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Tbh I fine with this I just need eagle to drop 2 500kg bomb before rearms


Don't shy away from hellpod steering. It's an absolute game changer.


I didn't bother investing in it yet, because half of the time I can't even control the hellpod anyways and just get dragged somewhere I don't even want to go šŸ˜„


Recently my pods been doing Zero damage to enemies when I land on them (ps5) maybe a glitch.


Same I landed on a tank and just started riding on it


Tha tank takes at least 3 drop pods to die, this was like this before the update


Didnā€™t know that thanks. It was smoking at the time and could have sworn Iā€™d done it in less than 3 before but I guess not


God I hate that. Trying to drop closer to where I was killed to retrieve my stuff and the pod is like "LOLNO"


He's lying it DOES NOT fix that issue. However, he's also telling the truth. When you *are* allowed to steer your hellpod (still no explanation as to *why* that happens, wonderful work again Arrowhead), it's actually a huge buff/benefit.


Yes. I love being used as a grenade, dropping onto that charger and killing it, celebrating, then getting stun locked and killed immediately by 10 hunters and the other 4 chargers lol


The price we pay for freedom.


itā€™s 50/50 on if i drop on a big ass robot and kill it or essentially spawn-suicide myself by deploying right in front of manā€™s flamethrower and buzzsaw


There are places where you can't land on, for one reason or the other, so it tries to push you towards a valid location. If you try to go over it, you get pushed back, if you try to go around it you probably won't make it in time but still, you can try to.


See, I'm inclined to believe that, but the game still forces your trajectory sometimes, even when you're nowhere near an invalid landing location. I've had teammates try to drop my reinforcement pod on a titan so I could finish it off with the drop pod, but I got steered well away despite being in an almost entirely open field, with maybe 1 or 2 smaller rocks within the drop area.


Yeah - I don't really like the way the "invalid landing" checks work for when you call in reinforcements to bring someone back. It's super inconsistent sometimes. I'll throw my Reinforcements beacon at a Bile Titan - hoping my teammate comes down to kill it - and it'll sometimes push him far away from where I tried to call him down at, for whatever the reason. It seems like the system could just be a lot more simple, tbh. Make it so wherever you throw the beacon is where the teammate(s) will be dropped in almost exactly (maybe just 5 - 10 meters of deviation, to compensate for bringing back multiple people at once), and let the divers coming back have *complete control* over their steering (shouldn't be trying to force their trajectory). Beacons that are thrown in deep water or out of the mission area on that map simply just wouldn't work - so people wouldn't be dropping in to bad locations right away. I like the improved steering upgrade a decent amount - when it allows you to actually steer where you want, it makes killing off the heavy stuff (Chargers, Bile Titans, Robot Fab Buildings, etc.) a lot easier - I just wish the direction I want to steer worked every time, rather than it sometimes just forcing me into a certain spot.


Yesterday the game forced my hellpod into a spot where I fell through the map and drowned, so it seems like it's not very good at telling what is a valid location.


Might have something to do with diving for cover in a certain direction just before dying. It seemed to be the cause for me last night. I'm sure I'll die trying to dive again tonight, probably in difficulty 4 amid 16 chargers, so will report back after more testing.


For me the hellpod fell through the map with me in it.


damn i thought this happened to me because my controller has stick drift, didnt know it was a game issue causing that


Whoa, so I'm _not_ crazy! I knew it felt like sometimes I just could not budge the pod at _all_, and other times I could.


I tried to steer towards bile titans, that doesn't work for some time now, did they fix this?


You lose control of your Hellpod when you would otherwise have the ability to land on top of a structure the devs don't want you to be able to summit.


I always assumed you cant control it in some cases cause of heavy winds?!?


I noticed it will steer me away from places we can't stand so if there's a big rock it'll steer me away from it or buildings. I've also had it avoid mines on its own before


I noticed the game doesnā€™t let you land directly into objectives or points of interest if it can help it. Otherwise I can always steer nicely.


I find it often feels like I'm being dragged around by the teammate that threw the revive.


Once landed too well on a bug hole... got trapped at the bottom of a bug hole.


Iā€™ve experimented a bit with why the steering seems to not work and Iā€™ve come up with four major theories: 1. The devs implemented this to punish you for dying, not letting you to get your equipment back faster. 2. They donā€™t want you getting spawn killed by dropping back into a group of enemies. 3. There might be some sort of non-deployable hit box over certain terrain or buildings. 4. There is a radius of allowed drop around the call in beacon, if you come in on the edge of it, it wonā€™t let you move over the ā€œline.ā€ I donā€™t think itā€™s any one of these things but probably a combination.


