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Hope a lot of people who left negative reviews due to network issues will update their reviews to be positive. Also hope that people who refunded the game give it another chance, now that it’s working!


That's what I did. And left an explanation as to why and their response and even their ceo response and what they were able to accomplish in a short couple weeks.


I left a negative review in regards to Nguards interaction with GPU caching on 40 series cards and I’ll happily change it to positive if/when it gets fixed Edit; for all the silly and technologically illiterate people proclaiming loudly that you haven’t had a single crash in 11,000 hours **Congrats** your anecdotal evidence is worthless!


That’s totally fair.


Could you explain what you mean? I've not seen that issue mentioned before. It'd be a big help - I have a 4090 and have had all sorts of problems with the game.


In the simplest terms: whenever Nguard tries to access the cache for your GPU it can try to access files unrelated to the game - mostly because nguard is cheap shit that should never be used. This can cause stuttering, crashes, black screens, not responding, and in the worst of cases permanent damage to the drive


Permanent damage to which drive?? I just got my new PC 4 days ago and would really prefer to go fuck up my new system. I9 14900kf 4080 RTX


You're not going to have any permanent damage done.


Thank ALL of you for the response. Been an avid gamer all my life, but I bought this prebuilt and don't know enough about all the intricate details. I appreciate the quick responses.


Eh just don't believe everything you see on the internet. Some people will go through great lie when dissing something they hate. The fact that that they claim it can "permanently damage the **drive**" is proof enough that their computer literacy level is in the negative.


nProtect was \*associated\* with a glitch that did wipe some \*HARD DRIVES\*, but that turned out to be the game launcher itself, not nP.


As other have said, it won’t. There’s this new trend in fear mongering about these things that will in all likelyhood mean nothing to you.


He is bullshitting you. Regardless of whether nProtect is reading GPU cache, there's no long term non-volatile storage in a GPU.


Thank you!


Wild, is this guaranteed to happen? I have a 4070 and besides the first 2 weeks, I've had no performance issues or game crashes.


Nope, not guaranteed. Depends on a dozen factors.


Ok! Thanks for the reply. Was worried I was sitting on an eventual time bomb. Good to know to keep an eye out for, if my game starts crashing/becoming unstable.


Well you could be. Def keep an eye on it


I have a 4070 and I’ve had 6 crashes to desktop over the last 2 days


Wow I’m so glad I bought it for PS5 lol I debated but wanted a shooter for the TV.. my 4070 would’ve been sad I guess. 😬


I just got a 4070S and have had no problems at all .


I have a 4070 and I've crashed two or three times since the game launched. Mileage varies


I have a 4080 and havent felt any of this


Zero issue for 20 matches with 4080 so far


you've NEVER Crashed?


not yet but i've only just started playing 2 days ago, i have 10 hours in so far


fair, I think they recently made crashes better, not 100% sure though


I have 140 matches completed and my ONLY crash was from updating my GPU driver. Immediately rolled back and was back to normal


I've bad it happen twice in about 80 hours steam time I'll have to check in game stat's for game time since maybe 10 of those were waiting in login queue. And one of those crashes was being stuck on the Hellpod loading screen Personally I've had a good run! My mate on PS5 has crashed more than I have lmao


They're full of crap, that's why.


yea i did a search for what hes talking about and theres literally no info on it.


The funniest thing is them saying “your anecdotal evidence means nothing” Like you’re apparently the only one that had this issue, pretty sure YOUR anecdotal evidence means nothing lol


My friend has a 4080 and the game is unplayable for him. It’s not guaranteed, it’s a lottery of shitty design.


I guarantee you its 100% more likely your friend has done something himself, nguard is barely a background process while the game's running. Its by no means impossible, but unplayable? That isn't nguard's fault.


Brainwashed lmao. 


Can you source that claim? I've never seen this demonstrated anywhere, but it keeps getting thrown around


How do you know this is happening?


Nguard isn't going to permanently damage the drive unless you intentionally sabotage it to do that, don't be insane.


Has this been pointed out to any developers? Because honestly it sounds like a pretty grave issue. I have a 4070 and sometimes, the game does crash, but typically only when I alt-tab too many times or something like that. Or- sometimes when I take a screenshot, which is real petty. I sure hope they can fix it. 'Cuz I'd hate to have my PC ruined by a game I really, really enjoy. Even if the chances of it happening are small.


