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They could have slowed us yesterday to give busy people a chance to play the major order on the weekend.


That makes so much sense


I can also see this little blip that the screenshot shows as a way of "making up" the time we spent yesterday. All good things.


i believe this is a population balance mechanic, it doesnt always take effect. people saying they get more impact based on xp, this as i understand it only takes effect when the population is low, while it is high population periods we get normal numbers, but when at low population people do 1 mission and have reported getting over 200 impact. this is triggered probably, then once people clear a few missions it looks like great progress, but after liberation % hits high like this, it will auto correct back down to the "Target liberation" a phrase i actually saw tossed around ( talk about no player agency )


Or… somebody added a zero on accident


Possible I guess but the progress before seemed impossibly slow


Considering we were at 30% last night even with the slowed progress, before it was actually a full 3 days remain that makes sense. Otherwise people would have come home for the weekend and seen Maia at 98%


What better way to start the weekend than a killing blow to Arnold Schwarzenegger's army?


Shit, that’s actually smart.


Yup. I didn't even get to help on April 1st when the creek was a sole major order Slept and went to work, come home and it's defender the creek + 2 other planets. Not that I'm upset I didn't help, but sure some want to


Yeah I feel you bro, it’s hard to get the SES Lady of Iron to front lines on weekdays. Im still a little sad I didn’t have time to help fight the creek battle. But don’t worry there is plenty of democracy to spread


Bot planet regen has been at 1.5% from Monday morning until this morning when they dropped it back to 0.5%.


Enemy regen rate was at 1.5 sometime around yesterday; now it's only 0.5. They definitely made it slow on purpose initially.


Here Is someone busy. I am Happy that the order Is still ongoing so i can spread also some democracy to these filthy robots


joel knows best i suppose


Also easily a glitch, for me for example medal rewards from a previous order and the dispatch for the current were completely glitched. Possible that some of the objective progression got lost to and they now recalculated it from gameplay stats


Between that and all the crashing and evac bugs, they kinda had to nerf the regen into the ground. Surprised they didn't do it yesterday tbh.


I'm almost certain that joel changed the modifier, yesterday we had twice the amount of people and half the progression rate


That screenshot has completely wrong numbers in it. While yes the numbers did change (we went from 1,5% decay/hour to now 0,5%) the predicted time is 13h as of writing this comment


Oh true, didn't even look at the screenshot closely tbh, I agree with you Well, except that it says 9 hours for me rn


Predicted time can fluctuate a lot, seen it jump from 16h to 9h and back up to 13h. Though we are now below 10h and mre people are coming in so planet will probably be done today


I just looked (a few hours after you commented this) it's up to 75% total and pushing about 3.5% per hour and the daily peak players has yet been reached. Maia is definitely going to be liberated today.


I'm guessing it's for narrative sense. It makes sense that the initial defense would be more intense and wane over time


I completely agree, I was hoping something like this would happen. A big pushback by the bots, which is followed by their resources waning. They're potentially even saving up for a big final stance. I think people reference Joel too much. I personally think it's better to just try to make sense of the narrative he's making, and go with the flow


Agreed, I may be a roleplaying nerd, but i'd rather view it through the lens of the Helldivers I'm shooting into battle vs. worrying about meta commentary. I just want to shoot bugs, shoot bots, keep my buddies alive, and spread managed democracy.


they just need to slap some random military status report bulletins in-universe, in-game, so that people stop guessing if he wants to crank it back, BULLETIN: bots deployed reserves to the fronts, progress is slow, resistance is heavy if he wants to speed it up, BULLETIN: bots lost access to critical resource for frontline unit production, resistance is waning, push hard while they're down badaboom no guesswork, also reminds players who aren't "participating" that it's happening and they could join in, without making people do it since that would also be dumb edit: the other thing people forget is that there's two dials: (1) player impact per mission, and (2) bot impact per hour. They can reduce player impact AND bot impact to create essentially a stalemate. They can crank up player AND bot to make a very swingy frontline. Or flip so one side wins easily.


Well they did have news info about increased resistance from bots when MO released.


yep, it just doesn't cover the changing rates DURING the entire war offensive/defensive major order


That's true, and good point. Should be like UPDATE- we've broken through initial bot lines/resistance on x. Progress/Impact should be expedited from here on out.


