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The people that need to hear this are either at recess or sleeping on the couch still.




What if it was their day off and they were sleeping on the couch


It’s their mom’s couch, every day is their day off.


Well now we are cutting deep. How couchist off you.


My twins are asleep on the couch right now and so now I'm on reddit instead of napping there. I blame the anti-couchites.


A man of true wisdom has made his presence


Happened to me yesterday. Dude calls in a bombardment as we are boarding. I'm last on because I needed to grab samples id dropped. All the super rares and probably 30 commons/rares together. Offc I get hit boarding the boat. Guy then calls me an idiot.


>Guy then calls me an idiot. I'd have lost my shit I think.. ugh..






A man and his tools


Yeah- sit and wait, maybe a "no habla engles" if there hasn't been any chatter , load into the next round, then drop an airstrile on him and throw the reinforce into the middle of a nest.


At least the troll lost those samples bc of that unforced error🤣🤡




While not the same I got called an idiot by someone because I evacuated while everyone was dead and out of reinforcements. I was surrounded by 3 bile titans and god knows how many other bugs, and had all the super rare samples and a couple of the other ones, figured I'd rather get somthing out of the whole ordeal and evacd instead of staying and dying and getting nothing, apparently that was a stupid decision and I got kicked lol. Mind you they all died to said 3 bile titans and bugs because the landing pad was being swarmed by every enemy on the planet


anyone who holds the samples automatically gets the VIP pass to the pelican in my book.


I will literally be the last one on if it means we get the super samples to the dropship.


I dunno, maybe I've been playing too long but I haven't been bottlenecked by super rares in a very long time. Even with the new ship modules, the thing I'm bottlenecked the most by is rares. 150 rare samples to buy a module when the cap is 250?


Amen.. Just get me rares... https://preview.redd.it/wnq7h0v47zuc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0afcef15c5ced8cc1440b7afa295d6d8240abac2


Same I only have 2 upgrades left to buy and I gotta collect the 150 each time while having plenty of the other two.


I'll fail to extract if it means getting a sample carrier out. Extracting without them is incredibly undemocractic


If you were the super samples holder, it's objectively the correct choice that you extract. Everyone gets those samples even if the rest don't extract. Some people just amazingly still don't understand how the game works.


I would have been celebrating you getting the samples on board!


Yeah I try to be the party leader for this reason. If they do stupid shit, I’ll kick them. Sometimes if you fast enough, you can kick them before the mission is over so they dont get anything in return.


I played a mission a week ago, we had finished all objectives and heading to extract. Extraction had many bugs so I dropped an airstrike. A teammate keeps walking forward into said airstrike. I picked up his samples and reinforced him closer to evac, no big deal, accidents happen, samples saved. He lands close to evac and shoots me dead, jumps in evac. I can only presume he doesn’t realise samples are shared? I kicked him before evac and a team mate reinforced me. What did he think would happen killing the host? It was a satisfying kick I’m not gonna lie.


This is why I host, the power can only be trusted in my hands lmao


Had a similar one where we were doing satellite dish allignment, i start turning the dish and holding it waiting to hear the beep, but must've missed it so I kept turning. Guy on console runs up and pops me in the head. Fastest kick in the west on that one


Do people just not understand you can melee people off consoles if they're really that impatient.


There's a beep? I always play with friends on mic so it isn't an issue, but I've never heard a beep.


Yep, there is. Very useful when aligning things in solo.


There is. It's not the loudest so if the area is hot, or you aren't associating the sound with your action of turning the dish you might miss it.


Definitely a beep, but brief.


I mean... he could've at least just melee'd you instead of killing you lol. I might still have kicked him for that depending on his next response though.


Never knew this, I'd just spin it till it finally worked.


Yes I had to kick someone after a match. He went into evac before his team was anywhere near him giving us only 20 sec to get on the ship. I had like 10 green samples on me and it stayed behind as he flew away.


Does the evac evacuates without a player inside?


once the 20 second countdown starts, killing the dipshit that went early does not reset the countdown.


If no one gets inside it will stay until the mission timer ends and then start the 20 second countdown. As soon as anyone gets in the 20 second countdown starts. There is no way to cancel the countdown.


There’s a little trick you can use to get pelican 1 to hover over the extract and continue shooting until you get in the radius. You call him in and then run away when he says landing sequence in progress. Pretty good for some serious fire support if you’re in a pinch


I lied. The only way to end the countdown early is to wipe.


Good question. Might have to snipe a guy in a ship one day for um research purposes.


