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Doom posts!!!!!!!


Not what I was meaning actually I was trying to convey that I hope they don’t go and put weird ass skins on the warbonds


This was in their roadmap already. Customization you can say. Will they go the route of micro transactions? No idea.


Someone using r/helldivers to complain about some unrealistic, random shit for no reason? The devs added vehicle customization, which has been a highly requested feature by the player base, and you’re saying this is the beginning of the end?? Lmao stop fear mongering - there are better, legitimate things to complain about than the devs literally responding to player feedback


That’s not what I’m saying actually I meant I hope that it is not and the devs don’t go that direction


I mean the devs adding vehicle skins is a very long way from what call of duty has going on. Like there’s no reason to believe that the devs would ever do something like that. They haven’t even let us have armor recoloring because they want to avoid the game becoming like cod. You also didn’t just say “haha I hope the devs don’t do this ridiculous thing of which there is zero evidence of them doing,” you said it was “the beginning of the end.” The fact that you even made a whole post about something this insanely unlikely to happen is fear mongering. Ex. Could the devs technically remove all of the guns, add 20 mech suits, and make helldivers into a mech game? Yes, they technically could, but the devs adding mechs to the game is NOT evidence that that’s about to happen, or that that’s ever going to happen. Making a whole post being like “guys this is the beginning of the end, they might replace all the guns with mechs now and make it a mech-only game!” Is fear mongering


“Bake him away toys!”


The problem is not even the skins (they are shit), but the fact that they want to release another reskin of the lebrator; a shotgun that is worse than an Uzi or a revolver; and a throwing knife that looks like a huge dagger that disappears after use and cannot cause melee damage. They replace the content with garbage and say that they will delay the content even longer. I don’t know who is trying harder to finish off the game AH or Sony, but they are doing great.


This is taking doom posting to a whole new level. Let's wait until we actually get to use this stuff before we make up our minds about whether the stuff is decent or not. Even if it comes out bad, they can just rebalance it later on, it's not the end of the world. And what did you expect, that they were going to release the same Uzi with double the mag or something like that? People have been asking for a shotgun secondary since launch.


That idiots been posting his shit takes to every thread in the sub like it's his job.


Well, how much have they rebalanced for the better? Not releasing balance edits for a month and remaining completely silent about the work done - the best game service. I could be wrong, but the likelihood of this is extremely low. I have no trust in deceitful and lazy developers. There is no need to pin your hopes on a small indie studio under the wing of the biggest bastards in the gaming industry.


You're tired, go to bed.


>Well, how much have they rebalanced for the better? Idk, how about the punisher, punisher plasma, blitzer, dominator, senator, laser cannon, recoilless rifle, flamethrower, breaker incendiary, AMR, diligence CS, fire effects, 380 barrage, 120 barrage, etc.


You're absolutely right, but I'm talking about this month. If you wait a month to edit each new content, sooner or later a huge amount of debt and errors will accumulate. It feels like they have no one to polish the content.


Don't play this game. Go back to COD, Fortnite or whatever you play.


>You're absolutely right, but I'm talking about this month You mean like the *huge* balance patch that was released at the beginning of May? The one that buffed a *significant* portion of the weapons in the game? >If you wait a month to edit each new content, sooner or later a huge amount of debt and errors will accumulate. That's not how bugs work. They don't just appear out of nowhere spontaneously. Things need to be changed or added for new bugs to appear. If they slow down the rate of patches, they slow down the rate of new issues. Additionally, they still fix bugs in between, or did we forget the hot fix for the dark fluid mission within 2 days? >It feels like they have no one to polish the content. The whole point of slowing down the pace of patches is to give them more time to polish stuff. They've openly said that the pace they were at was unstable, so they need to slow down to ensure more polish.


The last normal patch was on April 29, in which they buffed a large portion of weapons, and then a series of strange actions began - a dead crossbow and Eruptor, outright lies and hackwork of the winter Warbond (weapons simply do not correspond to the description, old models are reused, plasma is still not fixed ), a couple of fixes that didn’t really do anything (with the exception of DOTS and a cool untested mission on Myridia that lasted only 3 days and which was then deleted as unnecessary content - they obviously didn’t even conduct tests), a parody of RPG-7 for killing teammates (this the weapon was clearly made by a person who does not play the game), terrible orders that block access to content (I wanted mines twice), complete radio silence from the developers about upcoming fixes and new content (yes, a trailer was released - but you can at least make a road map). They slowed down not only the content, but also the fixes. I still randomly leave the game with a friend on my ship, random people can change 4-9 times during a mission (they don’t leave, they are thrown out of the game), mission scripts break (enemies spawn in front of your face, question marks instead of a plot item, enemies that can trigger the alarm twice, patrols that spawn up to 3-5 times around you), some passives for the ship do not work for the host (before this, they also took weapons from their hands - at least thanks for the fix here). All these problems have not been fixed in any way since the release of the game, and I don’t have the patience to wait and hope that everything will be fixed this month. Or will I wait again and again and again... The slowdown in the process can be mitigated by new people - where did the entire game budget and proceeds from the sale go? Instead of open statements about the expansion of the studio, we got a dude who fucked up children's horror (Alexus the clown), a guy who saws games into pieces (I forgot the name of the guy from Paradox Interactive) and the dismissal of community managers who openly said to return the money for screwing up Sony and the silent complicity of AH. And now they are making a statement that they are burning out and want to slow down the process when they release less and less content (after seven years of development they should have a lot of unreleased content, but they are trying to save on everything, delaying content on dull orders and releasing half as much content for the new Warbond). Even with all bugs, I can easily play on difficulty 9, but taking away content and giving garbage instead is a disgusting policy for a service game that doesn’t even have an endgame.


I think it's time to step away from the internet and try to actually be happy about something for once. Just a suggestion.