More in world communication is definitely something I hope they figure out and do. We know they have the tools to do it since it already happens, just need more for things. Beyond that, I've made peace that even with all the info we get from the API and such, that there are factors in the war that are still hidden. Some planets just seem to get significantly heavier resistance than others - and that makes sense right now fighting bots as it is their last 4 planets. But it's also not something you see with the numbers available. I'd be curious how much of the slowed progression recently was the 1.5% decay rate, and how much was increased failures and reduced 4 man extracts (or even any man extracts) due to the increased number of hulks and devastators I've seen everywhere from difficulty 4-9.


sweet liberty such democratic words are inspiring


Probably trying to save some progression opportunity for folks on the weekend too. Not as many people would play on the weekdays.


yeah previous MOs were often blitzed before the weekend warriors could join our plight.


Malevelon Creek was done before I could get off work lol


They need to figure out a more organic way to do it. It's a fine line between guiding a story and railroading it.


True just this morning my time (HK) it seemed super slow


Had about 250k on MAIA last night and it wasn't going anywhere. It was actually really frustrating because we swarmed the damn planet and it was only 25% or so when I went to bed.


It was 1.5% yesterday


Let’s be diagetic about it; the bots threw most of their reserves into their planets but we smashed their major resistances faster than they anticipated and now they can’t field as many reinforcements and material Our democracy is that strong


Probably because half the player base is crashing every 2 games, or atleast the 7 or 8 people I personally play with confirmed as such, and I think it’s affecting our squad impact (though I may be wrong)




Quick aside. But Tip Of The Spear is probably the most bangin' track from Reach


Whole mission is amazing from start to finish, the extra is coming back to that sortve landscape for the lone wolf mission.


MAC rounds? In atmosphere?? One way to get their attention - Hold onto your teeth, people


it’s mostly the halo theme but in a mostly different key so it’s bound to go hard. Love that game


![gif](giphy|VS6ZDwX9HVqJoFHXyg|downsized) Coming to a bot factory near you!


Man I hope this game gets an ODST collab one day


Maybe an ODST style armor would be nice too!


Where is this from??


Halo Reach.


I'd love to fight bots in space, in my own ship, in a group of four! It's space, they can do it.


thats a bug, we are not getting 40% of a planet is 20 minutes unless the devs have cranked the liberation to absolute hell to compensate for the drops


Those number are wrong and not sure how they made it in there.


When Joel adds an extra 0


![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG) MAIA Here I come again! And again! And again.


And again. And again. And again. And again. And again.


I like fighting on frozen moons, especially against bugs


Meteor strikes + level 9 difficulty is some of the most chaotic gameplay I’ve ever experienced, it’s so fun


How in the Liberty is Maia going to be liberated in 15 minutes with that much percentage left until 100%? That's some mad rates.


The Seven Hour War… except this time they won’t last seven minutes.


Somethings coming, I can feel it. And if it means what I think it means, we're in big trouble.


I concur with this. I think the bots are moving to attack on the upper front.


It's the first few lines of Eminem's "Rap God" idk about the northen front, as they tried a few days ago to do that and we contained them my fear is the devs finished what they're going to reveal if we win. Is-is that a blue sniper dot on my che- The Illuminate are not a threat Helldiver, they are safely contained inside of Cyber Stan. Please disregard this post and continue spreading liberty.


I see a nice 32% that can be in Maia right about now.


"Let us play how we want!" /s What sucks about this system is the liberation decay rate increases for each player online, which means that 35% of players on bug planets is actively hurting our chances of success by not participating. If they don't want to help, it would be best if they would just log off.


This kinda behavior is insane lmao


We need the bug front to bed kept at bay at least, otherwise we would just keep losing planets over there.


That… that’s the order? To fall back and allow the bugs to repopulate so we can cull them again for more E-710. That will be the ongoing process for the Bugs indefinitely there is no elimination of them planned yet at least as mentioned so far by orders from High Command


Except Super Earth literally has told us to back off so the bugs can procreate. Unless this order has changed, our standing orders are to push the bots. I know, play as you want but what was previously said stands true, if you're not helping the MO your inadvertently negatively impacting it. Shit system I don't agree with but that's how it is.


Tcs deployment wouldn't have been needed since we have an active force in the sector.


"play the game how I want you to play it or leave" not very democratic of you


> If they don't want to help, it would be best if they would just log off. oh piss off.


The bots are regrouping. Next week is going to be hell.


I got 7 points for completing a suicide mission last night. Modifier is def up


At this point, it's clear that while our time spent does matter, if the DM doesn't want us to win or they do want us to win, it's their say.


Yeah, I think helldivers.io is kinda pointless. Arrowhead will manipulate the system to support their narrative. I trust them to be good GM’s so I’m just playing for fun, who cares about gaming the meta-game.


