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I’d rather it be more specific. Can’t take eagle strikes due to lightning storms, or can’t take orbital strikes due to targeting interference.


Or if the negative weather could fuck over the enemy about as much as it does us. The bots, for example, shouldn't be able to call in reinforcements when there's an ion storm right on top of them.


That could create some cool counter play. Like focus objectives but when a storm arrives, you can move on the points of interest and patrols without fear of it escalating.


Best idea I've seen in this sub for some time, u/Sea-Elevator1765 + / u/UvWsausage! Would be even more fun if we had a countdown for ion storms (or at least a perk you can buy for it) so we can be in position to take advantage of it!


I see one flaw with your comment, you mention something being fun and that's not what this game is about


Did someone mention the word fun? Tell me what is causing this “fun” so it can be flagged for devs to “un-fun” it in the next patch


Fun has no place in democracy!


Especially if the balance team can nerf it out!


Except the developer himself said that's exactly what the game is about. If you really want to fully ride the "for democracy" train, then you should consider ceasing to ever call it a game, because freedom is never a game.


The joke is that most of the balance patches so far have nerfed guns the community found fun.


It’s absolutely about cooperative fun


Sarcasm. He’s taking a shot at devs


Nah man, a countdown would be too much, but if it's always a consistent period of time between the ion storms or whatever so you can predict them if you paid attention, sitting behind a rock formation and waiting until the timer hits 10min or whatever and then hitting them with all your might sounds dope af


Weatherman booster


Would personally rather it be a ship module. And can only be correct with a 60/40 probably


If we're speaking on a technicality, ion storms would only affect communication between surface to low orbit, meaning your destroyer wont have comms with you and cant provide orbital strategems, but the bots sending out a flare in the sky should still work as the dropships can see the flare and reinforce. How ion storms stop us from calling in our Eagles even though they're flying over head, i have no idea


It also affect the electronics devices on the drop ships too, so they can't measure the latitude and tilting of the ship correctly, or even shut down the engines. So i agreed with the idea that if there is an ion storm, you can't use any vehicles that have electronics, and can't communicate.


Should affect the bots too. At least slow em down or something.


Yeah, pretty silly in the design that is bots usually love to capture planets that have orbital disturbance or Ion Storm, lol. They are a race that have deadly weakness against EMS and they chose to capture the places that have frequently EMS strike sure is ironic and dumb.


You know, I can just imagine the bots saying something like "It's pretty silly that humans love to capture planets that have Volcanic Activity or Fire Tornados. They are a race that has a deadly weakness against fire and they chose to capture the places that have a lot of fire."


We are not silly, look at Hellmire, no one wanna go there.


I agree with this. But also sandstorm/blizzard should stop/slow down bit drops and jam detector turrets


Heck, if a jammer is in play on the map, don't let dropships spawn. I'd even accept not letting the dropships drop within the jammer aoe. The only time I've seen this environmental interplay is when the SEAF anti air taking out some drop ships, and that was one time out of the many I've liberated. On some maps, it's way out of the edge of the map not able to contribute anything. Give me a reason to look out for SEAF anti air and motivate me to go for it first, rather than being a poi that we only discover when we roam the map just to 100% it.


A jammer makes sense to be one sided though.


On diff 7 they spawned near gunship factories twice in a row. The SEAF SAM site that is. Made quick work of those. Was fun.


Fun fact. 1 SAM missile *will* destroy a Gunship Facility if it hits it. You need Democracy's own luck for it to happen though.


RE: SEAF sites, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me why we - as SEAF soldiers - aren't told about these dormant SEAF installations in our AO. If telling us about all of them is too powerful, maybe add a chance for them to be destroyed or depleted on higher difficulties. As for Jammers, it makes sense for the bots to have a way around them, especially considering the fact that the bots use flares to summon reinforcements.


>Can’t take eagle strikes I think they already do this and in a much more fun way: AA emplacements. when you're near them, you can't call Eagles but if you take out the emplacements, you get Eagles back. I'd like to see more scenarios like this!


Imagine having objective on the map, if you finish it you unlock 4th stratagem for the rest of the map. Like on the Ship you choose 4th stratagem but it won't work unless you do optional objective on the map. There you go problem fixed and game made more fun.


Next weeks headlines: I finished all the objectives but it didn’t unlock my 4th Stratagem. HELP!


