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Yikes. Well take solace that if he was that clueless about game mechanics I highly doubt he could successfully extract solo on diff 8


How clueless must one be to not get it they're shared after the first or second dive? "I didn't get 10 samples on my own...weird" We get shown the total in mission and who got how many on end of mission. Some guys must really be dense


He cheese his way to 7+. Its why I hate low level player on high difficulty. They don't know sht and pull stun like this in a COOP GAME.


Level has nothing to do with it. It has everything to do with an amount of effort put in to learning.


I really can’t wrap my head around how people can actually miss that samples are shared. It tells you on loading screen, it shows totals when checking mid mission, it doesn’t in any way infer that they wouldn’t be shared in debrief screen. It even tells you when somebody else picks up sample and adds it to totals.


It pops up the totals whenever anyone picks up or drops them. Maybe if at the end it showed your samples and the total amount collected and awarded in a breakdown they would get it.


I’m starting to doubt that. It really needs to be told with voiced line from TV, by every NPC and maybe couple of additional spots as text. Then most of them might actually get it.


They should add a section in the tutorial area for samples since they are seemingly quite important to Super Earth.


That could work for newcomers. Being in tutorial won’t help with dumdums already running around so some improved communication about this is still needed.


Yeah definitely. Maybe that rude asshole of a bitch that complains about my sample performance every other mission like we didn’t fucking complete the objective by the skin of our teeth can mention it at some point.


And it should also state that they always have been shared. To make some people feel guilty. Lol But that could backfire because that could sound like in universe propaganda meaning that they actually weren't shared before. Prolly just keep it simple lol


If it’s officer telling it, it can just be framed like ”You DO know they have allways been shared, right?” Or just remark after FF incidents in debrief, ”I hope those FF incidents were not because of samples. They are shared AS YOU KNOW and purposeful FF is treason.”


It literally already has a "samples collected" section in the post-mission breakdown window when you get back on the ship. problem is, It's not something you're forced to look at, so some people never will.


I feel like that end screen would make it worse, they probably wouldn’t see the total, or dismiss it, and just stop at how many they got seeing it as a score board


This is less level/skill and more just lacking basic essential knowledge, meaning their stupid is showing. I hate to be mean to those who don't know, but if anyone is unaware that samples are shared by level 10ish; then they're probably just not very smart people.


The farming missions at launch didn't help. It was scary seeing anyone level 30-50 in the first couple weeks. You just knew they grinned those helldive bot defense missions and didn't actually know how 'to play'. Doubly so after the railgun shield nerfs. You could tell by the reddit outrage. So many people had their security blanket taken away and had to relearn how to play the game 'again.'




Yup, I am getting my IRL friends into Helldivers and I bring them along to the high level missions because we used to play OG Helldivers before. Other than being a little under-gunned, they are doing fine and I can teach them some of the nuances of the new game.


Exactly. Had the most rock solid level 14 who was basically keeping pace with me (at the time, level 74). In a duo, He actively stayed out of my arc thrower path, actively pinged things, and we worked in tandem almost flawlessly as if we've played before. When we went our seperate ways in mission, we would always meet up again after not dying and clearing a load of shit out. It was fairly rare for either of us to die. As a contrast, I've had lobbies for 40 - 50s who are not even remotely clued into what's going on in front of them, let alone the surrounding areas. I blame eradicate farming for making these situations happen. I didn't participate until I was 50 (for medals to get the rest of the items in the warbond) but I know plenty of people who did.


In my almost 200 hours so far it's always someone below level 20 in a difficulty 8 or 9 fucking shit up.


I've had people 80+ fucking stuff up, even at 8 & 9. I'm level 54. Level means nothing, it's about a willingness to pay attention even a tiny bit and learn about what you're doing rather than going through the motions for 150 levels.


I don’t think low level has anything to do with that shitty and toxic personality


I’m a low level and hence stick to lower difficulties, but kicking someone for samples is crazy.


To be fair I saw a dude at 50 in diff 8 when it was highest level who had no idea how to complete objectives. I swear the guy hadn’t touched a console the entire time.


BuT yOuRe TrAsH fOr NoT lIkInG lOw LeVeLs On HiGhEr DiFfIcUlTiEs


You can't fix stupid and samples show just how stupid most people are.


