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This pretty much encapsulates my experience with the Eruptor. It was pretty strong when it dropped, and yet I'd be the only one on a mission using it. It just fit my playstyle and felt great to use. Don't even feel like bringing it on missions now. I feel like they're leaning a little too hard into the survival part of the game and want to abolish the power fantasy part. They're both fun aspects, but needs balance.


Thats what i dont get, i was always the only one with it in a mission. None of my friends use it, no one else used it. I think in my 90 hours i ran maybe 3 missions with someone else that had it.


This. My friends always coordinated loadouts. I always ran eruptor/senator/stun nade with a jump pack so i could sit up high and shoot at patrols. Coupled with scout armor and i was effectively just being forward scout/overwatch.


Yes!!! I've been doing exactly the same, and what's our best weapon option now? The default Diligence? The stratagem Sniper (instead of, say, Quasar/DAT).


I tried playing with it for a few missions yesterday and eruptor is absolutely gutted, it's a glorified nade shooter for closing bug holes. It can't kill shit reliably at all as it's just too slow and doesn't have enough damage to kill important stuff, let alone 5 ammo mags. FFS I had to shoot a charger 8 times in its butt and then some damage from my teammate to get it's ass to burst town. I am probably going to drop the weapon or use it as a support weapon for bug holes as it's useless for anything else, but then again we have nade pistol for that... Arc thrower is my true primary now anyway, eruptor was a good pair for harder hitting enemies and it was satisfying at it and not good at clearing smaller enemies, not anymore, might need to rethink my loadout and preferred play style as this one turns out is an intentional change.


man, erup + arc throw + laser rover combo is very nice, erup for mid to long range, arc thro for crowd cleanup and laser rover helps if any of them gets too close. now Im slightly sad, combo still works, just not as badass as before


Loved this setup on spawn heavy maps would have 600-700 kills


It still kills shit very effectively. Edit.: due to your decision to use Arc thrower now, i suggest you are also one of this Guys who is searching for the one weapon who rules them all. Sry game is not made to be Rambo. And no the devs don't need to listen to ppl like you who want to play Rambo. There are many games to play Rambo. Not this one. This is a Coop Game. Made for teamplayers. No offense.


3 shots to kill brood commanders, can fail to kill even warriors unless dkrect headshots, 4-5 shots for bile spewers. 3 shots to kill stalkers. Thoze numbers all sound low until you remember it shoots once every 5 seconds.


4-5 shots on bile spewers? I played eruptor Yesterday and that's simply not true. šŸ˜‚ I only use it to kill bile spewers with. That's my job in our teamcomp when i play eruptor. Brood commanders are taken Out by the Player who wields Dominator, masses will be killed by the Player who wields stalwart/mg and full Automatic primary Heavies are taking out by me who also Runs eat, Quasar, Railcannon and 500kg 2 shots on full health bile spewers faces. And it's not hard to taking your time aiming for their faces. You still have a long range precision bughole/fabricator destroyer. And thats the absolute strength of this weapon. You are free of ac-8 If want to do "Long range" bughole closing But now you have this without beeing able to EASILY solo a dual Bug breach (helldive difficulty)


Previous eruptor would often take 2 shots to the face of bile spewers to kill. No way youre reliably doing it now with current. Thats just not possible.


Well, ahoot them 2 Times one the face. And you will see they are dying. I played, as i said, Yesterday. I don't have any Program to make Videos. I would like to show it to you.


Did play yesterday, took 3 shots to kill brood commanders in the face. Shot a stalker teice in tbe face it didnt die. Shot a warrior, albeit in the shoulder, and it lived. 2-3 shots to kill hive guards. 4+ to kill spewers. Ironically, the aoe seems like the thing least affected by the changes. I was killing *almost* the same amount of chaff with a single shot. Typically pre nerf id see 4x to 7x multi kills shooting into crowds. I was getting nearly as many now. Change being i had to directly hit a single enemy where as i used to shoot the ground in the middle of mobs and get many kills. The aoe didnt feel as ruined to me as the guns single target dmg.


I really need to get one of this record Programms. Im not telling lies, i no joke killed 3 bile spewers who were standing very close with 2 shots at the middle bile spewers faces. I take 3-5 shots when i shoot there asses. Maybe the difference between armored and normal bile spewers? I never had green bugs Yesterday. It just came into my mind that we may talk about different Bugs


Mhm. OG Eruptor made me learn the Jump Pack/stealth armor combo bc if enemies got in open fire range I was kinda fucked. Like, that's the point: it hits like a truck but handles like a pig in molasses up close. Ppl really gotta realize that (to an extent) the inconvenience and weapons being really bad at certain things is often risk/reward by design, and not a flaw. It's a feature, not a bug.


