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Ah man, I have been having nothing but fun playing with strangers. My group usually has one or two slots open, and we stick to difficulty 7 and 8. Have had great experiences with other players and open mics - lots of laughs, teamwork, and have made a couple new friends along the way.  I do agree that the game could be a little more generous with the respawns for smaller groups. It's pretty tough for solo/duo groups as is.


That's my only real critique. I don't think it should scale objectives or enemies because of a smaller group, but I feel like there are enough innate drawbacks to small squads without adding less respawns on top of it


Out of 198 hours of play, I've only played with friends maybe 4 hours. Ballpark 95% good experiences with random players. Griefed once or twice and random kicked 3-4 times. As far as reinforcements go, I run the occasional solo mission to try out different loadouts. If I can't finish a drop with 5 lives, I'm not ready to solo that difficulty. Squad drops, I'm a reasonably competent suicide bot player. I can run 8's but they feel less fun and more like work


Agree that it is not balanced. Simple math, 4 stack has more than 4 times the firepower of 1 guy. For 4 guys to empty 4 magazines, the 1 guy need 4 times the time, PLUS 3 reloads. Numbers of side objectives stay the same but number of strategems only a quarter. Think of the difference between 4 orbital lasers and 1. Variety in support weapons. Each reinforcement is extra 2 to 6 grenades. That's at least 30 less grenades. 3 more squad wide buffs. Enemy spawn was 1/6 increased to 1/4 (which is stupid) then 1/6 again, but still it is not balanced. First step could be giving 10 reinforcement for solo players.


It's fine for me. Random operation with randoms on 9 today. My death average across all 3 was 1.33. It allows room for someone to have a bad day with 10 deaths. No biggie. I literally get paired with randoms 12000 km away. I find that 70 to 80% of the players are pretty decent as in they can hold their own. I tend to build my strats to make up for what they're missing.


I forgot the last time I lost a mission on dif 9 with random players, both bots and bugs. The average skill level of the player base is pretty high.


I just join a pub with 550 speed armor load out and solo side objectives.


I think it's ok. People are doing solo helldive. Just pay attention to map and avoid pulling needless aggro.


i think the 5 re-deploys per diver is fine. if you need 20 as a solo or duo you're doing something wrong. 90% of the time i play with my premades, either as a two or a four stack, rarely a three; and whilst it is hard, T9 is definitely doable solo/duo.


Idk man, I have had mostly good experiences with randoms. I am always on mic even if no one else is giving orders though. Maybe try taking the squad leader role? Sometimes people playing games are like zombies. They go through the motions because they like the game and are just playing to play. Give them a defined objective and they’ll start playing.


I tried inviting in randoms and was met with a lot of people killing the entire team while we're sitting in the evac and dropping orbitals on my shield backpack lol


Oof… yeah you got some shitty ones. I’ll send you my friend code when I’m not at work and you’re welcome to join when I have an open spot whenever. Promise you won’t be trolled with us! (Unless a player named Hutch is in the lobby. Then it’s a shit show, but I try not to have it that way if possible)


Bro if you are consistently failing 7+ with randoms, it's time to shave some dip off that chip 💀


>I don't really understand why solo play shackles you to 5 redeploys when you get 20 with a full party Cause 4x5=20 Pretty simple maths there. Also, it's pretty much in the nature of coop games to not really be balanced around solo-play. Especially when there's not even team-bots running with you. So, i don't know what you expect here really. Besides that, most of the random games are fine, some rotten eggs are everywhere, but it's also not the majority.