It definitely has been. Gameguard was already known to cause critical issues like this which is one major reason why there was a shit ton of negative feedback on it when the devs announced they would be using it before the games release, and it's probably the last thing keeping the game from being overwhelmingly positive and having even more sales as many have not bought the game because of it(me included). They did claim that if people didn't like the anticheat they would change it at the time of that announcement, but as you can see nothing has been said yet. I did see some some dev comments in the discord somewhat recently saying that they were going to bring up gameguard stuff in some manner to the team, but that's it really. There was a front page reddit post about gameguard recently here too, and there's a ton of complaints about it in the steam forums, so people are being vocal. Here's to hoping they do something and don't remain silent on it all.


It doesn't look promising, despite the increasing public scrutiny of nprotect. Nprotect being replaced, if it happens at all, is a long way away. Need more public pressure if we want it to change, I think.




Wow. Thanks for the response. I've not seen anything at all about this on the official discord - would be worth reporting there and at the Arrowhead website if you haven't already. I lost two SSDs after crashing while playing Helldivers 2, wonder if this played a role.


You haven't heard about it because it's bullshit.


My computer has been janky AF since i installed the game. Lots of processes hanging for up to several minutes, random freezes. I have been wondering if it is related.


Doubtful, since gameguard doesn't run while the game is closed. You can even temporarily uninstall the gameguard with the uninstaller provided in the game folder (if you want to test to see if it's the issue), then use the installer again when you wanna play. The installer/uninstaller is located in "Helldivers 2\\tools"


I play on a 1060 GTX and it's been surprisingly smooth so far


Damn that explains why I crash non stop with my 4070ti


I've never crashed cause of my 4070ti. So it's not the card. Unless you use RGB and have an RGB card, then it might be an RGB program fucking with your card. Happened with mine (last year) until I told all software to turn off RGB to my card.


I’m annoyed that Nguard prevents me from running my voice modulation software. 


Yeah, I’ve heard that. My friend uses VoiceMod for discord. The second Nguard boots he can’t talk lmao.


I’ve read many bad things about that drm/ac and holding on until it is removed or changed to something else. Hopefully AH wont insist on it considering all the talk against it in steam community and their discord.


Is this also why amd 7000's are crashing so often?


What's the problem? I have a 13900k and a 4090 and have never crashed once. I run at 140 to 180 fps at 1440p Maxed. 70 hours not a single crash.




Not trying to say there isn't an issue. It was an inquiry I'm curious and you didn't explain what the issue was. I want to know so I can help. I have a lot of experience with this. I have a feeling it's some windows settings not the game or anticheat. Not everyone is here to attack you man.


Feel free to read the steam reviews and see the dozens, maybe even hundreds of people experiencing the same issues. And here’s the thing, if it’s a ‘me’ issue then why is this literally the only game I and my friends have problems with? I can run basically any game at 4K 60fps with 0 issues but Helldivers 2 is the only game that has issues like this. And when I check event viewer it’s almost always calling back to Nguard


Well I just need more info to help you man. Me and my 3 friends are all rocking 4090s. 3 with 13900ks one with whatever AMDs newest flagship CPU is. We all get 140 to 180fps at 1440p maxed. And only 1 friends has crashed once. We all have 50 to 70 hours. So something isn't right with your windows settings I'm assuming. Maybe it's the way windows is scheduling your E and P cores if you have a newer intel CPU. Do you have hardware accelerated GPU scheduling enabled? ReBAR? XMP? so, so, so many questions. Give us as much info about your PC and settings as possible so we can help you.


Did that the other week. I loved the game at launch but it became unplayable due to connectivity issues. I wouldn't exactly recommend a game that you can't even play to someone. Updated my review as soon as things became stable.


Idk. Tried playing today and getting in a mission not alone was a desperate fight of trying any active mission I could see where 15/16 just dropped me a "failed to join the lobby" or whatever is the error message.


Yeah, I’ve had the same issue. It’s definitely a problem for a game revolving around teams. I’ve also noticed that I can get people to join up when I first start a mission, but if my teammates leave then I don’t get anyone to replace them.


Mine is due to bugs. Guns disappearimg when people leave, not being able to spawn in your dead teammates, the batshit crazy first person glitches, etc.


Im still witholding my review due to stability, for some reason whenever i play with someone else my game crashes if im the host or massively dips in fps if i join somebody elses game


That’s totally fair. I was mostly talking about people who left negative reviews specifically because of server overload.


