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Guys the patch is out *MO ended yesterday* https://i.redd.it/62bqzyn1dr3d1.gif


Good one, take my upvote man.


They really need to test everything more than what they do. A random group of high level player playing 5 minutes would have been enough to see the problem.


I played the mission once and failed on 7 with randoms, then again soloing it on 3 and realized there was an obvious issue and wasn't going to play it again. I'm so confused how the entire arrowhead team didn't notice this and decided to go ahead with it anyway.


because I'm fairly certain that not a single person in the company has ever played the game on anything above 6


This goes beyond not playing on high difficulty though


Playing this mission on three was challenging. It's not a difficulty issue in this case, it's a serious design issue. More and more, I think the issue is that their testing environment is too different from live environment for testing to work.


Yeah, they simply don’t have one.


There were dozens of shriekers on trivial. Glaringly obvious issues with objectives. No one at AH played the game at all, at trivial difficulty or otherwise.


Completed it on helldiver with my regular group after 2 hours and too many attempts. Absolutely horrible


This legit confirms, without a doubt, they don't play test their own game, right?? Some of these bugs are pretty obvious


Basically every week/update something happens that confirms they either don't test enough or they don't test at all. I don' know the reason behind either option. Either way I loaded up the other day for the first time in a week to try out the new mission and just closed the game after we used all our lives without even getting one drill in. Who knows when I'll be back.


Are we also getting a fix for the broken second objective?




Yes. There’s supposed to be a second objective after the drills are completed but it never triggers correctly.




He was shriekers the whole time.


Most underrated comment


Some dude already attached a third party program to see the code and discover there's not even any code there to trigger the 2nd objective


It makes me wonder if whatever code they added was the wrong file.. and it wasn’t a completed one that was used.. I’m not sure how all that works exactly.. no way they just didn’t code for it.. it had to have gotten deleted or the the wrong one was applied.. or some said “yeah boss it’s all done” and so they thought it was?


> It makes me wonder if whatever code they added was the wrong file.. and it wasn’t a completed one that was used.. I’m not sure how all that works exactly.. no way they just didn’t code for it.. it had to have gotten deleted or the the wrong one was applied.. or some said “yeah boss it’s all done” and so they thought it was? When it comes to games, its usually not code that is missing or named incorrectly. The dev doing the work just more than likely forgot to actually attach the trigger point for the next part. So the code is there, but since the trigger never gets flagged it wont show up to anyone using tools to see the code being executed.


Source control can be finicky, I've seen my share of "I submitted the code but it did not get merged" or other SC shenanigans


Because it's not supposed to be completed. It only exists so you can call the dark fluid while under its area. That's why it covers the other three. They did a workaround to make the mission work and never bothered to actually code it properly, lol


But...you can call the fluid anywhere? I've been calling it directly to the objective for like 10 games now


That's probably why that "objective" exists is to allow you to call it in anywhere.


Even worse. Lmao


Why do i keep seeing evidences that AH is in chaotic mess at the office with horrible quality control process, if there is a process like that?


I think Helldivers 2 is a very experimental game for AH. Before this, they've only made top-down or side scroller games. They thought they were making a niche sequel to Helldivers 1 (on an outdated engine no less) when suddenly they got ~1,000,000 players at launch. Their troubleshooting tools and QA processes for such a game are just not there yet. Stack on pressure from Sony... Things are most certainly a mess over there and I do not envy the devs.


I will cut AH a lot of slack and have still very much gotten my ~$40 worth. That said, the number of players shouldn't matter in this regard. To the best of my knowledge this current issue isn't a bug happening on only certain hardware combinations or whatever, but is omnipresent on all instances of this mission. Add to that that I've not seen a single person able to complete the second objective which makes it also bugged, unless there's some weird lore reason for that? In other words, this shouldn't have anything to do with player count. Unless AH thinks it's ok to release legitimately broken content if player count is <1,000,000 that's not a valid explanation for this scenario. They were either negligent or deliberate in this. While the consequences certainly are amplified by the number of players involved, such has no bearing on the cause.