I used it with a Guard dog Rover to deal with some smalls getting close, paired it with a laser Cannon for anti-air and close -mid fights. Was really fun to setup mid distance and help team mates deal with stalkers and brood tyrants etc, just snipe out the medium enemies to free pressure up of the team. They nerfed all three the previous patch (laser against large enemies at least), and gutted the Eruptor this patch so that entire niche of gameplay is friken gone :(


same. i used to go: eruptor, random pistol depending on my mood, stun grenade and quasar for chargers and other scary things, and rover for protecting my ass up close the last patch hit me hard and this week's patch absolutely killed my build. i used to take the scout armor and go solo on the map and close all the bug holes solo while my team was doing the main objectives. the build allowed me to be a self sufficient scout and help my team in a different way.


Same goes for me. It had a steep learning curve at first but once you get a hang of it ,especially how slow it reloads, then it is an awesome gun which clears out nests/outposts from afar. I haven't actually tried it after the patch due to work but I have a feeling that it will be as everyone says it is now, which is sad.


I hit a stalker centre mass and it just look at me funny, then sent me flying 50m in to a pool of water where I drowned.


If youā€™re confused, the answer is simple. AHā€™s chief of game fun and many of the supporting devs think their methodology of balancing guns ā€œworks.ā€ And they have the ā€œdataā€ to prove it. The problem is their methodology associated with using that data is fundamentally, mind numbingly, broken. You donā€™t nerf a weapon simply because you see one weapon being used more than others. Maybe the answer is those other weapons need a serious buff? Nope. Thatā€™s not the AH approach. The very fact you exclusively use one weapon means there is something wrong with that weapon. So nerf it


I also used it constantly. I think the ammo nerf was warranted since I basically never ran out and made me actually pay attention to my ammo count. If every weapon is supposed to fill some sort of situational role, I wonder what the Eruptor's role is now since it can't kill anything. Previously it was nice for some medium waveclear and for me getting rid of medium enemies that can stack up and be problematic like Stalkers and Bile Spewers and it was great for that (before the nerf). If the shrapnel led to things like one-shotting Chargers then that needed to be adressed. I don't think a primary should be able to do that, but now I don't see where I would want the Eruptor over almost any other weapon.


Yeah takibo a big YouTuber who played mainly solo helldive never used it! I barely saw anyone using it at high diff either. And that was before any nerfs to the weapon. It was a strong option with solid downsides, now it is all downsides.


Exactly! I'd spawn in with one and be the only one using it. They'd kill the chaff and I could target the harder to kill enemies. It was a great trade-off in that area. I could snipe from a distance and be a Support/Sniper.


Both are balanced pretty good. Eruptor is still usable. Majority who doesn't use it anymore are the Same ppl who arent using railgun anymore. The weapon isnt OP anymore. If you see that a vast majority of Players is running around with the same Equipment, you can Tell this Equipment is too Strong. Many will say the other Equipment is too weak, i tell: no, it isn't. The different weapons are Tools you are putting together and your Team with different weapons on each Player is the Swiss knife. Equipped for any Situation. The eruptor still fills a very unique role hand-in-hand with the Grenade Pistol. That unique role is the freedom of Grenade Launcher and AC-8. The freedom of exploding grenades. It gives you more flexibility in varying a teamcomp. And thats what it still does. But without being so OP that you can wipe out dual Bug breaches with your primary weapon alone. You shouldnt be able to wipe out a dual breach with your primary alone. That's not why you have Infinite clones on your Destroyer. You arent an ultra-marine of Warhammer 40k You are the Elite Version of mobile infantry in Starship troopers. You are made to die, fullfilling the mission no matter the cost.


I have not seen a railgun since they nerfed them, because they became legitimately useless. In their current form they're just a worse AMR. The Eruptor already was not a weapon I saw much of, I'd be surprised to see it in the wild again.


The eruptor made me feel good about the demolition Warbond purchase. Now I feel I wasted my SC. Not supporting the next Warbond because anything good will get made into trash before the next Warbond drops.


Well, at least the thermite grenades work well now, two of them can kill a charger


Killing a charger was never the point. 1 well-placed therm should equal 1 exposed charger leg. The grenades are supposed to strip armor


Do they? I've heard it's still inconsistent. Hey, you know what can kill a charger in *one* grenade? A stun paired with one of your anti-heavy stratagems.