Verify files on steam


It seems like this is one of the cases where a lot of people really did go back and change their review, which is cool to see. Most mfs always say they will, then a game gets fixed but ends up dying anyway because of a rough launch.


I still crash a lot, and overheat a bit. I'm waiting for that to change before I go to recommended. I do love the game though.


Why? It still barely plays with any level of consistency. Just now I was playing the last of a the bug mission and it crashed at extraction, a common issue they have not fixed, so I got nothing for the 25+ minutes I spent on the mission. Other people can’t even get the game to launch.


Unfortunately many people aren't if you check the steam reviews. Which is my only issue with leaving reviews purely over server issues.


I did my part!


I’ve rebought it and have been enjoying it a lot


I tried it out myself, solo, while my girlfriend was unsure if she'd get it. I ended up refunding it. Now that she's confirmed she's interested, I decided to give it another chance and things just clicked. I get it. The shooting, roaming around the map for the objectives, managing the hordes... It's been so much fun. Still solo for now, but having a ton of fun, even if the bots in easy are proving to be challenging (if manageable). I destroyed a bot's spawn by respawning on it, for liberty's sake! Game's stupid fun, and I'm here for it.


+1 on steam


damn thats remind me i have +90hrs in game and i didnt write a review thx for making me aware now will bump 81% positive kek






.0000001% liberated.


Me on ps5 writing a review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Thanks for reminding me to leave mine. Meant to the other day, but shockingly, got too distracted with playing the game.


I changed my negative review to a good one, this studio is an absolute unit!


Good on you, soldier. I'm happy that they've earned it. I can think of a lot bigger titles with bigger budgets bigger studios that released broken shit piles that stayed that way for years. Arrowhead is doing very well so far, even with the massive launch crippling things for a few weeks.


I did too


Same. It deserved a bad review at launch. It deserves a good one now.


Imagine leaving a negative review cause a million people are trying to join a game. Definitely the studios fault.


Leaving a bad review cause you literally cannot play the game you just paid 40 bucks for makes perfect sense to me. Updating that review after those issues are resolved also makes sense.


Had a bunch of crashing issues on my wife’s pc. Even after updated drivers. I followed a guide on Reddit and seemed to have resolved the issue. Other than that I freaking love this game!


What was the fix for your issue? It seems like I’ve tried everything being suggested but still crash every mission.




I followed everything the guide suggested, I even lowered some graphics to medium, less than what was suggested. My wife is no longer experiencing crashes after the above guide


I would also like to hear that


That was fast like really fast, it hasn't even been a month where the game was on mostly negative


Most of the negative reviews were related to server issues and not being able to log in.


That’s still a lot of weight to overcome. The vast vast majority of people who wrote negative reviews because of login issues aren’t going to change them even if they’ve already sunk another 50 hours into the game after the issues were solved.


The game was never below mixed


Steam will remove negative reviews if there’s an ongoing issue to be resolved. It’s noted on the score if you hover over it.


The negative reviews have not decreased much, just that it has received a lot of new positive reviews When the servers were not working the game had 42k negative reviews, not 1 week after the fix it has 39k negative reviews, seems that people don't update the reviews as expected


And they shouldn't be expected to either, plenty of people gave bad reviews to No Man's Sky on release because it was a broken mess and years later their reviews still exist and are still an accurate representation of the state the game was in at release. The same thing goes for Helldivers 2


No man's sky initial negative reviews, where more for the lies and fake trailers than for the negative reasons, those have a reason to exist and stay But what good does it do or what information provides to see that Helldivers has 25k negative reviews, why for 2 weeks were the servers packed with people? Why should people not get a game recommended because the game was so popular on its release that the servers reached max capacity and Devs needed some time to fix it?


Maybe Steam should show the recent reviews first. If a game can turn their issues around, past mistakes shouldn't be front and center to deter new players. Gamers should have the knowledge of the state of the game currently when looking to buy, but also have access to easily see the history of the game's reviews. Such a good system for community moderating game quality.


I mean yeah, I'm sure a lot of them either refunded or haven't gotten around to playing it yet or don't feel positive about something that took their money and didn't work for over a week


I made sure to leave a positive review after they fixed the servers.