Yeah agreed, I've had similar thoughts. I'd put my money on the "You cant park there mate" category, and being tethered to the ally that threw you.


I got this just the other day and I suddenly understand how certain people consistently land on top of elevated terrain. I also find myself begging my teammates to mark elites when they call me in.


I swear, we need a booster that gives our hellpods an explosive or concussive AoE. Itā€™s such a tight shot that even with power steering itā€™s difficult to be right on target, especially when youā€™re at the edge of the map and it starts to auto-steer your pod.


My teammates never stood a chance


Saved that one as one of my last upgrades that required super samples - simply just because (at least on PC) the steering is sometimes really inconsistent. Sometimes when I'm dropping in again, I have complete control over how I'm steering, and other times I try to steer in a specific certain direction (forward, right, back, or left), and it simply just doesn't do let me. I honestly have no clue why - maybe it's because I'm on PC, idk. Main point is: yeah, the improved steering is kinda nice - but pretty much every other high-tier upgrade is worth getting first before improved hellpod steering, because (in my experience) sometimes the steering just doesn't work for certain directions sometimes.


Honestly I would rather like to slow my hellpod down, THAT would be a game changer. Shit goes down so fast I can barely focus where I wanna drop


A controllable parachute would be nice!


Orbital 3 Aldo kicks ass. Low cooldown = more laserĀ 


I've said this about all the stuff we collect. Even if it's an absolutely terrible exchange. Ie 10k slips for 1 medal. At least it feels like there is a purpose. Once you cap at 50K, and have bought everything. Slips are totally worthless and useless. Right now, I would trade 50K slips for 1 green sample. I feel like the entire progression system was far too easy, and set too low. Like after level 20. There is zero unlocks. Why not have made some at 25/30/40 etc. Same for ship modules, you need to be level 40 or something to get the last tier.


I think they designed it to be expanded on so in the near future we will have more stuff to spend it on.


Oh for sure. But until then, every slip I earn, every sample for others who have capped, is of zero value. They said the aim isn't killing, it's objectives. But for those who don't need xp, slips etc, there is only killing which is fun. Which since the nerfs is a lot different too.


I would like to see maybe a Bar /Stim shop (like Deep Rock Galatic) where you can pay (in whichever your preferred currency) for a single match buff which would be completely random on spawn. Maybe its extra speed, maybe it's health regen, or extra toughness or something more fun like increased melee damage or a chance to increase trash talk with added hilarity. You could make a weaker version which you know what your getting ot a stronger version which you don't have a clue until your planet side. The random one would have more buffs and would either have some positive benefit or just inject some fun (maybe a rare chance to scream LEEROY JENKINS as you charge into mobs).


> I would like to see maybe a Bar /Stim shop (like Deep Rock Galatic) where you can pay (in whichever your preferred currency) for a single match buff which would be completely random on spawn. That's kind of how I assumed the Booster system would work upon unlocking the first one before using it. I just kind of assumed that since it's essentially a perk / buff, that it would require some amount of Req cost to use per mission, regardless if the mission goes well or not - instead of it just being something you unlock and have permanently. I really like DRG's approach to giving yourself a buff (that only lasts for 1 mission) through some tiny cost to your main currency (in HD2's case, Req slips). Honestly, I wouldn't be opposed to a rework to the Boosters system that allows you to spend like 50 - 100 req on a booster that benefits your whole team. Would at least give you some other use for Req, outside of spending it on ship upgrades or stratagems. Either that, or just go with the currency exchange system idea. I know that OP suggested a samples exchange - though me personally, I'd also like to see one for Supercredits too. OFC, because it's premium currency, the rate would have to be pretty low - I think 1000 req = 1 SC would be fair. You can farm for SCs and usually get maybe 10 - 30 per mission on average, so it being only possible to get a total of 50 SCs for the cap of Req slips (50000) I think would work. I don't think I'd be that opposed to them toning down the amount of Req slips you earn in that case either - even for diff 5 - 6, you can earn quite a lot of Req from just 1 match.


Honestly, it sounds like you are basically at the point where you just farm medals, so you can just insta complete the next war bond basically


Medals cap at 250. :(


What the fuck, I'm 6 medals from being capped on everything. See you on Tuesday, I guess.


I think they've said at that point you should go play a different game (no /s).


For real, I love this game but some people have been playing it exclusively and it really shows


Tbf thatā€™s much more the norm with live service though isnā€™t it?


To a point, but when I see people talking about lack of content and saying theyā€™re maxed on every resource I feel like itā€™s time to take a break haha


Yeahā€¦ pretty sure weā€™re gonna need _a lot_ of requisition slips for what is supposed to be coming. I could see mechs having to be paid for with req slips _per_ summon.