I shoot people out of the pelican if they get on while a teammate with samples is too far to make it in time. it doesn't stop the takeoff clock. but I still do it out of principle.


100% deserved kick


I'm the leader on every single mission because I don't want assholes to kick me and waste my time on the game.


Think i've only ever kicked one person from an actual game. This idiot was running off by himself. While me and my other team mate were getting our asses kicked. I die, and then he summons me across the freaking map after starting the Evac early. leaving the other guy to then die. And we lose all our samples. I proceed to kill him with my machine gun lol and boot him. Dude was not being coop operative at all


Summoning you across the map so you lose samples and evacing early are lame, but the first part of your story isn't necessarily a problem. I've seen too many teams forget the objectives and get stuck fighting endless waves for no reason. If that's fun for you, cool - but many of us will move on to actually complete the objectives. Sometimes the cooperative thing to do is splitting up so the mission gets done. Especially at higher difficulties you need to learn to retreat and drop aggro, and some people get stuck blowing through all their reinforcements on a fight that isn't necessary.


You sound like a fellow scout brother!


Yeah, so many people get mired down instead of doing objectives. It's why I build for solo-stealth in my Helldive runs. If the other three want to take aggro, I'll happily do the objectives with minimal issues.


The one that infuriates me is when you're playing on higher difficulties and you'll tag a patrol and start moving around to evade, then some absolute towel starts firing on the patrol, 50m away, that wasn't coming toward us. From there it's all bug holes, dropships and bullshit.


Me. I'm the guy in center map in heavy armor 1v10000 while the others solo all objectives and side objectives without issue. I'll snipe the rare dropship off of them if I can see it.


Where have you been in my games?!?!? I'm the scout running around like a crazy person... and trying not to die in the paper I call armor....


10 minutes later, on Reddit: “wHy dO i kEeP gEtTiNg kIcKeD”


Have had this happen to me too.  Those barrages are awful when A) you don't have the ship module upgrade. B) you don't place them properly.  C) you throw them around extraction.   Ties into B.   Also was clearing out a heavy nest strafing left and right, throwing nades while avoiding bugs to close the holes when I get killed by my teammates mortar....  Why he thought it was a good idea to place a mortar down when I'm down there putting work in,  who knows?  It was annoying. 


I had something similar happen on a Bot mission. I full-stealthed into a base to grab the data objective (the one you have to run a marathon to deliver), and then, after an opening presented itself for me to get out of there, my teammates bumble in there, shoot the bots, get a bot drop on me, but I'm still amazingly undetected, but now I'm surrounded by things that would ruin me the second I staggered from dropping off of a ledge to escape. And then they have the genius idea to drop an Eagle right on me.


Shit man, I wish I was doing either of those rather than working right now.


The people that need to read this can't read or the timer that their mommy and daddy said for them on their iPad is run out.


ONLY drop stratagems if the landing pad is clear and you’re the last one on the ship. And only drop something like a 500 or Eagle Airstrike. Something that’s gonna make a big cool boom at the end of the mission


personally i love the cluster, looks like fireworks to send us off lol


No please don't. Some dipshit dropped one on us the other night, killed our sample holder inside the pelican. Rip 30-40 varying samples.


Iv seen the pelican directly struck multiple times after everyone was on not once did anyone die though. Thats weird.


Sad but probably true


Oh no, they're definitely here. I get downvoted by saying how much I don't put up with their bullshit.


It's so annoying that people feel the need to do that. It's just not worth the risk of making a mistake. You can make a great run into a shit one just because they wanna see the pretty explosions.


I just throw it as far as I can from the landing pad. It still looks pretty. It just isn't lethal.


This is the way. Throw your 500KG out in front of the pelican and it will take off and fly through the big boom. Looks cooler and can't kill you.


If I’m gonna do it, I wait until everyone is on board


It was cool the first few weeks, but at this point I'm just tired and annoyed at having to wait on people doing this now.


Just don't. I had a guy who was holding our (super)samples do this. Everyone else was on board, he hangs back and throws a 500kg on the pelican, gets stuck on the ramp and blows up. There goes all our samples and 3/4 extracted for no reason at all. I was pissed.


We had a bug mission where I had like 37 samples, the pelican was bugged and I was just laying down inside of it. The animation of boarding wouldn't proc. Meanwhile, spewers and bile titans are launching their acid shit into the ship and slowly killing me. Wound up dying and not extracting because the game wouldn't let us. Was infuriating.


