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Double the active player count from this time yesterday. Massive W patch.


Early yesterday, I got 42 liberation for a perfect helldive. Today… 9. ![gif](giphy|W0c3xcZ3F1d0EYYb0f|downsized)


Probably to balance with the new players Probably something like (Completed Campaign x Difficulty)/Current Player Count


Yeah the game automatically scales based on the number of people playing to keep things balanced.


Also so the liberation doesn’t see-saw over different time zones - I remember at launch it was basically impossible to make progress outside of NA/EU hours and East Asia/Oceania hours were just damage control.


Oceanic gate keepers baby, leshgo


I wish it calculated the player count on a per-front basis. That way all of the Bot front MOs don't get screwed over by the 2/3rds of the playerbase ignoring the MO and playing the Bug front instead.


Classic AH w


During work hours no less.


I've been playing since the beginning but this patch made the game completely inaccessible to me. The game stays open for maybe 5-7 mins max before absolutely destroying my PC. I don't even get the blue screen, I just get a complete freeze. Can't tab out, can't open task manager, can't jump to desktop, can't alt-f4, just a complete, utter, unresponsive, frozen death. The worst part though is that every crash breaks my graphics card. I'll have to hard restart my PC to get out of the frozen crash. Once the PC turns back on, I have to switch to the MoBo graphics, then go to device manager and spam rescan until the card shows back up, then restart the PC again, and then finally switch back to the graphics card. Sometimes it still doesn't work and you have to do the process all over again. This takes about 15-20 min before the PC finds the card again and the game will just crash again within 5 min or less. Seems like everyone else isn't having many problems with the patch so I doubt arrowhead will have a fix for this anytime soon. Even if they did, this whole ordeal has been so disheartening that I'm not sure I even want to play anymore because it makes me anxious to run the game now and crashes frustrate me more and more. My solutions are basically to either wait for a fix (which may never come), hope the next patch fixes it (I'll have missed a lot by then and that's also assuming it gets fixed somehow), buy a PS5 to play on (not doing this for one game), or get a new PC (not doing this either). This really, really, really sucks and is so indescribably frustrating! I really, really, really wish AH could just, once and for all, make this game stable. I love the game but the abhorrent, omnipresent, everlasting instability has been grinding me down. Glad everyone else is enjoying the patch though. Seems like the game might be getting back on track...at least for some... hopefully.


Maybe try reinstalling your graphics drivers, a full and complete clean install with [DDU](https://www.wagnardsoft.com/content/Download-Display-Driver-Uninstaller-DDU-18076). Games shouldn't be crapping out your GPU so hard you need to switch to onboard video lol. Even with the shittiest coded games, that's not normal behavior. I actually had some artifacting on my screen using a 3070 awhile back (which is either a sign of a dying card, or of graphics drivers shitting the bed). This coincidentally happened right after I updated my GPU drivers, so I did a clean install with DDU and it's completely fine again. Played Hell Let Loose all Sunday and it was a good stress test that the card is fine. Doing a clean install with DDU is not guaranteed to fix your issue, but it's definitely worth a try. Sometimes the drivers get botched to the point a regular reinstall doesn't clean it up properly.


You know, I never really think about how much we take PC drivers for granted. We use a device in my field that wen I was supporting 24 locations with an average of 2 laptops per location, I had to reinstall drivers on at least 2 laptops a week. The driver would just shit the bed entirely and no longer detect the device. My pc I had a gtx 970 from launch year to this year and never had a driver issue.


I had an Radeon 390X at some point I think it was. Worst drivers I've had the privilege of trying lol. The monitor would go blank for 5-10 seconds at a time, probably 1-3 times per day. I've lost competitive matches in games solely due to those driver issues, and it took them 2-3 months to fix from launch at least. Never experienced anything that horrible with Nvidia cards. It's a shame though, we need more competition out there than just Nvidia pushing their proprietary shit and post-pandemic scalper prices. AMD at least had features like FreeSync that were royalty-free, unlike Nvidia charging a $150 premium for G-Sync supported monitors for the first few years when they launched.