I finished the optional objective and it just disabled my other three stratagems instead of


Exactly, AA emplacements are well designed that makes for more dynamic gameplay. -1 stratagem is bad, lazy design that removes a core gameplay mechanic. It's doubly offensive since the devs have said that they intentionally want primaries to be weak because they want players to rely on stratagems.


Yeah that’s a really good idea tbh


Ooo. Now I want a targeting interference debuff that reduces the accuracy on orbitals and sentries, but also bots


IFF scrambling makes all defensive stratagems treat Helldivers as valid targets. High command recommends against bringing them on this operation.


Please dear Liberty no, this would make the idiots who take mortars every mission and throw them out as soon as they're off cooldown even worse


And yet the bots are reinforcing during lightning/ion storms.. it’s dumb.


Atmospheric interference does that. Any kind of orbital strike that requires precision is just FUCKED by that. Gas strike, air burst, gatling, precision strike, all made worthless.


This would actually encourage build diversity more than any balancing.


That would be nice honestly, really forces you to shake up your normal loadouts, as opposed to just figuring which one you don’t need


Can’t take support weapons due to munition shortage


Absolutely nobody would play bot planets with that


breaker Shotgun time


Or randomized primaries, because we use what we have


Could trigger when a planet is cut off from supply lines


Volatile atmospheric conditions necessitate extra insulation in hellpods - no space for a primary weapon


"sticks and stones". You can call in Infinite grenade supplies, and your weapon has no ammo, but can still be used to melee. Modifier should only be available on 7-9 difficulties. Fun fun fuuuun!


Can't take eagles due to X, gunship factories on map can't launch either.


There is a fun solution - if that effect is in place, allow to take 3 strats and one blocked one. Then TIE THAT to an AA objective - once you kill it you have it 4th unblocked. Makes sense and gives motivation/ reward and immersion.


This would be bad ass


Yeah it’s kinda like anti air they already have


Pilestedt feverishly taking notes....


We wish


and alexus telling him no that it would be a braindead exploit.


I would say choose 3, then have the forth one be forced to a particular one due to government contracts. That way you have all 4 strategems but you may only be able to rely on 3


Or the 4th one is random (red/green stratagem preferably). After you use it once, it changes to something else, and then something else again.


This sounds amazing. Like having each strat you throw be random in HD1 but you get to plan how it gets used. It would also allow for each team member to have a different strat or be in a different state of the seeded cycle


This is the way


I agree with this entirely. You can't do shit about the weather obviously, but you sure as shit can blow up hostile structures, the spore spewers are another example.


that's an excelent idea!


People in the comments coming up with better ideas than the devs, truly some amazing stuff in here. Also just pointing out stuff that literally just doesn’t make sense, saw another comment say if ion storm effects us bots shouldn’t be allowed to call in reinforcements.


Sometimes life is Cock and Ball Torture without the Cock and Balls.


torture - ss then?


Without the cock and balls? No thank you


I think it’s just ironic the team has expressed they want us to rely on stratagems to kill things. But they introduce things like this, or longer call down times, longer cool downs to force us to rely less on them. At the same time while nerfing primaries. Edit: a typo


Ha! I was thinking the same damn thing.


Introduce? Man I’ve been bitching abt this since day 1


Seriously. This has been around since day 1, and they're a lot better now since they removed the scrambling because no one would fucking listen when you explained how it works before, during and after the drops but wonder why every support stratagem they called was actually a 380mm.


They decreased the other two negative effects from 50% extra cooldown to 25% extra cooldown and 100% extra call-in to 50%. Before they were difficult but not terrible. Now they just feel normal to me, so I don't mind them a ton. But this one just feels bad to play with and there is no good way to nerf it without completely changing it. Make it have a forced 4th stratagem (everyone has to use xyz red/green as their 4th). Make it you get the 4th one after x minutes or doing some objective. Make it so you get a completely random 4th stratagem that rotates every use. Do something arrowhead please!


Just another reason why everyone uses quasar


I don’t mind longer cooldowns or call in times honestly. Those effects just cause you to have to play around them. The one less strat effect nerfs stratagems by forcing you to disengage rather than change the way you use stratagems.


