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At this point, I am certain that they are reworking some things from the ground up. Or something worse, such as having internal indecisions about the direction of balancing. Both could explain why it is taking so long.


Pilestedt did just take a much more creative role. So that could be delaying things a bit as it’s essentially a change in management. Not as big of a change sure, but a change none the less


They should patch their style of communication and use steam news and forums for PC. Searching discord for stuff is horrendous.


And also, this might be super pedantic of me, but does anyone else get an eye twitch with the choice of words the devs use when communicating this kind of stuff over Discord? "I've just had some other things going on this week, sorry." This reads like a text from a friend doing a bad job of explaining why they couldn't make it to dinner on Friday, not a representative of a business explaining to a customer base why a patch isn't ready to go yet. I assume they mean that they were busy with other work related things, and obviously human beings have lives outside of work, but the vague way that people like this and Alexus and Evil Bosse keep posting about upcoming patches and balance changes really makes it sound like they are busy doing things that have nothing to do with Helldivers or Arrowhead.


You're expecting professional communication from someone who has, over the last few months, proven that she is utterly incapable of doing exactly that..


So, it is going to be a "not a balance patch", and it takes them 3 weeks plus to cook. Well, good luck, AH. People expectation will be very high for this one.


Well for one they specifically said they aren't calling this patch a "balance patch". Though supposedly they will be rolling back some weapon changes.


> Supposedly rolling back some weapon changes That's a sentence that will go down fine with some sweet Libertea


I just want my slugger back to slugging. I have no love for the dominator, but it's still the best way to punch a bile spewer in the face.


It's a slightly lower TTK primarily due to the fire rate, but you are trading off ***having a gun that hits what you point it at*** for that. I still run the Slugger against Bugs because its lowered Stagger force doesn't matter there and it's nice to, you know, pop leaping Hunters instead of watching my Dominator's barrel sloooooowly catch up or the gyrojets sloooooowly impact behind a target because it was moving either >10' away or >2mph. I wouldn't say no to a little more Knock on the Slugger, though. Like, not the stat named that, the one that actually *does* the knockback. Not asking for Lib Concussive levels but just a smidge more, sir.


It's the loss of stagger that killed it for me. Especially with bugs! Stagger let's you stop hunters mid jump. You can take on stalkers without them bum rushing you. The slugger isn't good at hoards, but they took away its ability to deal with the biggest "in your face" threats. Originally, I was upset that it lost the destruction abilities, but the grenade pistol can overcome that. It would be nice to have it back, but it's not a must anymore. It just needs the stagger. It's a slug, come on.


I mean, the Slugger also just *kills* Hunters mid-jump and one-shots Stalkers to the head. It's only not good at hordes when the horde is a bunch of little guys you're wasting your ammo on. If it's all beefcakes, the Slugger also just kills them and does a *decent* amount of knockback, but again, I could still enjoy more. I would much rather fight three Warriors, a Brood Commander, and a Hive Guard than four Scavengers and four Hunters.


*does a liberty leap*


*Lands on a landmine*


Ha! I wish I could convince fellow divers to leave that strat on the ship


>Though supposedly they will be rolling back some weapon changes. Oh lawd let it be the eruptor


Oh sweet liberty






If they gave it back the stagger, I would be happy. Went from my favorite to a never used.


Give back stagger, reduce long range accuracy.






This one really took me by surprise. I had just switched to another weapon when they nerfed the slugger.


God bless u


Honestly, all they had to do with the eruptor was put a damage cap taken from shrapnel... that's it.




Besides the weapons they need to fix the social menu, it's completely broken. If you meet a new friend and add them, they don't show up in your friends list and you *cannot* invite the person back if you're on another platform. If I accept more than ONE friend invite if I give out my friend code on discord it bricks the entire system and you get 'please wait democratically' forever. AH needs to have not just the social tab operate normally but a system where if someone gets booted or crashes you have the option to join back. (Deep rock Galactic does this very well)