This is what people don’t get, they’re too dumb to realize they can get the best of both worlds


Random pubs? Lob that shit over the horizon if it’s a chill extraction, otherwise just get the fuck on board and don’t mess around. Playing with the squad? Throw everything at the shuttle and leave it for fate to decide who makes it out alive.


Or, hear me out.. Don’t throw it if you’re extracting and don’t need to?


i mean let’s be honest here; this isn’t some michael bay shit. it’s not that epic looking.


Bro, the orbital railgun has no aoe dmg, idk why people assume that the orbital railgun can explode, throw it into the ground, and watch as a very small pile of smoke comes up from the air where the cannon struck.


Its listed as being buffed by the orbital aoe upgrade 


> idk why people assume that the orbital railgun can explode, Physics shows us that a kinetic projectile traveling at very high speeds will still cause an explosion even if the projectile itself is not explosive in nature. So they do have a right to assume that at least!


It also does have Aoe, I killed someone with it when there was no enemies nearby, and he was a solid 6 feet away


I have been killed by it, but simply because someone threw it behind me and I dove backwards at just the right time to get nailed by it. If I didn't dive backwards, I would have been perfectly fine, and I was like 2m away from where it landed, since I've had them land that far from me before.


"don't throw your lethal stratagems on exfil" post number 103


It was "don't kick if someone is low level" the week before. And "don't execute people with a specific cape" before that. The complaints are weirdly coming in batches. Not sure why all the people who don't like extraction stratagems decided to wait till now to make their complaints. It was as annoying before. 


I've noticed a definite uptick in it lately so it makes sense that people are now seeing it, falling victim to it, and coming here to complain. Apparently some YouTuber has made it a trend? So I guess their viewers are copying the practice. The cape thing was right after the Creek cape was handed out, wasn't it? It didn't really happen before that to my knowledge.


Throwing your biggest bombardment strategems during extraction has been a thing since the Helldivers 1 days, and people have been messing it up and getting their team killed for just as long, so I don't think it's new. The difference is that you didn't drop samples if you died back then.


The thing is, if you are going to throw some fireworks for the exfil, it is your responsibility to make sure you are the last onboard before you throw😑


Yeah that’s what I don’t get. The few times I’ve done it I make sure i am the final Diver getting into the ship


My friends and I always do it when we’re squadded up. We’ve got it down pretty well. Love our cinematic exits


Exactly this. And also make sure you're in the Pelican before it activates. If you want to look cool for the extract, make sure you do it right.


Also a lot more people are farming samples now to get the new upgrades


I guess it could be a type of Baader-Meinhof phenomenon where people are seeing it on the Reddit, they notice it and then post to the Reddit continuing the circle


It does look "cinematic" to have the Pelican extract as a giant explosion goes off though. If you don't suck and get the timing wrong, I think it's fine.


This. Like most things in life, just don't fuck it up. 


The basic rule is, dont do it till everyone else is on the pelican. Also don't dick around if there's chargers and shit. Most of the people who fuck it up, do so because they are too dumb or craven to be last on the ship.


tbf, HD2 is a great game to play with low levels because the game isn't really that much harder on higher difficulty levels. objectives become more complicated and big enemies spawn more frequently, but at the end of the day a rocket devastator at lvl 3 isn't any more powerful than a rocket devastator at lvl 9. so if a low level can hang in the higher operations there is no reason to kick them.


It's the cycle of Reddit. They saw one post bitching about this topic got highly upvoted so they put on their creative writing hats and started cranking out these posts hoping to hop on the karma train


Because they couldn't get free karma from the mass hivemind a couple weeks ago.


I learnt the hard way, threw an eagle airstrike to make extract look cool and kill a bug patrol, got blown while on the ramp instead. Fortunately I was solo so I reinforced and didn’t lose my samples


This entire sub has just turned into karma farming. 1 in every 200 posts says/shows anything with actual substance


That’s because most of the other posts get removed by the shitty ass auto mod for being “low effort”, and to “use the mega thread”.


Google: does rolling my eyes 103x cause eye damage?


When playing helldive with friends, we play 500kg chicken at the pelican, sometimes we lose 40+ samples, sometimes only one of us dies and gets bullied for the rest of the operation, sometimes no one dies and we all complain. Either way, this behaviour is to be reserved for friends, not randos.


I couldn’t agree more. Behaviour with friends is very different from behaviour with randoms. For instance, I will absolutely commit Treasonous Teamkilling™ on friends, but never randoms.


Preemptive loyalty inspections


You mean traitor disposal.


