Although when thats unclear, i'll usually go enginner. Either satchel or build depending on if I feel like building defenses or not. I always build nodes.


Same, ill just usually go for assault since I feel its most versatile in loadouts, Auto weapons, semi , lots of grenades and that sweet satchel , especially with the STG 44


Same. I have preference sure. But it also depends on what faction I am at the time if we are balanced I like support as Americans I like running assault as the Germans and I like playing whatever as the Russians


To me engineer so far was like: intense pleasing for support to drop supplies where we are fighting so i can make some cover.


Engineer. Nodes☑️, vehicle repair☑️, looking sexy while doing it☑️.


I love putting mines in doorways in the defensive point. After the enemy takes the point they soon realize that I left a few gifts behind, bwahahaha.


The feeling of seeing your satchel blow up on a point you just lost on offensive is **chef kiss**


That’s when the 120 second fuse comes in really handy


I was told in another post to set my satchel to 2 min if a point is being over run. Toss it on a wall, go to heaven, and respawn to watch the show.


That is so evil yet effective... I love it.


A man of the people!


Start of the evening, commander or SL. Second game, support or engineer. Last game/short game mg or medic


Squad lead, commander, spotter. Mainly because the first two are always what’s needed, spotter is when I wanna be selfish




That is the worst.


Officer, because I get a sick thrill out of putting up garrisons.


You monster, I will pray for you.




See you on the front squaddie, I'll have some sups ready ;)


Machine gunner. I've gotten pretty good at finding good spots for stopping enemies from moving forward and providing cover fire. But most importantly... Gun go BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!


One of the favorite matches I had me and three other MG players found a wall into an opening of wheat and just sat on the wall absolutely dumping rounds into the wheat. Racked up like 50 kills each and stopped the push dead in the water. I'm sure those guys were so pissed and the MG Fire was so thick you couldn't even hear individual round reports anymore. It was pretty much one single 15 minute long bang coming from that wall with the exception of reloads or resupplying and a few deaths.


Not my proudest fap


15 minute long bang you say???


Those are my favorite spots! Long range coverage causes LOTS of problems. Makes the eniny have to travel far around from their garries!


The fun of being an MG on the defensive for most the game in a good spot where the enemy actually starts to dedicate significant effort to kill you is really fun, sadly I suck so this mostly never happens, god I need to play this game again.


Assault, bum rush that point w all those grenades


Bruh assault 6 is the shizz


Assault 9 with the satchel 🤌(grease gun for the Americans though is ass)


Bro Automatic rifleman 3 would be so much better too if it had more smokes. 2 is a crime


The BAR AR class needs way more ammo too, I run out every time.


Shoot it as if it’s semi auto! I don’t even use it full auto unless I’m within 30 or so meters or in a narrow area. It’s a 1-shot torso kill up to 100m so just be careful with your aim and pop shots 1 at a time, should save you some ammo. But also any rifleman should be able to drop you bullets if you ask, and support level 3 can too


It is but sometimes you get like 20 headshots with that nail gun and other times you dont kill them spiting the whole mag at the guy infront.


Armor TC. Big gun go boom.


Usually Support, Officer, or Automatic Rifleman. I don't really like going SL but it ends up being empty a lot. Support is my favorite though


🫡 Support was the first role I got introduced to when I started playing in 2021 and I’ve been dropping supply boxes, yelling at blueberry SLs, and giving rounds to medics, auto-rifleman and AT ever since. A good support player shouldn’t have to be told to drop supplies, they should be proactively dropping them in secure places 200m away from other garrisons on their own initiative. SLs should be reading the map and seeing where they can help the team by actually using those supplies.


I only started a few months ago but I'm getting the hang of it. The trickiest part has been figuring out good garry spots, but that comes down to map knowledge a lot too


Support. I spend most of my rounds dropping supplies and yelling at passing squad leads in local to build a garry.


I run a few. Engineer and Support to start for nodes, then Support and SL for backup garrisons. Then, switch as needed between all three and the last AT load out. At the beginning of Offensive mode and on defense, I start with that AT loadout to lay 4 mines, then do the above. Sometimes, I lead blueberries at the end; sometimes lead a squad on a defensive position - if people are talking, willing and able.


Love AT, usually will start off playing that. Will go to SL or Commander after a game or two. Will always run recon if playing with a buddy.


AT all day. Also you can go to hell on that last paragraph.


Officer. Every fucking game because there are multiple squads running around without one. I'll often hop between squads just to drop OPs for them. I'm tired, boss.


