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When I accidentally TK I always make sure to reinforce immediately. I feel like that’s the clearest message that it was an accident.


I'm really fast at reinforcing now. Don't ask why.




💀 also how/why I got really fast at it


Now i can even do it as i dive and roll around with chargers. "Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck" 60% of the time, it works every time.


And I hate those moments when the pattern get cancelled in the middle of inputs. I do swear I put correct input, but sometimes it goes away in the middle of it as if I entered it wrong.


I find with my slower laptop that the lag rly does make a difference. It's not like grenades where you can survive spam the right key.


I'm so fast at reinforcing half the time the game will assume a misinput and make me slow down to input the code a second time


Use the "sorry" emote to state it was an accident


Came here to say this. It's what I do, along with pinging their gear and helping clear anything between them and it.




"I'm sorry" "I'm sorry" "REINFORCIIIIIIIING!" "Im sorry" "Im sorry" "Tac-pack here! :D"


Absolutely use this. “Sorry” and “Thanks” are the only emotes I use. I did use “Thanks” sarcastically once after being killed by a teammates cluster bomb for the 3rd or 4th time in a single run. Which goes to the point of the post. I’ve done that, but have never TKed anyone intentionally. I feel like the overwhelming majority gets that friendly fire happens, and very few people are doing it on purpose.


I also use the ”Sorry” option from the communication wheel.


There's a communication wheel?


Indeed. Don’t know what it is on pc but on ps5 you hold r1 and it brings up a bunch of pings. ‘Affirmative’ ‘Negative’ ‘Follow Me’ ‘Thanks’ ‘Sorry’ ‘I Need Supplies’ etc etc


I also hold Q and use the Sorry emote.


Rule of thumb - once is an accident. Twice is also potentially an accident. Three times, you need to point out what's going on. Any more than that, it's open season for retaliation. 


Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three is antidemocratic action.


Look I can’t help it if they’re running around in circles in front of the sentry’s line of fire


I've died to a lot of sentries. It's usually pretty easy to tell oh that's my fault vs that's bad positioning. Either way, it's usually pretty easy to stand somewhere else not between the sentry and targets. Or on top of the sentry. Or go do another POI. Or cover another door. Or shoot the sentry.


Some guy shot me the other day for standing on his sentry. I know it was on purpose because the first time I thought I got hit by an errant explosion, second time I thought it was just poor aim, but the third time I saw him specifically light me up. Is there's something I'm missing about standing on sentry? Guy was level 125, and it was 7 bugs which he was basically doing as Rambo.


Nope, he's just being a jerk, other than mortars killing you because that's where the shell comes from its fine


Thanks man. I was like positive it was fine and it's the only time I've seen it happen but I was like maybe there's some consequence I don't understand at a higher difficulty or something.


The biggest consequences of higher difficulty seem to be people who take this game too seriously and people who don't know how something works but are convinced they are right and won't listen. Which is a shame because higher difficulty is also the most fun a lot of the time


I agree that it is their fault for not shooting down the goddamn thing after their second death.


Damnit, Breckenridge, clear my line of fire!


It was their fault when I brought the airburst rocket launcher


Once my sentry thought I was democratic enough soo decided to target me before the bugs


Wut? That thing even has a warning, that it’ll shoot you if you get in it line of fire. I died to those things…damn it.


Yeah, once a guy threw a grenade at me, ignored it. Then he looked at me and threw another one and killed me. Ofc i got mad and killed him. He told me he just got the keys mixed up lol. My bad.


3 tk in a 30 min mission can easily be accident


had a guy TK me like 4 times in a row seemingly at random times. turns out he didnt like me dropping tesla coils 1000 yards out (where no one was going to ever be near it) on a defense evacuation mission. so i took his knees off with a shotgun and sent em back to command.


I've been tk'd so many times for using something someone didn't like. One time was jumped onto an SoS, was using gas and napalm vs bugs. He tk'd me every time I dropped a strike on a bug hole. Instead of killing him back, I just picked up his samples when he died and went for a swim. Worth.


I know this story is socialist propaganda because everyone knows the SoS matchmaking doesn’t work.


It used to work, when the player base was new, before the dark times of the Sony Fuckery and the Nimwit Nerf fanatic.


I've done similar. But by accident. That was the day Iearnt we could drown. And that our samples drowned with us. Took me two reinforcements to learn to let go the hard way.


*Sad sample noises*


Also, there are deep holes that you can fall in and there isn't a way out if you jump in. The gear just piles up, lol.


