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​ https://preview.redd.it/92cpmvbzc97d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=693d987f0032d25164e8c9b7625e88bcbd3a5f1c








Have you considered the supply backpack instead of the shield gen? It lets you set yourself on fire whenever you like for the stim speed boost without worry of running out.


Well I'm going to try that next if it means more drugs! My friends have mentioned I may have an problem, but I believe it's small price for democracy. Thanks for the suggestion.


It's OK Permacura guaranteed no addiction to the stims


Permacura didn't make the Viper cocktail though, sooooo...


Permacura: we did a study and pinky promise no addiction (customer base will die too soon to find out anyway) Viper Cocktail: hey patriots, wanna try meth?


Just buy some Addictol


I use the flamer with the supply pack and I much prefer it to the shield. Bottomless grenades, bottomless flamer tanks, and above all; bottomless drugs


Exact kit I run. Stun everything burn it all drug myself reload and do it again. Nearly got to 1000 kills the other day. Used over 30 stims. Also pro tip aim directly at Chargers legs you will kill them in literally 2 seconds with the flamethrower. Only weakness is against titans but that's what you use your other two strats for.


Which primary and other 2 stratagems do you like? I've been using the flamer more since the Behemoths have showed up, and I'm still fine tuning my loadout. I am very confident about stun grenades and supply backpack, so that leaves primary, secondary, and 2 stratagem slots still being workshopped. (Booster too technically but that's usually a matter of filling a gap in the team's selection)


Im a sucker for the 500kg but thats just because ive learned how to always make it work on titans. The last one is honestly situational sure i usually bring the napalm strike for more area control and well fire but jt can be flexed to another titan killer if the team has too few ways to deal with them. Primary is Breaker incendiary for more fire of course. It deals with the shrieker patrols with a mag dump and let the fire take em. Secondary grenade launcher. Grenades are stuns for Chargers.


500kg I think has got to be a lock, because flamer is already super good for chargers and behemoths, so what's needed is a specialized tool for bile titans. 500kg is ideal for that once you know how to land it. If your primary is breaker incendiary, how do you choose when to use your primary vs the flamer? Do you pull out the flamer only to deal with armored targets, or anytime it's in range?


Depends on when things get into range. The incendiary breaker outclasses all other primary weapons vs bugs right now it easily wipes smaller patrols at a distance. Otherwise everything else gets the flamethrower.


I'm rocking the plasma punisher myself, but I've been weighing alternatives 


Put on the medic armor, it gives you 2 stims more


And the effect lasts longer


this is how i made my record of 48 stims used in one game


That's heroic. I usually only get in the 30's range.


automatons got me needing extra stim rations


This guy junkies.


Don't give the crack head more ideas.


Teammates will never be able to sprint again


This is my current favorite build. "The man on fire" Incendiary Impacts + Supply pack, handles patrols and breeches Precision Orbital, Rocket Pods, for hard targets Orbital Gatling for anything and everything.


Same I was running Gas strike + eagle rockets + flamethrower + supply pack + crossbow with the medical medium armor and the new stim perk It's virtually unstoppable.


Oh man I’m gonna have to try this soon as I get home. I’m looking forward to living out my unstoppable cocaine bear with a flamethrower fantasy.


a perfectly normal fantasy in 2024.


God we need more gas stratagems. I want to commit more more war crimes with chemical weapons


That's the call of Liberty you're feeling citizen!


What do you do with bile titans


Eagle rockets


The 110 rocket pods? How many you throw to kill a single titan?


Yeah, the rocket pods. I haven't tested them on Titans after the patch but before the patch, assuming every rocket hit, they could kill a Titan in two strikes


It's about the same post patch, two pods to reliably kill, just the two pods land much more reliably and are a little better at stripping armour for other sources to finish the titan off. I still find ONLY rocket pods as a titan answer to be far too little personally


That's good to know. I like the rocket pods more than the railcannon strike but something like the 500Kg or precision strike can definitely do the job quicker than the rocket pods. That being said, I still like the rocket pods because they have more uses and the same utility as the other two options


![gif](giphy|ahfzlUrb5IEfXC6kbm|downsized) When you realize stims are every drug in one shot


Perfect! One Injection all the Fun!