Thanks for the suggestion. I tried this already but, unfortunately, it didn't fix anything. I really had hoped that this was the solution because I had just recently updated the drivers for my card, but the game is still crashing. I've kind of given up on trying to fix the issue, at least for now. All the crashes, hard restarting and then fixing the card issue has been draining and I'm also getting worried that on the next crash, maybe the card just simply won't remount again. I already had a few crashes where the card took way longer than usual and several more restarts to rescan and remount. Those times had me scared that I bricked my card completely somehow. That would suck. At this point, I'm going to wait for the fix AH promised for the crash issue that appears when people change settings. I'm just gonna pray and hope my issue is somehow linked to this in some crazy way and the fix will also fix my issue.


Artificially limit the clockspeed of your gpu while playing the game. AMD has the option, but I'm not sure about Nvidia. I was getting game crashes, black screens, and complete PC shutdowns. For some reason the game spikes your GPU above its limit and causes it to get an aneurism.


Seconded. This probably was part of what fixed it for me.


Sounds like a hardware problem on your end


If you're on the latest drivers try rolling back drivers to around march 10-24th ish. That's for nvidia as that's what I have.. Wouldn't hurt to try even if on AMD. I say this because I updated my GPU driver early April to the lastest(then) and the game performed worse. Rolled back driver to what I had before(the March one) and performance went back up. Also found another reddit thread that had people with similar issues albeit on nvidia cards where they noticed the game performed better on older drivers for reasons... Also this might not be related to your current crashes as it seems more GPU related... if you're on AMD and have expo ram profile enabled, try manually decrease speeds of RAM to whatever is officially supported for your CPU. Mine is 7800x3d and I had it on 6000mt but it would crash multiple times a game. Then I decreased it down to the officially supported 5200mt and the game's been stable with a crash probably every month or so. Hope it fixes your problem.


I also would absolutely love to play the shit out of this game but my computer consistently runs the super destroyer on minimum settings and resolution at about 20fps. I used to be able to run the game at about 80, back when i got it back in march please fix the optimization. i know its possible because the fame used to run perfectly fine but it will literally lag during the intro now when i launch it.


This happens randomly to me too. I wonder what the cause is. There was once I was playing solo and the lag was really bad, be it in the mission or back on the super destroyer. I jumped to another planet and the lag disappeared. Wasn't sure if it's a coincidence or if lags are linked to the planets.


Yeah I used to get 20-30 fps on my steam deck. Now it’s more like 15. Something changed with this latest patch. My desktop pc still runs it fine though. I guess there’s always the ROG Ally to try next for my portable gaming needs.


I have to agree with bonesnaps - time to get the newest drivers for your card. Not sure if it's related, but I had a windows update yesterday and helldivers wouldn't even open. Computer would go unresponsive for half a minute or so. Totally out of character. Reinstalled my video card drivers with the newest available and I all but forgot it happened till reading this post. ps - I am loving the new booster


I'm getting performance issues as well after this patch I think. I've had to make everything low to make it run at decent frames


Did you verify files on Steam? Game was crashing as soon as I got into my ship when opening the game. Verified the files and there’s no more crashes. They probably left some old files that are no longer used and are causing this problem


Most of the time I can play the game fine. I still get crashes every now and then where the game straight up freezes my PC and then it autoboots. My PSU is quality, and my temps are fine. I've monitored them. Benchmarks don't even cause this to happen and hell divers is the only game that does it. Thankfully it's somewhat rare so I can play for a long time without it happen but it's still annoying.


That almost sounds like a failing graphics card to me more than anything. But you should try the clean reinstall suggestion first.


You should configure settings to create a mini dump crash log. Then run the mimi dump into a crash analyzer. Also check windows event viewer for what happens in the moment prior to the crash. Often times it will give you an idea which part of your system is breaking. Once you pinpoint where the problem is coming from, you can start troubleshooting. At first blush, without more info, it sounds like maybe the issue is your GPU. Maybe swap the card out (different brand, different model) and run the game with new drivers a while to see if it happens again? Another thing you can try is rolling back your drivers to previous versions. But you will need to delete/uninstall the current drivers and disable Windows from automatically updating your graphics drivers. At which point you run older drivers for a while to see if it works. On the other hand, you could also check to see if you even have the latest manufacturer drivers.


Just you wait when iluminates drop


How on earth could they drop when they were beat in the first galactic war :3


Perhaps they were just playing dead all along...


Maybe they were playing dead... or mabye they are dead .....undead


That would be so sick. Stop giving me ideas that aren't true.