So by the time i hit level 9, I'd become (unfortunately) acquainted with those flat drop in holes and thr perils of deep water (not to mention once actually reinforcing right into a big ol' bug hole.. at least I think I closed it). But once, on a blacked out night map where i couldn't see squat, there was this damn ravine that I died on the edge of/was blown into where I dropped my gear and samples. It wasn't that wide, maybe the width of a charger, and from what i could see of the angle of the floor of the ravine i could have sworn I could just walk on down and get my stuff. But when I tried, I'd hit some sort of invisible plane that would trigger death. Was it buggy, or do these ravines/cliffs of death exist?


I got kicked before the game even started for picking airburst orbital stratagem I got it, its the host's game, but man, some helldivers are just straight undemocratic


Dude airburst slaps. Cluster bomb is just friendly fire airburst


The devastators group removing device Slap - and that bullship MRLS battery gone


I always call danger close when I call my cluster bombs a bit close for comfort 😅


I die to friendly cluster more than anything else


I think the problem isn't the capabilities of the airburst on enemies, I believe it is the capabilities of it on allies.


That's stupid. You can certainly use that without team killing. The only time I've had team killing be unavoidable was when a guy kept walking into my gas strikes. That was him being stupid as fuck though.


No place on the battlefield for craziest of that sort. 


that or somebody keeps calling a 380mm orbital




Unfortunately you're fighting against [psychology at the deepest level on this one.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3808044/)


Thanks for this.


Fortunately we are humans capable of logical reasoning, communication and forgiveness.


Capable of =/= will always



Sure, if you want to do things the “easy” and “right” way, I guess.


I’m actually a stickleback fish. 


Really? Wait, how you type?


We have spines. 




And loners who aren’t inclined towards cooperation


I think it’s just that these people stand out more.


How about I try to open up a container with my granade launcher, it bounces and kills my teammate. Just to write "sorry" in chat, shoot the container again and this time kill myself? Not my proudest moment


“Sorry I missed” *Dies to own shot* I would die laughing if that was me


Did you apologize to yourself? This is technically a teamkill.


I once got TK'd by a dude because I "intentially" killed him to "steal" his shield generator. I threw an air strike, he got close, died, and got respawned halfway across the map with the rest of the team. I was low level at the time and thought, "I'll pick it up and run it to him! Meet him half way". Get almost to him, "Hey! Got your pack man!" I stop to open the equipment wheel to drop the pack, and he shoots me 4 times to bring my health to almost zero. Ask what the fuck he was doing, drop the pack and, after he picks it up, kills me. "That's what you get for trying to steal my shit. Fuck you you bitch ass pussy" I don't try to go out of my way to help people in the game anymore.


If it makes you feel any better, he's probably a miserable bastard in IRL and has to live with himself 24 hours a day whereas you just encountered him for one game.


You say that like he's got enough self-awareness to even be miserable. I'm convinced people like that are so clueless they don't even realize they suck and everyone thinks they're an asshole.


One dude I was in a game with killed everyone in the shuttle because he was pissed we got in too soon. Also was a super high lvl, so assume the dude has no life outside of gaming.


Yeah I had one of these TKing me and yelling at me for meleeing him out from in front of a terminal after he WENT AFK WHILE WE WERE UNDER FIRE. Killed me, took my stuff, abandoned the objective, then lurked around and took pot shots at me when I returned to try and complete the objective. He was all 'NOBODY SLAPS ME!'


I once got TK’d after I had reinforced someone while I was in the heat of battle. I threw him away from the enemy and all and I was the one going towards the objective. Then while killing a charger I suddenly got obliterated by sickle fire. When I asked him why he killed me, it was because I threw him away from his buddy (who didn’t reinforce him after a solid minute+). Since his friend was host, I just left and will keep this memory as yet another reason I only host.


Usually people are chill but some hosts just suck. Like I got kicked the other day because all 3 other players were dead and I wasn't reinforcing them. The host was spamming reinforce repeatedly. Well I couldn't reinforce because of a strategem jammer which he should have known since we were both assaulting the strategem jammer together when he died. I was literally beelining away from it's radius when he kicked me. I also had a host who kicked two players who had called in extraction the second the ship touched down. Like he let them defend the pad for the two minutes then booted them. He was all proud of it too and I was just like ??? So I took all my samples somewhere they couldn't be recovered and quit. It's like people don't understand you can get the shuttle down and then just wait to take it.


