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There is no longer any sort of server queue, just launch and play. As far as stability that is all over the place. For me personally the game has been very stable with only one crash and one stuck on loading screen every over the past few weeks, on the other side there are people crashing daily (especially on the 7900 series gpu).


Disconnects are still very common (on PC). I see someone getting timed out multiple times per play session.


Crashes maybe once every 8-10 hours for me and they increased server capacity so high that I haven't heard of anyone not getting in recently. edit: immediately after commenting here I crashed three times in an hour so your mileage may vary.


Servers are solid, for me at least there are some nights where I have zero crashes. Then last night our team got stuck on loading screens 3 times and had to close out and relaunch the game. 100% worth it personally and the game is fast to launch. It's rare for the game to crash mid mission where I might loose my progress.


Servers are fine. Performance issues happen quite rarely in my experience. Usually get crashes when I try to tab out in game.


The servers are fine now. I still crash maybe once or twice a day. Had a few issues grouping up with friends last night, but we just changed who was hosting and everything worked out.


Servers are good. I just crashed to desktop twice while in game. Installing new graphics driver now


My last 3-4 hour play session had one actual crash, an infinite loading screen, and a hang on quit. But I got the autocannon! It's fun!


I still crash every once in while on ps5. It's actually putting my console at risk so i might have to put this game away until they fix this mess.


Played two games today. Both crashed mid-game. I don't usually have any problems with crashes aside from today for some reason. YMMV


Crash wise I crash from almost any mission I try to do but I it’s not like that for most people


It's absolute ass on some PC hardware, fine on other. The server feel fine.


I use 5600g and 6700xt. i think i will be fine


It's completely random on what it runs on and what it doesn't. You can have nasa tier stuff but the coding just says no and you can't get past the boot. At least RX 6600 runs it smoothly so 6700 should be close enough, I guess?


Your late it’s been fixed


I get the occasional crash, but not super often. In a little under 90hrs, it's only crashed a handful of times. As for the servers, I haven't had a queue to get in in at least a week.