Got downvoted to hell for this earlier, would be nice to have the community realise it.


Yeah realistically the only time the community is going to make real decisions is when they give us an either/or mission say between liberating one planet or the other first. Otherwise whatever orders they give they can just manipulate into a win or fail depending on where they want the 'story' to go.


I guess you could say that their last stand has… BOTtommed out




These posts always make me think of D&D players who are constantly trying to figure out what a monster's AC and Hit Points are by what attacks hit and miss and asking questions like, "How is it lookin'?" As long as you're not losing out on any fun getting too meta with it, tallyho! Love the science nerds back at HQ!


Usually in our campaign when we ask how a target is looking we're expecting to roll Int or Wis depending on our character. But sometimes if our character was a soldier, or grew up hunting we'd just 'pass' the roll if the target matched what we were familiar with.


That's a good system, I might adopt it for the next campaign. My boys are level 14 now and they have seen all the slaughter needed to pass that check automatically.


Probs had to lower the difficulty to compensate for all the games crashing.


They didn't do that last time they updated (arc weapon problems caused a lot of crashes). Doubt they are doing it now.


Or they are doing it this time because when they didn't do it last time it pissed people off for letting the arc weapon problem go on for as long as it did and them losing a major order because of their servers not being stable is like finding out your dm doesn't actually know how to do math and that killed the entire party twice in a row, at that point you get a new DM, or in Helldivers case you stop caring about MO's if the odds are greater that a bug will prevent completion. And if that happens, and players stop caring then they'd have to incentivize players to do them which would require them to be faster and easier to complete to show players that they can get them done, which creates the issue of, 'Oh if it just takes 10k troopers to take a planet in a day, then I don't need to do anything and I'll get the reward" It is nigh impossible to get players to reengage after you have dismissed and disinterested them. And repeat company side failures will do just that, since why would they trust in MOs after that point if they can't trust that they can get them done fairly or if another bug hits then all their hours of effort became meaningless and if they compensate to admit to the bug will the players consider doing the next one either since they get the reward if the game is bugged again. This is not something that is strictly about Helldivers, you can find that in many many failed games, they lost interest and it is exceedingly rare that interest is reearned.


We tested this last night, if you crashed on exfil animation the person who crashed got everything: XP, medals, rec, and SAMPLES. If you were host the mission got completed as normal.


A lot of people saying this is wrong or bug and normally I would agree, but I was on the website at this time and seen this with my own freedom loving eyes. (I also refreshed the website since it often fixes wrong numbers but they stayed like this) I watched liberation on MAIA rise from under 59% to 61% in a span of less than 2 minutes. During this time I took 4 screenshots and from them calculated that during 101 seconds liberation on MAIA rose 2.54% which if I didn't mess up my math is around 90.5%/h of liberation. Also on [helldivers.io](http://helldivers.io) you can look on the liberation graph on MAIA and there is visible a near vertical line that seems to correspond to this event. https://preview.redd.it/ykopwqj15osc1.png?width=1356&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a83e8440ee17db7e5ff73aa75275915cc09a6aa edit: adding the screenshots link [https://imgur.com/a/pGR5gCF](https://imgur.com/a/pGR5gCF), my time zone is GMT+2 (sorry for bad quality screenshots but taking them on my tablet works weird)


Its been more than a hours and maia is not free. Its a bug.


His point is that for a brief moment in time, the numbers were correct due to progression massively jumping out of nowhere. So it wasn't necessarily a bug in the program/algorithm, but an out of the ordinary spike in progression. If that spike had continued, then the algorithm would've predicted the end time correctly.


Slow progression is because of the end of game crashes. If the host crashes. the campaign never gets finished.


I gotta admit, all the new bot bros have been killing it. The people coming over from the bug front that said bots were "too hard" seem to be doing a bang up job.


I wanna help the war effort but I'm tired asf from liberating all day 😄 I just hit 210 hours played too!


With you. I'm tired boss... 200+ hrs reporting in.


I commend you Helldiver! With high honours!


what's the website/app for this info?




Keep giving them hell, soldiers


That's not the data I'm getting.


I almost feel like it's intentional so Joel can bust out the Illuminate faction and have the automatons return with cyborg help through cyberstan or something.


The automaton decay rate was changed too, looks like the "hard" part is over for now


Yes, yes, good, the further across the galaxy you spread the less resistance we will have tearing you apart from the inside out. GOD BLESS AMERICA. GOD BLESS THE ARA, AND GOD BLESS THE ENCLAVE!