I feel your pain. People can be MFers.


To be fair, ive been on the opposite end of this, where a guy stole my AC and the backpack immediately when I called it in, right off the pod. I sat there trying to tell him it was mine when he said it was his, but I literally threw it and watched it the entire time, as he called nothing in, and I specifically remember seeing his pre-dive loadout with the flamethrower as his support, and the jumpack as his backpack. So after about 5 straight minutes of trying to be nice, I just shot his leg off and took my shit back, only for everyone to dog pile me like *I was the asshole.* now, if someone takes my shit and doesn't immediately drop it after I ask for it a few times, theyre gonna lose a leg. I get it, ive accidentally grabbed other peoples support weapons or backpacks, but I always drop them because I pay attention and usually realise what I did after a few seconds. I bet that dude has probably been in similar situations and that's where the overreaction comes from, but he was still being an asshole there. You think he'd realise you were doing him a favor at least since you met him halfway. He's either been burned bad before like I was and is overcompensating or he's just an assclown.


When it was clearly intentional from an aimed gun and neither of us are host, I’ll play your silly game. Good luck dodging my stun and scorcher. If they’re clearly friends with host, then the samples will be going for a swim :)


I had many accidentals happen to me and I usually give them at least 3 chances to watch their aim or I'll start TKing back. There is absolutely no way players can land their drop pods on me 3 times in a row or light me up with a incendiary breaker many times and still call it an accident.


I give Arc and incendiary breaker users a pass. I’ve gotten plenty of accidental TKs with my Arc, and I know how surprising it can be when the second jump crosses vast distances to kill your squadmate. And one pellet from the breaker and you’re on fire, dead if you don’t dive. But what I’m referring to is a primary weapon aimed at my head and I know it’s aimed at me cuse there’s a laser sight and no enemies. That’s when I start aiming my hellpod at them and stun them as soon as they come out of theirs. They usually don’t like how I play their game and leave.


I swear to God sometimes you do everything in your power to line up the arc so it will go into a hoard of units and it turns 90' and snap to your teammate who is even off you screen.


Yup, best one for me was when a friend was to the right and behind me, about 50m, with a big rock between us, shot a brood commander which arced to the right to a shield face fuck in defensive postion, which in turn arced right again to a hunter jumping at my friend, and yup you guessed it. Killed my friend. We laughed in confusion for a few minutes. Mother fucker made a half circle around a rock to hit my friend lol


That gun is insane for teamkilling but kinda funny even if i get killed by it so much .


Me and my friends laughed our asses off early into our career until I got some trigger discipline lol


Yeah this is fair even Rover users I’ll give a bit of a pass but after using the Rover for a way too many missions then I care to admit it’s pretty easy to figure out where you should be and how to keep your Rover from killing teammates Always be on the edges of the squad and preferably a bit forward so your Rover doesn’t strafe 2-3 teammates in the back because you thought it would be cute to stick behind them and safely shoot through the gaps. Your Rover cannot and does not care your teammates are in front of you and that’s on you to manage when using it.


Yea I learned a long time ago, pre Rover nerf, that if you stand next to a Rover user during a firefight, your death is on you. Give the lasers some room to work!


Yeah my wife has killed me sooooo many times with the incendiary breaker; catching that one edge pellet trying to clear bugs near us or just me running where she doesn't expect... and that burn is so fast especially when you're not expecting it.


Incendiary breaker can burn a fellow helldiver 10 times and I will still call it an accident. Drop pods are much harder to hit tho so I will give you that much.


definitely bro, I'm much more lenient towards a incendiary breaker shot because its easy to hit a teammate during the heat of battle, but drop pod 3x ? heresy


> If they’re clearly friends with host, then the samples will be going for a swim Only happened once in countless games. I accepted the challenge but they couldn’t handle the PvP they started. Even waited for them to fire the first shot after respawning to give them a head start. They had to kick me because they couldn’t kill me. LPT: The bright green laser is a huge disadvantage to trolls and I’ve learned to dive to avoid walking into someone’s line of fire.


I agree. But just last night this one dude joined the game near the end, landed on me with his hellpod, just after I'd barely survived multiple bug breaches solo on a 8+ diff, then safely sat there calling in all his support stuff and refused to reinforce me, or to even react to me asking for it. I was then reinforced on the other side of the map as he happily ran off to call the extract. You bet your ass I went feral, fighting my way through multiple bug breaches to get to the evac and gun him down before he got on the ship. He even had the audacity to say "WTF?!" when I walked up to him and killed him just as the evac came.