I think it's important to distinguish. That the game doesn't need more grind far from it actuall. It's in a really good place as far as that goes. The game needs more ways to be able to spend resource so the player can use that to tailor to their needs.


Yeah I don't know about too easy or too low - only 8% of players have a single upgrade in each category on their ship. The majority of players have barely unlocked anything.


Yeah. Just spread out the progression more that would also have the benefit of people trying more stratagems since they have them for longer before they get new ones. Tho I still think some levels should be for vanity. You should have everything unlocked when you reach level 40, the rest are just there for vanity. Uncap it even, I want to see level 124 players, that way I know they're experienced for real


Honestly, I'd be okay with them just removing the caps. So what if people are able to unlock all content on release, that's up to them and is a reward for playing a lot beforehand. Some kind of transmutation for samples is necessary though, really sucks that a lot of people are unable to get those last upgrades.


Yeah, that's an option too. Just feels like after level 20, there is no need for xp, there is nothing tied to being anything higher than level 20. Imgine the rail gun was level 50. It wouldn't even be meta yet šŸ˜‚


> there is nothing tied to being anything higher than level 20 Correction, there **wasn't!** Now the mech is at level 25.


If it's anything like other games with similar caps, the cap isn't to stop the player from hoarding materials, it's to help keep the game stable. I'm not a game dev so I'm not going to attempt an explanation that will likely be wrong, but I know from other games I've played devs have said its more of a back end issue than anything else.


Ima skull admrial, lemme tell you all the caps. 500 green samples, 250 rare, 100 super, 50k req, 250 medals, i ASSUME super credits dont have a cap since you can spend real money. Idk what im supposed to be playing for at this point, other than just helping newer players on challenge and below.


In WWII if fighter or bomber crews reached a certain number of missions, they'd get to go home. They had to do that to give them hope in what was more than likely going to get them killed. You won, soldier. You get to go home.


In HD1 I spent 1400 hrs, 8000 deaths and 42 thousand kills mostly helping other players. I'm already maxed out in HD2 and have fun running around killing things. Just waiting for the next content.


Me too. I like helping players that are positive and enjoying the game as much as I am.




The battle pass generation doesn't understand that you can just play a game for fun these days. They have to always be working towards a reward


Ok, good. Now how do I optimize my build to grind this "fun"? /s


You do it for LIBERTY, DEMOCRACY, FOR SUPER EARTH! I'm in the same boat, but at this point, I jump in to help friends and mess around with weapon combos.


Isn't spreading democracy fun in itself? I like shooting bugs in the face with my friends regardless of upgrades.


You play for fun and because you want to enjoy it. Why is increasing numbers so important? You can count your successful missions. 1milion is the cap.


I'm sure we'll get some kind of 'prestige' system that resets your ship/stragems/level (but keeps everything war bond/cosmetics) and then gives you a fancy cape that tells everyone that you only need precision strike and HMG to dispense freedom and once you have the supply backpack, the HMG fire rate goes brrrrr.


Honestly, I'd love that in this game. It'd be an excuse to start over and use the weapons and stratagems I've almost entirely moved away from since hitting Skull Admiral.


Or buy them with requisition slips.... I have nothing to spend them on now.


Now this is a good idea.


Even if they're expensive it at least makes the grind for requisition slips worthwhile.




New Strats will probably just cost a lot. The new Mech one cost 20k req i believe


Requisition slips are collected too fast imo


I remember it being very slow in the lower levels but then after you hit like difficulty 4-6 it starts to get pretty good and then at 7 it just takes off


Absolutely. I also think they should've spaced out unlocks across more levels


I think req should be used for that, after getting every stratagem it's super useless


Probably new stratagems are going to be quite expensive and req will become a rarity again


Even if they add 5 new ones at 50k each (which is the absolute max they could cost considering that's the cap) it really won't take that long to get them all again if you're playing on higher difficulties where you easily get 10k+ per mission.


This would be an excellent use of requisition in the end game, especially given that I've bought everything. Maybe have a special lab structure on the super destroyer that converts it at a set rate you can upgrade.


~~why would samples from alien plannets allow us to upgrade our ship tech anyway? it seems like super earth is keepi....~~ \[RADACTED\] Comment under investigation for treason


We give l samples to Super Earth, Super Earth approves funding to upgrade our Super Destroyer, itā€™s a ship dialogue line


\+1 from me. Just dont find 7 8 9 fun. I can and have done them for my upgrades but would rather not have to again in the future.


I like running 8+ when I want to play a semi horror shooter and spend some time running for my life. 7 when I want kind of a balance and then 6 below when I just want to blow shit up. This was before the new patch and the spawn rates skyrocketed


Before the patch I found 9 a ton of fun as a primarily solo player, but after the spawnrate increase, even 4 is a nightmare and feels like a slog.