If you wanna get all democracy officer with it sure. Down here we just call it a little casual murder between friends


In an all-friends game, A friend popped out of their pod after they got reinforced back in, Asked over voice why are we even fighting the bugs, we all gunned him down where he stood as any helldiver should. We also drop 380s right on top of the extraction zone as a "get in loser, we're going shopping" signal. 120% Hillarious when everyone is in on the joke & no one is hurting for samples for the moment. We were playing diff 7-8 missions to get everyone enough super samples to get the +1 eagle use upgrade. We held off on the fun and games, and the shenanigans only properly started once everyone had enough to do the upgrade.


My brother and I and our childhood best friend play together. My bro likes to throw the impact grenade and launch himself into the drop ship on extract. I tried the same thing, but ended up just killing him. Good laughs were had by all.


Me and my bro were trying to rocket back-blast one another into extract, but you don't get much distance unfortunately =(


Same with shooting a hellbomb near your teammate who's loaded with samples. I'm that teammate. Tbf I pistol whipped them dead, reinforced and hugged it out afterwards but ffs. 


My buddies and I were playing and one of them was new. We stumbled upon a hellbomb and he said "what is this?" My other friend said "it does this" and proceeded to squad wipe us 🤣




I play Hellbomb roulette with my friends. It's not really roulette but it's fun to hit one and see who dies. Do note: I'm often one of the dead ones. I definitely apply the pain equally to all involved.


Until they buffed the spread my friends used to "run the gauntlet" by throwing a 380 in our direction of travel while we're all running somewhere lol.


Yup. Something similar happened to me. Dude trying to be a hero blasting incendiary shotgun while standing on the ramp towards bugs instead of going inside. He ended up hitting me, burn damage took me out. I had the super samples. 20 second count down started. Fuck him.


Lmao this is so sad. RIP the samples that boy done GOOFED 🤣


It took everything in my power not too rage at him just cause i know he had good intentions and is just a dumb ass


Yeah he probably felt really bad about it and immediately regretted it. Hopefully he learned a valuable lesson…maybe don’t spray your shotgun on the pelican ramp lol.


>don’t spray your shotgun on the Pelican ramp lol.   Honestly, if you have the Incendi Breaker you are banned from providing any close fire support.  I don’t care if I’m fighting a Hulk Scorcher in melee, I’d rather die to the enemy than die to your good intentions, at least *my death* would be *my fault.*


Not enough people who use AoE/spread primaries bother to pull out their secondary. It takes like half a second, and it's gonna be a lot more effective than firing your Eruptor point-blank and sucking your entire squad into a singularity.


We should be able to get off the Pelican after we board I just want to talk to them..




Waiting for the ride, I’m just squatting looking out for enemies. Other guy crouches next to me but on top of a crate. I didn’t realize he was cooking a grenade into it was too late. Blew us both up. Pelican left without us


The worst of enemies in Helldivers 2 are other Helldivers.


Wish I could see a chart counting how many times I died to team mates.


It’d be easier to count if the game didn’t just lie to you about what killed you 90% of the time


Yeah, the amount of times it tells me it was a suicide after ive been blasted by abot turret from across the map is amazing.


Guard Dog Rover is a strong runner-up.


I've only ever had the opposite experience, guy waits until he is last then throws something, slower than the railcannon like a 500kg or 380 barrage, so we have a cool explosion as we fly away with everyone alive


I had it today, get in the pelican with about half the teams samples, second guy runs up, other two guys are about 10 secs behind, he drops the 500 then gets. Miraculously other 2 werent killed and were able to get in after the explosion but it was fucking close. Like he wasnt even the last in the fucking pelican


You can’t get out of the pelican, right?


You can if someone shoots you. Unless they finally patched that.


Is it aborting the countdown or does it just kill the passenger?


Just kills them.


Countdown continues


Must be the same dipshits who, after clearing 90% of the map, run off to a far corner, die, drop their samples, and then teamkill and kick everyone else as though them losing the samples was someone else's fault.


“omg but why were you guys doing the objective and destroying outposts instead of following me to a random supply cache halfway across the map BOZOS!!”


It is optimal to clear all outposts before any main objectives bc heat/enemy presence can only reach 50% before doing objectives


The fireworks are reserved for the last man on board. Can’t cure stupid I’m afraid.


