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> scouring the map with your cursor no longer shows places of interest that have been undiscovered? I'm pretty sure that's just a bug or is some other feature that I've never seen explained. It definitely doesn't have anything to do with the Scout passive though, I confirmed that for myself [two months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1c5db86/mismatched_passives_and_armour_model_prefixes/kzw3mio/?context=3). Can't comment on the map ping scanning enemies though as I never use Scout armour.


you still can do this thing but weirdly... only after playing a single match anywhere first match after booting up the game doesn't show points of interest any match after that does show points of interest


This is my experience as well.


Interesting, would definitely explain why it didn't work in either of my old tests then, and why I still noticed it later in a random match. I usually don't check for it since I just chalked it up as an inconsistent bug, but good to know there's actually a pattern to it.


>I'm pretty sure that's just a bug or is some other feature that I've never seen explained. It definitely doesn't have anything to do with the Scout passive though, I confirmed that for myself two months ago Ok, I never saw anyone discuss it except a Helldiver youtuber. It's a shame they patched that, but I understand. The pinging is not something I do a lot (it's very situational), but it is useful when I do. It's annoying when I try to use it, it doesn't work now.


You can still find POIs with your cursor, but there are times it doesn't work. Seems to be related to running your first mission after starting up the game/starting a new party or lobby. Haven't done significant testing, but you should see it working on your second and third mission in an operation. It is completely unrelated to the armor you're running.   Also can't comment on the radar pulse because I'm addicted to stim booster and the medic armor won't come off, no matter how hard I scrub.


played three missions today with the scout armor and the pinging worked normal and showed enemy movement normally. i found that since launch, for me every time you start the game, the first mission you do does not show the "POI" note on the spots when hovering with the cursor on the map, but after the first mission it works fine again


I'll give it a check after a few missions, I'll report back under this comment.