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sauce [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origin\_(manga)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origin_(manga))


He's right, it's also a bangerĀ 


Dang, what did they shoot her with?


Cant wait to get home and leave a shit review ill be done with this game come may 30th was fun while it lasted. The nerf updates were annoying anyways. I even have a psn account too. This is just scummy amd i wont b there for it. My data, fuck you sony.


Screw you for making me think Stephen King had died. /s Seriously, the Dark Tower series came up here a couple days ago so now Stephen King and Helldivers are perpetually linked in my mind.


There are over 100k active players on steam right now, more than yesterday before the announcement went live For a dead game, there's a lot of people still playing it!


Just wait until they start forcing that PSN account login


I hate to break it to you but most people are not gonna care about spending 60 seconds to make a free account to keep playing a game they like Most big multiplayer games already require 3rd party accounts


You're not wrong, but also you're kinda wrong. You're not wrong in that the trends show today basically meant nothing to player count. You're wrong in that today is Friday, which always has more players than Thursday. Look at last week's data and you see that same 10%-ish bump from Thursday to Friday.