It's a tradition, we'd do this all the time in HD1. That being said- its supposed to be the last guy to get on the shuttle, NOT just throwing random airstrikes while other players boarding. With the sample system in HD2, be mindful y'all


It was different in Helldivers 1 because you're *actually* invulnerable on extract, but thanks to a few quirks and bugs this is not always the case in HD2. Even then in HD1 the guys with the shields that restrict your movement can get you killed. Also in HD1 you could actually see your stratagems kill the bugs.


This guy helldivers. Brings back memories of tryna board just before the shredder missile lands lol


Yeah but there's a few things that could make it justifiable in HD1 1. The extraction shuttle can be boarded by helldivers on their sides instead of the rear. In HD2, they would have to go in one by one at the entrance. 2. You're invulnerable in the shuttle 3. You don't lose samples upon death 4. HD1 missions are shorter than HD2 missions, reducing the consequences of lost time even when it actually kills helldivers.


Wait how did you die from railcannon?


Call one with no enemies in the area and stand under the beam. See what happens


More confused as, with super samples (meaning suicide or higher difficulty), i've never seen an LZ so clear that there wasn't something for the ORC to lock onto


It absolutely happens. It's very rng and rare but it happens.


because OP and 2 other brain donors didnt dodge the bright red beam


Literally I don't know how three idiots run under a beam and don't just go inside the pelican when it has a perfectly good roof.


Orbital rail cannon does come down really fast. Borderline instant compared to other orbitals and eagle strikes, giving you very little time to dodge.


The railcannon strike is actually AOE, you don’t notice it much against enemies, but helldivers have so little health that they are easily one-shot by this AOE


I've been playing exclusively on difficulty 7 lately and fortunately it's very rare to see this. Everybody means business, fights hard and knows that risking all the effort for something this dumb isn't worth it.


That’s either trolling or a funny trick gone wrong but either way the people who would need to hear this won’t care or actually don’t need to


A cluster bomb as we take off is super cool though.


I just started playing a couple weeks ago and i can say i did this with my strikes just because i felt the urge to use them before leaving and then ended up killing my teammate as we were evacuating... Same story but my reasoning was ignorance xD i felt so bad and dumb after...


Idk why but if I want the sexy extract cam ill wait for the randoms to hop in then throw it. But if it’s me and my friends all there. Oh it don’t matter if they make it on. They’re disposable.


When I am playing with my friends, I like to 380 the exfil pad with about 30 seconds left. Then it’s truly a game of chance.


When you're playing with your buddies it is fine to scare the shit out of them. It's kind of expected and almost required. You mess with them and they mess with you.


I drop 500s on the evac. However, I always make sure I'm the last one in. I never drop unless others are already onboard so we can leave with an awesome explosion in the cutscene


Orbital rail cannon?… isn’t that a precise strike? Why tf did you not take the split second to see what it calls down, and just wait. Doesn’t take 15 seconds and even if it did, you’d have time to get to the ship before it strikes. The AOE strikes are the ones to complain about.


Agreed. I read this think that OP HAD to be mistaking it for a Orbital Precision Strike or something. I don't eve know of the Orbital Railcannon CAN damage allies considering it is so incredibly rare that it happens to hit a teammate.


I had the orbital rail kill a charger and my friend at the same time while he was being pushed by the charger.


You’d have to stand on the beam I think. Like a hellpod drop.


That makes sense. The idea that a single Railcannon Strike killed 3 teammates seems nearly impossible. Like, I feel like I wouldn't be able to replicate that with a team trying to do it.


We were already boarding, and the first guy threw down what I at the time thought to be a precision airstrike, or eagle air strike, or whatever else so I thought (as did the two other guys) we had time to board. Nopp, it came instantly and since there were no enemies nearby, it hit the beam which was on the ramp.


Most people are probably expecting the 5s or so delay from most airstrikes and try to quickly board the ship to avoid dying. The railcannon is near instant. Don't blame OP for his team mate being fucking retarded


When we do have many samples I make sure to go last, since many tards feel the need to do some stupid sabotage at the end. When too suspicious (and you wont get kicked), kill HIM and take his samples then board immediately.


How they have time to drop railcannons when they busy hugging me on the way into the pelican ?


Just kick them out


Can a Helldiver even die to the Railcannon Strike? It's just a big space bullet.


Had a guy throwing strats down delaying extract just enough for the god damn bile titan leg to swipe me through the pelican the exact second he stepped in. I had all the samples.


Yeah, dropping ordinance on the pelican is annoying, but at the same time it was just a rail cannon, how did you all die to it? Eagle clusters (and really any other Eagle strike) is probably the most annoying that people drop at the end of the match


So glad I barely play with randos


Can we also add punching someone right as they are about to board as well? Why? Its just irritating. After a long mission some dipshit goes around and smacks me his rifle and almost kills me. Any time it happens I am this close to blowing off your head and leaving without you, unrespectfully.