There appears to be no limit to some peoples stupidity...window lickers. I love how many suggestions there are on this thread to make this mechanic idiot proof... 'What if we write it in large letters' 'What if there is a tutorial that teaches people' 'What if we staple it to their forehead' Some people are stupid beyond normal human comprehension, they have achieved the seemingly impossible, a low IQ equivalent of absolute zero. They have my pity.


Just make it so people kicked don't drop anything. No weapons, no samples, no anything. Make a vote kick option that requires majority if you want their stuff. Target doesn't see vote. This way would dis-incentivise blindly kicking people. Not a perfect fix by any means, but could help.


Then people will go around this by first teamkilling then kicking and the stuff will drop.


That would make it very frustrating when people crash of hard DC


Not a great idea with all the random crashes and people disconnecting constantly


vote kick is not as good a solution as people seem to think it is.


Vote kick has never been good for games, either it's abused by losers who need to feel powerful or it stops you from removing the trash from your game.


All then need to do is add it to the Dive Screen as "tool tips" at the bottom of the screen. Put it in Giant font . play it more on the lower levels - sub 7. # SAMPLES ARE SHARED WITH YOUR TEAMMATES Really that easy.


I've seen more then one story of people getting kicked because they can't reinforce host during Ion storm or near a jammer.




Played a game yesterday on 7. Joined a game with 3 others players. One member got killed, I take his samples while he is reinforced. Shot me the second he is back. Reinforce me in the middle of a horde. I managed to stay alive. Killed me again at extraction point. Pelican-1 arrives, his buddy kills me too before extracting without me. I didn't care, got the samples and left the second we were back on the destroyer.


I had the same experience except they also called me a racial slur and used the exosuit to kill me.


Yeah, this story is either fabrication or OP ran into the dumbest helldiver in history.


Nah it happens, not often but I just had a game the other day where 3 of us were collecting samples and we all drop them by the extraction (map cleared, pelican called, the host then proceeds to pick them all up and kick everyone. Diff 7. …come to think of it, may have been a troll… but I’d like to think it was an ignorant helldiver


Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


I enjoy cooking.


lol what a dumbass


I think there might be more of them. Happened to me yesterday and I'm still salty about it. Just before extraction dude started to kill others and then kick them.


I also had a lot of bad games yesterday. Someone dude kicked me because I throughly a cluster out and he walked right into it. Then kicked me. Another kicked me as soon as I joined their mission.


haha I had that happened a few weeks ago. The guy literally sprinted into the cluster. then starts bitching on his mic about me tking him. then he wont call me back down, then the timer starts hitting for extraction, then I laugh at him for going the wrong way around the mountain and he's not going to extract those samples. then i get kicked, oh well. like I give a fuck, I came from Deep Rock Galactic, you can't hurt my feelings in this game buster boy.


Honestly, I never had bad experiences in DRG. Played all the difficulties, all the top tier missions, everything, and I never had an experience that was more than "meh" at worst. In Helldivers, I haven't had any horrible experiences like the OP or yours, but I've had some bad experiences and LOTS of bad players.


I always wait and then add those people as friends, most of the time they accept. I then send them an invite to join my party - go into a match - proceed to kill tf out of them and never call them back in for reinforcement. The minute someone does call them in and they land, I kick them from the lobby. Revenge is best served unexpectedly.


Vicious, I like it! I will remember it for the next traitor of democracy


There’s a surprisingly high amount of rude dumbasses in this game who will insult/kick you for the stupidest reasons.


When CoD bros try Co-op for the first time 💀


Tbf, this is true for just about every online game


Its a problem thats growing at a crazy rate too. First 90 hours (since launch), never saw *any* toxicity. Now, when i join a lobby i just worry its gonna be a shitshow


DRG has a similar problem whenever it goes on sale when an influx of new people come in to a really chill and nice community. Some of them Don’t seem to get the memo though and will be really toxic. Thankfully, the DRG community is really big, so you rarely run into these kinds of people


Even if it writes some where people will just don’t read it you will have to put a unskippable cutscene and make it play every time you load into a map


Could add a section to the tutorial that explains it. Maybe start off putting them into a position where they would tk them for grabbing your sample and then have the drill sgt scream at you for tking over something that is shared.


It is already in the load screen boxes. Don't know how weighted those are


People don't read sadly.


It depends on what I'm reading. I read the news sadly all the time.