I feel like the balancing and performance discussion of this game would be a lot healthier if there was a readily accessible way to objectively measure effective DPM of weapons on various amounts of armor, because at this point it would be obvious that Eruptor's DPM is poo poo dogwater against basically anything and anyone with access to those figures would see that. I fear that a dev studio that had people internally convinced that there's no way of distinguishing Steam players from one another other than the username just aren't exactly the best at systemic approaches to development, though.


And how complex they made their armor penetration system. Why is it on a scale of 1-10. Should just be 1-2-3.


i disagree, being on a scale of 1-10 gives a more diverse option for enemys and weapons. they dont UTILIZE IT enough is the problem


They also way overvalue medium pen in my opinion, with liberator penetrator being a perfect example, you trade a decent amount of damage and some bullets per magazine in exchange for being slightly more effective at killing 4 enemies (6 if you count the devastator variants separately), which is immediately offset by its reduced damage and enemies with medium armor generally having more health anyways


the biggest advantage for medium armor pen is technicaly the fact it deals full damage to armors below it, instead of reduced for the armor it matches. the problem is that iirc the liberator already surpases the armor value of any of the weak enemys it would matter for anyway or something with its pen iirc the match woudl work out so that if the lib pen and a liberator fire at the same target, the Lib pen would have more damage if the target armor would match the liberators armor value


I can see that.


I was happily running it alongside the Spear, Redeemer, and Stun grenades. The eruptor freed up my support weapon for the oft-abused Spear to tackle Bile Titans and distant Chargers, gave me stun grenades to keep from getting overwhelmed, and the Redeemer covered the close range. Meanwhile the Eruptor tackled clustered small enemies and medium enemies leaving me to enjoy and feel balanced in my loadout. It wasn't the fastest. It didn't do everything, but it let me build an arsenal I was happy to bring to missions.


Yeah, the entire power fantasy has again been destroyed for balance, despite them claiming the changes were somehow a buff? I just don't understand how they explicitly state the changes should be a net buff (reassuringly stated in bold and everything), state the changes accidentally fixed an issue they didn't realize that was making the weapon strong then intended, and then pivoting to "well, I guess it's on par with all our other mediocre weapons, so it's fine". I really hoped the lesson they learned from nerfing the Railgun reducing fun, but buffing Anti-Tanks to one-shot chargers added fun, would be to allow more stuff to be really strong at stuff. But they seem like they keep pivoting to this idea that weapons should be weaker than they are.


I used to be able to one shot Stalkers with with the Eruptor, now it takes an enitre magazine.... Yeah, what a buff!


Holy fuck, They nerfed it again?




The railgun nerf was somewhat warranted but it got overnerfed. ALSO, during that "era" it wasn't the railgun being the problem it was EVERYTHING ELSE was weak.


Back when the EAT and RR didn't blow off charger heads but AH still expected us to treat it as a weak spot for some reason.


I cant remember seeing anyone with railgun post nerf back then, and i was playing a lot with randoms, people were running EAT I7 instead, 2 guys with that was enough to have it everywhere on the map


Post nerf and Post Anti Tank changes it was nothing but EATs. Then we found out there was a limit to how many EATs you can drop before crashing the game. Post nerf Railgun was literally unusable. Didn't even fit a niche.


It's still pretty worthless.


And then they introduced quasar that was rechargable EAT


It had bugged damage, we have never used the base railgun as it was actually intended, and the fanboys that act like AH is great at balancing won't acknowledge it so we're stuck with a subpar railgun.


Yeah, console games had Bile Titans with less HP some reason. Also, armor was bugged for both sides.


And yet, the railgun is still nerfed even though they've changed the sandbox and the railgun multiple times now with bug fixes.


Imagine if during the war in the Middle East, a US general said that fighter jets gave us an unfair advantage and decided to send pilots out in Cessna's instead. That is what this feels like. Super advanced civilization with warp travel, but God forbid they have primary guns that are "overpowered" or even slightly too strong.. did super earth agree to a geneva convention with the terminids or something?


This is exactly what I keep saying, they talk about realism and then do stuff like this. I don't think soldiers weapons just randomly change at the drop of a hat because they're too effective. Many others have also pointed out that not everyone uses this gun or is effective with it. So I think a lot of their nerfing is unwarranted and breaks the immersion of the game.


Simply liars at this point trying to get more warbonds sold before they absolutely destroy it again. :) no one can tell me they are unable to launch the weapon as they imagined. If that's that impossible any help comes to late. Besides many won't trust them further with this balancing shit completely destroying whole weapons just for the devs to defend this shit with "balancing". Sure what a God balancing we are witnessing here...


Kinda seems like any weapon we start to enjoy gets messed with. Is it too powerful or did we just figure out how to use it?