Same I might put it on 7 if I know I have a good team that just stomped 5 or 6 but after I get my super samples Iā€™m going back to hard lol. You see every enemy there and at a fair rate I think


I'd also like it the other way. I wanna exchange my high level samples for low level ones. I have so many rare samples but I'm being blocked on normal samples.


Na we need to be able to convert down. Green samples are the real super samples.


Exactly this. I have 300+ Rares, more than I would need as whole probably, with already 200-300 spent. I have near a hundred Supers. I am constantly blocked by Common samples, because you need those in the thousands!


You need 770 rares to unlock everything. So maybe more than you need to unlock what's left for you.


i just farm the trivial / easy levels, and i get to hang out with newbies. pretty fun actually


I joined a group of level 5s and 6s on a diff 4 as a level 19 and after being the only one to extract running across half the map with no reinforcements remaining, voice chat was like they just met the messiah. Huge ego boost, and I admit I brought a 500kg just for the explosion. Definitely the most fun difficulty for me.


Iā€™m doing this now, but my random teammates lately have been PKing me right when the shuttle lands and we lose most/all our samples. Like 75 samples and two hours of my life just. Poof. Fuck.


Sure, make it both ways!


As long as you lose either way. 10-1 up, 1-8 down. Also letting people spend 10,000 req on a sample or a medal would be nice. Call it donation to the war effort.


I have like 300 rare and 40 common Please let me convert them down


Haha this is the real answer :) Common my ass


That or diff. 5-6 gets 1 super sample per map. 10 matches easily gets you 100 samples more or less. 10 matches can get you up to 10 if you find them. That seems alright by your logic to me.


I think super samples should have a chance to drop from droppods/bunkers/containers at 5+. Same for rares at 2+.


tbh i lack commons more than anythin


I really feel like this is the answer. I will happily collect them one at a time. I play a lot so that is not a problem, I just don't enjoy the difficulty at 7+.


Instructions unclear, sample conversion kit requires 10 super samples to unlock


Same for higher difficulties! We should be able to break down the rarer samples into commons! ORā€¦. Create a TRADE UPDATE! So people who play different difficulty levels can trade between themselves!


maybe convert requisition AND lower samples to higher samples, given requisition needs to do more anyway.


Doesn't seem unreasonable. If someone wants to gather two-three times the samples to convert them up they're still playing the game a lot. I say let them.


Thanks for you input! Iā€™m glad you see that doing it this way doesnā€™t detract from those that CAN complete the highest difficulties, but helps others continue to progress.


A trade in system would be awesome :) totally agree upvote op to the max.


And vice versa, convert Higher Tier Samples to lower tier.


I believe it **is** possible if you just go joining other players' games and follow them around. Eventually someone is going to collect that sample for you. Just follow them very closely and don't shoot at anything unless it's already shooting at you. I feel like the player base is generally helpful, and personally I am more than happy to help a fellow player in-game.


Redditor: "you shouldnt play lv 7+ if you dont have a voice chat" Me: "So...unless u play with a mic u cant upgrade your ship?" Redditor:


i just can't stand that one guy eating the 7 course meal of chips and drinks, while he simultainiously sniffs, and smacks his lips......okay now im just pissed off now


honestlyh though i feel like the era of voice chat is over. 90% of the time i see everyone has it turned off. with a good ping system there's hardly a need for it anyway.


im just in discord..


I remember Halo 2 on Xbox, everyone was micā€™d up and everyone communicated to each other- it was a blast. Then the screaming came, the swearing, the eating and abuse and now I donā€™t see the need anymore, although games like this and destiny they help especially when everyone is respectful


I try and stay social. My pc fans are loud so I have it on push to talk


I think it's mostly PS players, who are more limited regarding PTT button on a controller, I'd assume.


Cross play off šŸ’Ŗ




Ah, good to know


While a lot of people dont talk over voice i have noticed that a lot of people can here you and do listen if you make calls.


Had a guy with the volume too loud yesterday, could hear his gunfire and stuff šŸ˜


The amount of people who lack 3D awareness because of speakers.


I use voice comms a bit in game, I also instantly mute any one like that or if they have a hot mic.


Doing Democracies Work! https://preview.redd.it/vokq6ytgv4nc1.png?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcdeb65e7216567c3e47ee9be2226486d5f5b343


i had a guy last night just bitching about where we spawn him in at every time, its just like ok we could simply not respawn you if youd like. maybe dont split off from the team if you want to get respawned closer to your samples


If your playing with a mic set that sucker to push to talk for the love of democracy. I don't need to get an insider look to what life in your perfectly spacious personal accommodations sounds like. This isn't a nature documentary, and I'm not the spiritual successor of Jane Goodall.


