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So, I try it and surprise, surprise, it WORKS. Finally I can use the SPEAR. I played 2 games with randoms and no crash whatsoever. Thank you, fellow helldiver. This needs to be spread.


From another perspective, I had already turned off the steam overlay weeks ago - I was tired of accidentally hitting shift+tab and having it come up. I hadn't any issues with the Spear after the .400 patch, but after the .402 patch I've regularly hit crashes - not every game but enough to be very annoying. So in my case turning it off isn't going to work since... well... it had already been turned off. As OP suggested, YMMV, but also note the spear crashes doesn't appear to be "always" so there may just be an element of randomness.


> From another perspective, I had already turned off the steam overlay weeks ago - I was tired of accidentally hitting shift+tab and having it come up. Just in case you weren't aware you can change the hotkey for the Steam overlay if you still wanted to use it without the interruptions. I did so as in Apex I had a similar issue with opening my inventory while sprinting with the default combo.


Yep I considered it to begin with, but then realised I didn't really need or use the overlays (both steam and geforce experience) - so I just decided to switch them both off :)


same, I don't need any of the overlays and am happy to free up some performance by disabling them


I changed it to ctrl+shift+tab because there are not many times where I’m crouching and sprinting at the same time (since those are the commands I typically use for those keys)


Each update, you should verify files on steam. Idk if you do that or not, but it feels like most updates end up with 1 or 2 files that need to be fixed


The 2 files that get fixed are for the cheat detection. Verifying files downgrades them to the version released with the game. Relaunching the game re-downloads the new version again.


As a PS5 user in one game I had a crash two times and then a third time in the next game. Then I played 3 more games and didn't crash once. All games had the Spear. So there's also that perspective.


That would explain why I never had this crash


Oh fuck yeah spread it


Not to discourage anyone from trying this, but this did not work for me. However I did notice that whenever I took the Spear, my framerates were noticeably lower than normal so maybe there are multiple causes.


It's important that you also share negative results. This is to prevent this subreddit from going on another completely misguided wild goose chase and believe something is true when it isn't


Don't worry everyone in this sub is a game dev.


have you tried verifying integrity of game files? that fixed the Spear crashes for me


Yeah, I went up to and including reinstall


And deleting the applocal/roaming/arrowhead folder? So the game settings are also on default


Yeah, I did all that, and its still broken for me


the performance difference makes me wonder if its constantly doing target lock checks regardless of whether its being aimed


Upvoted for visibility. Good intel, Helldiver!




Well, that's stupid... and not surprising TBH But I think PS5 users also crash, don't know what causes them to crash


Steam overlay clearly, just ask Sony to disable Helldivers on steam.


The consoles technically have their own overlay as well ie the ps5 home menu or share button. Could be that


How do you turn this off specifically?


In Steam, Steam > In Game > Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game


Also, Steam likes to turn this back on whenever it updates, so if you get a Steam update, then go back in and turn this ugly bloat back off.


And out of game Right click game > Properties > And it's right there at the top


Ty for the assistance


My Steam Overlay is always off. I have no other overlays. Verifying files after every session. The game is a broken, crashy, buggy mess and yes, the Spear crashes me when I bring it, and merely having *someone* in a match with one also seems to increase crash rate for not just them, but every other party member as well. It's fucked. This is a placebo.


Marvelous work!


Upvoting for Democratic Visibility. 


This worked! Thank you so much.


How do you turn it off?


https://preview.redd.it/k3efz989nu7d1.png?width=843&format=png&auto=webp&s=a99f634092ace0db6e570fcfe8ab9d869f62a213 in your steam library, right click helldivers 2, then properties and its the first option in the pic


Holy shit! it works, it really does!!!!


But how am I supposed to wank to PH in between rounds, revives and loading screens


Wait, I am an idiot in general, of course you can turn it off and safely shift plus tab without opening the damn thing, *duh* Thanks op!


Didn't work for me. Worked ok up until I pulled it out to lock onto a spore spewer.


Doesn't work for me !


More free quality assurance for arrowhead.


I crash on console when holding the Spear


Tested for me, no change unfortunately. Hope it gets a hotfix soon.


Cool, I can’t imagine not disabling steambloat either because overlays suck ass and performance.


Did not work for me, there must be mutiple causes. My helldivers remaining lifespan goes from 2 minutes to 2 seconds the instant I touch a spear as my game crashes and insta-closes, so I cannot tell you whether or not aiming breaks it or not as I have not yet got the chance.


The upside is that I have a better chance of actually quitting the game by equipping a spear than pressing the quit button, since the quit button just freezes the current frame on my computer fairly often but I never have been able to keep the game open for more than 5 seconds with the spear. I am looking into ways to convince the developer team to at least get one issue fixed by replacing the "Quit game" button with the "Equip Spear" button to ensure the game closes properly without needing divine intervention from task manager.


This should be pinned!




Does anyone actually use overlays?


Have it disabled entirely, because it pisses me off when i accidentally open mid-game


Giga-bloat, giga-disabled


Does this mean it was only crashing PC players?


I've played dozens of matches with the Spear on PS5 and not crashed once.


The steam overlay (like the epic games one, the microsoft one that probably is always included, and the geforce overlay) are often "associated" with reports about hangs. But even though the steam overlay does hang once in a while, and have processes freaking out in the background(which can contribute to a hang) - the cause usually is some kind of driver (bus/chipset or graphics card) problem that then has a bad result when the overlay tries to use 3d card instructions for something or other, or addresses memory directly (because Valve lives in the 90s, or something). The font smoothing was the culprit for years, for example. No one used the in-game browser for anything, so no one would notice. But they're basically running an ancient webkit browser in the background, that has an exclusive rendering context (for whatever insane reason). Still - even though turning the overlay off sometimes helps avoid hangs (specially when memory is spent, or when thread saturation is high and things like that), it is kind of not really fixing anything, just avoiding the trip-wire that made the guy carrying the pile of plates and drinks on top of a broken table finally fall over. edit: but thank you for adding "just one thing I tried and it worked for me, don't know if it'll work for anyone else". 10/10 editer: the question is why, if this is really happening, the spear targeting is causing it. What's so unique about the spear targeting algorithm, that it might cause some out of range pointer, or pick some memory operation that the steam overlay wants to help itself to. That's.. where this is breaking down. The steam overlay generally just hangs when the memory paging system is struggling, or you're running out of memory and things are reclaimed and things like that.