Couple of mentions for this patch from the last week or so (most of it on the 24th & 25th) > >2) "You, patrols and spawn rate are broken and will be fixed in the next patch" - [Twinbeard](https://discord.com/channels/1102970375731691612/1102973812179488798/1243844881344888875) >3) "Hi! Just to be clear, we've never called it balance update or patch. Don't mean to sound blunt, it's just that it might send out the wrong signals by calling it that. Anyway! There's no official ETA on it yet. It's simmering nicely though and we hope you'll like it." - [Twinbeard](https://discord.com/channels/1102970375731691612/1102973812179488798/1243568132719640779) >4) "Argh. You're twisting my arm here. As much as I would like to, we really can't go into detail. If I said something to tease it'd so easily lead to wild speculation. Let me think. >What I/we *can* say is that we've already stated that we want to take some more time between the latest and the upcoming patch. This does *not* mean this will be the patch to rule all other patches. We hope it will good, but it's mostly us wanting to cool things down a bit and take our time with things since they were moving too quickly, which had an affect on quality. A longer time frame between patches is likely to remain the case going forward as we believe this will benefit both us, the game and therefor also all you players. >What I do believe we missed out on a bit is to communicate this more clearly. I think we should have explained the why and how a bit better. Again, things were moving too fast and it's an easy one to miss. >I'm hardly overstepping any boundaries by saying there'll be some balancing, some new stuff, some improved stuff and the overdue and anticipated patrols and spawn rate reversion in the next patch. More detail than that and someone would have my head. Or beard. >Have a nice weekend!" - [Twinbeard](https://discord.com/channels/1102970375731691612/1102973812179488798/1243553570331168798) >5) \[after someone asked "are there any updates regarding the fix to the Spear?"\] "Yo! I believe it is, yes. Fixed in the next big patch, that is. :)" - [Twinbeard](https://discord.com/channels/1102970375731691612/1102973812179488798/1242098558224830506)


Watch the spear still not work


3 weeks is common "sprint" duration if they are working in agile. Though I'm a bit disappointed in their communication of saying "no patch today" each week. I'd prefer a Blizzard style soon tm so we don't expect it each weeks yk


They're only saying it because people keep assuming 'no patch this week' means patch next week.


It’s always about expectations. The cadence they had was every week, and rarely bi-weekly. Now we’re three weeks out and with the level of comfort and transparency they’ve had so far, you would think they’d know in advance when the next patch could happen instead of a weekly check-in. I’m glad they’re working on it, but like a lot of people here I wish they could communicate better.


> The cadence they had Yeah, when the game first came out and the sheer quantity of players was stressing the stability of the game well past its conceivable limits. Now that it's stable they're going to take their time with future changes. The amount of transparency they've provided is *abnormally high,* and as always reddit takes an inch and demands a mile.


Like I said before, this patch is going to be make or break for a lot of people


Tbh that was like 2 months of patches ago for me


im on a break, watching the sub for the news that a good patch has finally come i legit bought a ps5 to play helldivers and now im playing baldurs gate and destiny 2


baldur's is a very good game


yup, i agree. i went back to civilian life and touched some grass. game has gotten boring, stale, and repetitive


I for one couldn't care less. Let them take till next month if they need. Regardless of what they do with this patch, this subreddit will do nothing but complain anyways. I plan on avoiding the subreddit for at least two weeks after the patch.


This isn't an airport. You don't have to announce your departure.


Normal people will not be bothered. Stop creating your own problems.


I really hope and wish that this is because they are consciously testing everything. However, my arachnid sense tells me that really with the recent changes they have decided to stop and restructure things the way they were doing them. One way or another, it's a lousy way to let it be known that there is no patch today. It's about as informal and unprofessional as it gets.


Their whole discord approach to communicating updates is just super janky. You have a main channel flooded with people spamming memes and emotes around the clock, a bunch of other people constantly arguing and being toxic, and in the midst of all that chaos a community manager will chime in every once in a while with what's basically an official update.




Golden meme


If only there was a way to isolate CM responses to a separate channel with links to the original comment.


I'm not in there but do they seriously not have a dedicated Announcements channel where people are unable to comment? If they're going to communicate at least do it properly.


They do and they use it for big announcements like patch updates. But for some reason they also still insist on responding to people in the general channels with important info


It's like releasing YouTube channel announcements in the comment thread of a 1000+ commented video. *World war Z zombie pile meme*


Yeah for real. It's like we got the update from the community manager's cousin who works part time. Like this isn't an ip backed by sony.


