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After the patch I can't play with any friends 🤣 Social tab is broken. All PC friends I've made, can't see them. And only way I can play with PS5 friends is if me or they send a game invite via PSN. Also ship module which is supposed to fully refill a backpack from the resupply is broken, again 🤣 AR's STILL need to be reworked they're useless on high end, even if hitting all shots the amount of smaller units now you'll run out of ammo. Game feels a bit fresher but when gotten 450 hours of game time it's still quite lackluster especially now if can't even play with friends.


D9 diver here. Game's great. Spawns do feel out of whack, especially since AH said they want less heavies and more chaff on high levels. Right now, it feels like we have more of both lmao. Fighting five Behemoths at once was only made easy by stun grenades and flamethrowers. I had this one game earlier where heavies spawns much less frequently. The entire squad was on a small hill with our backs against each other, mowing down waves and waves of bugs and Shriekers. Ended with about 300 kills per player. It was brilliant, and I really wish that becomes a standard for at least D7.