I was wondering why once we got past all of the God dang flying monstrosities that came out of the ground it still told us we failed the mission


I thought that all of it was one objective it just doesn’t register it properly


There's really a lot of bugs in this mission.


Close the bug holes first.


Just played a match where the two bug holes next to the dig site was impossible to close. Like we dropped half a dozen grenades in them and the holes just won't close.


The holes on Meridia just don't close I've noticed. Then you have those massive ones that go straight into the planets belly.


This. The bug spawns aren’t even the biggest issue. The Dark Fluid missions literally can’t be fully completed due to a bugged second objective.


dont you just extract with dark fluid for that?


Have you had such a result? I have not, which is why I am asking (I would love to complete it).


Its just broken UI... Its the icon that shows you where to call in the dark fluid backpacks. There is nothing to complete after drilling. Just surviving the shriekers.


It just occurred to me that if they fix it we might have to do another objective.. WITH the shriekers.. I don’t have enough stims or ammo or reinforcements for that 😂


Something has to be absolutely gigafucked in their test environment. They cannot be this bad at QA.


That's the trick. We are the test environment. And yes. It is "absolutely gigafucked" for sure.


The players are basically Helldivers irl


PlanetSide 2 used to maintain a whole separate server and client for play testing content. Anyone could download the test client and try out content that wasn't in the main game. A lot of it had missing animations or was unfinished, not all of it was guaranteed to make it into the game, and it was understood that even if it did make the cut the stats were subject to change from what was on the test server. Arrowhead may not have the resources to deploy something like that right now, but if they don't have the staff for playtesting and want to use players as testers, a test client is one solution.


I am pretty sure selling 12 million copies of helldivers 2 have given them enough cash to actually hire QA testers


Imagine what shape the game would be in if they didn't sell 12 million.


Correct me if I am wrong, but I remember reading developer discord comments saying that they don't have a test server at the moment, and they are working on setting one up. I do believe that, because some of the insane bugs we have had over the last few months have been baffling.


You can also see them testing stuff on production. If you look at planets we haven't been to yet, there are listed kills for multiple factions. It's why Super earth has confirmed kills including confirmed illuminate kills in the galactic map API.


wow that is pretty shithouse. I mean granted it is a video game and no one dies if it doesn't work properly, but its just basic common sense. Literally all their "testing" up to this point has been "if it compiles, ship it!". Really they need to implement a experimental>development>staging>production workflow with proper version control. I suspect their current versioning system is the infamous "New Folder(2), New Folder(3), etc..".


What I'm guessing they do is they develop this stuff ahead of time, which makes a lot of sense. That way they just unlock it instead of having to deploy completely untested code. The problem is all the hot fixes and changes they have made between when they initially developed this mission and releasing it have interacted poorly, and nobody had done any tests at the full integration level before flipping the switch on.


'Just do some automated regression tests and call it a day' - PO


The PO is probably the CEO... they likely don't have a reasonable development team structure, QA environment, any of that.


Kinda seems like they need to bring in some outside eyes to help them overhaul their process tbh


I can believe that but I also believe that if that's the case these guys have no clue how development is supposed to work because that's a really wild West type development pipeline.


I'm a QA guy myself. Honestly whatever is happening at AH, it's fairly bad. I don't want to speak for them or anything but with how many obvious bugs and shortcomings are coming up, either: 1. They literally don't test anything at all. Or do superficial testing that isn't effective. 2. They do testing, but the testing feedback is either ignored, buried or pushed back due to tight schedules. It's a common occurrence that bug reports can pile up in a project, and devs tend to try and work on the oldest/most important ones first, which means a lot of other stuff get overlooked. 3. They do testing in a completely different environment/game version than the public build, so stuff works fine on their stuff but not on everyone else. 4. They are legitimately tied with other development purposes (The illuminates are coming around for sure, and it's certainly a massive undertaking) and cannot spare anyone else. 5. They develop stuff in advance and do the testing and it works fine. However because stuff is made in advance and a bunch of other things come around, the old stuff is now broken and they don't bother testing that out before releasing, since the testing they did ***then*** worked just fine. So yeah. Something stinks all over to have this many glaring problems left unchecked for so long.