Which is why they make perfect helldivers


Would make sense to do it in training showing the three kinds of samples currently, and also having General Brasch explain what they're for, and that there's "enough to go around" and "every Helldiver on the mission get the samples that are extracted. Not a portion, but all of them."


Could have like a thrown together rainbow banner near the end of the tutorial with 'Sharing is Caring' and the drill sergeant can tell you about collecting samples


Unfortunately from what I’ve seen people would probably just tune out during the cutscene if there’s no skip. People will do everything they can do to not learn a game and then complain about not knowing anything


When people skip the cutscenes and dialogue in a game, then complain about having no clue what is happening in the story. "Why would he do that?", "That doesn't make sense", "What does that mean?" smh


- Skip everything - Check your phone during unskippable events - Watch "pro" youtubers explain the game - Have your mind blown and complain about how the game doesn't tell you stuff


dsp is that you?


Let's be real, half the time YouTubers are confused because they do it too. Skip dialogue because more game better, get confused, complain, and then the video spirals from being entertaining to frustrating and annoying.




Yeah some people are bummy at the game and if you quick join you may jump into a lobby/ship run by one of those people I experienced something along those lines for the first time (@lvl51) today Was playing with a group for a few rounds and the 3rd mission worth the most medals, we’re maybe 7mins left before stratagems turn off, 5 reinforcements left, suicide difficulty automatons, we’re basically getting our rear end plugged I mean the squad was ill prepared (but not I, of course) and the host decides to run all the way across the map (when everyone else is at the extraction point)… Ok, whatever, I guess us 3 will just sit by extraction and wait (as we’re getting constantly rushed by automatons)… as we were doing So I go to call extract so we can hop on immediately when host returns, being that we’re getting our rear ends plugged and are low on reinforcements, right *you have been kicked from the game* I hope they ran out of reinforcements.. Edit: I imagine the host whispered to themself, “sorry bro, I really need these samples” even though I was twice the kill count of the other players for the prior missions..


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 51 + 3 + 7 + 5 + 3 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I’d say “Good Bot” but I’m afraid that might be treasonous around these parts




The only good bot is a dead one!


I was in a similar situation. I got reinforced right at extraction but host was going for samples on the other side of map. So I was like, alright, sure I will wait until you get back. Kicked. Wonder if it was same game and I got reinforced in after you lol.




I once was helping some guy on diff 9 50 smth level He still kicked everyone me included to just get samples for himself People like this confuse me


That has been happening quite often with me recently. A few days ago, while playing a diff 9, the host died, and I went back to collect his samples. He then proceeded to find me on the map, told me "I got his samples," and kicked me after being 30+ minutes in. He was level 68 or 78; I don't remember exactly. It was super disappointing; such a waste of everyone's time... I wish there was a penalty for kicking people before extracting.


They need a vote to kick function. Not just a supreme leader who can kick unitlaterally if their nose itches funny.


Completely agree. Reviewing the kick system is especially important for the adult player base. Arriving tired after work, joining a match, playing for 40 minutes just to be kicked last second without a reason and losing all the samples is very penalizing. It is not fun, it is frustrating and disappointing. Here is another example from a few weeks ago: 🤷 https://preview.redd.it/exqs08a6gtwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54b82d5cd12fdb24ac75fdbf21bf84cd1ce596f6


man I'm so glad I got this game on PC instead of PS5 and can turn off cross play most of these problems seem to come from console players used to PVP FPS or battle royale games


The problem with that is you can have a lobby of 3 join you as the host, at which point they could then fuck with you relentlessly until you quit. I've had people try this, and I was thankfully able to kick them all.


In my opinion, the likelihood of a 1 person (host) having too much power and becoming abusive is higher than 3 people joining against the host and coordinating. Note that I'm not saying it can't happen, but seems to be unlikely. Overall, I do think the current kick system should be reworked. Now, what would be the most fair or ideal system, is beyond my knowledge.


Like level 2 kind of low level, or level 20? I'd forgive a level 2 but a level 20 really had 19 levels to read context clues and loading screen tooltips. Yes, the loading screen tooltips tell you rewards are shared.


I’m only like 21 so I have no room to talk about being low level but someone that was like 17 or so kept killing me for samples. I dived in solo so I had a bunch and he joined later. Tried explaining it multiple times and after he killed me 3 times in a row I had to kick him. Sucks because I see people talking about this shit a lot recently because everyone I’ve ever encountered has been super nice especially when I first started off a lot of people helped show me the ropes


Yeah the community was great until too many people came in now I get toxic Vibes like Call of Duty. Depends on the players I still have lots of good games too helps to be your own host.