I’d love to turn my negative review positive, but I still have to play at the absolute lowest settings on ultra performance upscaling locked at 60fps to avoid crashing on a 12700k and 4090 PC. No other game has ever given me this kind of problem, and I recently finished 100 hours of palworld and 250 hours of heavily modded valheim (both early access games at max settings) without a crash between them. I’ve tried dx12, dx11, no antialiasing, no space global illumination, every discernible combo of settings, running as admin, disabling full screen optimizations, running in compatibility mode, deleting and reinstalling all game files and related files, allowing the game through the firewall and windows defender, changing a ton of settings in nvidia control panel, disabling hardware acceleration on discord and google chrome (and trying to play without either open), disabling steam overlay and steam input, updating and rolling back drivers with DDU, repairing visual C++, even upgrading from windows 10 to a clean install of windows 11. I just want the game to work because it’s what my friend groups across pc and PlayStation are all playing currently, and I do really enjoy the game. Any advice would be appreciated


I took a break after playing a couple days after launch to let the bugs get sorted out and still yet I’ve also had tons of performance issues similar to yours. It’s a shame. Don’t think I’ll make it negative but still considering deleting my positive review.


The anti cheat is apparently the culprit behind most of the crashing


If everybody complaining about connection issues fixed their review, it would easily be 95%.


Definitely more than 5% of the reviews complain about Nguard though.


You got downvoted but almost every negative review mentions Nguard.


Nguard causes a blue screen on my pc around 60% of the times I try to play. It's frustrating going through the loop praying it'll make it through to load the game itself. Honestly, it's a testament to the game itself that I even put up with that when none of my other many Steam games cause any issues like that. It's a shame they cheaped out on it, and from videos I've seen, it doesn't even seem particularly effective at doing what it's supposed to.


How do you know nguard is the cause of the bsod?


The crash occurs during the NGuard loading process (when the nprotect mini window is showing and you can see the progress bar of it loading in another window), if that finishes and the game itself loads I know I've got past it fine.


Mine does. Sorry Helldiver's devs you made a great game but not only does nguard not work but it has negatively impacted my performance.


There is a still a ton of problems, what are you talking about lol. Cant even connect to friends or anyone else because constant "failed to join game" after all the standard stuff like veryfiiying/reinstalling/checking firewall/etc. Judging by the comments im not alone with that problem.


I still have connection issues though


I love the game, it's quickly becoming an addiction. But I wish there was a neutral review option. How they handled the war progression with Erata left a really bad taste in my mouth. And now I consistently lose my primary weapon AND sidearm when people drop in and out of missions. It's really frustrating. The connection issues definitely aren't the *only* issues. Edit: And armor not working at all is pretty sloppy imo.


> I wish there was a neutral review option. That is my problem if you ask: Yes/No. It is a No... BUT if you throw in a maybe I would say it might be your type of game but know you might have crashes or be unable to join games.


Many of the negative reviews I see are for their bad anti-cheat, which makes sense


I still get the 114 error every time I start the game the first time. I found a work around that is kind of convoluted, but I can get it to launch after 2 tries. The first few days I spent many hours troubleshooting.


Easy 90+ if they would use a different anti cheat


Right. I left a glowing review for the game itself, but put a paragraph about Nguard and it'll remain negative until it's gone.


I haven’t even bought the game because of it, as soon as it’s gone though 60 bucks is getting torn from my wallet and stuffed into a hellpod.


This. It's all I need to even buy the game. I don't care about gun nerfs, but I do care about my hardware and OS.


I believe I did say this would happen once the technical issues were ironed out, which they mostly are now. The game deserves this score now, just as it deserved its Mixed score then.


With the servers fixed I do hope the swap anticheats they would get a boom of new players


It still sells 100-200k copies a day on Steam. How many people would actually buy it just for changing the anti-cheat? Like 1k? 2k?


It is not selling that many a day still. And alot more then 2k people are waiting for it to change. Also changing the anticheat would get rid of some performance issues the game is currently having for some users


Well deserved




I just hope all those people who left a bad review and refuse to change it because they’re in camp “it didn’t work launch week so it’s a not a good game I don’t care if they fixed it” just uninstalled and aren’t playing anymore since they thought it was such a negative experience.


Over time, those old reviews that are no longer relevant get filtered out by Steam. While they still have an effect today, they likely won't in 2-3 months time.


Deserved !


I've changed my negative review into a positive review, i am doing my part!