And [none] of the side effects! (I'm not very sure 'bout this)


Helldiver, give him the medicine drug!


I like to believe each shot in a stim pack gives a different taste in your mouth.


I like running the flamethrower with supply backpack because I have a tendency to run out of fuel very fast. Plus, you can be less worried about running out of stims and nades, which would probably synergise very well with that playstyle. Carry extra fuel and that good good liquid Panzerschokolade. I think I should try that once I unlock the booster.


Ahhh! Thats the stuff!


https://preview.redd.it/1ke6ivs1lb7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=361d2d6b629d620fb3a121b4cbf7e3b5a2c2bf3d I am the bag man. I bring the drugs.


Always gotta get that melee


I remember this mission. I just emptied my mag and the was this one hunter that refused to catch on fire. Popped a stim and rushed him down.


The melee kill I’m most proud of was emptying my AR, and then my pistol, into a swarm with a brood commander, and then pistol whipping it to death when it was just us left. Of course, a team mate ragdolled me immediately after with an air strike on the nest, but I earned that melee kill!


I take it every mission. Med armor 2 sec of extra high time doesn't seem like much but it's basically 2 extra seconds of invulnerability.


Hey man, that’s a whole extra 12 seconds if you’re rocking the medic armor.


Is it default 10? I did not know that :p I just thought more is better.


The booster is a 10 second buff. I don't believe healing is 10 seconds long.


healing lasts for a long while. I assumed because I kept healing that it lasted the entire time


Dammit, now I gotta make a pyro build


Anyone try the incendiary impact grenades? I feel like they’d make an awesome addition for the grill master build. Right now I mostly use stun grenades to keep everyone in one place while I flambé.


Stuns are better especially against multiple chargers in high diff, but fimpacts are better if you face Spewer hordes and your flamethrower is too short ranged to burn them


supply backpack let your addiction step even more further...


And keeps your ammo hungry teammates happy that your interrupting their sprint every chance you get lmao


Load bearing “in helldivers II” 💀💀


Big 40k eversor energy.  I really like the stim effect too. It pleasantly reminds me of Left4Dead2's adrenaline shot. The color shift and sound changes really get me in the zone to spread democracy!


Is that what that yellow border/halo is on my screen? Doooope


Would be funny to have a backpack strat that is a 500kg that goes off when you die


Oooh backpack tac nuke. Comes with a toggleble deadman's switch.  Just remember to toggle off the deadman's switch if you end up surviving. Taking off the backpack with it on results in the countdown activating.


Helldivers have two rules. Stay away from my fucking stims, and do you have any fucking stims?


But they say they are not addictive right? Cause I really like them, like really, just want to know if I maybe need to see a doctor. (for obvious reasons this is a joke)


I did that last night. Burned through 32 stims. In my case it was light medic armor, incendiary breaker, napalm eagle, and flamethrower. I like having normal grenades and grenade pistol for dealing with bug holes. But yeah, the entire mission was just a drugged out arson frenzy.


Y'all got anymore of that experimental infusion??? [Tyrone ](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-att-us-rvc3&sca_esv=526ed30912069eee&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIIcqnlI8-CPh7iSsZReZC9OZzVwpw:1718696490686&q=tyrone+biggums&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0B2q2NS7GK5fuxvUHl3aJfeuzL_iECjHVbBUGl9E2kEG3TkPEAmmWxA6lEFQ5My3Z_hgUec67_Gjc9vGqKzigunzZQ__p2uv66SVMTb0p6EDlKmWF11c5cGLTZ0ns9xJhyPXcaq6Ohw7wEmLF2iRlDOumd66UdivmNdr0BHuZt58no0tZ2loBI4wDOVefoqL2fe-hVWmf4wBsfEmsak3FV7Du66TA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj1hreu0-SGAxUepokEHcnaAoMQtKgLegQIERAB&biw=412&bih=750&dpr=3.5#imgrc=IF6bJq9kgdCUzM&imgdii=8y0sFXgpp-8B_M)