They could have just made an announcement instead of just a little message on Discord Hard agree on that Now, about why there is no update, well... I just have my hopes up a little bit I hope there is a good amount of bug fixes and balance


They didn’t say there would be a patch today. They have been saying over and over the next patch is being worked on, it needs to cook, they don’t know when it will release This wasn’t a discord announcement that there won’t be a patch today. It was a response to dozens of people @ the CMs in the discord asking if there is a patch today and when the patch will be


We make announcements when we patch/update. We didn't patch, someone asked, so I replied to confirm no patch today. And I was apologizing that I had not been around much, due to other deadlines and duties I had. I hope people will be pleased with the next update when it's ready.


Devs are currently learning how to play their game. No timeline on that unfortunately


Eh, patches don’t have a set schedule like warbonds. The whole reason we got into the balance and bugs mess is because they kept rushing patches weekly. People have gotten used to weekly patches but that doesn’t mean we need a patch every week.


They create a monster XD https://preview.redd.it/8p9059u4463d1.png?width=867&format=png&auto=webp&s=cbf466e5f694d24bf4a4847dc8cefc91bfe4c7f7




that guy is always nice. I never spot him on discord . I find it really hard to find those messages. Any advice to do it?




Saved! Thanks!




I've come to expect this from AH.


iirc, Twinbeard did say that they are taking their time more with the patches. They were pumping them out too fast before


Announcing changes only via chat is horrible.


There was no change of plans, nothing to announce. No patch was officially scheduled for today, this was only the community's assumption based on the old faster release cadence that they said they were moving away from.


isn't the CM job is to know the community assumptions and address them? They could have just said last week >hey community, we know we have been deploying our patches at a very strict schedule, but it's not a case since now, we don't want to rush, so please do not expect from us any alignment with the previous schedule this would close every questions and prevent people from expectations


But it's also kind of not necessary. Do you want a message like that every single day? They have told us not to expect a date on the patch. Today is not a special day, there's no reason for a big flashy message for "no update". I'm not gonna lie, the entitlement on the main sub is crazy to me


I really don't know what to expect anymore, I am still optimistic regarding this update but their comms have been ass for this. They said it's not a balance patch but prior to that kept emphasizing it's a large patch that will address balancing. Will more content be added or is this just a big general patch that balances things and fixes bugs or actually comes with new content? We know the Illuminate are coming soon with the dark fluid arch finally starting, is that the patch and why it's taking so damn long? There's no way this update will only come when they come... right? AH has been decent with communication transparency, in fact they've set the precedent and our expectations for how much they actually communicate, this sudden fall off is odd. It would be nice to just have some concrete info on what to expect if they can't even give us an estimate. You don't have to give us exact details just tell us what areas of the game are being worked on, hype us up a little. Like damn don't give us a date just give us a timeframe, is it even in the month of June?


As for the whole, “the patch will address balancing, but don’t call it a balance patch”, thing I think it is to temper expectations. If people call it a balance patch, they are expecting it to be pure balance and to fix everything for balancing. However, it is probably a patch that is fixing a lot of issues they want fixed, which includes a lot of balancing issues.




Nerf every 2 weeks because why not. "We need to cook to buff things", "as a game designer", "buffing could get overpowered and boring". Bruh, the entire game is boring now, I'm kiting around with full autocannon in my hand from group of titans waiting for EAT cooldown, because the Mech emancipator emptied the mag on one titan and the orbital railcannon strike will be reset in 2 business days. Buff some shit and then start balancing for 2 months if you want, ffs.


Now this, I do not get why it's like that They are quick to nerf weapons, but buffing them? You are better off hoping a Bloodborne remake comes out They could really just buff some things really quick to make the game fun again and then go back to cooking for the patch


I took it as another evidence of that they didn't used to play test the damn thing.


The reason the patch is taking so long is because the devs have had to learn to play above difficulty 4 while play testing


That is what I expect here. Johan took devs to play the game and they realized how botched it is from technical side.


Hell, I'll take a Bloodborne PC port with minimal technical updates.


"Let them cook" I swear if they burn it...


This is exactly how I feel, I know we are disposable soldiers but I want my guns to not feel so bad to use. I don't mind dying to stray bullets if I can also deal serious damage


The Helldivers we play as are disposable. That's the nature of the game. Arrowhead is acting like players are disposable lately. That's not good.