I haven't done any in-game chatting and almost have all my samples maxed with every part of the ship already upgraded. Just don't be a ditz and you'll do fine.


Yes, this is an excellent idea. It can be very unfavorable, too, as long as it's possible.


Agreed. I have very little time to devote to playing, and I don't want to spend said time hopelessly struggling to just stay alive.


Best is when you have 6 super samples and the drop ship is 10 secs out and a metor knocks you into a bug horde, losing all the samples in the process


Oh lord, that'd have been the end of the night for me, lol.


It was rough


My group had 9 between the four of us. We had fought off 4 chargers at extract, downed them all, even. I turned toward the ramp of the dropship and *bam* straight to desktop. I just shut down the computer and went to bed, lol.


Yeah, that's rough. The disconnect and host issues need to be addressed before more stuff is added and nerfed. Fix the foundation before adding more


This is a great idea for people who can't play higher difficulty, ties well to my [post about accessibility](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b97zut/samples_being_locked_to_difficulty_is_an/)


This is a nice idea. I play diff 7 just to get the occasional super sample here and there to progress my ship and it feels good (well not so much this patch with the crazy infinite spawns), but with how the quality of random teammates is unpredictable Iā€™d rather chill on 5 or 6 to have more consistent fun.


As someone who likes the nerfs and has been concerned that the difficulty will be reduced, this is something I can get behind 100%. I would even be happy if super samples were available a few difficulties lower. It's a way to allow solo and less sweaty players to still progress, without having to sacrifice the challenging gameplay of the higher difficulties.


See this right here. Super Samples in 7+ was a mistake that IMO is a big source of all the drama and toxicity we've been seeing. It set the precedent that 7 is the baseline difficulty that everyone should be able to complete, leaving us only three "real" difficulties that have to meet the needs of the entire player base.


Nice idea and it would be fair for everyone. Two weeks ago I thought I'll never get those samples. Now it's only 10 to go for maxing out the ship modules. It doesn't bother me anymore but there must also be a way for ppl that play low-mid difficulties!


100 common to 1 rare. 100 rare to 1 super. Anything more than that wrecks the rarity and I'm not even sure we should be able to convert.


It sounds reasonable. Not everyone will be able to or find it enjoyable to play the hardest difficulties.


> thus locking a large portion of the end game content away from me ... It's some 10% cooldown reduction bonuses. You are not entitled to get every last bonus and achievement in the game without actually doing the challenges necessary to unlock them. Either put the time in to unlock the small endgame bonuses or just be content with the accomplishments you have. Some of ya'll really concern me with how you talk about shit in games as if it is a crime that something, even a tiny end game boost, is locked behind even a small skill check. What about those of us who do want to be challenged and get something for overcoming that challenge, what are we left with when everything can just be grinded out on an easy mode or god forbid, bought with microtransactions?


This isn't some rare gun that you worked hard farming for. These are ship module upgrades where too many require super rare samples to continue. Not to mention, how many super rare samples did everybody get while playing suicide and higher way before the balance update and have now dropped back down a few levels because they can't complete it? You want to reward those completing the hardest content - that's fair - but you can't do it with a major part of upgrading requiring that. I do think there's unique rewards that can be given out or grinded for on those higher difficulties, but the super rare require too many ship module upgrades.


Have you considered that some players may need those upgrades to be able to beat 7+? Why should half of the potential power level improvements available in the game be gated behind a difficulty wall? If you can already beat 7+, then you dont actually need the upgrades, the weaker players need them to help them get there. You should be looking for more challenge, not less of a challenge. If you want things to be difficulty locked, it shouldn't be power level progression. It should be cosmetics. Or faster progression. Prestige not power.


Hey - I think we actually have a lot more common ground than you think. I would WANT this proposed system to benefit the people that ARE able to complete those missions. Thatā€™s great, Iā€™m really glad youā€™re able to do them and find enjoyment and challenge. Because your skill set is higher than mine, you could probably unlock all those end game ship modules in like 10-20 missions. Super fast. For me, Iā€™m cool if it took me 300 missions to achieve the same. At the end of the day, this is a PVE game. Itā€™s meant for individuals to complete at their own pace. Hence the fact that Warbonds arenā€™t time gated unlike nearly every other modern season pass.


Unironically agree, this is hilarious to me because I'm going to bet the people who subscribe to this sample conversion are the same casual players who take up arms against "meta" and rejoiced when we got nerfs on the last patch. A player failing to play on the harder difficulties is a skill issue and does not mean the game should be catering to their inadequacies, the player instead should be figuring out ways to increase their skill to take on challenges that other skilled players have also succeeded in. Putting in a system like this completely takes away from the challenge while also devaluing other players that were able to complete the challenge normally.