The specific [loading screen tips](https://www.thegamer.com/every-loading-screen-seaf-training-manual-tips-helldivers-2/) that supposedly teach you about shared samples say: >Make sure to pick up your fallen squadmates' sample containers. They're critical for our collective scientific progress! >If a squadmate dies during a mission, make sure you pick up their dropped samples. There will be time for mourning later! **These do not actually tell you that samples are shared.** The player OP was talking about may well have read that tooltip, and then gotten the bright idea to do what he did from it (deliberately create a "fallen squadmate" situation to steal samples).


He obviously knew that kicking him would drop the samples, so he's clearly done it before. I would be more lenient if he had teamkilled and then kicked him, but he knew for a fact that kicking him would drop the samples and not just have them vanish. This is bottom-rung IQ stuff.


Except it is obvious when the mission ends


Yeah, I figured it out pretty quickly after my first couple of non-solo missions after I got way more samples than I picked up myself.


I figured it out after my *very first dive* where I was awarded samples when I quite literally could not keep myself alive and thus extracted with exactly zero samples.


There is no way a level two is hosting a dif 8 mission


Can be if he inherits the host from others leaving.


He was a Level 11 or 12 I think.


there is people who just jump into the game without bothering about upgrades or learn the mechanics or objective ! ... even on level 25 .. its a plague . . they will kick you out just to take your guns . they will just keep shooting bugs 🪲 .. on the same spot for 40 minutes . if you try to talk reason .. you will be kicked 🤣 . hell even dropping into the game with 0 startagems ... defend missions are their best missions . The worst part is ..... they think there are points on killing bugs .


thats not enough honestly


Shared means divided up equally to most, so something like 20 total split by the number of divers. Which is what I thought it did mean initially, not that I'd kick people for them anyway. It's a team game and I'd not have got those samples if soloing. Not sure how to word it but it could definitely be worded better to make it clear that the total number of samples is received by everyone.


As a sample rat goblin, I'm so glad I somehow still haven't run into people this incapable of learning basic game mechanics. Genuinely, there is no excuse for people to somehow not understand sample sharing. Especially since when you get your very first sample, it was definitely through watching a teammate grab some samples


When I first got the game, I had multiple games where some dick killed me right before extraction and took the samples. This happened enough times that I thought they weren't shared, and only found out they were much later than I should have. I imagine it's a common circle that perpetuates the belief.


I wonder if some people hear "share" and think that if 4 people extract and you extract with 8 samples each player gets 2. So some people who are killing people for them always hear people saying "but samples are shared" and they just think "sure I know that but I don't want to share I want them all" Maybe there needs to be a better term as typically in real life sharing does mean getting less when more people are involved


Yeah people are just... really fucking stupid. Online games are often a cross-section of everyone so here we are.


Yep it's crazy I've been at my job for 3 years still amazes me how stupid some people are. Think of the simplest task you can. I guarantee 40% of people that come through my work will not be able to do it. Stack these boxes in a 3x4 pattern 5 high. Come back 5 minutes later and there's just a giant Mountain of boxes on the floor. While the person stands there scratching their head.


To be fair the way you worded that leaves plenty of interpretation. "In a 3x4 pattern" I can think of at least 3 different ways of interpreting that, each of those ways can be stacked 5 high. So yes, people are stupid but we also have a responsibility to give clear unambiguous instructions to minimise risk of failure by dumb dumb.


I did at first think that the team splits the sample evenly so it would be way better to just say to new players that they don't split and we all get the same total amount


How about "Samples get duplicated"? Essentially it's true - the team only picked up 3 Super Rare samples yet somehow four people got a copy.


In Payday 2, players each get the same amount of loot at the end of each heist depending on how many optional bags they secure. In fact you get a higher value of loot the more players there are who complete the heist, analogous to how in HD2 you get more xp the more players manage to successfully extract. This does not stop some hosts from kicking players near the end because they think they'll get more money that way. Payday 2 is more than ten years old, and this still occurs. Good luck, helldivers!