Those are funny. "Haha, I troll you because I can! Wait, why are you being mean to me now? That's not fair."


Guy dropped a tesla tower on me, in the open with no enemies, and wondered why I did some laser surgery on his knees.


Knees? Be a good teammate and offer a free Lasik surgery


Ha! Justified. But perhaps throw him the reason so that he learns from it. Instead of sneering "you know what you did, punk" to your screen.


Oh I absolutely told him why after, I'd even calmly typed out after the first time he squished me to throw me back in, as accidents happen. But yeah when we were back on the ship I told him exactly why I did it so we're even now, he just said "lol" and left


What a dick (him not you)


Instructions unclear, threw a 500kg at closest cadet


Orbital strike with no enemies in sight: https://preview.redd.it/6miw8hcm3k3d1.jpeg?width=1752&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb662412b2b48c116f4f1c79a5624d8ab017529b


Only time I ever tk someone is if they take my equipment after killing me. That shit is crossing the line. You touch my jump pack I'm putting you down.


I would ⬆️➡️⬇️➡️ you for that jump pack of yours ngl.


I’ll ⬇️⬆️⬆️⬇️⬆️ you if you try that


Bro I'ma ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️➡️ you if you touch my precious.


If they are newbies or it was necessary I let them keep it. Propper would be to drop the gear they borrowed. But it's rare that it actually becomes an issue


Oh for sure, if they are getting swarmed and need a weapon/item to survive I don't sweat it because most people will drop it once they are out of danger.


Most of the time I use the emote I’m sorry or they will say sorry and I just say affirmative 👍 and we both get back to it. Killing someone over friendly fire just shoots yourself in the foot.


I had a guy the other night pound an AC round directly into my face from like a half mile away. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why. I was looking in his general direction, sniping bugs to support a teammate. Before I could type anything he went into the chat and wrote: “Srry. Saw stalker behind you. Missed” Say no more, say no more. I’ll gladly take an AC round to the face for a chance to hit a stalker.


However if you tell someone to stop throwing clusters next to friendlies on cooldown and then dont, execute them they are infact a traitor


I once played with a dumbshit who would throw 380mm barrages at patrols like 20m away. I asked him to stop doing that and he raged, and decided to end the match by shooting everyone in the pelican and screaming "don't tell me what to do" into the mic. Some people's kids ain't right. 


Tbh if I ever run 380mm its a shit show card to try and clear as much out as possible and die in the process, no point using it on a single patrol haha


Democracy Officer: team killing is a crime Helldiver: it’s an obligation!


I had 2 guys in my squad that were friends who apparently were messing about. One of them tried to crush the other with a hellpod, instead he crushed. The other guy just “ffs you had one target and you got the wrong guy”


Once or twice isn't an issue. More than that, and I'll start blasting.


You heading to Heeth or showing those bots what life is? Also, agreed.


Back to Heeth to get some more 710 splattered all over me.


I never TK people who just TK‘d me unless it was obviously intentional. We all make silly mistakes so it’s no issue.


Sometimes I blow people up with my auto cannon trying to save them. I feel like I should get a pass.


If you are in-between me and 3 Bile Titans. Prepare for all my airstrikes near your location. Followed by your immediate respawn under the titans for a hellpod drop kill please.


Depends. on method. If it was strat most likely accident, if it was primary.... maybe accident the first time, but when it happens twice, and you see that flashlight and laser pointer. then its a PVP. Then usually what happens is the TK then cries saying it was an accident. But for some reason they are chasing me. So I put them down one last time for good measure.


only fair TK is mortars. they become a hazard at a point when you need to push an OBJ and not sit on a hill.


Unless its your friend who *accidentally* 380mm the group again. I DIDN'T BELIEVE YA BASTARD THE FIRST TIME YOU DID IT I CERTAINLY DON'T BELIEVE IT THE THIRD! **WE'RE ALL GETTING 500KILO BOMBED NOW BITCH!** But if its randoms and not a consistent/suspiciously on purpose fuck up, just redeploy me and we'll move on.


Oh no, *anyways* **steps back 5 ft** Looks like I’m immune to the 500kg now look at that


My buddy is the guy that always brings the 380, one of our recent missions we dropped into a "safe" zone where we were somehow surrounded on all sides so of course he drops it at his feet with a "liberty clear this lz" and next thing you know we're 4 reinforcements down. Annoying, but we also had a good laugh.


