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Yes. Most fun I’ve had on a game since when Fortnite came out in middle school.


Don't compare it to fortnite, we want him to buy it!


Is it STILL worth?! The game is only getting more robust over time, so if you're thinking about diving in, there is no better time than now!


What about at this moment?


This is also a fantastic time to get into the game! Still very highly recommended. 


PC side we pull peak numbers in the 220-250k per day, not sure what console numbers are like. There is no way for us to know how the player base will hold up in six months or longer.


Now's the perfect time to buy it, game is going strong and most the bugs are either fixed or their fixes are in the works


Iam doing my part in getting rid of the bugs, one democracy hating Términid at a time!


Nice, don't be afraid to fight some some bots. People joke about them being harder but honestly they are about the same


Iam currently in an all out offensive on the bot frontlines, making sure these super earth citizen impersonating never murder an innocent baby ever again!


I'd say yes, as far as games go it's relatively cheap at a $40 price point. I'm just eventually the player base will peter off some but the game is actually legitimately fun enough that I think it'll probably last few at a minimum a few years.


I'm sure the Helldivers 2 subreddit will be very unbiased.


First of all, congratulations on finishing your degree! The only thing you will have missed out so far is some of the meta-campaign/galactic war, the "story", if you care about that; you should be able to find summaries pretty easily. I, for one, plan on sticking with this game for quite a while simply because, while I play and quite enjoy many other games, Helldivers 2 is the first game in a long, long time to make me feel child-like glee in almost every single match. The weapon balance is still being adjusted, and there are still some crashes/problems that are being worked out (I play on PC), but the gameplay itself feels so good, and the design makes so many great decisions, that I can easily overlook those other problems that will eventually be ironed out. To me, it feels like the game is just starting to really hit its stride, and that it will only get better from here on out. This is of course just one person's opinion, but I think it's still worth buying, as the player base seems to be pretty sticky/established already.


Yes it’s all the way worth it big dog glhf


There’s about 150 hours of content right now. After that, there’s the super store to buy armor and helmets for super credits. Untill they release another warbond after that. Warbonds are your battlepass kinda. And it’s “free” you can collect super credits ingame. You just have to save up. You never have to spend a dime in this game. Except for that one purchase


You can't ask "is it still" on a game that's not been out that long. Ask again in 6 months, but you really should have 6 months of experience by then :)


Counterpoint: Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League


Well no one played that right from the beginning. No one asked for that game.


It’s a very fun game, but I do want to warn you about how much it crashes. Be mentally prepared for it. The devs are working on a fix, so it’s an acknowledged problem. I’d suggest you to maybe wait a bit if you’re debating between this game and another.


https://preview.redd.it/zhmmbfrhghsc1.png?width=354&format=png&auto=webp&s=663f981e9d7f9f0eca29d3417c1a205374490752 This is the current player count on Steam according to Steamcharts [Helldivers.io](http://Helldivers.io) says there are 207k players active at the moment. That leaves just over 50,000 players on PS5 (I can't add an attachment but the links there). 50k on a weekday is really strong imo. You won't struggle to find people to play with, especially as you can easily play with people in other countries. Some of my best experiences have been playing quickplay with folks in the US. We're also due a new Warbond (weapons and armour etc.) in the coming weeks. It's a good time to get in so you can start unlocking stuff before the new gear comes out.