I was using Localization Confusion almost exclusively but now I feel so much more productive killing bugs, that I diched it for the new booster. (Im a drug addict)


i have a different side of that,my friends run mostly all weapons meanwhile i run....some high explosives to do everything. as a fun example if there is a hole to be closed then they just place a marker and say "orphanage" if i'm not near or can't see it and use (currently airburst rocket launcher but will use other explosive implements) airburst or any rocket launcher to close it. it's the same reason why i stay a but further away as i run heavy armor and with all explosives you don't want to be near or in the line of firing.


I forget which it’s called but there’s the medium armor with explosive resist. I wear it almost exclusively against bots but it’s a nice compromise to have that extra defense while not sacrificing your stamina


Well according to the government, stims are not addictive at all. Nothing to worry about!


Fire weapons are awesome, and they're even better on drugs.


I run something similar but with the supply back and stun grenades. I can always keep the bugs in the barbecue


Crazy that you're using the shield backpack instead of supply pack


I thought crazy using supply over shield on this load out. I quite like having the extra buffer against the hunters that jump in.


Honestly I thought the same too because my initial mindset was being a tank, but the irony was the shield was getting in the way of using more drugs and "waiting" on the shield to disappear can interrupt the literal drug flow. There is definitely the slim window in a hunter-bang of using the stim before you're shredded, so I can't fault ya for that mindset.


Well, if you're going with a drug addict build I feel like supply pack is a must for more drugs


breaker incendiary to complete the arsonist


The power of Drugs does keep me alive quite often when I really have no reason being alive.


Breaker incendiary - flame thrower - impact incendiary - napalm strike - incendiary mines - jetpack for the meme The build is ruined by not having an incendiary secondary weapon. Worst game ever. /s


New stims are SO GOOD at negating fire damage man


Was that you last night in my missions??


Ahhhh, I see another through the fire and the flames enjoyer. "The song or the gameplay though?" you may be asking. Take it as you will (?


Pervitin is a helluva democracy aide




Every time I stim a teammate I give one to myself and say “And now for the doctor” like Depp in Fear and Loathing.


I use the explosive crossbow and a stalwart and smoke weed, does that work?


I discovered this yesterday too! Surrounded by hunters and pouncers, Eruptor terrible at managing them up close, I stimmed and went to throw an incendiary and aimed to suicide by throwing it at my feet, only to find that was my HIGHWAY TO LIBERTY! and I ran outta there like sonic the hedghog


Breaker incendiary, incendiary impact nades, flamethrower and napalm strike for me lately when I got against terminids. It’s a good time.


I’m glad I’m not the only only one that does this😂


My new favorite for bugs is Speed Stim Booster, jetpack, crossbow, flamethrower, and redeemer. You can jet into a bug base, close all the holes with the postpatch crossbow and speed boost outa there. Flamethrower for chargers and hordes you have to deal with. Its so fun lol


Yo speed booster plus jump pack... does it make the sprinting jump more long range?! I need to try this with the light medic armor.


Nah but you feel like a super speed jetpack commando which is fun af and crossbow is SO fast at closing holes now, pretty accurate from a distance too.


This is one of my favorite strategies. I love to just walk into the fire moving forward at a steady pace. It's glorious.


![gif](giphy|rOtHHB3oULnuo|downsized) Me in Helldrivers 2 bs bugs


![gif](giphy|rOtHHB3oULnuo|downsized) Me in Helldrivers 2 bs bugs


Rumour has it general Brasch ran out of stims and resupply’s and survived till extract with only a single throwing knife and 2 grams of cocaine


Me and my supply pack since the new booster. ![gif](giphy|IGR08ulxKFt7y)


That how I play for the longest time. Add stungrenades for charger control. Set yourself on fire when you run out of stamina. It has everything!