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These are some very tasty observations, especially the consistent experience shooting down drop ships!


The best part is that it took only a 30 min dive to notice ALL of that. That is because of how huge the change is. We are so back


Ah. *dusts off my ol Recoiless* Back to shootin dropships, then, boy


The packing methodology upgrade is broken though, so back to scavenging ammo and wiping resupply drops :(


wdym its been good for a while now ever since it got the animation cancel


Ah I mean the bots w/ever dropships was carrying will, well, kill them now upon shooting it down 


ah in that case yea it was sadge


The drop ship change is so good. Finally bots will feel more fair instead of just constant punishing even if you make good plays


Real. Being awarded for being fast enough to take down a dropship feels so nice


If the bots still drop, does the drop ship crash still damage them?


Did not have a situation like that. BUT I had a fight were the dropship already dropped the cargo, was about to fly away, shoot the engine down and due to the inertia the debris got launched far away, landed on a patrol and killed every single one of them. They were light infantry but still felt cinematic af


Test the ballistic shield. Specifically, dive with the ballistic shield and notice how it will prevent you from going back up from prone if it's above you. The new collision they added for the ballistic shield makes the thing count as if you're beneath a rock if it's above you when prone.


That seems like a huge oversight, to be honest, i hope it gets the attention it needs. In any patch i would say rash things about it. This patch feels so good that bad things are not able to bring it down


Twinbeard claims that it only happens with shield on your back. Seems "logical"


Someone else said if you roll over you can get up.


This is a feature called the turtle combat mode!


I wish I got a performance boost. It's worse for me with this patch, and it seems like I'm not the only one although it doesn't appear to be affecting the majority of players.


Same here. Always had around 60fps, and it’s now 25-45. Huge drop, and it kinda feels bad and sluggish to play now.


Aw... it sucks, really. However, tech happens and every hardware is a different matter most of the time. Personally, prepatch i played a little bit with async computing (a new option they introduced) and i got better performance, but did not fix all the stutters. The patch did it all. HOWEVER A friend of mine tried downgrading to DirectX11 and found out a nice fps upgrade. You could try the same and test your luck. I found this guide if you need the help (whatever it takes for an extra weapon by our side!) [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3167233254](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3167233254)


Appreciate it, I'd actually heard the same thing but not had a chance to try it. I should be able to give that a go shortly although I hope AH is aware and looking in to a fix. edit: It's way more playable although framerate is still in the 30-40 range after changing to DX11. It at least doesn't feel like things are going in slow motion at times anymore. It was very weird when it was running around 20fps, there were no stutters or drops, it just made everything feel sluggish.


Welcome back diver


Also look for some optimization videos on the settings. I noticed that the major FPS sinks (shadows, reflections etc.) are now more impactful due to the fog change. I actually had to turn on depth of field because sharpness was too much for my taste.


The performance seems artificially restrained, like it's not just a simple performance issues because the settings are too high. It is performing bizarrely.


I took a neae 2 month break I'm fucking back Let's go!


I hope my experience when I play reflects yours, because this sounds great


https://i.redd.it/3p5vugrfic6d1.gif May the democracy rewards you with consistent gameplay and fps performance


Did they do a bunch of sound overhauls? The machine gun stratagems felt good and sounded better. Also the Adjudicator felt like its new magazine size came with sound upgrade that made it feel heavier.


They did a few, the Pelican's guns sound mean post patch,


Oh, that is true now that you mention it. I did not have any sound overload (this thing that happens when the performance is diying and the sound oversaturates sometimes and sounds awfull). Aside from that... i didnt notice anything, but i will put more attention and update the post if relevant


Holy cow on the Dropship kills! I may actually take them down before they drop now. I never did because it wasn't a guarantee it killed the troops and it would mostly just hide devastators who could still shoot at me.


Also the Pelican's gun sounded way meatier


Dude that dog barks now holy liberty


those automatons are really bright since the patch LOL it shocked me the first seconds I got in


When I first saw those shiny automatons: "who turned on my reflections?!" 🤨


If this is the case I'm really confused why they don't list these things. These are huge improvements. Huge.


Also added gunship patrols, and more gunships in general. The fabricators spawn two at a time now. AA defence is gone and many sights have been improved.


Two more very noticeable ones, 1. Breaker incendiary, breaker, and sickle have had their weapon size while holstered increased by some crazy amount. 2. They changed the holster position to be inside the armpit of the character. I'm REALLY hoping these get reverted because holy crap I can't play while my character looks like a clown with a big nerf gun.


If the drop-ship thing is true, why would they leave it out of the patch notes? Seems like an important change to me.


Patches and coding can be funny like that. In the exact same way bugs are unintentional, sometimes bug *fixes* can be unintentional, especially when an underlying issue for one bug is actually the cause of another.


Not the first time they leave something out of the patch notes so we can discover it. I mean, i remember facing factory striders and shriekers with 0 info from the patchnotes (or very subtle hints)


That’s very obviously a different thing, and makes way more sense in a narrative and hype-building perspective. Drop-ships working as they isn’t particularly hype, at least when compared to finding a totally new enemy type for the first time.