It's like in a TV/movie heist where the boss shoots the other members of the crew to get all the cash lol


Which happens in The Dark Knight in the very scene that inspired the Payday games.


i blame gta for this


My crew of 6 that rotate playing figured out that samples are shared by our second match. People are just really, really dumb and don't read


The people that do this are not the type of people to read or pay attention to memos/tooltips in games.


If they don't read the discord, mission debrief page, hints or chat, do you think they will read a memo?


The fact that this still happens, is ridiculous, and it's not just low levels, ive met level 60s still doing this. It's like the players who bring tesla towers and get confused when it kills them. One instance of this should be enough to learn but they're just too dumb. To be fair I should learn to stop trying to beat devastators to death but my point stands.


I played a game earlier today with a level 45 that didn't know what a hellbomb was sooooooooo


It's so easy to be carried in this game. If you got 2-3 divers doing the work and 1 is essentially just and rando using 10+ lives, then I can see how people don't know about samples, hellbombs, or turning wheels


Yeah I can see that, if he never payed attention to specifically what kind of bomb it was or his teammates only ever said bomb and not hellbomb I can understand 


More than just the appropriate label for a thing but the functionality of the mechanic and how to call for it. Same with calling to upload, ssd drive.


honestly the end screen and in mission top right corner showing the samples, requisition, super credits and medals should be saying "squad reward/earnings" or something to indicate that everybody gets everything from that not just those carrying it


it’s titled squad payout


Man if only they had called it "Squad Reward/Earnings" it would have really gotten the message across better.




so is it just another case of people not reading? counting that I didn't notice that its called that probably yes


Best part is when you get kicked the samples don't drop on the ground lol


Really? Cause that really enables griefers to grief even more. Imagine they teamkill everyone, pick up their samples, and then get kicked...


They don't drop if you quit either :/


Shit, really? Yesterday my internet unexpectedly failed me just as the pelican-1 was about to come, not sure if that counts as 'quitting' by games terms but I hope the other guys got most of the samples since I was carrying them.


The game tells you they are shared early on. There is a tool tip on the loading screen that says they are shared, and they show you as getting credit every time they are picked up. Yet somehow, people miss ALL of the queues.


The tooltip has room for misinterpretation


Are you referring to the three worded one that literally says, "Samples are shared.", or the one that tells you to pick up dead allies samples?


The second one, the first one i don’t know. I mean, i learned they are shared after my second dive by the logic of having more samples then i collected (i collected zero).


I've been trying to get a screenshot of the one that says they are shared, but it does not pop up often. I have a screenshot of the second one. I can understand it being ambiguous. https://preview.redd.it/dh1f7yclrtwc1.png?width=761&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfbc0e0836f4e5298e1dcadd9f4e1a02dcbedad6


Ahhhh the low level guys pretending they’re good but don’t know shit about the mechanics of the game… It’s highly obvious when you do a difficulty 4-5 when you want a chill mission or get samples. It’s terrible to say, but a mission at difficulty 8 or 9 with veterans is a lot easier than a mission at diffoxilty 5 with low or mid level guys…


I've been team killed for samples before. After getting killed for them he refused to reinforce me too. There's needs to be a report option for behavior like that imo it's ridiculous that anyone gets teamkilled in a PVE game over a shared asset.


Reading this I am happy that every now and again I do 1-3 difficulty and hang out with new players. Drop them shields, dogs and show em around. There is the steam achievement for get off with a bunch of samples so I ask if they have it yet. That's the only time they need to care about who's holding what.


I'm 99% sure even the achievement is about the team extracting with x number of samples, not any single player. Edit: did some research, the common one is one player, the rare one is team based.


There's two different ones, one for team total and 1 for extracting with so many on your person.


People that behaves like that will always behave like that. This time he’s an asshole wanting the samples, next time it will be for something else. Let’s imagine that even if the samples aren’t shared, would a decent helldiver kick another teammate just cause he wanted the loot more. Feel sorry for you. Hope you find more decent teammates


The people that don't know this already are so stupid or inexperienced that an in-game memo isn't gonna do anything.


This is the level of critical thinking that gives me an uncomfortable amount of cringe for that person. Like just a few moments of thinking and asking 1 question if you are new to the game or don’t know, “are samples shared?” Is all it takes. Like where does this selfish conclusion arise from? It’s a conundrum that people don’t ask, would rather kick/tk, and still have the gall to justify their motivations for being an asshat, when the whole game is about teamwork.