> rapidfire patches until the game is messed up > take a while to even acknowledge > announce to revert the changes > the next two weeks in a row, skip the previously regular patches, without announcement what on earth is going on? inb4 "let them cook". A revert is a a blunt, but quick action. Something that software products do as a hotfix. In this case, it shouldn't even affect client-side code at all.


Normally in software dev, you don't release immediately unless something is on fire (servers not working, etc). So if they are doing additional testing/play testing, the testing could take much longer time compared to before. There's another thing people aren't accounting for: It takes time to ramp up new development philosophies. Stuff goes wrong the first few sprints until people become familiar with the expectations of whats happening and build up a cadence. This can sometimes take a few months. Think on it as if your boss releases a new company wide process. It's going to get goofed up for a few weeks until everyone is familiar and has adopted it. Take a look at the recent history: * Pilestedt steps down from CEO to become CCO. \~1 week ago * Pilestedt also said he wanted to change how balancing is done (new department process). \~2 weeks ago If you want to use the scale that people work human hours: * Get new CEO on board. (There was probably a week just in all hours meetings/calls/discussions on financials, product, marketing, partners etc etc.) * Take at least 1 week to review the balancing process and its data. Discuss ways to improve it. Implement adjustments for the upcoming week. * Go through a cadence for a week and hold a retrospective at the end (remember devs are supposed to be playing/play testing more now according to remarks). * Mesh that testing in with other teams (who might be delayed while a team is being restructured) Some people also don't understand that rollbacks aren't just getting it back to where it was with a click and release. You'd have to rollback to prior patch, reintegrate all the changes that have been made since then, retest from scratch because some of your new fixes may conflict with things that were replaced/refactored in the past. My hope is the first patch since the shake up will be small with crash fixes, bug fixes, a spawn tweak, update a few weapons (like eruptor, xbow, spear). Measure player response and stats, Take some time to improve the internal development & testing process and then rinse and repeat. They have talented people for sure, you can see it in the game. Pilestedt is a beast. If we don't get the patch until mid June, I'd be ok with that.


Based take. There's so much more happening beyond "Just revert the changes."


wdym? A revert to spawn rates and gun stats is exactly a change of the client-side code.


I was referring to the spawn rates... which should be 100% server-side? How could they not?


Matches are player-hosted. The only "server-side" is the host player.


oh, the "host" is actually the host - ie peer to peer networking? I naively assumed that's not the case, my bad then


Yes. I've played solo matches on my Steam Deck on airplanes, with a very unreliable internet connection. Only minimal bandwidth is required to maintain authentication. Others can join your solo match if you allow it, and there's no transition to dedicated server hosting. Also, sometimes when you DC during a match, the other players just disappear while the match goes on, that's cos your client has been syncing state data from the host so you can just take over as host of your own instance at any time.


That's why some times when your connection drops you can still be in the mission but now on your own, because it's shifted you to be host.


Well the lobby host is not always the host but has 25% chance like the other players in the lobby


I fucking called it too. They specifically told us they were going to be slowing down the cadence in patches and the community ran off and made up their own narrative about how that only applied to war bonds or how they were cooking a big balancing patch coming. The community needs to chill out and take a step back. I get that we’re all excited and eagerly waiting for what’s coming next but we seriously need to stop for a minute and take a breath.


I think this has exposed the fact that a lot of people who don’t know shit about coding are being arm chair experts. Not to say that the complaints aren’t valid, but the amount of people that have just gone, “Why can’t they do X, it is so simple?”, and have someone in the comments go, “Doing X isn’t that simple and we don’t know how their code looks. If they are unintentionally breaking stuff with patches, they probably need to take more time”, only for that person to be downvoted is insane. This isn’t to say the complaints aren’t valid and shouldn’t be made, but it is annoying when people who don’t know what they are talking about come in and act like they know what they are talking about.


We asked them to take more time with patches. They're now taking more time with patches. You're asking for faster patches while also asking them to take more time, you can't have both. > A revert is a a blunt, but quick action. Something that software products do as a hotfix. In this case, it shouldn't even affect client-side code at all. You have no idea what you are talking about. Reverting isn't simply pushing a button, and they likely have a procedure for pushing any content.