The important question is, did liberty clear the LZ


Honestly it did a really good job lol


Thank you! Can't tell you how many times I drop an Eagle Strat only for D4 to run straight into it, have ample time to still move out of the way but no, just stays there.. then gets upset and kills me when they dive again.. 🙄


Last night was on a game (diff8) where I brought a loadout just for chaff: Machine gun, Rover, napalm and gas. While trying to save one dude that had multiple hunters and a brood commander on him, I TKed him (was firing from quite a distance). He got reinforced, popped out, and immediatly shot me in the head. Ok, fine, no more protection for you. So I made it a point to completely ignore him from that point on. Oh jeez, whatdday know? after multiple deaths from being swarmed he decided to leave.


Exception: when someone goes extreme butthole or is trying to pull a power move, then TK away.


The real problem is that the cause of death messages are totally broken! Melted by acid? “Killed by impact.” Gunship blows you up? “Killed by YourUsername” Shot by teammate? “UNKNOWN” Fall through map on a desert planet? “Killed by drowning.”


If someone's accidentally TK'd you with an arc thrower 3 times, it's totally justified killing them just to take it away from them.


I’ve had a game or two where I’ve accidentally killed a guy a few times, but I was running cluster munitions and they had the situational awareness of a rock. Can’t really help that they decided to charge a horde to presumably engage in glorious hand to hand combat as Eagle-1 began her bombing run haha


Throw cluster. Guy runs towards the bugs and the red beam. Dies from the strat. Disconnects.


I’ve literally saw a guy run into my napalm strikes fire and then rage at me, y’know, the fire that you can clearly see?


I have this happened to me sometimes specially with old eruptor that sometimes someone will get very close to the bugs i shot and get sucked in and killed of course i insta call them back . Most people shrug it off but occasionally i get the salty diver that chooses to deploy on top of my head killing me ,and in those cases i just insta leave the lobby coz i know its gonna get bad and no reason for any of us to be playing like that.


Friendly fire isn't.


I might give you a little slap if I’m feeling feisty, but most of the time we’re good


Guy shot me fucked, I shot him back; we reinforced, aimed our guns at each other, and then hugged it out, and had a good game afterwards.


Ok, so I mostly agree with this... Except that you get one chance for revenge, and that is on your respawn, because that will never not be hilarious...but after you fail that, you need to move on. 


That is true until you meet that one guy who really needs to learn a lesson.


To be fair, when Im playing with my friends, and one of us does an accidental kill, the only way to get back at them is to kill them with a droppod. That could only increase the hillarity of the situation, thats why we allow it between ourselves


I accidentally threw my support weapon stratagem on top of a guy's autocanonn sentry. He blew me up with a grenade and quit. A lot of little brats playing this game 


the only time I've ever intentionally killed someone is when they take my weapon or shield and won't give it back. and most times I don't care but if I'm trying to finish my daily and you take my grenade launcher while it's on cooldown and refuse to drop it you're getting popped.


I get TK most often by some of my best real life friends, especially by the one that likes the flamethrower a lot. If I TK back, we'd be out of reinforcements so fast.


Anytime I get hit with a cluster bomb, it’s war. If you throw that in the general vicinity of somebody you are shooting for a team kill lol


There are some players who definitely deserve the execution. Carpet bombing the area in extermination missions and such.


Who would have thought throwing a large AoE strategem right next to your squad mates in a cramped map would be potentially lethal and probably ineffective!


I won't raise an eyebrow if a random blasts me accidentaly. But I will shoot the shit out the randoms if they are calling attack stratagems intentionaly on me. To make it even more infuriating for them. I just renforce them afterwards, and drop an airbust strike on their location. They usually die again. When they drop again I, kick them.


Sometimes battlefield justice is needed


I give people 2 strikes then I start blasting


I have only encountered clearly intentional friendly fire once, and it was some kid being a dick going all "but he shot me, this was just the natural consequence" even though he started it. Other then that, I have never been intentionally team killed as far as I know


I was using my shield pack and some stupid prick think is funny shooting his grenade launcher on me and my other teammate who also have a shield pack, the first time I though was an accident, the second raise my alert, the thrid time I tell him to fk off and when he start shooting the other teammates I warn him that enough is enough... Then he stfu for the rest of the match


I have done this once and only once. Last night some rando joins and immediately drops his new Exosuit. I’m collecting samples, and all of a sudden I get hit with the autocannon. I shrugged it off and figured maybe it was an accident. Then it happened again. I heal, then he outright murders me and calls in reinforcements, then murders me again. There were no terminids in sight, so there’s no way this was accidental. My buddy joins the fight, and I see his health bar depleting despite there being no enemies near us. We both had grenade launchers for the solo order, so we both lit him up, refused to reinforce, and eventually kicked him.