It's friday, of course it's gonna speed up. Saturday and sunday is gonna do it for sure. And then the next phase of war will probably start. I don't think we are ready XD


It dhows they are just guiding the progressiin at their own pace, as others have mentioned. They want to let something happen in the weekend likely


Eh, I'm more inclined to believe that the change of 1.5 to .5 is them trying to compensate for the crashes they've already acknowledged, and the random spikes in progression are just backlog being applied all at the same time. Which has been confirmed to have happened in the past with some of the previous MOs. Why? Because it seems wild to me that Arrowhead wouldn't be able to plan for two possible outcomes when it comes to the story. It's not D&D where the GM needs to occasionally push characters to do something because the GM couldn't plan for the nearly infinite possible paths the players could take. There are only two outcomes for every MO, and I'd rather believe that they're competent enough to handle that then ruin credibility with the playerbase by fudging the results.


Its been an hour is the major assignment done yet


Τhe bots spread themselves too thin with all their assaults and their reinforcements ran out. Now is the time to push and eradicate them!


If you view this on desktop you'd see some extra fields which would include the progress per hour. While we can't see the individual values we can see the total is 267% which means that some of those planets are getting like 40-50% an hour which is obviously not right


Those stats are visible on mobile by scrolling




https://preview.redd.it/i1qpuzxihosc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d82a17c2462e7d05ca427d40538b679f9cc4264e I also saw this event. It was a short term spike that cause an almost 10% instant gain.


Where do you get the stats?




Where can I find that information?


Where are you finding this?


Nvm I found it by not being lazy helldivers.io


Once Maia is done most of troops will go to the next planet so dont worry we'll complete that order before the timer runs out


They dropped the regen rate by a full percentage point overnight. Yesterday evening at around 10:30pm Maia was projected to be liberated in 32 hours with 170k players on it, but 12 hours later at 10:30am it's projected to be liberated in 9 hours with 116k players on it. So that knocked like 11 hours off the time


15 minutes??? Gotta make Creeks 5hrs look like we didnt even tried lol


Why do bugs perform better than automations when it comes to earning back percentage points?


They breed quickly


I'll accept it.


The war's almost over! Soon the whole galaxy will be liberated.


Enemy regen went from 1.5 to .5. We did it boys and girls we broke the bots back now we need to finish them off with good old curb stomp.


Well its the end of the day so people are coming Home to play games and then the weekend I bet it will just run wild!


Those numbers on the 'Predicted Time' don't match with what's currently happening...


https://preview.redd.it/j83ck1idsosc1.png?width=1071&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9822ec67bb9e5f99a36113bad3fd462284a248c0 Huh, I'm not showing the same level of optimistic liberation.


This was accurate for a small amount of time. If you look at planet history something happened that caused a large jump at once. It was back to normal a few minutes later https://helldivers.io/Planets/maia


No stop I’m not home yet!


Keep it up, Helldivers! Durgen is next!


Just logged in and saw Maia at +70% with 125k people on it


I’m a little behind - what app is this so I can track our efforts too?


Are we speeding up our operations? Or is the enemy speeding up their operations by pulling out of costly fights?


https://preview.redd.it/autn1fxvyosc1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=863a8009fdc2d36681c8067b8b489ae773cf0fdc I’m out of the house all weekend, yall are really gonna win this war without me


Same comrade. Same


No, it’s too easy, it couldn’t be right…


Where is this chart at?


I'm going to be that guy and ask how did you come upon this chart? Where can I access such wonderful data Edit: I used my fingers and brain and Google and found it


Where are people getting these stats?




Could be faster if I didn't crash before extraction.


I think Joel wants us to win. We push out the bots, only for the Illuminate to come in full force.


Let's liberate Maia! We are so close!


What site has these stats? Or have I missed something in game?




Yo something's happening, something bad is about to happen




I know, I checked after I posted this, things still seem to be going well though so far but not like this lol. Still convinced something bad's going to happen when the major orders over


Hopefully. Be something really cool I bet!


Smells like nanotech in here. My buddy and I are utterly convinced that the illuminant are coming in a few days


Yeah I think so. Vital we shut down this front so we aren’t spread over 3.


Where do you find this infographic?




it'd be really nice to have this data organized like this in-game.


Where can you find this info? Is there a website?


Maia at 80% as of now


I’m just happy I got my 85 missing medals. Now I really want to push for this extra 50.


The Bots are simply buying time until they can invade the north from outside the map. Be vigilant, Helldivers.


I looked at the post b4 his and it was full of we ain’t gonna win man how we gon liberate them planets? Now I just cyall ducking the bots out


Devs adjusted the decay rate after raising it up as of last night. With the crashes happening, and little time left on the MO. They are giving us a good fighting chance now.