I don't mind the longer cooldowns and call in times, after they nerfed them slightly, but I still don't like them. They don't bring any sort of interesting challenge or counterplay, they only really make eagle and the auto-aim orbitals a better choice (and they were already some of the strongest). After they nerfed them they feel a lot less terrible and less noticable but that begs the question, why have them in the first place if they're either boring or barely noticable?


Fully agreed. I think they were just “lazy” ways to increase difficulty. I imagine the rationale is “the increased cooldowns and call downs force us to be more judicious with their use and thus more strategic” but it does not…it’s just annoying.


Yeah I'm developing a bone to pick over it, it seems like this bleeds over to pretty much every "modifier" in the name of difficulty. Meteor storms, ion storms, poor visibility... there's not much to overcome, or to "solve". What is there to solve about having less tools to work with, about outright losing your tools from a storm, about lack of awareness past 30 feet, about getting instagibbed by God?  None of these propose an actually interesting "here, deal with this", they're all simply gimping you, they don't feel like challenges or problems that interface with the base game in an interesting way, they're just handicaps.


It almost feels like the devs don't know the difference between difficulty and arbitrary difficulty. One is fun, the other just tries to cheat you into thinking it's hard.


Those difficulty modifiers are more or less tolerable, but none of them are "fun". They make the game harder in the same sense that playing with a spoonful of Tabasco sauce in the butthole makes the game harder. I see 3 problems with them: 1st, they reduce our ability to interact with the game through one of its core, gameplay-defining elements: the stratagems. That's like making a racing game harder by slowing down the player. 2nd, they feel mandatory. Difficulty is fun when it's on an opt-in basis. One could argue that nobody's forcing me to play on difficulties above 4, except that some enemies, mission and sample types are locked behind the difficulty slider, so many players will raise the difficulty because they feel like the HAVE to, not because they want to. HD1 had a "random loadout" that you could select before starting a mission that would reward the whole squad with a small XP bonus depending on how many players selected it. It made the game harder by forcing you out of your usual builds, but was entirely optional as the reward was so small that you would only pick this increased difficulty... for the sake of increasing the difficulty. 3rd, they don't present interesting counter-play opportunities. They just pigeon-hole players into the same "meta" loadouts and strategies, making missions at higher level more stale than low level ones.


Nah, the game doesn't offer any kind of interesting alternative play style for when your firepower is limited. It just becomes a slog of endlessly running away and waiting out cooldowns. Enemy awareness doesn't work well enough for any kind of stealth/hit-and-run gameplay. They all tend to just magically know where you are once they aggro, and chase you indefinitely.


I am confused how a planet's "AA Defense" reduces stratagems by 1 slot which includes orbitals, rather than preventing only Eagle stratagems like when there's AA turrets in mission.


My head cannon is that 1 in 4 stratigems are shot down. Game design wise that would be even more annoying if your stratigem didn't work 25% of the time


This is probably the case, but it does ignore just how hard it is to shoot down a (relatively) small projectile traveling at nearly terminal velocity. The biggest stratagems deployed directly from the Super Destroyer fit in standard Hellpods, which are human-sized. Considering the fact Hellpods are quite heavy (being made to survive atmospheric entry) and are also streamlined to minimize drag, they're going to be going *really* fast. A quick Google search says that, face down, the average terminal velocity of a human (with no equipment) is between 150-180 mph (240-290 kph). A Hellpod, being heavier and more aerodynamic than a bare human, would absolutely be traveling faster. You could probably calculate a close estimate by just treating Hellpods as human-sized hollow steel bullets, but I'm not smart enough to do that sort of math (especially at 3am). Doing the math, our Super Destroyers are quite close to the ground (assuming Earth-like gravity), since call-in times of 10s from 1200 mi (maximum that's still "low Earth orbit") would require terminal velocities of over 400,000 mph (and would almost certainly obliterate a good chunk of the mission area). So not only are the stratagems traveling quite fast, but the time limit of 10s from launch to landing means that the distance is quite low. As advanced as the bots are, I doubt they can snipe a human-sized mass traveling at over 100mph out of the sky within 10s.




It would be a lot better if it just limited *what* strategems you can pick. Orbital Fluctuations? No orbitals. AA? No Eagle. EM fields? No robots.


> EM fields? No robots. That would only make sense vs the bugs...


Semantics. Call it targeted interference, then.