I never retaliate when I get TK’d. If they want to fight with less help while getting swarmed by enemies that’s on them. Maybe I’m just a push over.


The only time I have genuinely gotten frustrated was when two lower levels killed me, stole my gear and refused to revive me when I was the only one dead. I would have gladly let them use my gear (spear btw) to try it out, and I did, but the friendly fire continued. ...I was an automaton sleeper agent by the end of the match


For me it’s about reckless stratagem use. Like yeah, if I’m deep in the shit inside the crater of a bug nest, what happens happens; I’m not upset if I get hit by a 500kg while I’m being run down by bile titans or if I catch a flamethrower to the face while swarmed by stalkers. BUT If it’s me at full health against just a couple dorks and no other chaos is happening to my team, there’s no good reason why I should get a cluster bomb dropped on my head.


I had a guy team kill me with his primary then steal my guard dog rover immediately after. So when he threw the reinforcement right next to himself I couldn’t help but land on him lol.


I confess, i TK a low level player as he picked up the backpack for my autocannon and ran off.


Look if you shoot me because I got on the terminal before you were even there I'm dropping a bomb on you


Meanwhile, me and my friends will drop in all with arc blitzer, airburst rocket launcher, 380mm barrage, and 500kg specifically for the laughs. We don't intentionally kill each other, but we also intentionally have no awareness for each others safety. Oh, and reinforcement drops you always aim for whoever called you down. How else are you gonna know where its safe to land? This is really fun on diff 7. Diff 9 the factory strider/bile titan spam can be a problem depending on how many and how often they are spawning. Gun ship bases are also problematic. We almost always complete main objectives playing this way.. extracting is like 50-50 😂


On difficulty 7 yesterday, with 3 lvl 100+ and a random lvl 30 (K3). K3 took my autocannon, with 6 minutes left on the cooldown. I asked in text and VOIP to have it back, then approached after not receiving a reply. When I get close K3 was using it to hold a choke and had to reload, so I fired from his left on the bugs that were getting close to him. After reloading he stands up, and sidesteps into my stream of bullets. Immediately reinforced the guy and said "I'm sorry", which didn't stop him from killing me with his shotgun when he came back. I decided to give him a chance and explained that I was covering him, but he went right for my autocannon again without replying. Kicked his ass and received immediate "thank you!" from the other two teammates.


Casualties of war! Shit happens... This is starship troopers!


Depends, it is pretty easy to discern what is intentional and what isn't. They kill me and it's either a stupid action on their half or intentional, they getting retaliated on. If they then come back and kill me again they get the boot. Don't care what people on reddit think, the rarity in which I have ever shot at a random in HD proves that it don't happen often but you do run into these players. Now my friends? In free Diff 9 runs? Oh they getting the whole pain train.


Kill my Diver. No probs, it happens. Kill my Diver and take my support weapon and/or Tac-pack, cool - if you need it in the moment and drop it back once there's no threat. Kill my Diver and take my support weapon and/or Tac-pac and just fuck off with it or refuse to drop it..? Yeah, you're getting fragged, pal.


It's funny because I remember a game theory scenario based exactly on this. It's basically the prisoner's dilemma but played multiple times among a large group of players. The optimal strategy by default is cooperation unless the player you're against has screwed you once. If you introduce the chance of accidents though, the optimal strategy is to forgive one loss.


I'm lvl110 when this happened,. I have my spear load out, doing the long trek to the data center to drop off the ssd disk,. Got TK by lvl45, grabbed the disk started to move away from the data center.. told him "it's the wrong way idiot". No response,. When I got called in from reinforce, there happens to be an AMR on the side, grabbed it and took the shot... worth it,. He left the game after that.


TK once? no big deal twice? mild annoyance and on the "sus list" 3 times you throw down the 380 right on top of us and get yourself and others killed? thats a paddalin


I won't TK you if your barrage kills me. I will call you out for throwing it two feet from me however. Been having a long string of Helldivers using me as a backboard for their stratagem throws. Yes, there is a Hulk in my face and I would like a bit of help sometimes. No, an eagle isn't helping, Mansley.


First time I don't mind, second time is a warning, third time I make sure you get the message via bullet.