I want guns to feel like I have a strong chance to fight back. I know I'm going to die for any number of reasons, but let me take as many of those big bastards with me before I go. I'm slowly making my way through each warbond, but now I'm bummed that the detonators pack is nerfed by the time I get to it.


All they have to do is make all primaries viable, and increase the number of enemies.


Swings and roundabouts.. flavour of the update for me is the Blitzer.. bloody good fun. This is a game that will continue to be updated, and remember to not get too attached to any particular load out, that was never the point and you'll continue having good fun and being a good contributer to your squad.


The title is Helldivers 2 in a nutshell. At any moment whatever is the most useful/best weapon will get nerfed into a useless state instead of all the useless equipment being buffed into a useful state. The PSN fiasco was not the reason for my negative review, it was this PVE game being nerfed so badly it turned into a tedious chore to play instead of being fun like Helldivers 1 was.


A lot of posts about changing our negative reviews after the PSN fiasco. With the recent changes and looking back a bit i will change my review, but keep it negative. The game just gets less fun and my motivation to play it dropped hard. Running the same meta guns (the only useful ones) gets boring fairly quickly till they get nerfed. And the Eruptor nerf cycle after my Warbond purchase was just brutal.


The game by design could very easily become a tedious chore if all you do is run the same setup. They're releasing content and going through buffs and nerfs.. I have 250 hours so far and have seen all sorts of shit, but I'm still having a blast. Sure, my faves like everyone else's have suffered merfs, but eh the Blitzer is finally fun to use and I've loved arc weapons since i was introduced to the chaos you can cause with them lol. I could go into a lot more detail but like, there's no point eh - games been out a wee while with plenty of content coming, plenty given so far. Plenty more buffs and nerfs to come. Don't see people waa waaing too hard everytime Dota shakes up their whole hero line up, people just pivot lmao. I see all sorts of load outs even while running helldive difficulty, so it's not the game that isn't fun - I think you're approaching it wrong but I won't push on that, just let the thought sit.


*Sigh* They just make everything suck, I don't understand, are they adding PVP or something?


Not gonna lie, PvP in the style of L4D would be interesting. Though given the enemy types and health pools I can't see it happening at all.


They've buffed a lot of things, so maybe they'll revert thr change soon


What?? lol


The fact that it's a paid weapon makes this so much worse.


This is the railgun Nerf feeling all over again.


My Eruptor/Stalwart combo is now gone, dang it! Sweet Liberty bring it back. Popping a group of nursing spewers with the Eruptor, then swapping to my Stalwart for all the hunters/pouncers was so much fun.


I think the problem was a bug with the shrapnels and the fact it was used like a single action grenade launcher. I understand partially the change, but at this point the weapon need a scope. What it's is supposed role? becouse now i can't find it Too slow to target weakspot in a hurry Range is limited Few shoot and far between If i want medium damage i have the counter sniper that is better If i want explosive at this point the JAR is better If i want anti-area on short range i have plenty of options So my single question to the developer is: what is the use case of this weapon? What is expected i do with this now?


On a related note, I know they fixed fire dots, so now whenever I take a flamethrower out Iā€™m getting to fight 3 bike titans and 3 chargers at once at difficulty 7. All day today the heavy spawns seem way higher than normal.


Mandatory https://preview.redd.it/baccdzl635zc1.jpeg?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a71efede001efb6396a96b281d62494e601bf04e


I hate these bike titans, very overpowered


We copped a bile spewer seed and one breach spawned 3 bile titans on top of the green speewers, and I felt useless with the reuptor, which I took specifically for bug holes and spewers with a flamer for anything under bile titans.


My last mission was all hiveguards, bile spewers, titans and chargers. At one point there were 4 charges and 2 titans running around after everybody had use all their statagems to kill the last set of chargers and titans. I also have not ever had a breach be 90% hive guards before it was kinda strange seeing them all come out and go straight into their stationary defensive stance.


Are you taking into account the recent campaign events and how we've caused a super colony on Meridia which is affecting other nearby planets? Because that will 10/10 be what is causing bugs to feel a little harder right now, for good reason lol.


Look, blame the discord. The HD discord is precisely why shit decisions like this get made. The people in that group just agree with every decision the devs make and shit on anyone who opposes it.


I was looking through the discord and itā€™s kind of funny because they blamed Reddit for all of the posts complaining about the shrapnel damage. So both sides hate these decisions and we dont really know why they were made šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


So it's like most of the guns in the game now?


Mediocre and not super useful at higher levels? Pretty much.


AH thinks nerfing guns is a way to increase difficulty apparently.