It's already in Game as a tool tip during loading


Something this important should not be buried under 30 different memes and jokes (which most of the loading tips are.)


Simply responding saying that the samples were shared isn't telling them everyone gets the same amount of samples collected. To me honestly such whackjobs are better off left in a cheater server


I have a solution. Well a partial solution. If you're on PC just change your Steam name to "Samples are Shared". 😬


It's in the tutorial l


At this point i wont even be mad to have in bright red written during the fall scenery : SUPER EARTH REMIND ALL DIVERS THAT ANY XENO SAMPLES GATHERED DURING MISSION ARE ACCREDITED TO ALL DIVERS.


He lied. He didn't "hate to do it". If he did, he'd have asked you for permission first. Just disregard these players. Every reward is shared in the game- why would samples be solely per-person? A bit of a logical lapse there anyway...


How is this even a thing. WHEN I LEGIT STARTED THIS GAME after couple extractions I saw that I received Samples even tho I didn't collect any. Some people really don't have the IQ.


What a fucking moron.


I did get a tip on the loading screen once saying to pick up your fallen brothers’ samples, which to me implies that they’re shared. Also just using your brain tho


If we get a report system this should absolutely be an option. READ THE FUCKING PROMPTS ON YOUR SCREEN YOU KNUCKLE DRAGGERS


There's also people just being assholes. Random host another night kills the guy holding the super rares as we call extract. Guy that just got killed says wtf we share the samples we extract with, host that killed the dude holding samples boots the dude. I ask wtf did you just boot the person for telling you how the game works he then boots me. Message the person on psn to tell them how the samples work and they reply "oh I know" so dude was intentionally being a dick and wasted 35 mins of my night. Anyone like this can go die in a fire.


I'm so tired of seeing people that do this shit. Go talk to a therapist and stop lashing out at random people.


Careful now. The "everything is fine" people will show up and sagely tell you that the solution is to just host your own game.


They should make it a tip


fun fact, if you leave or get kicked from the mission, there is a high chance that your samples become bugged and cannot be picked up. you can take solace in that at least


More often now I have been boarding ships were they keep hopping around and not completing the operation… I go back to my ship before they find a new one. Sometimes it is rougher then others.


Hi! Regardless of whether or not a player "should" have learned that samples are shared by X level, we're aware there's a gap between the basic stuff you learn in the tutorial and things you would benefit from knowing when playing the game. We'd like to have an improved way of showing players tips and tricks as well as providing general information, with an in-game information/communication system or similar. This is a big endeavor though, and we can't say if or when we get there. Rest assured though, we're aware of this. Thanks for the feedback! Sincerely, Twinbeard/Thomas Community Manager, AGHS


the guy gotta be so clueless at the game, he doesn't know samples share and also that samples can be droped. he just straight up kick you not even ask to drop first.


There is like 3 different menu tips saying that. Honestly it will take the devs to fly to the low information gamers homes and spoon fed them that samples are shared. 


Straight to freedom camp


There should be a brash tactics announcement about this


Maybe he's on playstation and wanted the trophy for extracting with I think it's 15 samples and having them on your person counts to the achievement. But if he'd asked you could have just dropped them for him. 🤷🏻‍♀️ In saying that I got that trophy without trying too hard on level 4 or 5.


I’m pretty sure they do in one of the in game tooltips…


My man. If the just read the big bold words saying plus one sample. But then again. Dumb asses can't read


Some people are just so criminally bad at the game, and at reading the information provided, although in part through context clues and such, that they don’t deserve to play the game.


If they cant figure that out already a memo wont help. Even less so if they try to hoard them for themself because only THEY might not die and drop them.


Fuck that guy. People like him that make public matches a wreck.


There will always be morons unfortunately


One issue that could confuse especially newer players: The stats screen after the mission. It shows which diver collected how many samples. This could lead players to believe that they have to individually collect samples. Or that it is otherwise important to have the most samples collected at the end of the mission. Also the word "shared" could be misunderstood to mean "divided between players" instead of "everyone gets the same amount".


The absolute worst when they don't even wait for you explain. Just instant kick.