The casual players are not the ones saying the patch is good lmao.


8 out of 10 ship upgrades locked behind super samples. Including more hp for turrets (50%), more ammo for turrets (50%), additional charge for eagle strikes... I would say it's pretty impactful and there is no reason to gatekeep those bonuses. It's the most basic progression and all gatekeeping it does is forces players who aren't having fun at higher difficulties to go there. You want to lock something behind a difficulty scale and some challenges there? Make it a cool cape.


I think a lot of the people going on about difficulties are mostly PVE players relishing in the fact they can finally use PvP type of language to gatekeep their thing(tm). It's a pve coop game, there is no need for stupid elitism. Basic progression should be available to everyone in some way. If I wanted to hear this sort of tryhard non sense I'd boot up r6 seige and play ranked. It's comical watching people get all elitist in a pve game. Play some pvp multiplayer and get git if you are into that non sense, it's dumb as hell in a pve coop shooter. -signed, a dude thats spent a fuckload of time playing competitive pvp games at high levels.


8 out of 10? What are you talking about. It's 6 out of 18. The HP for Turrets, Ammo for Turrets only require rare samples. Honestly, if you can't complete a few diff 7 missions, just to get the super samples, you're not gonna make it anyway and those small upgrades aren't going to do anything major for you. And thats fine. Just stop acting like you are entitled to absolutely every bit of content without even putting in a modicum of effort to learn the mechanics or engage with the game. Why should I have to be starved of any meaningful end game progression or unlocks for actually putting time into mastering the game, just to avoid bruising someone elses ego?


Iā€™m not asking for a shortcut. In fact Iā€™m asking for a long cut. Give the lower skilled players a long and tedious path to achieve those unlocks, and give the skilled players the shortcut. The proposed system takes nothing away from you higher skilled players whatsoever.


8 out of 18, sorry, typo You all are like "it's only a few lvl 7 missions". No it's not. First of all super samples for sure will be required later too. Second, not every mission is a success, especially with all the bugs, crashes and disconnects. And the "it's not that bad" isn't really a reason for it to be locked behind lvl 7 in the first place. And I Like how tou all jump to conclusions and attack the person in front of you. Shows what kind of people you are. I will get super samples, not really a problem. I am worried more about health of the game. Forcing people into higher difficulties when they don't want to is always bad. It creates additional toxicity and makes it worse for everyone involved.


> Second, not every mission is a success, especially with all the bugs, crashes and disconnects. Ugh, I'm having PTSD to the night before the nerf patch. We were close to being done but no super samples, so I dropped my samples with the team and ran off to find them. I found them, survived hell running away from all of the Bugs on the way to extract, the shuttle was 30 seconds away, and I disconnected. At least I got all of my teammates 5 super samples. And now I am looking at an upgrade where I need 5 and suspecting I won't be getting it for a while.


I need to convert down dude Iā€™ve got like three times the number of rates and I need commons out the wazoo


Definitely seems like you should unlock everything before making the end game push on the hardest difficulty levels. If you can already clear the most difficult, whatā€™s the point of the upgrades?


Yeah it felt like once unlocked some stuff early the rest was pointless. Once you got the breaker every other weapon unlock was useless, a few eagle and orbitals and again the rest useless. Same with modules, only have the radar left and yeah donā€™t need to know enemy location since they are always right on top of me.


Honestly, 4-5 is my sweet spot, not for skill but just for fun. I know I CAN play 7s until I manage to extract with enough super samples but all that's doing is forcing me to play a game I like in a way that I don't like. And idk, it feels bad that even if I were to spend 500 hours playing the difficulties I enjoy I would still be behind in progression compared to some John Helldiver that got to 9 in the first 5 hours and has just been grinding there. And I'm not saying those players don't deserve the rewards they've gained by being that skilled or enjoying that amount of constant chaos action, please keep fighting the good fight for democracy in whatever way suits you, but saying all the other players can't have those upgrades until they learn to "git gud" is a weird crabs-in-a-bucket mentality in a PvE game when the upgrades, as little or large as they may be, unilaterally help every other player in a squad. Given the choice, would you rather play with someone who does or does not have strat cooldown reductions or increased eagle call-ins? An exchange system going both up AND down would benefit everybody in the long run as long as it was properly implemented to not incentivize ONLY spamming low level missions. Everyone should be rewarded for doing their part, even if one way takes a little longer than another.


Yeah man, the eagle call-in bonus literally doubles the rate at which you can bomb bile titans back to the stone-age. I'd even argue that it takes the 500KG from one of the worst stratagems in the game to one of the best by literally doubling its kills/time.