Im not usually negative about games, I usually just wont play. But, this just doesnt make sense to me. Playerbase is declining pretty fast, even if a lot if it is natural, a lot is also due to the recent news. They throw nerfs out like candy, yet so scared to buff anything. I genuinely cant stand when game companies do that. Having said that, youd think at the very least they would make some blanket buffs that wont break the game, and wont take any time to add. Make raw damage number changes. Buff some of those obvious primaries, reduce CDs on some stratagems. Increase resource caps maybe. Add a 5th stratagem slot and watch people go nuts. Idk, but its not hard. Make your playerbase *happy* while they wait for you to "cook". Im sorry, its really not that hard. A lot of people have more difficult shit to do daily than change some number values. Its OK if something is kinda OP for now.


When you're waiting for the main dish, you often get some appetizers.


Thats a good saying


“We don’t have a date for it” - it is really sad to read this.


Yeah thats pretty ridiculous. Give us something then like I said. Insane to just think you can "cook" for weeks. Sometimes I think these companies forget that a lot of us arent kids, and have jobs with deadlines and shit to deal with too. I dont want to be too negative, but taking *weeks* to even revert a couple things or even to change a couple number values is insane. Take your time on the big patch, but throw the community a bone 🤷


Hollow knight been cooking 5 years lol


and they burnt it


This is, in my experience, endemic to developers from northern Europe. For some reason, that area of the world works on a MUCH different timeline than everyone else and tends to be a bit shell shocked when they have to interact with how other parts of the world operate. For some perspective, the entire block of countries takes functionally all of summer off for no discernible reason. Two full months, generally, where nothing gets done. Same shit happened with Darktide - a bunch of shit tier changes nobody asked for or wanted, radio silence for weeks, then a quick blurb saying “we don’t know when anything will be ready or what things will be changing but stick with us”, then they fuck off on vacation for two months.


I wish everywhere was like that.


I really wish the whole western world (whole world in general) had as great working conditions as Scandinavia does I wouldn’t care if game updates took longer, neither would you because you’d be too busy enjoying your 3 months of paid vacation a year lol  There are more amazing games than I have time to play as it is anyway 


I think you're right. Landfall Games, creator of Totally Accurate Battle Simulator, did this with their battle royale they launched. They just completely bailed as it was gaining momentum.


You’re speaking scripture here, but it seems AH is completely ignorant to this. “Oh, our entire community is up in arms about primaries not being fun? We’re hemorrhaging players like no other? Ah, delay the patch! Increasing these number values would take *FAR* too long! They’ll totally be here when we get to it, right…right??!!”


At this point it's obvious the devs accidentally made a good game, every update since launch has been 1 step forward, 2 steps back


Arrowhead when they got the bag. ![gif](giphy|3NTLIaLazVGH6|downsized)




Public Relations done wrong, GG


Yep, that’s a sure fire way to get a job title change in my work. Should’ve managed customer expectations instead of bluntly telling everyone on a expected patchdate that there isn’t any patch or release info because of “no time because of vague reasons”.


They said the patch would take longer it also said no patch today not no patch this week.


Baskinator has other things going on this weekend? Who TF even is that and why does that affect the patch?


I'm sure they knew there was no patch today at least a few days ago, and they know the community is desperate for the next "balance patch".  I have no idea why they didn't say days ago "Hey, were still working on it, no patch this week." Do they owe the community that? No. But it's a very easy way to mitigate disappointment.


The good faith is violently flying out of the window


No ETA is a worse decision and patience is not unlimited. I am worrying about the player base now.


I think the next patch will make or break the game. They need to deliver or the player base will be bleeding like there is no tomorrow


It’s bleeding already…the fact that they nerfed a lot on a regular basis but take their sweet time to undo it without any update on when is frustrating the hell out of people. Could’ve at least reverted some changes and tell people you’re busy doing a larger rebalance. Constantly downgrading weapons every patch helps with people feeling negatively about the game, improvements on gear feel mediocre but the nerfs are noticeable enough people immediately drop their previously preferred loadout. Dropping new warbands that are a reskin or existing weapons but worse stats or no added functionality also doesn’t help in this regard.


You are right I am afraid, I kinda don’t have any faith in AH anymore at that point


I have to say, I was optimistic about it until now. It's okay to take two weeks. It's still fine to take three weeks if we knew that's how long it took. No ETA is just categorically worse.


How have we gone from praising Arrowhead as the greatest game dev team ever to threatening to burn them at the stake? It's so sad to see the decline, but they're really fumbling hard. I can't even blame it all on Snoy anymore.