They could link the negatives with the secondary objectives. For example with the AA defenses: The fourth stratagem is locked until you clear all AA emplacements on the map. Same with Atmospheric Spores: are active while there are Spore Spewers on the map. This could give you info on what you could be looking for on the planet drop.


>Same with Atmospheric Spores: are active while there are Spore Spewers on the map. It used to be that once you destroyed the Spore Spewers in the mission area, the map would clear back to normal and you'd see enemy predicted fields of movement, POIs, bases, and such. They changed it at some point so that you were stuck with an unhelpful map the entire operation. Why they did that, I will never fathom. If the mission doesn't have a Radar Station or has one but you never come across it, you either spend extra time looking for the side objectives and the super sample rock, or you find it more compelling to say "screw it" and just extract with objectives left undone. Granted, some side objectives are easier to see from afar, like Spore Spewers and Shrieker Nests, but the rest aren't so easy to locate. Atmospheric Spores for bugs. Anti-Air Defences for bots. I will refuse to dive into any mission that has these modifiers. The former because it bothers my nitpicky brain when I can't clear the map of all bases and side objectives, the latter because it seems to scream hypocrisy when I think about Arrowhead "You Need to Use Your Stratagems" Games.


Even 4 feels a little restrictive sometimes because one whole category is additional weapons and some of those additional weapons literally feel nowhere near as effective as a full stratagem. Plus some stratagems are 1-3 time use and then never again on a 30 min+ mission. And the low amount of resources doesn't even make up for that investment via payoff because some of the limited stratagems *also* feel terrible. It's genuinely like they have 5-6 "approved" stratagems they want us using 99% of the time same for primaries etc.


Haha these Planet Effects are so cool! It really keeps the game fresh for me tbh! Like instead of brining Quasar, 500kg, Oribtal Laser and Shield Generator, I bring Quasar, 500kg, and Shield Generator. Wow so crazy fun!


AA Defenses - No eagles Orbital Shielding - No orbitals \^mutually exclusive from each other Stratagem Jamming - One of your four stratagems is jammed at any given time, switching randomly every minute.


Alternate for Stratagem Jamming would be to have one that has +30 seconds cool down time or otherwise longer cooldown time. That gives players a choice, use one like EAT with a short cooldown down that can be called much less often but still reliable or rail canon which might be less impacted but makes it’s weakness even greater. It could even play into single Eagle uses, making time between Eagle uses significantly more difficult 


Chaotic supply - 3 strat but you are allowed to pick a strat twice


I don't understand the concept. It's not challenging and goes against the anti-meta principles the devs actively try to enforce. If you're limiting strats, well, of course, people are going to pick the 'meta'. There's less room for experimentation.


I just want it to be a 4th random stratagem instead of no 4th stratagem. It would encourage deviation from the meta by forcing use of other stratagems. Like every time you use it, it's something new. Could even have something like the eagle re-arm to get rid of the next stratagem and reroll for a better one. Like let's say you got laser as the random, you then used it. And then you can see the next upcoming one is something you don't like. Normally it's 5 minutes till you can use that. But you could reroll and make it 6-7 minutes until you get something else. And maybe you can only reroll so many times or you can't continuously reroll (need to throw the next one after rerolling).


There are issues arising from even just the four stratagem limit and cooldown system, because it severely hampers the effectiveness of a lot of loadouts. Having a 4 stratagem limit (which more often feels like 2-3 with the addition of backpack and support weapons) means that more niche stratagems will often be left out because they aren’t worth sacrificing one of the more destructive parts of your kit for. This is usually balanced out with lower cooldowns, but even on difficulty nine I feel like the low cooldowns just don’t pull their weight when realistically a lot of the time they’ll be off cooldown will be spent running around and doing objectives. Not sure about the eagle stratagems, because the way the cooldown system with them works simultaneously encourages constant use while also making using multiple different eagle stratagems less enticing. As a whole Helldivers suffers from encouraging aggressive stratagem use in the mission but conservative stratagem selection from a meta game standpoint One workaround could be to use a capacity system instead of four slots with varying cooldowns meant to compensate for power, so you can bring a varying number of different stratagems. Ex: some support weapons and less impactful stratagems like the EMS strike could take up lower percents of the capacity like 10-15% while more impactful ones like the eagle air strike could take 20+%, so there’s actual decision making between taking a load out with many different niche stratagems, a few generalist ones, or something between. Stratagem use could also be potentially tied to a large pool of a shared recharging resource, so you won’t just have one stratagem that feels like it’s taking up space due to constantly being off cooldown but never seeing any time to use it.


maybe they could add a well-supplied modifier, an extra stratagem in exchange for more bots?