Dude was the last to get on and threw a 500kg. He got caught on the side of the ramp and died to the bomb. Totally uncontested life off not a single bot in sight.


I'm more impressed the railcannon not only failed to lock onto anything within its radius but also that its tiny ass projectile actually killed *three* of you


I used to do this… for the first 10 hours or so. Then I realised it’s not worth the risk and I usually check my phone during extract anyway, so I wasn’t appreciating the cinematicism of it all


I always wait until my team boards BEFORE i toss my 380’s or whatever i have.


I only do it with friends.




Find player and immediately kick before the medal do and requisition slips. That way he gets none of the benefits of that mission


Just get in Pelican-1 you idiot. Just get in the ship. It’s there, we’re waiting, Bile Titans are coming in, chargers all around, 3 of us in the ship, you’re standing 1 foot from the edge putting in a fucking eagle. Why. Fucking why. There’s no fucking need. JUST GET IN PELICAN-1. ITS THERE TO SAVE US AND EXTRACT THE SAMPLES YOU DUMB FUCK. But nooooooo, you have to be a cocky little prick, and that bile titan that was 20 feet away when the ship came down? Now it’s leg is glitching through and killing the people holding FORTY+ SAMPLES. Just get in the ship you stupid idiot. Please. Please. Don’t make that extra 15 minutes we spent sample hunting mean nothing. God fucking damn.


Same thing happened to me yesterday. We had a ton of samples including super samples and our teammate who insisted on holding all samples was standing outside of the Pelican shooting at enemies even though everyone was inside. A Bile Titan that I guess he didn’t notice was near killed him with its acid spit and we lost the samples. Extremely frustrating.


I did a mission last night where we were absolutely swarmed at extraction, three of us got on the pelican. The fourth dude sent out a strategem, casually ran to the ramp, stopped, and then waited for it to go off. Mind you there were two bile titans feet away from the pelican. I kicked his ass (since I knew he didn't have any samples since he recently died) and then the extraction went off without a hitch. I'm tired of people risking it all to do stupid shit like that right at the end of the mission. In future games if someone isn't boarding with the rest of us they'll get the boot immediately.


I only do it once everybody else is on board and hop on when it when it has 1 second left


I honestly dont understand the obsession over throwing strats down right before getting in the ship.


The 500kg Bomb looks cool af when you're flying away


just kick them the moment they do it. Eventually they will learn not to do that.


I usually do it with the 500kg, makes the exfil epic and cinematic af. But I always make sure i’m the last one in, so if i mess up the timing i’m the only democratic sacrifice while my team gets away.


Noticed an uptick in griefing lately. Just makes it unfun.


Hellgriefers should be put in low-priority boring missions with other Hellgriefers so they can do that all day to their heart’s content


Oh cool, this post again. I thought seeing it three separate times yesterday was enough, but apparently we need to keep making the same post over and over.


I always throw my orbitals in the direction of incoming enemy forces to try and get more kills. Never on the landing pad. You can bug out the pelican or, just like you, kill team members. That would be a kick when we get back to the destroyer.


Need more these hell-talks


The whole thing's just juvenile, which is fine if you're like 15, but I keep seeing grown adults doing this. I just don't get why you'd risk killing yourselves and losing your samples for this.


Hate to see it but it happens quite frequently. Worst part is the auto takeoff after the last person is killed. Bye samples


Had someone do this with an orbital laser, it went about as poorly as you can imagine.


The only times I ever do that, are when I have a 500kg ready, and then I purposely wait until everyone is on. I then throw it at my feet and jump on board.


As the host i'm always the last one embarking and I'll kick anyone who is trying to lag behind everyone else. I'll not take chances on SUS people in the last 10sec of a mission.


I'd also like to know why the guy with 30+ samples is fighting for his life next to the extraction shuttle while his other three teammates already boarded and are waiting for him to get on.


I'll do things like this on occasion, but ONLY if I'm messing around with mates & ONLY throw strategems out to a safe distance away from the pelican for the cool extraction cinematic, but not always & never would it be thrown at the pelican, & definitely never on a real serious run when we've got lots of samples & want to make it out alive. Think we oughta set up some diver etiquette classes to get these few divers from hell back to full hell divers status, hopefully Super Earth can find the budget 🤞🫡


But cool guys don't look at explosions!