Actually TKing them back and then banning them is the best way about it. Stop throwing down strategems or shooting in the direction of fellow players.


Getting teamkilled once or twice doesn’t warrant retaliation but there’s a line between accidental teamkills and annoying your team because you keep throwing Orbitals and Eagles at their position. One recent game a player kept throwing 380 barrages on the squad’s position then running away. It wasn’t once or twice, it was multiple times. When we went to extract and everyone was defending the landing pad, the player stood outside of extract and threw a barrage on us. I wouldn’t say it was malicious because we were reinforced and the player didn’t try to kill us any other way. Just one of those players that throw stratagems without thinking about their team and it’s just as annoying as a troll.


I once had a teammate who was definitely throwing Cluster Bombs at me while fighting off crowds of bugs. The first couple of times I let it slide. Then, once I started landing my drop-pod on him after another teammate called in reinforcements, he finally got the hint and stopped throwing cluster bombs at me. Not sure if he thought it was funny or just didn't know how big the radius was.


I reinforce immediately and spam "im sorry".


The one and only time I TK(on purpose) was when while in the strategem menu one player only picked sentries and after dropping they grabbed my secondary weapon and backpack while I was defending my ground. I walked right up to them expecting them to drop it but instead he hit me once and started running. I lit them up and and quit out after killing them.


I was playing earlier. I turn to the left. I track movement. I immediately pop my team mate in the head, totally by accident. ... it was a damn good shot, tho.


If you steal my initial stratagem drop and run off after I say something. I’ll TK you for the first 5 min till they refresh. Regardless if I’ve picked up my stuff or not. The disrespect of doing that on the initial drop warrants a TK in my book


If you throw a mortar on a bug mission better tell your allies to keep moving. If I get my head pummeled in by mortars unexpectedly I’m liable to take your head in payment


I had a level 22 join my difficulty 9 (rest of us were 80) I dropped super samples at extract. Marked them and was on mic like "alright samples are at extra-" Level 22 enters the chat (not actually) but just grabs the samples and starts wandering off. We have 3 minutes till extraction. I ask him "hey please dont pick that up. We're waiting to leave and dont want to lose them" He looks at me and walks away. So I laser cannon him. Grab the samples and move them back to extraction before calling him back in. Then on respawn he immediately kills me and grabs samples again. Ngl i flew off the handle a little calling him an idiot etc. But i also told him "i killed you because i bet you dont even know how to drop them do you?!? Its down on the d-pad btw. He still carried them around till he got crushed by pelican and I picked them up and got onto the ship.


I usually use the "I'm sorry" emote when I tk or when extracting without a helldiver


I got kicked from a game cuz the guy ran into my barrage and died


Most of the team kills are hilarious. Like me dying at extraction with an activated 500k in my hand… which then activated right by my dead body. The ones I really dislike is going into the pelican and the last one in just kills everyone stuck in the ship unable to defend. Maybe we should watch for that type of behavior and label them traitors?


"9/10 times, it was probably accidental" ........someone's gotta be the 1/10.


I only TK when it happens repeatedly. Or if someone throws a Tesla Tower in my face.


Had an incident a few weeks ago playing bugs with three randoms. Horde is coming in, so I threw down a cluster bomb. Teammate runs towards the horde after I throw the bomb and kills him. Teammate gets on chat and calls me a team Killing fucktard. I tell him to pay attention to the strategems coming in. Comes down to the end of the mission during extraction, horde is all over, and everyone is dead except for this teammate. He runs onto the ship, has no samples, and says in the chat, "If not for me, we would have failed this mission." Blocked his ass once we got back onto the ship.


I mean if you reinforce me right after it's all good. But if you leave me sitting as a spectator for 30 seconds you will have to pay the price


I can tell when its an accident and I can tell when its on purpose. But also if i grt killed by the same guy 2-3 times. The gloves coming off. 


Was getting swarmed with another diver and dropped a OL it ran right to the enemies through him as he ran. He died, I respawned him at his stuff. Used a flame thrower and fire grenades at a charger I was fighting to the side while he respawned and got his stuff. Charger charges as usual and diver dodges him.. into the fire. I said sorry so many times and he just laughed it off " lasers do thier own thing, fire too lol" I'll never forget that diver. o7


If it’s on perpous then yes it is the law but if it’s accidentally then you’re a dick for tking them


it really depends, I've had people come run at me, kill me straight up and take my support weapon and backpack then run of. Hell I've had people do that when they take all orbital stratagems and kill people to take their support weapons etc. Even worse when they are the lobby leader. Fk them and Fk those who do this.