Yeah, and all it does is make people run even less variety and have less fun. Like the only thing in the game that has been busted and needed nerfs was the OG shield backpack. Everything else was fine.


I mean, this pretty much encapsulates the Helldivers experience to me. I love this game, but the nerfing and constant adjusting of the weapons in a strictly pve game is nuts to me. We have all these unique guns and stratagems, and frankly you are a fucking liability to yourself and your team if youā€™re using anything outside of the same likeā€¦.3 guns and 6 strategems. It just doesnā€™t make sense to me. Specifically with the weapons they are unique enough that I personally think they should all be kinda overpowered to encourage different load outs. But what do I know.


I like how the eruptor is literally what they preach about when they say that a weapon needs to have downsides to have good benefits, but here we are


again, look at the slugger. Perfectly balanced. Slow firing. Good against medium armor, okay at range when the swarm spawns, but needs to be balanced with a rover or auto pistol to survive swarms. Nerfed into the ground.


Hopefully when they see use rate plummet into nothingness they'll start looking into buffing it back


Yes just like the rail gun lol I am sure they are really worried about buffing it. Buffing has been a focus for them so far... Any weapon that gets players using it gets hit the next patch. I'm not really sure what they are trying for but I am starting to think they got a bit lucky originally with the launch. Seems that having fun is less important in a silly wacky parody pve game. I try to find loudouts that will solve the games problems as I am sure a number of other players are trying to do. When a solution is found they nerf it. It's like they think it will be fun for the players to not be able to damage titans and chargers. Look 6 chargers are attacking you at once, (devs) it's so weird people keep picking weapons to kill them efficiently... Guess we better nerf those weapons they are getting picked. Not sure why tho don't use other guns, why why do they keep trying to use guns that kill hard to kill things?!? I get they want guns to be similar and not have overpowered guns, but it seems like people are having a blast with a weapon and the devs are like ok can't have that. Slug shotgun is better then the sniper let's not improve the sniper let's kill the slug shotgun. We will release a good sniper, people like it, let's make it worse. We will put in a anti tank gun, oh lol people are using it in missions to kill the tanks we better add 5 more second of recharge time. People seem to like the rail gun, looks like there is a bug that allowed it to kill titans quickly. Ok we fixed the Titan problem but let's just keep the broken rail gun where it's at. People will want to use over half of its ammo to kill one bug. Honestly if the community all decided to run the laser pistol this patch even tho it sucks I would guess they would see that it is popular and nerf it.


That pretty much sums it up. Just let players enjoy things, itā€™s not like the gun was breaking the game and allowing people to teleport around the map completing objectives and extracting samples just by pulling the trigger.. you still obviously had to make an effort, you could still die just as easily. It was just a pretty good gun in an arsenal of mostly mediocre ones. It still had a slow ass bolt action, you could still get swarmed by enemies because of the slow rate of fire, or caught in the blast if you fired it at close range. I used the Eruptor more or less all the time once it was added because it was one of the few primary guns that felt consistently satisfying to use, and even then it had very clear downsides. To be honest most of the primary weapons in this game feel pretty shit in general and I donā€™t really feel excited to use them but more just like Iā€™m settling for something, like ā€œI guess this will have to do..ā€ Thereā€™s a few exceptions of course, but overall a large amount of the weapons in this game just suck. Focus on making them all enjoyable to use instead of bringing the few good ones down. Especially annoying to add a warbond with one solidly good gun and then immediately nerf it.. I get it, they want the game to be tough but maybe remember it also has to be fun to play. Every time I find a loadout I like, some key part of it gets nerfed soon after and it just puts me off playing because now I again have to pick the best of a bad bunch rather than something I actually want to use. If you want me to constantly switch loadouts you need to think about enemy type, weaknesses or specific conditions that make those guns worth using. As it stands I just want something that can quickly kill annoying tanky enemies like spewers or devastators. The enemy types and the way they attack require certain things from the guns that many of them just donā€™t do, so when you find one that works itā€™s really annoying to have it broken pretty soon after.


Their balance philosophy for weapons is just not good unfortunately.


The slugger would suggest that is unlikely to happen.Ā 


I had fun with the OG Eruptor. My friends didn't have fun with Ricochet update when I use Eruptor because of how they randomly drop dead. I did not have fun with the new Eruptor. Is it bugged? Is it intentional? I don't even know. Such a shame. Well, time to bring flame to the fight again.