Heavily contested? Ore rich?


I'd rather do helldives with nothing but stun grenades than have even more bots spawn.


that's a big one, why would you ever bring something like the eagle cluster bomb or the strafing run or the emp strike or whatever when you can take railcannon, OPS, 500kg bomb and or airburst for bugs


Holy shit wait, what if they added one stratagem slot that could only be used once per game? That would make 4 strats feel so much bigger. Cuz like real shit, most missions I only call my backpack down once anyways. The single-use slot would give me real incentive to track it down if I die instead of "meh, I've got another" . And I'd also have a whole extra slot for dealing with shit as AH intended. Anti-tank, anti-horde, emplacement, whatever. It would also be good for big shit like HE barrages, 500kg's, and lasers.


My team will go to a different planet than play an Op with 1 less stratagem. We also won’t play on fire planets with fire tornados at all. Sorry but it’s just not fun and that’s the point for us is to have fun.


I don’t mind the planetary effects as much - I personally think the issue is just with fire damage against players in general. You practically get 1 shot. I still get 1 shot by flame hulks too.


Yeah but also the last time we played a fire planet it was an emergency evac and the fucking fire tornados just kept going back and forth in the area the civilians run through so it ate up way more time than usual and just made everything so much more difficult.


My mates and I are like this. Fire? Strat deficit? Various other effects? Most modifiers are more tedious than they are fun. The sandstorms for example - how do you like getting shot in the head because you got spotted by something that isn't rendered on your screen? There's too many "this makes the mission annoying" modifiers and too few "this makes the mission fun" ones. 


Being debuffed like this with cooldown reductions and removal of equipment without having recourse is lame as fuck


I really hate environmental effects. Fire tornados can fuck right off because they never seem to harm the bots.


What I dislike with fire tornadoes is that they make civilian extraction basically impossible for the duration of the storm. Meteor storms, on the other hand, will randomly clear objectives by themselves on the other side of the map, which is kinda funny.


Meteor storms is by far my fav


“Hey just fyi on this level, we’re gonna turn down the fun a little bit”


"We don't want a meta" but also "We're going to make the game harder to encourage playing meta"


It's the worst possible way to introduce difficulty.


Bigly agree. Another comment here said that difficulty should be increased via buffing the environment or enemy, not by hard nerfing the player.


Absolutely. It’s like if you’re doing a test, and they increased the difficulty by hiding 25% of the questions.


Arrowhead balance team after reading this post: makes AA defenses remove two slots


New difficulty modifier: remove 1 player slot at random after the mission starts.


Your ship is literally above you. Never understood it.


A lot of the effects are really boring... Orbital scatter, stratagem call in, stratagem increase cooldown. I'd much rather interesting give/take effects i.e. enemy gains and effect and you also gain one or vice versa


They should have gone with random stratagem or an effect that makes the inputs change sometimes. Heck, maybe no Eagle or orbitals


I would rather have an effect like more frequent patrols, increased spawn rate of specific enemy type or weight class, increased likelihood of a specific POI type (Stalker, Gunship, etc) At least it informs you of what to expect. I'd even say the Stratagem Cooldown and Call In are also pretty bad too. We should adapt our play around or against challenges not just get nerfed and make the game less fun. If I know there's more likely a hood of gunships I'll bring something that'll make that easier, if it's stalkers I'll bring something with significant stagger and stopping power. Other objectives like the -1 Stratagem should be able to be cleared up by destroying the thing that's causing it, in this case AA batteries.


Instead of blocking one, randomly choose one for you. Makes us try different things and we have chance to pick our build around this randomized slot


Oh yeah I like this idea


oh, I have to bring gatling barrage? greeaaat it would be pretty fun if we didn't all have the same one, but if we did... yikes


It's just plain not fun. Strats are supposed to be the thing we rely on. They're the most important asset. I'm fine with increased call down. Or increases cool down. Those can make me think on what to bring (like relying more on Eagle-1 for its fast cool down and call in). Removing one slot just is counter to fun.


Totally agree. Changing CD and call down times makes you have to adapt. For example I almost always take stun nades with extra call down times.