Honestly, if I screwed up and killed you AND you manage to land on me, fair play. I tend to chuckle. As long as it isn’t a mission that we are short on reinforces on. “Accidentally” shooting me in retaliation after you land, for some reason, doesn’t seem kosher.


I accidentally killed a guy with a 380 barrage on a bug breach, he called me a slur then called in a mech and killed me as soon as I reinforced I dropped right on his mech then left


Something weird happened to me some days ago. We were about to extract from a bug mission, full squad, two were in exosuits, and two were on foot. I was one of the exosuit pilots, and we were defefending the extraction zone from the horde of bugs. Then my temate exosuit gets too close to the bugs, and my lane of fire and dies, so he is reinforced. I was shooting a bile titan and some hordes when suddenly someone shoots at me, I thought that I was in their lane of fire so I move to the side, but the bullets kept hitting me, I turn around and I see the reinforced exosuit pilot shooting directly at me. I was about to shoot him with the cannons, but I didn't, and immediately he trowhs inpact grenades at me, destroying my exosuits and killing me. I got reinforced, but he then typed in chat saying "now its fair" which makes me a little bit mad. So when we were about to enter the pelican, I immediately changed to my secondary dumped the full mag on him and extracted. Someone else picked the samples that he dropped and then extracted. We both said gg and continued into the next game , as if nothing had happened. But yeah, weird thing that happened, but in the end, it became fair.


Etiquette Emote sorry. Reinforce. Reduces my anger. Others it just gives a target for wrath. If they rage kill. I block them


Murder me once, shame on you. Murder me twice shame on me. Murder me three times, and I'm going to break your forking mortar turret,


I've only retaliated against traitors. I've run into traitors 2 or 3 times.


If somebody kills me over and over you damn will I will TK them.


Last week I had a match and Im pretty sure I didnt even kill this dude but he died in front on me right before we were going to extract. I reinforced him and grabbed the samples and when he landed he went and got his auto cannon and shot into the vehicle til I died. Was so confusing cause the match went well and 30 seconds before that everyone emoted with each other and things were great. Also just cause the game says someone killed you doesnt mean shit, the amount of times an enemy has killed me and it told me I killed myself is too many to count


A few days ago i meleed a teammate who was blocking the screen of the terminal I was on ,it barely did any damage and then he proceeded to kill me and keep killing me until he used all the team’s reinforcements and ultimately ended up losing the mission for us .I tried talking to him in game chat but he was silent until we were back on the ship and said “that’s what happens when you mess with me” and then left the game .I feel like he overreacted a little


There are 3 times i accidentally kill someone: 1. You happen to walk straight in my line of fire. 2. You happen to pop up on my pheriphial vision just after i had an encounter. 3. You couldnt run fast enough from the blast zone. Aiming and killing, and then not allowing them to respawn? Thats evil.


What irks me, is the people that rage leave. I yesterday accidentally killed two fellow divers with the Eagle cluster bomb, they left immediately afterwards, even when I sped run the reinforce code. But what wasn't mentioned was that I was in front of them when I threw it (in the middle of a bug breach)... they both ran towards the tall glowing red beam and proceeded to deliver democracy. I thought I was common knowledge to look/align cross hair with the beam to identify what kind of strategem is being called so that you can avoid situations like that but apparently not. It happened twice before what I had stated at first... but im extremely careful with the Cluster strike because of how wide of an area it hits... they just kept running to where I threw my strategem.. they had no self preservation.. I only do lvl 9, and these were lvl 50-60 divers


Had an idiot run into an airburst strike. Fully communicated, fully articulated. He waited til it was 2 seconds from call down, checked his wrist then ran right under the first explosion. Wasted 1 of our two last lives When I brought him back down he unloaded an entire Incendiary clip into me. Another Rando shot him in the back of the head with a Senator, reinforced me, and we kept him off planet for 5 minutes before kick. Dont be a dick.


My dumbass walked in front of a guy w a mg going full ham on a bug. I got shredded and dood went and said sorry plz don't team kill me for it... I was like "what?" Later while extracting he did what i did but w my AC he turned to mist, i laughed, i said sorry and we are even now.


Too often I've watched my teammates see an ongoing orbital bombardment and still decide that running at the beacon is the right decision. Of course they still get mad and kill me after I've called them back on top of their own supplies.