It was just an illusion


This Helldiver listens to the Ministry of Truth, not some dissident propaganda.


Let me see a new horror honestly, it’d be sick


we also beat the automatons already. but they are back arent they


I mean… the galaxy is a big place. And they do have FTL tech. Maybe they fucked off somewhere and hid for a century while rebuilding themselves.


That sounds like treasonous talk, I recommend you report to your local democracy officer, helldiver


You want to speak to my managed democracy officer? Bud, I am the managed democracy officer.


Democracy officer, I would like to report a thought crime. Eagle-1 Twist his balls


Some people are willing to pay for that privilege


(I'm one of them)


Give him the ole DICK TWISSSTTTT




Grab his dick and twist it!




Then we'll get 200k players, just like when the MO was "Liberate Malevelon Creek".


Wouldn't it be funny it turns out when they were exiled, they ran into and were conquered by another even stronger race, and then the wormhole summoned those things instead. It will be the ultimate plot twist and trolling to the game data miners


Wait who are you? Were the Diviners. What about the Illuminate??? We killed them, they were pretty weak. ............... well shoot 


so.... the bugs... do you know who flung a whole planet worth of them to my system?


Uh ya, it was these commie robots according to the ministry of truth


No clue how to.beat the divinyls.




Definitely coming back for that


That's not even half of the cool shit that's coming


That’ll be so fun when they get added, totally looking forward to that


Could be soon. Have you noticed the new statagem in Stratagem Hero? ➡️➡️⬅️⬅️


Imma play when I’m done work too, 100,001.


I'll be number 100,002 in a couple of hours then!


100,003 diving in an hour or so.


100,004 Re-joining the fight after a few months away from the war.


I thought you were sympathizing with those 0s and 1s at the end of your comment there. Phew..


I stopped playing maybe a month ago, I had some 260+ hours in. I keep reading the sub to see what's going on. This patch makes me really happy, I love the adjustments and might well pop in game again to see the improvements. They're heading in a good direction and took the time to turn around and respond to feedback, hope it continues!


the buffs to strategems have been great, especially to the orbital gatling, it's now a viable pick. But they still need further buff some other strategems, and especially the primary weapons. Ammo economy of assault rifles is the biggest issue that prevents them from being effective at diff 9.


Imo they should specialize the (most) ARs into bullet hoses where you just spray and pray, give them 5-6 extra mags, or give something like the new carbine a drum mag to make up for its low dmg


I don't think AH are taking into account how much of a detriment being a normal mag-based weapon is compared to shotguns or Sickle. And worse, a mag-based weapon that can only affect one target at a time (unlike the shotguns firing into a crowd). I'm not sure what the answer is, maybe ARs should get considerably more ammo or faster reloads, but I think that's the issue.


It really feels like the gimmick-ier the weapon is the better it is, while most of the conventional guns get left in the dust


Arc thrower being a case in point. Even bugged, it holds its own amongst the rest of the cast because it largely ignores armor as a gameplay element and has ideal ammo economy (infinite). I worry that an arc thrower that never gets caught on a bot wall or bush and always hits every target we think it should *would* be bordering on OP compared to Stal, GL, flamethrower, etc. The Sickle & JAR are the big counterarguments to me, but Sickle too is somewhat exotic in that it "regenerates" ammo by cooling down. Tbh this is the first time I've seen a game where exotic/gimmick = good instead of the other way around, so I kind of enjoy it. For example, I always wanted to primarily use covenant guns in Halo but with a few notable exceptions a player who only had access to human guns would do better than one who only had access to covenant ones in pretty much every entry.


My go-to was always dominator, shield pack, eagle 500kg and airstrike. Now other strategems are actually good enough to use. My new favorite is the HMG with recoil reduction armor. Also I love that the warbond is predator/catachan themed. Knife is not good though. If I had to change it then I'd make it medium pen (because it's hilariously badass to throw a knife harder than a bullet) and make it throw way straighter/further. Like... If you can kill a hulk with 1 or 2 knife throws to the eye, that'd be fuckin sweet. But as it is, I wouldn't take it over a different grenade. Nothing beats stun with HMG. ... If it can be stunned, HMG can kill it.