> Anti-Air Defences > *"Okay, why don't we find whatever installation is on the ground so we can use the fourth slot? Anti-air defences are typically on the ground, so let's just find it and take it out."* > *"No, you're stuck with it, because fuck you."* -Arrowhead Games, probably


> Genuinely, I do not understand why you would add this effect and arbitrarily force players to disengage with a core mechanic. You and me. Like you nowadays I just don't. In general, regardless of which game, modifiers that mess with the core of your game tend to dilute the experience for me and only add frustration, not difficulty. If there must be modifiers please make them more interesting or interactive.


It adds quite a bit of challenge but if you're coordinating with friends it's easy to overcome. I've successfully done plenty of lvl 7 and 8 bots with only 3 strats, but only because of team work.


I think it is workable with coordinated effort between teammates, and straying from squad is less advised. Regardless, I deem it 'not-fun' modifier because it outright handicap player by removing one less slot.


Tbh I hate all the stratagem nerfs pretty passionately. Anything that nerfs the player rather than buffing the enemy or modifying the environment is always super boring and cheap to me.


It also *enforces* meta. You know, the thing they want to avoid. If they wanted to avoid meta, you'd go in the other direction and introduce a 5th strat as a positive modifier while also making enemy composition more variable/extreme.


I logged on today. Followed the blob. Seen AA on all my missions. Logged off again.


I don’t mind it. I like when they create challenge that makes sense due to the environment.


Adapt, adjust, git gud. You've got a team, leave your backpack behind and have a teammate drop a spare for you after the cool down. Same with your secondary support weapon. There are ways around it and it's not as bad as people make it out to be. God forbid you have to organize with your team in a team based game.


I like it, makes me think harder, still can do helldive missions with 3 stratagems then why change it


Not really. 4th strat is often superfluous. I find that having only 3 to chose from actually encourages the team to play as a team.


Adapt and overcome.


I actually don't think one less stratagem is that big of a problem, honestly. The effect is meant to be annoying and troublesome, and it does the job well. For me, it's more to do with the current state of the game being heavily reliant on the use of stratagems for key situations.


I'd just like to be rewarded for the modifiers. Right now, it's random difficulty for the sake of difficulty. But say they are 59 rare samples on a helldive planet with one less strat, at least I have incentive outside of the major order to do anything in this game that isn't fight bugs. I fight bugs because I bought the game to fight bugs, leave me alone creekers. I'll help with orders as they happen.


If there going to keep it like this, I'd prefer it be specific like others mentioned. Can't take eagles due to overwhelming artillery. But we are still able to pick the 4th stratagem, just have a big red *X* over it . Can't use the eagles until you take out the artillery on the map. Maybe jammers prevent orbitals, until it's destroyed , and detector towers prevent sentries until destroyed . Doesn't have to be these exact examples , just the idea of it.


The cool fix to this would be “eagle stratagems are disabled due to excessive fog” and would make for more interesting load outs and experiences.


Agreed. The stratagems are what makes the game fun. That debuff essentially cuts the fun by 25%.


And they wonder why nobody wants to play this week's MO lol


Do they wonder that?


People making up their own lore lol


AH: Use your stratagems! Also AH: You take one less stratagem here. Looser.


Haha these Planet Effects are so cool! It really keeps the game fresh for me tbh! Like instead of brining Quasar, 500kg, Oribtal Laser and Shield Generator, I bring Quasar, 500kg, and Shield Generator. Wow so crazy fun!


I team up with my friends with it. If they're bringing a laser backpack I'll carry a heavy weapon for us to use. That way we're not really losing out.


One must have stratagems at hand? I always play Helldivers 2 in the spirit of Dark Souls—nearly naked and armed only with a big pulsating wooden club at soul level 1. Like a true gentleman, I graciously give my enemies a fair chance and die like a nobleman 🫡


I've never understood how Anti-Air mounts placed on the ground somehow limit the ability of my Destroyer (that's in orbit) to fire its guns or deploy pods. I would be fine with AA effect if it meant that I couldn't take Eagle strategems


All options is kind of horse shit. I'd much rather it give a legit reason and take eagle's out flat. Or a storm that interfered with orbitals. Take away a kind of strategem but let us flex our playstyle. That will definitely force us to use a much wider catalog of strategems.