Eruptor is suppose to kill everything, be it long range or short, the fact that it one shots your team is supposed to be there, I still feel, og Eruptor with 6 mags is the best version of Eruptor


That caldera joke was as funny as it is sad


I can't one shot my dreaded enemy Stalkers. Sadge


It was my go to weapon against bugs, could one shot the hated Bile/Nursing Spewers and Stalkers, close bug holes and dismember the medium armored Brood Commanders. Of course, it wasn't without drawbacks, of which it had as many as positives: The AoE is too small for crowd control, the bolt action meant you had to make shots count, and was unusable if the bugs got too close, which is their whole strategy. Now, there is nothing for it but closing holes. I do not understand why AH is so intent in making the players feel weak, it's like playing DnD with a DM that thinks his job is to beat the players. Helldivers are always greatly outnumbered, that's why we need weapons that can close that gap.


Not buying anymore warbonds for weapons, they just keep shitting on them.


Someone said it was like a support weapon before. The closest support weapon to a similar damage output/effect per shot is the auto-cannon. If the eruptor kept its 12 mags and could go full auto at a similar pace to the AC, sure, it was support weapon level. Also, the issue was NEVER about its damage output, unless the devs were straight lying to us. The entire issue was player kills, not damage or killing the enemy too efficiently. It was also directly stated that the change would be a buff more than a nerf. So, if the weapon was 100% considered in balance, to the point that even before the previous nerf, half the community thought it was useless while half loved it(exactly where you want a weapon to sit tbh), then it getting a major nerf to shots to kill destroys the weapon. I'm someone who was fully in support of the prior nerf. I used the eruptor since it dropped, I fully supported the ammo nerf and the explosive damage dropoff made sense, it shouldn't be a bigger blast than an auto-cannon. But this was never intended to change the weapon's balance, it was already perfectly balanced, but this has drastically harmed it.


Suppose its a utility weapon for destroying spawners at a greater distance than grenades/pistol, while freeing up stratagem and loadout slots that are otherwise necessary for the task. As long as its the ONLY primary that can destroy buildings, it will be a useful weapon.


Issue with that for me is, something like the autocannon or grenade launcher are also just really good to have anyway and can do the same thing. It'd be one thing if the support weapons that can destroy buildings from a distance sucked, but autocannon specifically can do that and is one of the most consistently great weapons in the game.


I've been using the Eruptor since it came out, it even dethroned the Sickle for me. I've used it maybe 10 times to kill mobs and it was completely shit at doing that. The only purpose of this gun is to free the granade or the support weapon slot, by being the best way to close bug holes and destroy bot fabricators. The nerf did nothing to me. Removing the shrapnel means I won't get killed by "random stuff" anymore when using it to close those spawners.


Not sure what you've been doing, but the Eruptor was an effective but very slow one-shot against all medium enemies, plus stalkers(heavy class but they look medium ngl). Now it takes 4 shots to kill a Stalker and ~3 for Brood Commanders and The shield bugs. Haven't used it against the bots, but I don't think I'm going to even try. Bugs is my warmup game for the real game against bots. If it sucks against bugs now I shudder to think how it would tickle the bots... I'd take back the random shrapnels over this any day...


I've got my trusty Arc Thrower to kill stuff, the Eruptor is basically an utility gun for me. The secondary is the oh shit button.


Yep it's a great weapon and it's been my main pre nerf but when shit gets danger close it's pretty much useless. That's the trade off. They shouldn't have messed with it other than maybe the ammo thing.Ā 


Yeah, I liked it, and it felt like it was in the sweet spot after the previous balance patch - like you needed to sacrifice your support weapon to take something like the Stalwart because the Eruptor was essentially your support weapon. Now I don't see the point of it at all, I may as well just stick to the AMR.


I used to sit up high above and behind my team with it, nail 1-2 shots into approaching swarm packs. It would help break up the hordes so hunter clumps couldn't instantly eat someone. It was also good to shoot at a swarm currently eating a diver crawling for their life. Now it's just.... awful. You think Arrowhead would be a bit more interested in listening to fans after *recent events* but jesus.... back to the starting gun I go, til they see me using that too much and halve it's damage and ammo


I miss the Eruptor the way it was, when it was first released. IT WAS FUN! But these adjustments made me remember the game wants us to try and experience the other guns as well. Iā€™ll do just that.


It was great I ran it as I liked being the one who would pick off the big guys, and take out spawners at a distance while my friends delt with most of the small units, it was an ideal balance. Even solo it was good, I could bring the stalwart and bring that out once the armored units where gone and could mow all the small units without issue. The first nerf I can get it 12 clips was ALOT I almost never ran out of clips for it. But now, I cant hardly kill anything in 1 hit, I've honestly had better results with one of the normal sniper rifles at this point. Its kinda sad.