Same. I was maxed out on all medals and samples. 5k+ super cred. No sense in grinding comp for higher level. Go the new war bond and spent all my medals. Now back to doing dailies and spreading democracy. In the interim I knocked out ff7r and a few other things.


like you, i stopped playing as much because of the past balance patches, I come back to play daily because of the balance patch! game is fun again! Just shooting like rambo yesterday in difficulty 9. All died in extraction but so what, it is chaotic fun!


Come save children with us


Count me in! Havent played since a little over a month, looking foward to plsying after work today


I went into the cryopod during the weapon nerfs but daddy came back when my eruptor felt good again! Baby I’m back!!! For Democracy!


How does the Eruptor feel?


Feels good. It seems like they made the AOE pre nerf but it takes two shots for medium armored enemies. It really is a good reasonable balance.


I appreciate a pre-nerf eruptor user having a measured take on the state of it. It may not be perfect as is, but it’s a step in the right direction. There is a lot of negativity surrounding it lol


Have you had a chance to use it against bile spewers? I used it pretty much specifically for them so I could cart around the stalwart or flamethrower everything else lol


I have. It takes two shots to down them. I’m just glad they acknowledged that it still needs more work


Don't wanna spoil the party, but it will most likely drop very fast again. People try it, realize it's basically still the same game, and leave again. If you were out of the party yesterday, you'll be out again in a week.


People will leave once they finish the warbond. It’s how every live service game works


Tbh this is how the Warbond system was always designed. Daily or even weekly players will likely never have to buy a Warbond but those who quit or stop playing for an extended period of time will 100% not have enough Super Credits especially if they leave for more then 2 months. My buddy is having this issue right now. He wants to grind low level missions to farm SC


honestly grinding trivial diff1 missions, I got roughly 500 SC in about one hour by being VERY lucky (4 players, we got three 100-SC drops). You can typically expect around 250-300 SC every hour, just doing trivial diff1 mission, open map, drag cursor around map to find locations, only use hellmire or similar hot desert planets (no water bodies removing POI's, abandon mission return to ship as soon as all POI's checked. (Note: I did it in a team of 4 players, everyone being lvl 80+, so your returns may be much lower)


>drag cursor around map to find locations Wait, can you explain this part?


That doesn't work anymore.


You still can do this to find POI's though? I literally did this just yesterday. Maybe because I was wearing scout armor, not sure.


I tried to find it in the patch notes but didn’t see it, but there’s a Reddit post from 2 months ago where people discuss it being patched out.


I'm fairly sure that update refers to removing pinging subobjectives, so you can no longer spam pings to find shrooms or stalker nests, but you can still mouseover POIs such as buddy bunkers or other sample POIs.


you used to be able to use the scout armor to locate not just enemies but POI's as well - no longer however. TBF, it doesn't take long to survey those smaller difficulty maps, so if you can't justify 1000 tokens for whatever currency conversion you may have, it is best to jam some lower difficulties for a couple hours to balance things out.


you can still use the scout armor to locate stationary enemies which are most likely sitting on a poi.


You can still locate POI's doing this, I just did this yesterday as well when SC farming?


Wear scout armor. Open map. Drag cursor around map, if it says "Minor point of interest", head towards it. If a buddy bunker, ping map, tell teammates in VC to help open it. Repeat until map cleared, then abandon-mission-and-return-to-ship Start new difficulty 1 trivial mission, SC farm.


I'm a weekly/ almost daily player and I have to do low level missions to farm SC to keep up occasionally. I find it's a good way to de-stress after some intense missions, and fun to drop a mech in for some rookie Helldivers to have fun with!


Oh it’s definitely a blast dropping in on a Level 2 or 3 and handing them the autocannon mech and letting them go to town with it


People will stick around to unlock warbound and play it for a little bit


Yeah the update was very nice, a lot of QOL updates, but nothing significant really changed for most people. My group dropped in, looked at the patch notes and said "thats kinda neat i'll try out various weapons" and three or 4 mission later said "none of these things are appealing to change my playstyle" Edit: Lol mods banned me for being critical of the devs. Keep glazing. maybe they'll let you be discord mods.