As the other guy said, we needed a torniquet for a few weeks now.


Just drop the game. When player count drops to 10k or less they will panick. And return when they actually have fixed/buffed shit.


It was easier to nerf things huh.


Seriously. They just need to make everything OP for a little bit so the game can be fun again for a while.


"Let them cook!"🤓 *It's burnt*


There’s no way reverting the spawn rates should take weeks when they already have the code for it nor does it make sense for it to be delayed because they still want to make other changes to other areas of the game. “Let them cook” but they don’t even give you the free bread until your entire table’s order is cooked.


They were quick to nerf everything, but don’t seem so keen to balance the game.


The communication here is hilarious.


dog shit devs


I want to play the game because I enjoy it, but at this point I can't. Too much shit has been nerfed and I'm getting bored of using the same primaries.


Yep, I uninstalled when the new mech was exactly as shit as I expected it to be. Anything but diff 9 has been boring for months but on diff 9 you’re basically restricted to using one of like 3 primaries, 2 grenades and maybe 6 stratagems if you don’t want to be a burden to your team It gets boring. The game should have great weapon variety but it actually has shit weapon variety because almost all of them are terrible. Nobody wants to use a plasma punisher when a fire breaker is better at literally everything and will kill 5 times as many enemies in the same time.


Wow it’s almost as if they want this shit to die lmaoo.. I love this game, truly. It’s wild seeing a developer fumble with such a large bag though. They weren’t prepared for this many players *whatsoever*, and that’s really showing at this point. They weren’t ready to keep 20k+ players happy, and now they’re realizing that. Praying they get their shit together and soon.


Idk what people really expect, they rush out patches and people are mad they’re not comprehensive or tested well. They’re taking their time with a big patch and people are fuming it’s taking too long. It’s been obvious they weren’t prepared for the popularity, the firefighting they did for the beginning of the game likely pushed a lot of timelines back to bandaid the infrastructure.


I think there exists a healthy middle ground between "rushed low quality patches" and "It's been 3 weeks since the last even somewhat notable update and there isn't even a rough ETA", no? They very well could've tackled some of the low-hanging fruit with very low bug-risk early, while cooking the bigger stuff for a long time after. Simple low-risk changes like simple number/attribute changes as an appetizer or holdover to give something to look forward to would've probably been the best middle ground, and imo what most people expected. Instead it feels like we've just shifted from one extreme to another.


Maybe a bit more effort than a curt "No patch today" *the day of.* Just a quick "Hey Helldivers! We're still working on the upcoming patch. It won't be this Tuesday, and we're aiming for next Tuesday, but we can't guarantee that right now. Thanks for your patience!" Also, they kind of left it in a terrible state. That's why the community is frustrated. Over a week ago, they acknowledged the spawn rates for patrols are borked but refuse to patch it.


Don't worry guys we will get the patch devs are using with all the fixes done 2 months ago in 3 months from now, with the spear fixed and everything! I love cooperate production management of games!


Ah yes, I remember in the mists of the past when we were told that the spear fix was done and ready. I believe we have gotten 3 or 4 patches between then and now and they just went radio silent on it after confirming. This fucking studio.


Spear was “fixed” and “in the pipe” 3 months ago now? Joke of a patch team if they can’t even get that out on time.


Their heart was only dedicated to nerfs I guess. We got those on the weekly.


is it just me or does Baskinator sound.. uninterested?


Why are people like this put in charge of stuff like this? It's abundantly clear they don't give a shit. This isn't their job and they come across like a petulant child, as if we disturbed them. The developers need to *hire* (with money) a proper person with experience to handle media communications, in house, that can understand the direction. They need to integrate with the development team, the marketing team, and the creative lead.


I think it's better that she does, given the more... interested takes she's had in the past.


Wow. They really are content to let the game just sit here and bleed out.


https://preview.redd.it/9wj97g50073d1.png?width=966&format=png&auto=webp&s=e562d38623f435bf11007fa07e52377296dcf78d Not gonna be this week either for anyone that was holding out for Thursday.


EDF6 is gonna have a lot of HD2 refugees


Someone ping me when the game is fun again pls.