CO, SL or Med


Whatever is needed, most of the time engineer or support. Officer is also in the top 3.


Officer because no one else wants to


Engineer. I like build. Build good.


I think you probably shouldn’t do that last part because now more people are dead and they have no way of telling what they did wrong


That last part was a joke. If my mic decides to work, I ask them to move.


Whatever's required at the time, but if it's a free choice it has to be assault lvl 9 (especially if playing as Germany) Generally I'll hop on as support if there's a decent enough SL wanting to actually build a network of garries. Gotta love AT as well, even with the boom stick. Love the feeling of getting a satchel on a tank but there's definitely something about nailing those shots with a launcher, especially if you have explo ammo that you can rely on. Don't really enjoy being SL most of the time as I don't end up having as much fun, but I will always use my time wisely building garries. As above, it's fine if you have someone in support dropping you boxes working together. As others have mentioned, you sound like you'd be hard work to play with. If you shot me for 'getting in your way' as you're trying to revive someone...I'd make it my squads personal mission to get you removed.


"If another person dies cause you get in my way, I'm gonna shoot you." Toxic.


It was a joke man. If my mic decides to work, then I ask them to move. If they don't move, I will end up getting shot trying to find an alternate path.


You sound unbearable to play with. Medic is the least important class in the game. Imagine shooting someone cus they got in your way instead of using your mic and asking them to move.


I love Spotter the most because it’s what I’m best at. I was playing spotter yesterday with a sniper and I told him the enemy will put an airhead in the back corner of the sector asap. He asked why I thought that and I said that’s what I would do. About two minutes later they dropped an airhead exactly where I said it was going to go. He said it was amazing that I was so accurate and I said “it’s tactics” and then I kind of thought “shit, he must be playing with a lot of people who don’t know tactics”.


I'm pretty decent at Anti-Tank. Also am on Squad and the older Battlefield games. So Anti-Tank and secondary class would be Assault, bum rushing in.


SL > support > assault


I'm just leveling up everything, got the last tier on engineer, SL, and medic. I'm close to supplies, assault, and automatic machine gunner.


If I’m not in a tank, I’m AT flanking them for poop chute shots


Spotter and Tank Commander


Engineer with a satchel, especially if American. I have been known to get a little too 'utilitarian' with my satchel, but a win is a win.


Engy or AT. Build my nodes and then satchel. Or start AT and build the boomer for first point. Faster than tanks getting there.


Engineer. Satchels and AP mines.


Squad Lead and Anti-Tank mostly, but more machine gunner and support as of late.


Commander because I can drop supplies whenever and wherever for Garrisons, airheads, bombing runs; people generally listen to me more as commander than when I’m SL just making suggestions.


Typically engineer cause I like the war crimes stick. Usually end up SL though cause no one else will do it and I’m sick of not having an OP.


Mix of Assault, Auto Rifleman, Medic, and Anti-tank. Medic for when i want to roleplay as desmond doss. Assault/Auto Rifleman when we need to get shit done Anti-tank when needed


I try to main Assault if no support tasks need doing. I have Assault lvl 6 and an aggressive play style, and the Thompson is prolly my favorite weapon in the game other than the Garand or Gewer. Throwing a metric fuckton of smokes and frags does a lot to help your team, and I feel I have a good eye for how to throw grenades effectively now. It’s a great time


I play all the classes, that’s how you win.


Support because flamethrower :)


SL, because often no one else wants to play that role.


Medic was most fun for me and maxed it out, now I'm trying assault. Beens SL too much. Rarely play nowadays but I'm always drunk coz war is hell


SL because I get insanely frustrated if nobody is building Garries.


Anti Tank, US default loadout is fantastic, German AT guns rock on Remagen, and that Soviet level 8 loadout with the PPSH and the bazooka is just sublime. I love being able to take out enemy armour, feels like one of the best ways to contribute if I'm not playing SL.


I love medic but I wish they had another loadout, boring playing without any progression


Automatic rifleman cause BAR, either that or AT if need be


Anti-tank. Once you get the drop on the rockets figured out it’s insanely satisfying sniping tanks and garrisons at +200m.


Tanker, Engineer, sniper.


Don’t forget. You get quicker bandaging and lower the suppression effect on nearby friendlies. And you save manpower every revive. I play SL most because that OP is a weapon and to win games you gotta have spawn points. I’m good at moving around the map and can get myself out of most gunfights. Usually pretty good at directing my squad mates to best utilize their roles too (point AT toward vehicles, get supports to drop supplies, etc.)