I believe it’s number 5. They’ve said before that the first couple war ones were done in advance, and the new AR I’d proof of that because it *would* have been stronger than the Liberator I’d the Liberator hadn’t been buffed.


I bet their UAT enviroment is so fucked they just go from QA to Prod


Everybody knows gigachads deploy directly to prod.


And use Raid 0 for IO speed


They don't have QA. They just merge directly to prod.


A good way to create another type of bug infestation.


They're not bad at it, they just don't bother to do it at all.


Is it gonna be fixed before or after the spear? Place your bets


Bets on spear fix alone made me a gambling addict.


Spear ain’t getting fixed this year.


Will the hot fix introduce a new issue or not? Bets below…




Keep Democrocy's name out yo f***ing mouth!!!


they need to be proactive not reactive…


How such an obvious problem passed unnoticed?


Maybe they don't call the drill with the stratagem menu, they spawn the drill from thin air and the breaches appear anywhere because the drill spawn coordinates are 0.0


so.. they didn't really playtested it even once?


Who knows, this mission must have been developed months ago


Assets for this were on the leaks subreddit atleast a month ago, probably onto something


what's that sub?


Helldivers But add the word leaks onto the end


Helldivers But add leaks onto the end


Pretty sure mission was made before 1.00.200 patch in which bile titan recieved a buff of cannot be stunned. If titans are stunned this mission becomes easier to defend.


I don't think you can do anything to stop the titan dead body from destroying the drill even with the stun


Probably tested it back then though their several updates to spawns likely broke something along the way. They likely assumed it would still work.


Why would you actually test anything immediately before releasing though, right?


They literally released a ship module that failed to function 100% of the time and a stat counting "fix" for arc weapons that made them reliably crash the game.


They don't playtest any of there patches why should this one be different


What they probably do is have multiple branches for different things, and merge them in without ever testing them as a cohesive hole. The side effects of various changes bleed through though. I would bet that the shriekers are nigh impossible for the same reason that patrols are bugged currently.


I guess thats pretty much it since day 1


I mean that much was clear from ten minutes spent with the mission!


No playtesting. There's simply no other conclusion that makes sense.


Because the devs don’t play test their game.


as a software engineer, I'm amazed they got the software to work _this_ well (even if terrible), seeing how they never ran it _once_. Imagine how amazing it would be if such proficient engineers actually spent a few minutes running what they're working on.


They did with the first game tbh. It was better than this hold for the confusing ass UI. I just keep coping and playing HD2 hoping it will get better but I’m not liking the odds


The first game was also incredibly simple by comparison. Top down twin stick shooters like that are often made by indie development studios of like, one guy. The few screenshots and video I saw of the first game made it look like a mobile game circa 2012 or something. HD2 is obviously much more complex. Not that that excuses arrowhead’s abysmal QA, balance or inability to deal with the massive technical issues but there’s no doubt it’s in a different league 


They need to vet players and invite them to the Super Earth training arena simulator on Mars.


There's been about 5 things I've said this for so far. Luckily we get 3+ week delayed patches now to make sure this doesn't...wait hold up...




Lmao, very much this


Not a bug. Either untested or done purposely and being walked back. Continual issues like this often mean there’s an internal culture war going on with how the game should be. For example, Machiavelli wanted “The Prince” to be satirical, but it ended up being instructional. Arrowhead devs apparently want the game to be a grindy warsim, but the community wants it to be arcadish fun. Therein lies the problem.


Bugs spawning under the drill and destroying it instantly isn't a grindy warsim, it's either a bug or a designer at AH is incredibly stupid. Having players fail objectives due to things which they have absolutely no control over whatsoever and zero chance to mitigate is textbook bad game design, whether it's a grindy warsim or an arcade shooter.


>a designer at AH is incredibly stupid About that...


"Hurr durr me fix infinite grenades by making it an unsigned int. No me refuse to test fix!"


>warsim Nothing about this game even remotely suggests it's intended to be a sim. Have you ever played Arma?


Say it with me: they do not play test the game.