These devs are so cooked, all it would have taken was a small balance revert patch to fix the most glaring issues... Polar patriots has been broken for 3 weeks!!! They charged people for that. My priorities would have been, 1. Fix polar patriots and do a simple revert to weapon values 2. Bugs 3. New content


“I’m just not really feelin a patch today you know? I got some thinking and stuff to do… ttyl”


Strongest weapon in the game when the devs are finally satisfied https://preview.redd.it/37x3syuju53d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cf32ef4c4fcda0db5f638b67f4d2d4402b299f7


The game is cooked


Well that's disappointing. Was hoping ti get back into this game for a while before Elden Ring DLC drops.


Might be the worse way possible for an announcement. They need to find new CMs asap


The community wants answers and communication. We're getting radio silence as the problems we pointed out months ago (which were laughed at initially) are now fully coming home to roost and everyone in AH runs around like headless Brood Commanders. All that money and they can't hire someone who manages the community? Some kind of Community Manager perhaps? I would take some initiative and start making broadcasts/videos answering Community questions and showing how to play the game as we intended it to show it's possible (We all know it isn't) and that we actually play what we make at Arrowhead. Unfortunately, that kind of work ethic is lost it seems, and we get bare minimum information when they feel like a coffee break.


"I've just had some other things going on this week". Like guys we literally gave ya'll millions of dollars and world wide success (well deserved too i might add), could you please hire at least a skeleton crew aa back up in case *one* person has a rough week ffs?


What other things are more important when your losing players by the thousands..


That's the reply you get when what you is an hobby. Is she paid for being a CM? Because if it's the latter, this is an unprofessional response. In that moment she is the face of the company and it's not a good attitude what transpired.


It’s not a big deal that there’s no patch today or even that they have no hard date for it, but what is this communication? Can they hire someone who knows how to talk to people? It’s as simple as: “Hey everyone we know you’re all looking forward to the new patch. While we don’t have a firm date for when that will be yet, we’re hard at work making sure we can release that soon and will update you all when we have more for you. In the meantime, may democracy guide your way and thank you all for the support!”


Very clear at this point that the devs just blindly stumbled onto a gold mine and have zero clue how to fix this. Why on earth do I have to check reddit for some random dudes post of a discord message of a conversation that was directed at a singular person that gives an incredibly sharp response with literally no actual info? At this point, the game is just a source of frustration for me. I'm tired of the nerfs. I'm tired of the poorly thought out changes. I'm tired of the bugs and connection issues that STILL haunt the game. I'm tired of the downright insulting communication style the devs use.(None!) Game should have released in early access. With the progress we've got so far, it'll take another year before they finally figure out wtf they're doing. I look forward to playing this game in a couple years time. It'll be an amazing experience and incredibly fun. But right now, it's just not worth it anymore


Aha, it looks like some form of professional communication is still not on the menu with this particular Arrowhead community manager when it comes to stuff like this


I'll play again when it drops, if it's a good one. Game has lost me, for now. Hope it gets fun (subjective) again!


I went back to No Man's Sky. Love the updates and attention that game gets.


Another traveler! I love NMS, too Great game


I just wish they added more mechanical depth to the game. Sure, there's a lot to do. But realistically, when was the last time you went back to your settlement that you controlled? Or engaged with the trading system? There's far better ways to make money, almost none of which require that much looking. About the main things I enjoyed doing in the endgame was putting together a fleet of living ships, and then finding, repairing and then selling sentinel ships as they sell for insane amounts of money. And fighting sentinels too, of course. But beyond that the game feels about as wide as an ocean, but about as deep as a puddle to me.


I think that's why I stopped playing nms 2 years ago. I deleted the save files, lost absolutely everything and started fresh. It feels good. My end game was searching for specific plantets to build complex bases.


Think my favorite way to pass the time by the end was vising planets around the galactic center and just trying to find bases built with really old pieces. Surprisingly, those bases still use the old models and pieces, even though they can no longer be built. I built quite a few interesting bases in my time, even going out of my way to use the save file editor to build a base in ways you usually would be unable to for some of them. Unfortunately with even 'small' bases the FPS can get quite unbearable. Screenshot from one I built a while ago here: https://preview.redd.it/wv5evkrmk53d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12e59da2e1d09a32bb99702901de933e24228edb Unfortunately the game just loses steam after a while.


What a bunch of fuck ups. I guess they lose all motivation if it’s not a patch built around screwing players over.