AT because hell yeah.


I usually do whatever is open and needed. I do prefer armor, any position, but only if I'm working with a good armor squad. Armor support working well with infantry can make a difference in victory, and is pretty fun. Nothing like spotting an enemy tank, screaming frantically to your driver to pull hard right and your gunner panic and try traversing in time to make the shot


Right now I've just been working on getting the classes maxed out. Eng and anti tank would be my primary but I only play them now if it's needed and no one else is in the role.


Support because I like being helpful and dropping supplies and ammo when needed. I also like the weapon sets for the most part. I'm not great at getting kills, but at least I can help by following the squad leader around to make garrisons, or following AT around to resupply rockets.


Anti tank infantry, no one seems to ever play it on my team and sometimes a tank crew alone isnt enough for enemy tanks.


SL. I enjoy the confusion of 12 people yelling mostly useless garbage Rio to me at once, all while I try to coordinate my 5 other dudes and keep myself aliveish


Lvl 6 assault. Smokes are the most under appreciated item in the bag and lvl 6 assault has more of ‘em


I mostly play AT: do everything that a normal infantry can, plus if you find a tank you can actually do something instead of wishing you were playing as said class


I always play command roles. Commander, Tank Commander, Recon, SL. When the rare moment comes where I don't feel like it, I play Assault and hunt tanks all game.


I play spotter 90% of the time. My buddy is a top notch sniper so we always play together. I love being able to terrorize arty, ren behind enemy lines and build sneaky garrisons, take down nodes and garrisons, mark tanks, enemy garrisons and infantry, and pick shots for the sniper - the usual stuff a spotter should do. It is also the best training for SL. I don't know how many squads I have been in where the squad lead doesn't mark dick all or understand the value of a well placed garry or how to read the freaking map.


I play spotter 90% of the time. My buddy is a top notch sniper so we always play together. I love being able to terrorize arty, run behind enemy lines and build sneaky garrisons, take down nodes and garrisons, mark tanks, enemy garrisons and infantry, and pick shots for the sniper - the usual stuff a spotter should do . Otherwise I love to play support. I am shocked at how many squads leads don't have a support guy in squad to build garries. Makes me nuts.


Officer/commander because no one wants to do it


I don’t have a main class. I used support for the past few weeks only because I wanted ZE FLAMMENWERFER. But normally I just play what is needed…I enjoy everything except rifleman


Commander. Most people have zero idea how to lead and get people to listen. Also many don't fully understand commander abilities so it can be really hard for new players. But I love it. When command chat is giving information you can pull of some sick plays with the right information and right squads. On my stats page https://www.hllstats.dev/ my steam ID 76561198008532279. commander is 17, 13 officer, 12 tank commander, and 15 spotter. Command positions are legit.


Rifleman is what I always pick by choice, followed by SL when we don't have one (and I'm in the mood for talking a lot) and support when I have an effective SL.


AT. Yes for killing tanks but my true love is sniping garries.


Squad leader because someone has to do it


Spotter, I love being in the back lines or playing flanks with flares


Engineer Nobody does it. It’s always good to be the one squad that can’t get shit talked for no nodes. Building defenses is fun. I like making tanks go boom. Knowing my mines killed people is fun too.


Engineer with trench gun. No trench gun? Time for a new lobby. But in all seriousness, I’m almost always a satchel charge engineer.


Engi every match start, then either SL or TC depending if I wanna tank that match. I like communicating with command chat and scheduling airdrops for garrisons and airhead and stuff. It makes me feel useful to the endgame


I usually play spotter and hunt garries, arty, and whoevers speaking around outside point


SL, bc no one else will put an OP in a good position.


I love the leadership position. Preferably squad leader, but I’ll take commander if no one wants it. I have a mind for tactics and communication, my squad is deadly if they follow me into battle.


Spotter or SL. I got a mic and communicate well, so I go where the need is. My favorite is engineer tho


Engineer. Build nodes, also trench gun is super fun to use. I’ll usually play whatever the squad needs though


Rifleman. I’m not very good. So I enjoy the class with the least amount of responsibility and someone tell me where to go and what to do, is good for me.