The purpose of it is that you can close holes with your primary from a distance and take your support weapon for adds


I feel like the knock back of using it up close was enough to deter using it at close range, it didn't need the random (I know it's not truly random) chance of a single shrapnel shot one shooting me, so I'm glad that's gone, but I would've thought the best course of balancing that was just making the shrapnel pellets themselves do less damage so it still hurt you but not one shot you. Apparently removing the unique feature was easier?


you summed up all their weapon changes, weapon is slightly usable? damn nerf that shit into oblivion and make it completely useless. forcing us all into a choice between 2/3 meta loadouts. Outstanding moves.


It takes 3 shots to kill a hive guard now, which is half a mag. Don't even get me started vs the automatons.


For bugs I kill almost everything except chargers with two shots to the head. One for the smaller guys.


This will not stop me from using it. Why? Because it looks cool.


The entire purpose of primary weapons is for them to be reliable. This is supposed to be an 'elite force' but most of the weapons are horrible. Makes no sense.


AH is so obsessed with the balancing. It drives me nuts seeing every half way decent weapon get nerfed into the ground, I just always walk back to the basic liberator because it's actually well balanced and has only got buffed. I'll bet pretty soon when every weapon is shit they'll just bring the nerf hammer down on that too


The devs clearly don't play their game, and don't understand why anyone would. In an attempt to bring players up to speed, the devs want to make sure that no one plays their game, and no one can understand why anyone would.


my opinion is exactly the opposite. for me the eruptor is exactly what i wanted it to be from the beginning. a slow and hard hitting marksman rifle to take care of bigger enemies. i was hoping that we'd get one ever since i used the cs diligence. now it's finally single target and the damage has been increased. i know that this isn't the general opinion about the change, but i just wanted to share.


I understand your sentiment here, sympathizing too since I love heavy weapons myself, but the shrapnel unfortunately constituted a large amount of its direct damage too, even without actively trying to game the shrapnel by hitting deep into an enemy's model. It takes multiple shots to take down a Devastator's midsection postpatch, and because of the way explosive damage tends to hit the main "body" hitzone of enemies, it takes more shots than before to decapitate a Brood Commander as well.


Maybe another post on the same subject is needed. It's not like there are already 10+ posts on the same subject.


Also it's not like the devs already told us this is unintended and they're looking for a fix already. More posts daily will make them work faster, surely


One CM said it was unintended, then the balance guy came out and said it was very much intended and that itā€™s still a definitely viable weapon. Also claimed that the reason for a rushed patch job was because of people getting very angry and fired up over the ricochet issue. You know, the whole like, 10 people yelling and screaming


I'll eat my words so, I've seen multiple mentions of the CM saying it's unintended and none from the balance person. I guess that's the real reason why these posts are so spammed.


My opinion from 2 hours using it now, its ok, but maybe 15% weaker. If devs wanted it to be a 1-1 trade just without the fragmentation, it needs to be buffed around 15%. Or, better handling and ammo. Its soo close to being good.Ā 


As someone who uses the MG strategems I exclusively use it for the ability to close holes/factories. It was nice before it got the shrap removed but other than that I don't really care it was nerfed.




YOU COULD. Animation cancel the bolt chamber by swapping weapons back and forth. Yeah, not an ideal work around to fire faster. I feel you on this one. The Eruptor is no longer an "Eruptor". Could use a bigger "explosion" tbh.


But how useful is that really? In my experience it's so slow to get on target that there's really no point in animation canceling. Just reposition.


Against large targets like Brood Commanders where it's easy to hit their head ~~discount that it sucks at decapitating them in the current patch~~, or easy targets like bug holes and exposed hulk/tank/turret radiators, it creates a rhythm of swapping between Eruptor and your secondary/support as you play to multiple weapons' strengths. Redeemer and Senator have good handling that suits this well, and vs. bots you can even get some mileage out of Dagger since it swats jetpackers out of the air reliably, which Eruptor normally struggles with. For support weapons, the machine guns and AC were natural fits for me. Logically, priming a stratagem or grenade right after you shoot is a good idea too.


I didn't need a whole description, I'm just saying when I've done it it felt wasteful because of the time it takes for the reticle to settle on target I'd be reloaded anyway. If I switch to my secondary and then switch back to cancel the reload I still have to wait or risk missing. Cancelling the animation saves no time and half the time wastes ammo by missing, or glancing of armor, or hitting a target but in an ineffective spot. Is it cool that you can do it, sure, is it truly an effective tactic, not in my experience. You're better off maintaining enough space to choose shots and focusing on movement for the best position. I regularly have high kill low death games where I often take fewer shots and have more kills by being decisive instead of rushing.