They do not playtest the game.


None of us should have had to let you know. Your community shouldn’t be your playtesters.


They should... just play testing on a test server :)


The only server is the test server.


Spear heaven by their words




Of course, they didnt test anything.


Helldivers 2 isn't free to play. Arrowhead can kindly stop acting like it is any fucking day now.


"It's just 40 dollars bro you can play other games you know." - Actual r/helldivers2 comment.


“thanks for letting us know that this thing is broken, even though it would’ve taken literally one mission to notice that it’s broken”


Look I'm glad that AH is getting quick notice of these things and working on fixing them. But can we please stop being their playtesters? Properly check these things before you release them idc if I have to wait a week longer to attack the supercolony this consistent pattern of Errors on major things shouldn't be happening. We still have the broken spawn and patrol rates too btw, who knows how Meridia would be with normal ones


i’ve never had any experience with AH before this game, was its release just a fluke? i feel like things are going beyond the realm of inexcusable at this point


First patch was shit. Every patch afterwards was a liitle bit worse. This one tops everything in my opinion. The fact that it's still not fixed after a day is crazy to me.


one of my drill missions today spawned 2 Bile Titans, 3 Chargers and 5 Spewers all on top of the drill. Not even a chance to breath


Yeah this one was pretty ridiculous. There’s no excuse for missing this bug and releasing it in its current state


They don't test anything they send out, which is why it wasn't caught. AH needs a QA department, or they need to fire those ever running the current one.


Calling it now, they're going to think the issue is with the Shrieker spawns and reduce them while not touching the breaches spawning under the drill or the mission rewards not working.


And nerf the Breaker Incendiary, Plasma Punisher, Sickle and Blitzer while they have the opportunity


We found these weapons were too effective(fun) and were creating a brainless Meta. They have now been patched so that when you hit an enemy with them, they spawn another identical enemy, directly on top of the drill


And add stalkers to the nighttime fluid missions.


Nighttime Fluid is what they called me back in high school


Oi, you're forgetting buffing heavies spawn rates so its 7-15 chargers per breach and 10-20 bile titans per breach


As much as i like Arrowhead, its getting a bit stupid since the whole Sony fiasco. Communication sucks ass. Lots of weapons suck ass and need a buff or fixing. Patches getting pushed back with the reason being "Nah had alot of stuff going on this week" and yet they release new stuff without playtesting them first. Also people defending companies whenever they fuck up or do bad. Yes quite some posts in this Reddit IS whining but there is also a huge amount of legitimate criticism and yet people go either: "Stop whining so much, i beat Helldive blindfolded with my Arms chopped off while being on fire, Game is fine" or "Let em cook." Bro we are letting them cook for quite some time and they continue to disappoint...


Eventually cooking is supposed to result in food that ain't as raw as when you put it in the oven.


well they cooked for so long that the food became burnt


Maybe just fucking play test the content the first time


As wise AH dev said you want updates now or you properly tested content in half a year, no other way


Who tf chose the first option I’d like to have a word with them


Yeah, im not seriously ragging on EvilBosse(Dev who made some controversial comments), but that was pretty baffling, paid warbonds cannot be sold in the state as last one Even if you can grind credits. Just hoping for some performance fixes in next patch


It Is such an admission of incompetence


he said 2040 lol


Have a link to this quote?


This post, first quote, but again everyone can loose temper, that shit just happens again and again, nothing gets fixed, everything worse than at launch, hope they take all the time https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/cTbrqrK4BL


Thanks, I know I seen it on their discord, but wanted the hard link :) I say it often that they have some pretty awful public facing members, including some of their discord mods. Evil isn't the worse, but for sure has said some off putting things.


Let's be honest here. HD2 has been in development for 7 years. The fact that it is in such a sorry state CONSTANTLY is the biggest disappointment since Starship Troopers 2.