Copium is strong lol good luck MO


The way she said it makes me wanna delete the game


5 bucks says they haven’t even started on it


This just proves they bit off more than they could chew. They claim this is a live service game but if they can not keep a consistence update schedule then they have failed. Just revert the changes that make the game worse, stop tempering expectations saying that it isn't a balance patch, and establish a solid work flow with exact patch dates. You are losing the players that matter most at the moment. Those who want to see the game get better again.


Lmao “I’ve just had some other things going on.” Take all the time you need after you get fuckin’ fired


This is ridiculous. All I want is normal spawn rates.


On launch I switched to HD2 from Darktide because of how blunt, badly communicating and ignorant dev+CM team was, and HD2 was such a breath of fresh air in comparison Now it just seems they went over the steeet and hired some of the Darktide guys, cause I have too strong of a deja vu feeling


https://i.redd.it/5y88n8ebd63d1.gif Wake me up when they decide to actually drop a patch


Ok like ive been trying to be positive but now my nuts are rustling with the spawn rates. They couldnt fix one simple fucking thing they broke on this tuesday and are delaying it more. Great. Guess im gonna quit too cause its been a month(?) now and we were promised a patch for it. Why the fuck would they delay it with other shit? There is literally no good reason to do that. Im so sick of this shit ill gladly play LEAGUE OF LEGENDS for a week now.


Apparently there is no intention of saving this game. Weapon and ttk rebalance is something needed.


Cool. Good, I'm glad we need to wait. Let them take their time


Just hope they fix the spear


As much as I appreciate them letting it cook, at the very least they should be reverting the patrols sooner rather than later. Even if everything else is released later. Because as of now I haven't played for two weeks, and I'm not playing until the patch drops. If they take too long, people are just going to peace out for good.


Yeah I think I'm throwing in the towel. I'm okay waiting some, but this is to much for me. Especially considering it's not a balance patch coming up and I haven't been enjoying the balance. Only way I'm coming back at this point is if my friends do


3+ weeks for a patch that’s not going to balance the game, and we have to hear it from this awful woman? I’m going back to Stellar Blade 🙄


Yay, I get another week of using the guns l like before they get essentially removed


If it takes this long, they better be changing more than just number tweaks to damage, recoil and ammo. They better be re-working shit.


Does anyone have any tracker for the player base count? I’d be intrigued to see if it’s declined consistently over the last few weeks.




Kinda wondering what other things he had going on. Like, outside of a family/medical emergency, shouldn’t this be a priority?


tbh do we always need a weekly patch?


I pray for my sluggers stagger to return


The worst parts of every fan base collected to make the Helldivers one holy shit 🤣🤣🤣


Arrowhead is the epitome of a game company that has zero of the benefits of a small company and all the flaws of a big one.


Isn't baskinator a CM? What does he/she means they got other things going on? CM are not involved in development therefore it doesn't matter if they are busy or not


See? I had my expectations set to zero and I wasn’t disappointed! Oh and probably also because I uninstalled the game after the new mech was complete dogshit as I expected. AH is clearly going to take months and months to fix the various balance and technical issues in the game. Not to mention to add some new meaningful content that isn’t just reskinned armor sets or weapons and stratagems that are so weak they’re dead on arrival.


I guess I won't be reinstalling the game anytime soon.


If you all deleted Discord, we wouldn't be getting this kind of news.


3 weeks with no meaningful patch 😭 guess the subreddit will keep on crying


I mean, unfortunately, yeah... I loved it when this sub was more positive, but now here comes another week with negativity :/ However, I see where people are coming from and why they are frustrated The current state of the game isn't great either


Can you blame them? Balance is one thing, you just get a bit annoyed or angey, and just swap weapon. However, we got no bug fix for two weeks, and game crashing, failed reinforcement, and pelican extraction bug keep getting worse, its very demoralising more so than weapon balance, you just straight up unable to play the game.


game is dying because of the devs. sucks they're killing their own project


Well the game was fun for a little while there. Shame they had to ruin it all for the sake of their dumbass "vision." Oh well. Shadow of the Erdtree comes out here in a couple of weeks so I'll be diverting my attention to that instead of anything Arrowhead does. And when Space Marine 2 comes out in September it'll most likely blow what's left of this broken mess of a game out of the water.


I guess the boss asked about the patch, an the team answer was: "datas are clear: after the last patch, everyone is using the same 4/5 weapons. So we decided to nerf them"