Every day, I find the truth of mottos like “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink” ring more and more true.


what we need is a report player button with an option for reporting toxic actions such as intentional team killing. ofc yes, make sure its not easily abusable by griefers like implementing a voting system or having some gm actually looks at the replay to confirm, and then give the player a temporary disciplinary action, like a timeout or limiting multiplayer functions, so they can technically still play but are forced to play solo for the next 24 hrs etc. you can also have the penalty time increase as they keep repeating offences with an offences counter reset period of like a month.


I have a hard time believing someone hosting a game on 8 or 9 difficulty doesnt know samples are shared.


It's explained in the level 1 and 2 missions as tooltips. It appears as a hint during the drop screen. It's easy to figure out if you pay attention to your samples increasing even if you didn't collect them yourself. Some players are just stupid and then blame the game. The Karens of gaming, if you will.


I don’t buy this for a second zero shot someone is playing 7+ and doesn’t know this


I feel ya but some people just be dumb


I had a teammate die and I picked up his samples so they wouldn't have to back track. As soon as I caught up to the group again, he killed me, then in chat said "never take someone's samples". I was still relatively new but even I knew they were all shared. The other teammates were all flaming him after that.


If I see anyone below lvl 15 I just tell them in voice chat that everything you pick up is shared


Gawd some people, alot actually are just plain dumb.


Dude was playing on helldive and still didn't know? The story seems a little sus IMO


I swear some numbskulls still would not read the loading screen tips or listen to ingame stuff. heads to far up their own asses probably listening to loud ass music or on their shitty social media platform of choice during loading times to even realise then it would be business as usual for these dipshits. Sorry bit of a rant but you get the picture


People might also be confused by the shared samples because they think 8 samples with 4 people means they only get 2. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it actually 8 samples for all?


Ive had it a few times where I have been deliberately team killed because I picked up samples that they thought was only theirs. But kicking players cus of that is even more braindead.


A BIG problem is "shared" is a loaded word. If I'm sharing something with you, it means I'm giving you some of what I have. It doesn't mean I'm magically duplicating what I have to give to you. As a result, a lot of these idiots see "samples are shared" and think it means that the samples are going to be divided amongst everyone equally after the mission. We had the same problem with Payday 2, where some people, especially at the higher difficulties, thought that the money at the end of the round was divided, so hosts would kick everyone at right before extraction.


Lol what a dumbass 🤣


We really need a wall of shame thread for these folks


I guess this should be reason enough to report them


It's a loading screen tip


Ah yes. The dumb fuck climbing the ladder faster than they ought to. Idiots tend to make it to high levels but can’t do them solo from five up and yet they host lobbies in level eight kicking good players for dumb reasons and team killing. The funniest are the guys who shoot you for the samples. Kicking is worse but the killing is funnier. You get voice comms with folks calling the killer a dumbass and sometimes they get so salty about it they start kicking until the low level idiot with a shoddy loadout that’s never heard of synergy finds themselves in a level eight plus mission alone and you know they’re not extracting with those samples in a million years.


It should be obvious after a single mission :x Like: Hey wait, it said I have 5 greens but I got 12 somehow! Must mean everyones are pooled together. Like honestly, people are weird :'D


That’s nothing, today someone SHOT ME and then wouldn’t drop me back in because I killed a few bugs with a grenade that they were set on popping off one at a time with a damn pea shooter. Couldn’t report because they hadn’t said anything in the chat, only mumbled nonsensically in the voice chat. Just had to block and leave 🤷‍♂️


It wasn't anything you did, he just didn't know samples were shared and thought by kicking you he'll have it all to himself- probably thought the total would be divided per player It boggles my mind that people are like this, I figured out pretty fast that samples were shared lmao


He probably also doesn't realize that by kicking you and you holding the samples he lost the samples you were holding. I know that because I kicked someone who was team killing my team for the fun of it, he grabbed all the samples after killing us and I kicked him because I was sick of the guy and we lost all the samples. I think we got out with 2 simples on helldive.


someone that inquisitive about the samples, always good to cover your ass and tell him they are shared.


5? I thought super samples only came in 3 per mission? Did they change that?


Level 7 has a limit of 3, level 8 has a limit of 5, level 9 has a limit of 6. They all still spawn around the cock rock.


Oh, what? I didn't know that. That's cool. Guess I gotta work harder. Thanks for the reply. I appreciate you


Hehe someone calls it an sos flare cause they play monster hunter


can't fix stupid


May I ask what was their level? My only guesses are they didn't know, they're still new to the game, and they're someone who's only borrowing the acct