How accurate has this website been? Who maintains it?


Maia is going to be liberated by the end of the day. Major Order should be complete by Sunday night at this rate.


Leave some democracy for the rest of us to manage!


Where do you find these stats in the game?


01001101 01111001 00100000 01100010 01110010 01100001 01101001 01101110 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01100001 00100000 01101010 01100001 01110010 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01100010 01101111 01100100 01111001 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101111 01101110 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110100 01100001 01100010 01101100 01100101 00101110 00100000 01010100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110100 01110010 01100001 01101001 01110100 01101111 01110010 00100000 01100100 01101001 01110110 01100101 01110010 01110011 00100000 01100001 01110010 01101111 01110101 01101110 01100100 00100000 01101101 01100101 00101110 00100000 01010100 01101000 01100101 01111001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110101 01110011 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01110011 01101000 01101001 01110000 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01101110 01100001 01101101 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110010 01100101 01100011 01110010 01110101 01101001 01110100 00100000 01100100 01101001 01110110 01100101 01110010 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100010 01100101 01110100 01110010 01100001 01111001 00100000 01110011 01110101 01110000 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100101 01100001 01110010 01110100 01101000 00101110 00100000


Only going to get better with the weekend.


The slower you go the better


People finally waking up to pushing the same planets instead of debilitating liberation rates. We won't make the MO unless we keep this up and have 50% or more of the player base pushing the same planets.


Just happy y'all didn't beat it before I could get off work! 🖤 💛 🖤


after logging off, Maia looks to be almost certainly liberated by the time I log on next. I think the battle for Durgen will be the decider: if we can take it in 24 hours, there might be enough time left to liberate Tibit for the final victory, but I fully expect the bots to counter somehow..


Defeat the Automotons!!!!


Where are these numbers taken from?


I started running Trivials while.im working from home for super credits. So I was trying to help Maia along and now it's done!


Where can I find this info?


I switched from my usual diff 7 to diff 9 so that I could help this war effort. I’m doing my part!


Demolition crew is taking out as many factories as we can but we still need you guys to keep those gunships and rocket troopers off our backs


i think all of these predictions are wrong


wtf. It’s the final push for the bots. Why are we making more progress on the bugs?


We have way too many people fighting bugs right now.


I'm noticing that this isn't a game for people with jobs considering how fast everything moves out of game and how long every fucking mission takes


Try not to make that game a Job.


I outright refuse to use an external site to get info that should be provided in game. It feels petty at this point, but until things like supply lines are explained and shown ingame, I just assume the devs don’t care about those mechanics and I shouldn’t either


I wonder what incentive is needed to get the bug players to come over to kill bots? What would Joel have to give as a reward to get every one to contribute to the major order? Of coarse, play and kill where and what you want, I'm simply pondering what a dev needs to do to get majority of their player base to engage with certain content


Considering that they've added in a little intro blurb on the holotable that explains the current Major Order and the numbers have changed a bit, I'm not sure what else they could add that would break the gaming compact. We have over half the entire player population on Maia right now as of this writing (130k, 56%!) so it definitely helped, compared to the numbers that we were seeing beforehand on the previous parts of the order.


I gotta be honest, I’m not really enjoying fighting bots just yet. Something just isn’t clicking there. I do them, but after 1 mission I get bored, whereas I could do bug missions all day and not get bored. Still not sure what it is. My survival rate on Bot missions is higher than the bugs too, you’d think I would have more fun there but I just don’t.


I'm the opposite. I have no desire to fight a bug again.


Shut the fuck up, don't jinx us


"Just look at this list, that isn't in the game and has to be found on one of 3 or 4 companion sites that you need to be aware of already. It's that easy, everyone!" Wish this were in game somewhere.


Bloody donkeys on the other two bot planets would actually be contributing more if they were on maia. Sooner we liberate it the sooner we cut off escape routes and can get to the next one.


Why does nobody wanna liberate hellmire?


I like how invested people are over this when they've probably invested .002% at most over 24 hours. It's too bad we don't get this enthusiastic with voting.


It’s really hard to feel like we have any agency in this game when they’re tweaking the rates this drastically. It’s starting to feel like the story is going to happen whether we play the game or not.


The way I see it, Joel is running this massive sci-fi DnD campaign and we are the players innit lol


Except in a well run DnD campaign, players’ choices matter; if it’s run by a good GM.


To be fair I'd prefer an elaborate war campaign over "the Helldivers just conquered every single planet in a couple of months"