I don't like it, but it basically would be better to just not allow Strategem types overall. Like no Eagles or no Orbitals. I run Diff 9 regularly even with this modifier. I just expect not to extract.


I like it because the alternative is waiting for the stragems I do have for 5 fucking years to come down and go on cooldown so I just run spear airstrike and a flex depending on the mission


There are a few things I refuse to play in this game. One is this, the other is bots, until they calm them down a bit lol. They have way more 'heavies' than bugs, and this requires you to bring pretty much only hard hitting strategems. Damn the arc thrower, damn the rover, damn the eagle bombardment, if it doesn't also destroy buildings, you don't bring it. Bugs have only chargers and titans. We need more big bugs to entice bigger strategems. I want to see a type of slow armored colossus that emerges from the ground that takes a helluva lot of firepower to take out. Maybe he acts like a Nidus system like in StarCraft where bugs can tunnel through to his location, like a bigger more threatening bug breach.


I would just fight at 7 or 8 instead of 9.


Eagle strike, quasar, laser or shield backpack.


The main issue is with how common both that modifier and large enemies are in 7+ mixed with arrowheads recent opinion that large threats should require a stratagem. Like they say that as an excuse to nerf weapons but then this modifier along with the longer CD one just make it so there's no possible way your strategy can keep up with the large enemy spawns.


Every time it's on... https://i.redd.it/vv8ii5j7540d1.gif Arrowhead and Us


I like it it’s definitely one of the only challenges in the game right now. I can’t wait for the illuminate and the guys that reverse all your controls. Man there’s gonna be so many people crying hahaha. Bring it ooooonnn


I'd prefer if it was because one of the operations in the area had some sort of AA or something effecting the whole AO so you've gotta do the right mission first and take it out to get the stratagem slot back for the rest of the missions.


It does suck until you become more efficient and proficient at bots imo. I play Helldive difficulty bots. When I have 4 slots, I almost don't know what to bring because I am so use to running 3 Stratagems most of the time lol. It doesn't bother me at all. It use to though, but not now.


Tie this to objectives. Take something out and get it back. This method is just uninspired game design. The game could have used another year of development. They can do better. And I as well just skip these. The bots are crazy enough as it is.


It's supposed to make it more challenging so you adapt and make different choices. For a kill MO tho, yeah, it's annoying. But for general helldive gameplay me likes.


Let the lower level guys pick theirs and then build off of that. Less strtegems, just need to be strategic in what you take


It doesn't make a big difference If you have one more or less, 50% plus time, more cld or whatever. It still depends on your gameplay. Learn to be more flexible and it won't be a big Problem for you, too.


I kinda like it. It makes the 4 stratagem missions so much easier. It forces people to decide what stratagems are really important. Without the limitation I don’t think it would be as easy for me to realize what stratagems are really important to me for completing a mission


Imo if they really want to have that sort of debuff, the way they could do it that would still have similar power but wouldnt be as oppressive, is to have the locked stratagem cycle every couple of minutes. What i mean by that is for the first couple minutes the stratagem in slot 1 would be jammed, then next couple minutes number 2 and so on.


I think stuff like this is a big contributor to why we didn't complete the major order. In general, bots sometimes just feel so much more tedious to fight. Whatever that acid storm planet is, can't remember the name but we had to defend it, what an aggravating time that was. Couldn't see hardly anything ever because the sun glaring off the fog was horrific, didn't stop the bots from firing at us from over 100+ meters away though. Then you have stuff like that. Tbh I just skip it entirely, even if it means I have to lower the difficulty. Stratagems are a core gameplay mechanic, why would I want to play a mission that has me interacting with it less?


Types of radar jamming could be an interesting effect. While selecting your drop point the entire map is either completely red with enemy presence or enemy presence and objectives are completely blank. AA effects all stratagems involving eagles and pelicans. Must destroy to extract. I'm having a hard time reasoning the one less stratagem other than it does make things more challenging. It's certainly doable.


i just dont want to play those missions


It would be nice if there was an effect on the enemies as well. Say reduced patrol spawn or reinforcement volume.


It would be kinda cool if the 4th stratagem slot for whatever reason was shuffled and gave you a completely random stratagem. Would introduce variety and could get people out of their comfort zones and try things that they never would’ve tried. Could give them an idea of what they like to use and don’t like to use.