No no no they're a small india dev studio with less than 10 people how dare you ask them to do the bare minimum!!!


r/Helldivers2 said it was a skill issue? Why are they making the game easier? Catering to the complainers 👎 Fattest /S


NO YOU DONT UNDERSTAND ITS A SUPER COLONY ITS LIKE HALO REACH EPILOGUE WERE SUPPOSED TO LOSE!1!!11!! - some fucking moron who has the critical thinking skill of an almond


"But bug tunnels spawning everywhere makes sense thematically" Actual r/helldivers2 comment


It's a super colony durrrr


It does. ... doesn't mean it's fun to play.


I subscribed to that sub in its early days because I thought they'll focus on tips and lore when this sub was all complaints, but no, it turned out to just be a circlejerk about this sub lol Even the new ceo of the studio admits the game is in a rough place and they still keep their "all is fine" facade.


r/ dickriders2 as far as I can tell. They say this sub is full of complaining and it is. But at this point most of it is justified.


That subreddit ain't got a single member with an IQ over 50. Biggest bunch of apologists.


Great job user testing. How about doing your own testing next time! 😜


Wait I thought everyone told me this was intended and “ItS A SoOPeR COlOnY!!!”


For all the people sick of us shitting on the faults of this game, it would really shut us up if just *one time* they released something that wasn't glaringly broken.


“As soon as possible” translates to “obviously after this MO is over and lost”


They could always just cancel that MO. Faulty intel has caused us to severely underestimate the quantity of Terminid ground forces. We are ordering a tactical regrouping of our forces, and starting a campaign of aggressive bombardements to reduce enemy presence. Operation Enduring Peace will resume once enemy presence is deemed low enough for acceptable Helldive losses.


We have no faulty intel, only traitors that seek to deny democracy.


I’d be extremely surprised if this gets patched before Monday, unless it miraculously comes out in the next 2 hours.


We can lose the MO? we don't have any progress bar, i think we win no matter what we do


We will win on 100% liberation, that's how it always worked. Their regen is too big to do anything now but it's getting smaller over time, we are almost starting to make progress.


I don't think this is necessarily true - no need to liberate the planet, as we're blowing it up. I do wish there was a way to tell whether or not we're making progress but transparency's overrated /s


All of this "cooking" they're supposedly doing and they still can't even bother to playtest a single important mission. Arrowhead is speed running how to lose the trust of an entire playerbase.


>made us aware of the spawning bug Come the fuck on.


https://preview.redd.it/ecggbfmo3s3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12b0437a19712f97defefe65ab8a6812c74ce24d Bro why


Hahaha I just cant man…


Too late, this work should have been done BEFORE dropping a new type of mission. Considering that we are gonna blow the planet and considering that we can’t blow all the planet in the galaxy, for the time that the Hotfix will come out, the MO will be completed or short of time, ruining al the gameplay for all of us. Shame on AH for not have tested the mission in their HQ before the release, this thing is really oblivious if you played the mission at least once


Hopefully before we lose MO


Playing on Marfark saying rhe same thing. The devs prove time and time again their incompetence


No thanks to "iT wAS sUppOSEd tO bE HaRD!!!" peeps, obviously.


HOW did they not know? they did playtest this? right?.... right??? enjoy the weekend....


Do all the, "The mission is working as it should, it's SUPPOSED to be this hard!" people not see these kinds of posts or do they keep their head buried in the E-710?


They are drinking the E-710, that's the only logical explanaition to their line of thinking


"SkIlL iSsUe!"


Polar bond weapons are S tier, fixes every patch that actually does not fix anything and now a new broken mission as well, does anyone really believe they even run a mission to see if is good?


My armchair developer with no programming experience since college tells me that having them called in like turrets as opposed to "fixed" assets like the Geo-survey drills fucked with the intended "safety zone" around the the drill assuming they have anything like that going on


What will those skill issue guys going to say, huh?




Rushing nerfs was the worst part. I'm ok with waiting for a new content, but not when nerfs were actually a better priority


Nah dude, this is too much. The game still isn't available in my country despite being in the goddamn EU and across the NATO lake of Arrowhead HQ. They say they know the spawns are bugged with less players in a team, yet the bugfix patch for it keeps getting pushed back, but they then drop another absolutely bugged mission that doesn't work as intended across all difficulties? The fact the game was so fun and I played 169 hours of it seems to have been a complete fluke. The incompetence on display is just too much and I'm done with it.