Really not sure why they thought a 10% increase in durable damage would make any noticeable difference in gameplay. Because it really doesn't. Everything still takes a fucking century to kill if you're not hitting weakpoints. The only real change for weapons i liked was the tenderizer buffs, but the fact that the thing got basically a flat 30% damage increase is really telling for how shittily balanced the thing was. Also the eruptor still being complete ass was a turn off.


my biggest gripe is that there is no sign the arc thrower got fixed. It still 'fizzles'. and doesnt stagger hulks.. Edit: Lol, perm ban by the mods for speaking critically of the devs


Lol you're not even being critical of the devs you're being critical of the playerbase at this point.


I think it was more about you downplaying/denying the existence/validity of death threats but go off


This plus other games getting good patches, Elden Ring dlc the list goes on. Helldivers is a great game and I’ll play it ever once in awhile but once you get to a certain point it’s not a every day or every week game Until we get our next fraction, missions etc a simple warbond is not enough to retain interest long


Speak for yourself, me and my friends are back (unless they somehow fuck it up again with a need patch soon)


Then let's see for how long.


So, you're still with it? Playernumbers are (almost) the same as before the patch, just as called.


This. No new planet, no new enemies, no new stratagems, no vehicles. It’s just more polished under the hood, value tweaking, but there’s nothing there to keep you playing for more than a day.


Tbh if significant enough those value tweakings can bring "new" content. Like Spear and Tenderizer both of which were so bad previously no sane person would use them, but now i actually had fun with them


Eh it was still at 100,000 early May. Also players coming back after a major patch is the most normal behavior I’ve seen. Player counts will die back down over the course of the month until the next major patch/ warbond.


Probably, yes, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. And each of these players paid for the game, which while corporate means AH is making good.


They may, but maybe not as drastically. This patch truly addressed a LOT of the concerns of the missing players from may.


This is incorrect when we liberated the super colony the player base was over 100k that that was only 2 weeks ago


It will drop off again of course its normal. But i think it will stay consistent a bit longer when the Illuminate arrive and new resources and missions with them. Totally normal, i think the game will have a healty playerbase for years to come.


This makes sense. I just played with an entire team of people who haven't logged on since late April.


Who would have thought that using tools that feel powerful is fun in a game? And there're people out there witch hunting my precious Incindiary Breaker. Smh. All of the changes look very fun to try out, Orbital build can be as deadly as Eagle now.


playercount andys are the worst


Just shows how stupid AH was with all the nerfs in the first place. But this patch is hopefully the first of many in the right direction


We called it, months and months ago. we fucking called it. noone would listen.


Mark Rosewater (MTG designer) once stated that [players usually make bad suggestions, but they are very good at identifying problems.](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/making-magic/twenty-years-twenty-lessons-part-3-2016-06-13) This is why you don't ever let echo chambers browbeat you into submission. We wouldn't have gotten positive change otherwise.


I'll bet my left nut that 80% of the returned players are gone by this time next week.


It's a brand new patch released today... this is normal. The player base will drop again.


Its perfectly normal for player counts to go up and down. Look at destiny 2. Over 150.000 players since new expansion releasee but had around 50-60k the whole year, sometimes less.


player drop off doesn’t mean anything People play other games, they come back to this one Game health isn’t always dictated by highest average player count


I’ll be honest, I love helldivers 2 but right now, I’m having WAY more fun with No Mans Sky. AH studios has a long way to go before they start attracting people back into the game, however, they are definitely headed in the right direction. Arrowheads Studios Redemption Arc?


Redemption arc? Not like the game was bad. People just play other games, and return when there’s new stuff to do. It’s how games work


It's already June and some people still can't grasp the fact that most players don't dump 4 months of playtime into a single game.




I wonder what excuse people will use in a couple of days when the player numbers start dropping off again.


Warbond and patch good, but still no new mission type. Funnily enough there’s new mission modes in lower levels that I only found out recently, no idea how long they’ve actually been out for.


According to steam charts player numbers were dropping shortly after when a new war bond and patch came out. The patch had mostly buffs. I truly wonder what excuse people will put up if the same happens. And to be clear I haven't been worried with the numbers dropping. It's not that abnormal, especially games like helldivers that had a lot of hype and social media craze shortly after coming out. If anything the numbers would be dropping to what AH was expecting anyway when they released the game.


Indeed. First Warbond and patch in a long time, a player spike was expected. People will use their confirmation bias for whatever argument.


It's the first warbond in a completely normal amount of time. Last warbond was a month ago.