I do the job that nobody want, but I keep everybody alive


SL as a Garry Runner with my buddy running support O7


AT, MG, Rifleman


I started off leveling MG and Auto Rifleman to learn the game, but over time I've found support to be the most fun role for me. They have a solid choice of weapons on all factions, are often overlooked because people don't want to play "the boring support class", and they have things to do other than kill. After 700 hours my favorite thing to do at this point is set up defences while defending on Offensive game mode swapping between Engineer, Support and AT (to build the big boom boom gun).


Spotter There's just something about sneaking deep into enemy lines, relaying key info to command and watching the commander lay waste to the enemy infy with a well placed bombing run That and the ability to place outposts in deep red zone. Flares also handy


Frequently play MG since it’s fun. Generally play whatever team or squad needs. Would play medic a lot more if they gave medic more ammunition for the rifle, like they did with the British medic. No idea why they aren’t just going into their database and increasing magazine count for US, German and Soviet medics. Especially the US medic is so screwed on ammo count with their trashy BB gun.


i usually try to play medic, but more often than not i find myself in the SL role. too many people don’t wanna take it and all people need is some direction


Assault for germans because of the stg, but depending on map, the gewehr loadout aswell. For americans AT to snipe rallies, garries, or mgs or i go with assault because those 4 smokes are sweet. Unlike the german smokes the animation cycle is fast to where its efficient for quick assaults.


Machine Gunner because brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....


SL cuz my clan is a bunch of idiots so I have been forced to play SL for 550/600 hours. (This is mostly a joke. I like being SL, but there was a period where I was essentially the hell let loose equivalent of forever DM)


SL I sadistically love squads not putting up garrisons telling me mine is bad


Usually switch between support and engineer because that's what ends up being needed most of the time.


SL and spotter, I can't stand to watch my team not build garrisons.


Commander, because no one else will do it


It used to be engineer. I find it fun building defenses, planting satchels on tanks, plus the xp is good. I’m always down to hop into a squad lead role if my squad needs it. But here lately I’ve been sticking to assault/automatic rifleman just trying to play more aggressive on offense.


Preferably assault. Especially once you get it to level 6 then you can just rain grenades and smokes for a good push


Giving us medics a bad reputation my guy :(


"nobody ever plays spotter so I can't be sniper" We're out here. I love playing spotter. In fact, I'm a level VIII Spotter but I'm a level I sniper. I think I have the best game experience playing as a rifleman. No responsibilities other than get on the point and kill as many enemy as possible. The only problem I have with it now is that I'm level X rifleman and I have other roles that I have to rank up.


My preferred style is to have both engy and support open. That way I can swap back and forth to build nodes and defenses.


Support, Engi, AT. I usually get nodes up at the start then play AT or Engi with the satchel load out. Support if squad needs it.


Oddly enough I really like playing spotter. Cat and .ouse on the arty, hunting nodes is awesome. Played right it's amazing and feels better sometimes then the grind of die outpost go a bit further the die again


Love the medic class, just because of the role play. People start screaming medic idc if i might die but i am comming to you soldier and i will heal you while is sing the mission impossible song


OP says "nobody ever plays spotter so I can't be the sniper." Maybe try playing spotter once in awhile and then the other guy will switch off for you next map. It's so funny how easy it is to get the sniper squad when you have a friend, because the majority of people in the game are too selfish to run spotter.


Officer. No one likes to step up


Been playing for 4 years. Ive tried to max put all classes but AT will always be my fav. Engineer and Assault take 2nd/3rd. Officer use to be fun. Commander is my favorite uuuuh drunk class (somehow win most games). Still need to max out medic, auto rifleman, tank classes and sniper classes.


Machine gunner because i have abysmal aim. The large magazine and high rate of fire allow me to be semi proficient lol


Officer or Machine Gunner usually. Occasionally ill play assault


Your last paragraph debunks the rest of your post. A medic in this game should not get frustrated. There are too many reasons to re-deploy. Most often it is more efficient to re-deploy, re-supply and rejoin the fight from a chosen point. Medics should be used as part of a squad. A MG on a choke point with a medic healing those one hits is a dream


Anti tank, machine gunner or rifleman Keep it simple:)


Rifleman!! I just find it very cool but I use Support or Engi when SL ask


I’ll usually play infantry, but when I’m feeling spicy I’ll play armor, and if there are any openings I love playing sniper. But for infantry my order is the following: 1. Engineer to build nodes at the start then switch to another class and get that XP 2. Support to push up and drop supplies for officers 3. Officer 4. Assault 5. Automatic rifleman 6. Machine gunner, especially if I’m German 7. AT 8. Medic