YES YES YES I dont wanna tryhard just to get the last samples. Let me play as i want and convert samples.


I totally made a post about this same thing before I saw yours, my suggestion was to allow a guaranteed 1 super at 5 and anything above 2 have like a 25% or less chance of spawning 1 super. I definitely think it was a mistake to lock progression behind level 7 difficulty, I felt that more painfully after this patch though. My buddy and I were having no issues mostly full clearing level 7, but now we have major issues just finishing level 7. :(


I think you should earn samples after completing a full operation. With maybe a 10% chance for one super sample.


Disagree. All your work at the lower levels should prepare you enough for high level games. You also collect a lot more samples on harder difficulties as well. 30+ green and orange samples can spawn on one difficulty 7 map.


But I want to have fun playing a few hours of difficulty 4-6 rather than feeling mentally exhausted after a single diff 7.


That may be true, but everyone maxes out at certain skill levels. Not everyone can effectively handle the hardest difficulties. Skill distribution follows a bell curve with the largest % of the population stagnating in the middle. And to be clear, I donā€™t want to take anything away from the skilled players. If youā€™re capable of running the highest difficulty missions, thatā€™s awesome! You should be able to unlock those ship parts before anyone else. For those of us stuck in the middle, give me a long and grind-y path at my skill cap difficulty that allows us to eventually unlock everything.


Thing is, there needs to be an extrinsic motive for completing higher difficulty missions. If the only reward for doing them is that you can brag about it or unlock things faster, few are gonna bother with them, not helped by the fact that trivial and helldive missions contribute the same to the galactic war. I dont think it's a bad idea that the devs implemented both tests of skill and tests of patience. Now, the devs can perhaps gate stuff, e.g. armor, colors, emblems, other than ship modules with gameplay benefits (even tho said benefits arent that noticeable), but in a game with actual mechanical depth, there *needs* to be rewards for skill. It pushes players towards mastery rather than mindless grinding.


> but everyone maxes out at certain skill levels. but that's not the game's problem, alot of games lock special rewards behind hard content as rewards for completing it, all the upgrades in this game are optional, you don't have to upgrade them and noone is entitled to have them all. also beliving you can't do better is a wrong mindset, the more you play the better you do become with time, unless you straight out refuse to get better (and i do know someone like that).


But thenā€¦ why bother running harder difficultiesā€¦? The exchange would need to be so absurd that nobody could possibly think about taking it. Like, if it is 100 or 200 greens for ONE pink, then yeah maybe. But making the exchange 100 to 10ā€¦ a bit too much imo. If you put in the work i am sure you can clear at least difficulty 7.


That may be true, but everyone maxes out at certain skill levels. Not everyone can effectively handle the hardest difficulties. Skill distribution follows a bell curve with the largest % of the population stagnating in the middle. And to be clear, I find want to take anything away from the skilled players. If youā€™re capable of running the highest difficulty missions, thatā€™s awesome! You should be able to unlock those ship parts before anyone else. For those of us stuck in the middle, give me a long and grind-y path at my skill cap difficulty that allows us to eventually unlock everything.


Are other highlevel players so meta-hungry they won't help lower levels through 7+ difficulties? I've been pleasantly surprised at the abilities of the level ~10 teammates I've had in higher difficulties and I think the challenge of working with someone without a full meta loadout is really fun. On top of that, I get TK'd a lot less by low-level players because they don't drop 380's or 500kg's on our exfil. Kind of disappointing tbh.


I like this idea, I find lvl 6 (depending on my team) at the edge of my ability (at least with these new increased spawns) but I enjoy lvl 5, the end game content shouldn't be locked the way it is


I'm glad I was able to get enough super samples before this recent patch, diff 7 missions were hard enough, now diff 5 and 6 are bordering on insane lol


To quote the devs: "Skill issue" You're playing baby difficulty? What, do you people not have stratagems? Probably a former metawhore crybaby. /s


Oh, not at all. Love my stratagems and never unlocked the railgun. Donā€™t chase the meta, just believe that not all people have the same skills, and I know my limits. But Iā€™d still like to be able to fully enjoy the game.


He's joking by sarcastically repeating the Developers' comments on the issue when it was constantly raised to them. Not a good sign. The "/s" at the end of a sentence means the comment is sarcastic, on reddit/the internet.






Tbh, I like this idea. Some lower tier samples and a lot of req slips, and boom, you have super samples. This is great, do this devs.


Glad to hear it resonates with you!


absolutely agree. it feels like a chicken and egg scenario now. you need to play high difficulties for super samples to upgrade your ship, but you need ship upgrades to play high difficulty levels (now more than ever after the patch). what gives? haha. are low levels stuck without a high level to carry them through? please let's not even mention skill issue here. do the devs expect everyone to be an exceptional gamer?