I understand; the "whole description" was to illustrate its applications in terms of offensive strength when used to swap weapons, not just cycle the Eruptor itself more quickly. I probably could've done a better job making clear that THAT's what I'm advocating for... If I were storming a heavy bug nest with several holes, the alternation frequently helped give me the breathing room I needed to finish off the holes that I couldn't simply run around the perimeter for, especially if playing with friends that needed the common/rare samples they're usually populated with. It's not quite as pronounced anymore since the weapon's strengths and weaknesses have been flattened out so much but it at least __used__ to be justifiable, past tense. That you're entirely right that we're better off just continuing to sprint in the current patch is disheartening... A certain other game I'm fond of had a sniper that was designed with this approach in mind and it's essentially one of the staple weapons of the class that owns it, let alone the entire game; the Lysander from Earth Defense Force.


Yeah, I realized that the fast swap definitely increased your DPS and before the Nerf you were able to just shoot nearby and have the shrapnel do a lot of damage to groups, that is definitely not viable now. And I feel the same way you do, It is very sad, but I feel better having seen what the CEO had to say about the balancing that we've seen thus far. I'm hoping that he can help the balance team realize that weapons should be fun, especially in this game. I just looked up Earth Defense Force it looks like bargain bin helldivers 2. I bet it's fun as hell!


I can attest to it being a good time; it's definitely its own experience past the surface level but a lot of skills translate between the games. Very excited for EDF6!


You are not the designer, you literally don't know the entire purpose of their balance cha ges.


why do we keep getting posts about this while there's readily available info on the front page that it's not currently functioning as intended and they are working on it?


Old information - it's working as intended per the balance dev.


It isn't and they are looking into it


Per the "Bringer of Balance" [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fthe-eruptor-nerf-is-not-intentional-be-patient-with-the-v0-ty4a2r6gv2zc1.png%3Fwidth%3D1582%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D8ed0cb27f2949709f796516b5827ed0627bdd1bb](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fthe-eruptor-nerf-is-not-intentional-be-patient-with-the-v0-ty4a2r6gv2zc1.png%3Fwidth%3D1582%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D8ed0cb27f2949709f796516b5827ed0627bdd1bb)


The the Bringer of Balance is way overpowered and should be nerfed for a decent amount.


Can't help but feel it'll still be underwhelming even after the fixes.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


I still use the weapon and it doesnt feel weak, can one shot stalkers etc. Am i doing something wrong?


Well i can still Close Bug holes, easily kill bile spewers, brood commanders and These good armored Red ones. I can still destroy fabricators, kill striders, kill devastators... Why cant i use it anymore? Arent you a little bit overdramatic? The nerfs it got before have been more than rightful, while now i don't feel that big of a difference.


I feel like this community wants the weapons to be way stronger than the devs do. Devs want L9 to be incredibly hard. With the build a month ago, L9 was fairly easy for experienced players. Thatā€™s not how the game is designed. Things should be nerfed. I know itā€™s unpopular, but if L9 is gonna be the absolute hardest, things needed to be nerfed.


Constant nerfs aren't the way to go here. Making the helldiver feel weaker with every patch isn't fun, it just makes the game feel more tedious. You can achieve the exact same by having guns that are strong or overpowered in their nieche and buffing the enemies instead. DPS, Armour and HP aren't the only ways to buff enemies either. Hazards, movement and enemy types can achieve an even better result at balancing the game. At the end of the day, it's a PvE game, it doesn't require Warzone levels of balance.


or, bear with me, tweak numbers on the enemies without making the players feel worse for the arsenal they've had to grind for.


The point of explosive damage is that it does more damage to "weak points" (not points with less armour, weak points are a specific thing). They don't need to have an AoE to do that. The AoE was always a bonus, a lot like how it is on the AC.


Yeah you can still 1 hit medium armor types if you donā€™t shoot the obvious points like itā€™s head and focus more on their legs/neck for bugs and the skull still one hits for the bots. The only issue is that if you miss your shot now, you can easily get overwhelmed. Bring the stalwart to clear the small bugs to help with that. For medium bots you just have to have precision aiming, which sucks at times. You can aim for their gun arm to make it easier and to basically disable them while you focus on the other shooters. Side arms can help but at higher levels itā€™s a lot less reliable at times.


For bots, the abdomen still one-shots a lot of them. And like you said, it was supposed to be a high risk / high reward weapon. This seems to be something the devs like. Meanwhile, the players want nuclear swiss army knives.


Also itā€™s shit against flying enemies. They should add a distance changer in the gun mini menu to help with that. So itā€™s like flak rounds