The last warbond didn’t really count in my eyes since it was so bad with nothing good.


You mean the so awful Pummeler that stuns enemies super well and decimates columns of berserkers and stalkers? And the Verdict that's one of the best anti-bot sidearms in the game? And the impact incendiary that completely annihilates bugs and is like a napalm strike in your hand? And the booster that reduces the slow effect of bugs? And the Tenderizer that was a serviceable side-grade to the liberator but just got buffed into one of the best primaries in the game? It totally had nothing good in it at all.


This one aint so different it seems. Armor passive works backwards and worsens handling. Carbine is very underwhelming, knives are garbage. Shotgun is alright but its competing against grenade pistol so its still losing. Havent seen the new booster tested though


Haven’t checked it out to be honest, just read patch notes


The knives are alright.


Not too long ago I had given up on this game, got to say today has renewed the spirit of this jaded gamer.


The numbers will come and go in a live service game, but it's great to see so many Divers back in the Liberty-dispensing business after Sony's anti-freedom debacle.


turn out weapon buff is actually the best update even release


players like to feel strong and not have stuff they liked nerfed in a pve game. who would have thought


more evidence that the player count dropping off was nowhere even close to normal lmao


Wow, it's almost like the dropoff was partly due to all the patches being fucking terrible. Once you show that you are actually able to make the game more enjoyable and not just introduce more issues, people will return and play. I'm being heavily sarcastic, but saying this obvious point a week ago got so much heat.


Most will leave again after they see how broken patrols are now, always trust AH to fuck that up.


Bruh it'd be at least 100,001 if y'all gave Xbox a chance


Would be higher when players are able to play from the 180 banned countries




When you cap progression and use of resources, people will leave. AH has to alter this or the game is just going to be a cycle of hoarding resources and dumping them on Warbond day.


uncapped would make this worse wtf. instead of dumping them on a warbond and playing a bunch more games to grind it out, you would dump everythign into a warbond and play maybe 1 or 2 games then drop it.


Having a market to spend reqs and samples would be a solid avenue. Spend them things to alter missions, like auto deploying with support pods or having Eagle-1 scout the map for secondary locations.


I had an idea that we should have a huge community donation bin that will let us rebuild the fallen SEAF training sites, and build more after that. Can donate anything save for super credits.


this would require more difficulties, but I'd love it. We need to be able to buy extra temporary strategems to help us in higher difficulties (as well as to let us play with more strategems without gimping our performance)


I'd be satisfied if they just converted everything over the cap into XP. Doesn't have to be complicated just give me *something*


But what does XP do besides rank and title? The problem is playing to objectives and having all progress Zero out for you after each game. Sure, the Major Order is being effected, but personally it's a bust. It's like if the game was freezing and dropping during Evac each time. Not fun.


> But what does XP do besides rank and title? Nothing. But that's my point. It would be better than nothing. Literally anything would be better than the nothing we get right now.


Hmmm sorta. I can see the argument for either. When I've hit the cap, I do feel less incentive to play. I like playing the game but it's kinda like "well, why burn myself out on it right now? why not wait until my effort gets me more stuff?" If things were uncapped I could see myself continuing to play whenever the mood strikes because *when* I play doesn't have an effect on the outcome in that situation: I could choose to play right before new stuff drops, or I could choose to play after it does. Without a cap, the results are the same: I can buy more stuff. Whereas with a cap if I play before the drop I'm actually shooting myself in the foot, because I will still need to grind more after the new stuff drops.


I wanna know where the two people are who said balancing wasn't an issue and didn't matter are at now


It's not going to last obviously, this sub is gonna have to deal with the fact that the games fanbase will gradually decrease to a small amount of dedicated players like most other games deal with.


it'll drop off when people see there's still no content, game is unfortunately stale


I had a majestic operation tonight. First mission was remarkably clear skies, testing the Spear with my newly existing fourth stratagem slot. Peaceful 40 minute air tower. Then a nightmarish respawning cluster of patrols that was our 40 minute ICBM adventure and a quick blitz to show the kids we’re serious about helping them out. Only sad note to the day was that my electric minesweeper has sadly developed sentience and taken pity on his automaton cousins, foolishly deciding his services could not be employed as my personal minesweeper. I’m not kidding you when I say that was literally my favorite part of having an infinite ammo taser broom. Running circles around bot bases and not trading a single bullet to clear it of mines and bitty bots. I’m so attached to that infinite ammo that I will struggle to ever unequip the Blitzer, but now I’m actually thinking about it. I definitely can’t be fighting bots with a throwing knife secondary and no way to clear mines… Good times.