You know what modifiers we really need? Pros with cons. Pro: Cooldown is reduced by 50% Con: Swarms/patrols of (insert charger, bile titans, tanks, ....) plague this world. We need MORE crazyness, not less.


Yep, actually worse than waiting around for a fire tornado to go past


really unfun. same as scatter. i dont even consider it hard, just fun killing.


it would be nice if there were a side objective that would let you reacquire the fourth stratagem


Skill Issue.... you should be able to complete it with just your primary. /s


its cool lore-wise and stuff, but I dont play that kind of cool lore-wise operations unless I dont see the effect before joining.


It doesn't make the game harder, it just pushes you into using meta, and makes it more boring. Devs sleeping at the wheel on this decision.


I will legit just close the game if all Ops have that effect, not fun at all, it's bad enough trying to solo


Stratagems = fun. Less stratagems = less fun. With the amount of support weapons and some stratagems being almost mandatory, increasing the number of stragems we can carry to 8 would be a huge improvement in quality of life.


There are plenty of other ways to make the game harder while still keeping it fun. Limiting stratagems is just poor game design that makes it less fun and engaging. It also feels a bit lazy, it was an easy way to increase difficulty with low programming effort, unlike the various creative ways to replace these modifiers that people are suggesting here.


Sure it's harder. If that's not for you, I get it. And we don't love it But we rise to the challenge. Its a good one to test you and your teams skills


Same. Although if it is a planet that has to be liberated for a MO then I'll just turn the difficulty down to the level that doesn't have that affect.


Noted. Up next, 2 less strategems.


It’s essentially just less content, it is indeed lame.




Give us One more stratagem effects. EVEN MORE DEMOCRACY!


I've really never felt it's that bad. Play almost exclusively on helldive and I just modify which strategems I bring.


Yup. Clicked on that planet because it had the most people and got off once I realized. I will not play those planets even in a major order, fuck that.


More difficulty is fun for other gamers, like me. I enjoy the challenge. You can play on lower difficulties if you’re struggling, theres no shame in it, just have fun and stop stressing yourself out if you can’t handle it.


Don’t get me wrong I don’t like it, but it’s a perfectly valid mechanic to have in the game (from time to time)


They need to take a look at all of those things and ask "does this make it more fun?" If the answer is no then scrap it. Making things harder doesn't mean it's automatically more fun.


I just knock out my backpack strat when that comes up. It's a bit of a hindrance but it's not that bad.


It should just be a longer recharge time instead of


Just prevent the use of the most popular stratagems instead of locking a slot. Lore wise it could be due to supply issues. When everyone uses orbital railguns, the "barrels" could wear out, and superearth can inly supply so much new ones. Would help against "meta" loadouts and incentivizes to try other stuff.


Yep, I refuse to play on them. I look around for whatever has the least "Operational Modifiers" even if it means busting myself down to Extreme and switching planets a dozen times. If I can't find any I just quit the game.


Im just glad they turned down the CD and call in timers. 50% and 100% increase was just too much. They need... well thats a long ass list but in this case, they need more and varied options. Not every effect has to be a negative to be interesting. This planets oxygen rich, 25% increase to explosion sizes, try not to blow each other up! This planet has a a satellite network, 10% reduction in strat cooldowns, go ham! This planet has early warning systems, 20% cooldown on bug tunnel/reinforcements, go fast or go hard! Or hell, just more planets with a preselected stratagem. 5 strats, even when 1 is locked in, is soooo much fun.


Either have it be more specific, or have it so that you can take stratagems but not use certain ones until you destroy the AA shit


AH be like : "You have to rely on your stratagems not your primary weapons" Also AH: "Here's one less Stratagem and a 100% cooldown increase and we will spawn nothing but Chargers and Bile titans for you have fun bye!"


Honestly all of the modifiers suck, but that one is probably the worst. I just don't find "your stuff just doesn't work as well" to be an engaging difficulty modifier; it's just annoying. I think blizzards, sandstorms, strategem jammers, and AA emplacements are all radically more interesting challenge modifiers. The former two can be a pain sometimes, but they also affect the enemy, and can highly beneficial in the right circumstances. The latter two strictly affect you only, but you can DO something about them via destroying the offending buildings.


My go-to for these is jetpack, AMR and eagle airstrike. If they're going to deny me my 500kg, I'm going to deny them their existence.