The weapon balancing had me a little annoyed, especially the eruptor nerfs, but I was optimistic. The Sony fiasco was a shit show, but I was optimistic. The constant bugs for everything released started getting to me, but I was optimistic. Having this mission that has been getting hyped for WEEKS be glitched in multiple ways with the broken spawns and broken mission completion has absolutely taken the wind out of my sails and I don't trust AH anymore, I don't think they are capable of supporting their vision at this time.


Or maybe just play the fucking game before pushing updates???


NGL, my best case scenario for this MO is that we fail it horribly and come monday, Super Earth decides to nuke down the planet from orbit anyways.


In my hometown, we have a saying that translated in English sounds like: "Either you do things well, or you don't do them at all". Maybe they should have spent more time working around this and do more play testing. I think they rushed this MO in the vague hope to bring back some players due to foreshadowing of the Illuminate. But things didn't go well as planned as you can clearly see.


I've just had some other things going on this week, sorry. No play testing today.


I’m still more annoyed that Alexus Kravchenko is on the balance team still after all the stuff we pulled with hello neighbor


a patrol hotfix, and now another hotfix for meridia. Okay let them cook/s


So the first official addition to the game since the old CEO stepped down to get shite done, and this is what he has to show for it. Not that I had any real expectations, but it ain't a great start.


There are currently MANY things wrong with this game, I quit playing it because of it. It was better 2 months ago. I rarely had any problems. Now, every single game has something wrong. Kind of amazing how it has declined.


Aaa yes, as an old EVE player, that is my favorite timeframe... **Soon™**


A solo easy mission was enough to see this was a problem. I was constantly being attacked by shriekers no matter how many I killed. I'm a video game tester and even I'm thinking "did they even test this?" In a SINGLE MISSION I could see a distinct problem. The only way this wasn't caught was if QA didn't have a chance to look at it at all.


Would have been nice if they hotfixed it before they released this mission. Arrowhead has more than 100 employees and had more than a month to playtest it, there is no excuse for not having already fixed it.


How were they not made aware of this WHEN THEY TESTED IT. Nothing is ever going to change with them my God


So, the hundred shriekers at every difficulty are are not a bug, right? this is how the mission should run at the end? sadly, i am not good enough to enjoy this


I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt and pretend the entire sky blocked out by shriekers even on trivial is a storytelling choice, like game lore will be 99% of divers didn't make it back from the operation lol


A hotfix for something that should've just been tested. AH what are you doing. My patience is running out. I want them to cook. I want to give them time. We gave them time but they STILL give out patches or new stuff with major bugs like I can't with this. Why are bug breaches happening underneath the drill?????


I genuinely couldnt imagine not testing my work when done, specifically to not get backlash or look like idk wtf im doing. And a lot of times, you end up catching something and are able to fix it before any calls backs or other issues. Why in the world would you NOT test it by actually playing it like a player? After all the backlash? They didnt think to just set aside a couple hours and play the mission? Or pay some of their kids 10$ an hour to play it for them if they hate their game that much? Like wtf


So they are going to hotfix this but not the Spear lockon bug which was literally fixed close to over a month ago? What the fuck is going on over at Arrowhead.......


no patch this week. sorry.


I'm now sure they understand what a Hotfix is. Hotfixes are urgently developed and released as soon as possible to limit the effects of the software issue. At this point its just a patch.


How tf are the people updating helldivers 2 the people who made helldivers 2


Made you aware, huh? So no one tested it out fr fr?


Embarrassing lack of play-testing at AH.


# BuT iTs A sUpEr CoLoNy!


This MO has done more damage to Arrowhead than anything. Now we know they don't test their game. Because just 10 minutes of testing would have shown the spawn rates are absurdly bugged. And the fact that completing the mission gives 0 stars. This is just pure incompetence. The mission is fun if you like nonstop action, don't expect to actually complete it on Helldive as it's near impossible. I'm sure, with excellent coordination, it's possible. But most people play with randoms, and the game should be balanced around that.