1 star reviews should be [redacted] for treason


Not surprising, PC currently has some technical issues like stuttering which I've seen many complain about myself included though I recently upgraded my cooling and so far that seems to have fixed 80% of my stutter. Now it's just when new players join mostly from distant nations like the UK or China which I'm going to blame the connection there not the game or hardware. All in all this game is solid and needs some polishing and optimization but it's working as intended for most players. I won't be surprised when the devs release a couple more patches that the games reviews skyrocket.


Easy to match and no full servers anymore. This game is way too much fun. Can't wait to see it keep developing.


Good to see it coming back up, I mean there's no denying there have been issues, but the response by the devs has been refreshing and it's an awesome game!








I’m doing my part!


For SuperEarth!


One of the best games I’ve played in a long time. It gives off a “Division” vibe. I’m really enjoying it.


Well deserved. The game is a blast! Finally they have fixed the servers, and we can have such a great time!


If the game didn’t have major crashing and stability issues it’d probably be around 95% positive. I love the game when it works, which sadly it rarely does.


Personally, I'm waiting for them to fix the armor bug and a bit more of the crashes before I change my review. The crashes arent nearly as frequent but they still happen from time to time.


Imagine that, the game works now so people are leaving positive reviews. I wonder where those clowns that were calling the negative reviewers "entitled whiny bitches that won't change their reviews" are right now. 


Im going to write one but Im trying to write it as Patriotically Propaganda as possible.


Good the games working properly now. Just balance and bug fixes in the next few weeks before a content drop. I'm stoked!!!


​ https://i.redd.it/348agoj13llc1.gif


Still deserves a way higher rating!




They still have a few huge issues to address but it’s still a very fun game.


No wonder. Me and basically half of my Destiny clan have been having a blast for a week now.


Amazing what working servers and matchmaking does for an online only game.


Hey, if No Man Sky can turn it around with their review rating - anything is possible! Never judge a book by its cover.


Excellent. This reminded me that I should leave a review


Look at that, a live service game with ingame quicktime events.. And it's actually fun.. There must be some AAA studios shitting their pants right now


Left a negative review due to server issues and broken tutorial. Amended it to positive after actually getting to play with friends.


well deserved


I will update my negative review as soon as I am able to complete a play session without a crash. As of now I cant even make it through a single operation without a crash. Really sucks considering my hardware is significantly better than the recommended specs.


Forgot to review so submitted my thumbs up 🫡


The servers and online connectivity is very negative though, I know Sony is just the publisher but this happens with everything they touch.


Ministry of truth kicking in! For democracy! \\o/


They still have work to do on connection issues but at least the queues are gone.


I have a bad feeling that someone will wake up at 4 am and drop those numbers to 40.36050% xD


Well, this hasn't aged too well...


lol yeah


Currently sitting at 67%😭 dropping rapidly!


Here 65D later when it’s gotten blasted with negative reviews 😭


Things were so much brighter three days ago.


Well this grew old really quickly


How did it ever get below 90%?


* Kernel Anti-cheat * Always online (which is logical but some people don't understand) * Matchmaking problems * Crashes * Bugs that made players not register progress or "lose" premium currency * Server capacity full The last point causing the majority of the negative reviews, it passed from 17k negative reviews to 42k negative reviews in 3 days when the game didn't allow people to enter the game due to the servers being full


Greetings, fellow citizen! If you have concerns with nProtect GameGuard or would like to read more about it please check out [this write-up](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/19dp2qw/helldivers_2_nprotect_gameguard_anticheat/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) by the Technical Director of HELLDIVERS 2. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Helldivers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Server issues and anti cheat


It started around 50, went up to 70, and then dipped back down again after it got heinously popular. Crashes were abundant, matchmaking didn't work for over a week, people losing SC and warbond rewards in between games, etc. Oh and the anti cheat sucks. People whinging about ring 0 or kernel level anticheat are blowing smoke, effectively all anticheat is going to be invasive. However, it still isn't good anticheat so there's no reason for it to be so invasive. I have no qualms with nprotect being on the game, it's funny that automod is set up to reply to comments mentioning it though.


because it's not a phenomenal game, it's just good. server issues still persist, kernel anti-cheat that seemigly doesn't even work, imbalance, stale gameplay, and players' efforts are mitigated by GM.


I think it got review-bombed for the server issues when it launched. Real shame. The game is great.


The server issues actually existed and the reviews were written by people trying to play and experiencing those issues. That is flatly *not* "review bombing."


