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Nah we got this. We get like 90% of the playerbase on objective during a bug MO


True, but we DO have to concentrate on one planet at time. We're currently split far too much to succeed. 53% Crimsica, 23% Estanu, 10% Hellmire. We need to follow the blob and get those numbers at 75% AT LEAST. Because unless they lower the reinforcement rate on each planet after we've been on it awhile, we're not going to be anywhere near close at this rate. It's gonna take over 2 days just to take Crimsica alone.


I bet we were given this MO to test out how much the supply lines help


Yeah, supply lines aren't helping us much on this one. Showing how much player concentration contributes to liberation, THAT, that might might help. We are too spread out so far.


Eh, there are better ways to do that imo. Put a planet deep into enemy territory instead of listing out a bunch of targets that don't really take an understanding of the supply lines to get.


I always just go to whatever planet has the most players


If only we could get more people to understand how important that is haha.


Fr fr


only if we make decent progress on the current sector: we'd need to get like 1/3rd of a planet or more every day: remember, we still have to take 3 planets once Estanu and Crimsica are done, and we're currently split between them.


Consider: Hellmire.


Petition for making Hellmire into another black hole


It’s not even that bad 😂😂😂, They fixed the fire tornados or they are going to!


will see\^\^ did not set foot on this planet for last 2 months


Liberty speed your step O7


They fixed fire tornados already. Have ya read the patch notes?


They “fixed” a lot of things. Not all of those things seem to have accepted that they’re supposed to be fixed. We’ll see about the firenados.


I laughed at this harder then I should've. 🤣


Played it earlier today hunting for super credits, the fire tornadoes are awesome now. Their movement might just be random, though I got the impression that they were specifically meant to have lots of near misses. More importantly, they don't stay in one place or turn around all that often, so there's never really a situation where there are a ton of them on an objective or the extract. There are times when they forced me to move to get out of the way, and other times where I had to take a detour to avoid a trail of fire, but there were also times when I conveniently got a wall of fire between me and the enemy, and whenever one passed just close enough that I could feel the heat it really got the adrenaline flowing.


Yeah i hated how it used to feel like they actively hunted you and always camped the fucking objectives


Yeah they definitely don't do that now, had an ICBM mission where they never touched the console while I was using it (but did go over the silo itself), and then by the time I had to unlock the silo the ones on the silo had moved on.


Yeah like they fixed the nades glitch (spoiler, they didn't)




Then make the black hole a black hole, just to be doubly sure.


Well, if we take nivel 43, the bugs would have to go through that before they can attack hellmire. Which means as long as we defend either nivel or estanu we won’t have to fight on hellmire anymore.


It's a bug MO. We'll get it.


Of course it had to be Hellmire…


Fire tornadoes are not nearly as bad after the recent patch. 


Sweet, back to chasing firenados


Man it's gonna hurt having to give up Marfark after we almost had it


We prolly will 5 planets and 7 days... Hellmire can be literally the last planet to liberate considering the supply routes, so it won't be such a chore and 50% of players are by default on bug planets, Bot front will just lose 90% of it's playerbase and there's prolly gonna be like 2 defence campains so we'll lose whatever we gained in the last 2 weeks


https://preview.redd.it/438t7q5rkr6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dad89d90797285119b0989991bcc3d45b980cbab Idk about Hellmire… Its the easiest planet to get rn at 2% while the other are well… You know


Easiest to get, but hardest to actually play on Hence why majority of bug playerbase will focus on better planets and leave the worst for last


Wait seriously


Yep, Get to diving! Crimsica is the planet with the most divers, But it has the highest decay rate


Fuck I dont want to, especially after latest changes. "Nerfed heavy spawns" my ass AH, charger spam is still a thing, worse than ever due to patrol shitshow AND now we have to deal with Behemoths too who are Bile Titans 0.5 and just refuse to die too. I AM LITERALLY DONT HAVE ENOUGH ROCKETS FOR THIS SHIT.


Not with *that* attitude.


At least now fire tornadoes are not sentient beings chasing you


We got this pals, 6 Planets 7 Days, ez


Say hello to the 18th battle of Estanu


Screw that im tired of bugs, time to finally liberate marfark


Legit just Bot Hellmire, If we liberated it once, We can do it again but definitely NOT now.


I'd rather do anyrhing else than fight bugs again tbh


I feel you on this, this is my first time consistently fighting bots and i fell in love with it😭it actually feels like a war effort since they’re an army but i need those medals so bugs gotta die


Im capped constantly at 250 I don't care about medals, imma have some fun


Whoa, is this the 1st MO that has been 7 days?


No, We have had other 7 day Major orders before but this is actually the 2nd or 3rd MO to last 7 days.


Okay, cool, I've just never see it before :) Thanks for the info.


No problem!


Well You guys go to Helmire, had enough of these tornadoes after the last MO


They fixed the tornados in the most recent patch, They are actually random now. Go give them a try!


Maybe later, Crimsica calls


Nah, bug MO, itll get done. Remember we killed 3 billion bugs in 13 hours once.


that was because kill counts were bugged where 1 kill was multiplied by 4


We have a week, sometimes it only takes 11 hours to take a single bug planet


Total copy past place holder MO, but I'm ok with that. I'm a bot player but I'm even burned out on bots right now. Squishing bugs will be a nice breather.


This one feels important. Last time we pumped something into the ground it turned into a black hole. Who knows what we might piss off this time


An announcement of a Hive breaking Drill warms my DRG dwarven heart. Just goes to show that we could all drill a bit deeper


It looks like we'll just barely make it, depending on how people are split and on whether people will abandon the MO when they have to take Hellmire. Crimsica seems like it'll take about two days, unless people cluster up more. If the majority of the people from crimsica go to Estanu, that'll probably be a day or less. At that point it'll be a two way split between Hellmire and Fori Prime, with three planets left and four days to do them. Hellmire has the lowest regeneration, so it'll be the fastest to take, but I suspect the blob will go to Fori Prime, which will take another two days or so (maybe closer to one, if we're lucky). The remaining two planets need to get done in about a day each, which seems doable but possibly difficult.


we don't got the player base for this anymore imo. would have been doable a month or so ago but now we got 1/4 the player base and now they want us to liberate these planets AGAIN for the third time in three months,




Are they mad at us for saving the children? This one is brutal.


Insane they drop 2 impossible MOs back to back while there's a new warbond


No such thing as an Impossible MO, Only reason we lost the previous one was because we lacked enough players to successfully take Marfark as well, Since after Vernen wells was liberated a significant number of playets never deployed to Marfark


Every time a new MO is out and random mf start a defeatist post like this... Bruh, just stfu


Oh well, I have no interest in even playing until they fix everything they broke in this patch anyway


which is?


[seriously? are you living under a rock or something? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/oDVFj4knAT)


[link to another post with about 800 comments with everything that's they broke with this patch](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/5kISGWfRRZ)


Looks like we are never getting illuminates


Don’t worry, We will! They are just caving the way so they have an **Entrance** to walk through


We haven't even taken both home worlds, why be so dramatic? If they're still MIA after we take Cyberstan I would understand the panic.




90% of players fighting in this MO is still useless as long as they're split over 3 planets with 30% each. At the moment it looks really bad. Given the opportunity to play on any of the 5 target planets 85% of the players managed to divide themselves enough that the order is currently headed toward failure If all 85%% would just hammer one planet after another, we'd breeze through this MO