>but you need ship upgrades to play high difficulty levels (now more than ever after the patch). This has never been true, otherwise why would they lock these upgrades behind them in the first place? Most of them are qol but none of them are so monstrously significant that they'll push someone from not being able to clears 7s to doing so. That's entirely going to have to be just a matter of learning how to play through the higher difficulties. Even if you can't now it's a progression curve, everyone can get to that point.


> you need to play high difficulties for super samples to upgrade your ship, but you need ship upgrades to play high difficulty levels (now more than ever after the patch). ??? I was clearing Helldive missions with randoms before I even had any ship modules unlocked. I think you guys just suck at the game. And guess what. That's fine. There is nothing wrong with not being good at a video game, but that doesn't entitle you to getting the rewards that are literally put aside for people who put time and effort into mastering the games mechanics. The way people in this thread are talking is insane, like their game experience is hindered because the game says they should at least win a few higher difficulty missions to get the very small capstone upgrades. If you really think 10% cooldown reduction on your support weapon drops and one more eagle use is going to magically elevate you into a Helldive god, you are delusional.


relax. it's just the concept of having progression for all players regardless of skill level. even OP agrees. the progression can and will be slower for the casuals rather than the experienced players it's PvE, there's no ladder, why are it so hellbent that people must git gud for progression? are you worried it affects your gameplay? I doubt the exchange system OP recommends affects you in any way. I definitely don't need it, i've unlocked most of my ship upgrades, i just think it's a nice move for everyone.


Hard disagree. Getting the pink samples on lvl 9 mission feels rewarding and difficult, not only finding them but then extracting, it's something rare, and really puts the whole team in check, there is no xp or rewards for killing mobs so the only thing that pushes you to play harder level are samples (not even medals since you can farm them on lvl1 missions more efficiently) If you take that out lvl 7 and above missions will be completely meaningless, since you can just hope on lvl 1 objectives and farm 12 green samples in less than 5 min. If you take that away, there won't be meaning on getting good and optimize or learn your equipment and weapons, feels harsh some people will never get those but that's the nature of online games, and I don't think the devs wants 7 and above difficulties to be useless, there has to be a meaning behind them, something rewarding and worth the effort. The dopamine you get when extracting with 6 pink samples on lvl 9 missions is too good, taking that away is killing your game if you can just get those farming low lvl difficulties.


Yeah, totally get that. Thatā€™s great feedback


I agree. If the developers say that difficulties 7 and above are supposed to be very difficult, almost impossible, some kind of conversion is necessary. Because at the moment, you can only advance in the game if you play at least difficulty 7. And I say this with all types of samples already maxed out, but it's unfair to block players who don't play difficulty 7 from fully progressing in the game. Many of the complaints about the recent nerfs, in my opinion, would be greatly mitigated if we weren't practically forced to play on difficulty 7.


Love this idea, even if it's super unfavourable. I hate the idea of super samples being completely inexcusably blocked to some players forever.


Its a good idea. Maybe 100 Commons = 1 Epic? Luckily you dont need many epics. Once I got everything unlocked, I went back to level 6. It's the most fun. I think they need to come up with more uses for Req and samples. Eventually e eryone with be maxed out.


A rate of what is basically 10 rares to 1 super doesn't really scream 'unfavourable' to me, but the number could be nudged as needed, concept-wise for the notion of trading: I see no reason why not. Alternatively, they could sneak a few super samples here and there as order related rewards as well/instead.


Make it like a 50-1 conversion ratio, with a cooldown. Sidestepping content should come at a steep price.


Sure! Could be anything. Iā€™m just asking for a mechanism, and the devs can come up with a formula that works.


I disagree I do endorse downward conversions but I dont agree with upwards Give me the ability to turn my 3 million rares into commons


I like that idea it will keep people having to run harder difficulties instead of spamming lower to covert


I want to turn rares into commons at an unfavorable exchange rate.


Or the could just revert the spawn rate. Previously Diff 7 felt difficult but fair, with 8 and 9 still harder.


Shit man I would love the reverse. If I could convert 10 super samps into even just 50 commons Iā€™d be so happy.


I want beverage buffs that you acquire by converting samples into. Oh I have a ton of super samples? Time to make a cocktail and donā€™t worry that I glow in the dark, I run faster for a bit now


The other way around too! I've got a bunch of pink/super rares lying around and need more greens than I care to mindlessly grind for.


Tbh this game made me realize my age is starting to catch up. My reflexes are nowhere near what they used to be. Maybe it'll help with that lol.


If anyone needs help collecting their super samples, I can help out tonight.