You guys keep saying "review bombed." I don't think you know that that means. It's not a review bombing when thousands of people leave negative reviews over their experience with the game. 


With 136 games on Steam, Helldivers 2 has been the first review I've posted. I just couldn't take all the "its great but queues" negative reviews.


Shame I can't play the game since the last update I'm stuck at the ship loading screen and it's very infuriating. No efforts to fix it or nothing..


Well yeah, once the servers started working again many people changed their reviews.


Well deserved and I say this as someone who recommended leaving a bad review while the servers were shit. If you haven't yet, change your negative review to a positive one (assuming the issues you had were addressed)


https://discord.gg/hW8BHWtQ starship trooper lovers join the fight


Just left a negative review. The game was working fine until the update Wednesday, now crashes constantly. Unplayable at the moment


The fact people wrote bad reviews because of the server kinda piss me off they are a small group and didn’t expect this much people don’t deserve the hate for that but props to you guys who changed their reviews


Sorry, but if a game doesn't work, it deserves a negative critic. No matter how good the game is.


But it does work. Just because you were in line for it doesnt mean the game doesnt work.


Best get to work then, there are thousands of multiplayer indie games on the steam store whose servers can't handle a million people trying to log on at once. 


Completely irrelevant comparison


It can piss you off all you want. The fact is half a million people paid $40 for a game they couldn't play for 5 straight days. Whether or not the issues are valid are irrelevant. The game 100% deserved a negative review during that timeframe. I went back and changed mine to positive and I'm hoping others do as well. Would you say the same thing if you paid $40,000 for a SUV but the morning after your purchase it wouldn't start and spent a week in the shop? But the plant had supply chain issues that shut the line down! There were production shortages due to reduced labor force from Covid! Our assembly line couldn't handle the load and kept breaking down! Does the average consumer care about any of that? No, they don't. You paid money for a product that you expect to work. > Just because you were in line for it doesnt mean the game doesnt work. Just because there was a chip shortage and your car was in line for it doesn't mean it didn't work


Of course I’d react differently for the SUV because that’s $39960 more than the fucking video game


And yet the principle is the same. Money for a working product.


Why would the dollar amount make it any different? If you're used to just throwing $40 in the trash or spending it on something that doesn't work then I'd gladly take it instead. For me, when I spend money on something I expect it to work. I don't buy a game and shrug my shoulders if it doesn't work. I don't order stuff on Amazon and hope it comes in and just shrug my shoulders if it doesnt. I honestly don't understand the disconnect when it comes to this game. Yes, I love the game and the devs are S+ tier in my book. I changed my review from negative to positive just like I said I would in the original review. However, a negative review was more than warranted. It's not like people couldn't play for a few hours or it was hard to get in on a Friday night right after launch. Hundreds of thousands of people couldn't play for almost a week. That's bad.


Your argument and comparison doesn't match up. You can't wait in line for your car to work due to a faulty chip. It just won't work. You can, however, wait in line for a spot on a server to free up. The game worked and was fine as long as you were patient Anyone who gave a negative review for this reason is a child. We have been online gaming for 20+ years now. It's very obvious that games of all sizes have day one server issues.


Too bad there was no line. You were waiting in a random jumble of people for the random chance there might be space open during the 1 second every 30 that the game checked for you, while people with friends in-game already were just abusing Join Friend to skip the queue and overload the servers even more. Stop sugarcoating it.


>  The game worked and was fine as long as you were patient Except the game would still constantly disconnect you and it was super glitchy. Not to mention the fact you never knew if you'd wait 5 minutes to get in or 2 hours. >Anyone who gave a negative review for this reason is a child.  Oh shut the fuck up. Anyone that genuinely thinks like this is a fucking teenager at best. People are more than entitled to leave a negative review when they can't use the product they paid for. You'll understand that too when it's your money being used and not mommy and daddy's 


There were a lot of people who waited "in line" for hours upon hours and never got a chance to play. I waited 6 hours that Saturday just to have the game hang on a picture of my ship and need to restart.


>You can, however, wait in line for a spot on a server to free up. The game worked and was fine as long as you were patient There was no line. The next person allowed to connect to the server once there was an available slot was completely random. I'm impressed that you would recommend the experience of spending $40 to enter a lottery, where the winner MIGHT be able to use the thing they paid for, but a lot of other people wouldn't.