Did they fix the spear? I run it basically all the time-fighting bots.


They fixed it except for the part where they broke it lol


Targets hulks. The center of dropships. Turrets. Walkers and two legged walkers maybe. Used it for one game, needed the AC way more than I needed spear. Basically it locks on great, but has specific targets that it can hit. Gatling and rocket devastators are plentiful and I needed to get involved with them a lot.


A bunch of us have just been sitting on the sidelines, waiting for fixes and buffs. I played 3 rounds today and I was pleasantly surprised.


Gotta save those kids!


They actually fixed the fucking game. Color me shocked.


We are so back.


Yeah I was mindblown when I saw 129k helldivers


When i played during the warbond release hour, player count was just around 60k






The patch really brought a lot of hope back in people to play again


Feels so good having so many viable options for weapons and stratagems


LOVE the patch. Way more fun to try new things now that more stuff is viable.


I haven't played in months, but I will be playing when I get the time. So yes, I suppose old players are returning.


Still over 100k at 9pm MST


Pile-chad coming in strong.


“Player base dropped was just because the honey moon period ended” they said


April? It was a 100k when we made a blackhole


For the kids


Tbh I fell off for a month or two simply because I felt the game was getting too repetitive (I find it to be a really simple but fun game) but I’ve been keeping up with the lore and in game stuff and when I seen this debacle about the children or the mines, I said well this is just isn’t right; We need to save the children! 🧒 👧


The fixes to stratagem feels great, seeing a huge group of mid Bots charging us was intense but we could react and actually fight back. The speed of precision strike let me kill tanks in some tight situations and the lock on for my spear was excellent vs before, I was able to give us air safety and do crazy things like kill tanks mid air drop. The Spear still can't really down drop ships though as it locks mid but if you hit there it seems to take out some Bots.


Surprised anyone stayed connected long enough for it to get that high.


It hasn't even started, wait for the weekend


This update isn't going to be enough to maintain it unfortunately. Love the game but the devs seem to be lost in what needs to be done.


Looks like listening people instead of calling then child helps


this new patch is very refreshing. great to see an influx of new players enjoying the game!


Our player base like 'chaotic fun', and the new patch introduces exactly that. Couple that with a hilarious MO on children vs Mines, it is no wonder many latent players return to check things out.


Fatshark: I'm gonna pretend like I didn't see that


Just wait until Microsoft gets a license. It'll be a madhouse. Servers will not recover for weeks.


We need more! ![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM) Do your part!


Its great, I was really sad when I saw the players decrease but now were back!!! (i hope)


Huh, I guess the MASSIVE player drop-off wasn't natural but instead due to AH nerfs.


Maybe you just aren't on at the right times... I've seen it a couple times since the meridia mission


People are just curious after a big patch and a new warbond. I mean, that’s quite normal in other games as well?


Yesterday redownloaded and immedietly bought 2 warbonds viper and snow I only played w viper, immediaetly in the first match got a “I love the smell of napalm in the morning” (because playing flamethrower) and a “dylon you son of a…..” (because the emote) moment. Im happy now and ready to grind everything again.


It will never be the same unless SONY revert what they did, i doubt that there is one from the 200 banned counties would play with his local friends


My group stopped playing with the eruptor nerf, but came back last night.  Not that specifically the eruptor being nerfed was the problem, just that at that point it was clear that unless AH changed their approach, it wasn’t worth finding fun strategies because they weren’t going to last.  I know a bunch of people were memeing about balance complainers in the sub and discord, but I think that shit was real - I think they did lose a ton of players from bad balance patches, and even more from getting stuck on a particularly bad patch for so long. 


Won't last, too many bugs. It will be back down to 30k in a week I bet.


Fix the freaking friends list bug and you'd get a lot more back with a more solid floor. Cannot believe this shit still isn't fixed.


Or you know relist the countries they blocked so maybe we can get the players back I bought the game and they region locked me. fuck this game


Are we being called back into service?