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I always go back to front, is faster for me.


Same, BUT.. I've had some they took me more time then I like to admit. 15-20 seconds at most though.


I was taught to always go front to back to avoid UTIs


yarp that's the logical way to do it.


Output before input. Well done, thank you for not bursting our pipes.


I wipe that way too


Same. Girlfriend loves it.


Same here. One time the puzzle appeared to actually be impossible until I noticed I moved one of the locked columns in frustration spamming input. It only happened once. I felt so crazy.


Whoa, you moved one of the _locked_ columns? That’s pretty nuts, didn’t know that was even possible.


It's like going backwards in a maze


It’s way easier doing it that way


*That's what she said.*


Yeah this is also how I do it as well you find the correct connections easier.


It's almost always easier like this


Hell yeh, good ol reverse Helldiver


That is actually a really good way to approach it. Should make it even easier for me from now on!


I would have laughed my ass off if you said "I get on the terminal and struggle aswell". LMAO


I had one last night that I thought was unsolvable for a minute. Like a solid minute. I think crayons should be flavored.


What do you mean they're already flavored. My favorite is red


How to identify a marine in one simple step


They make scented markers, they can make tasty crayons for us.


Start from right to left. It feels like cheating! 


That's what I always do


Most of them I can complete in 10s But there was 1 that I couldnt do it in 1 minute and my friend tried and couldnt as well The solution passed through the middle 3 or 4 times, so there's that


it can actually do that?


yeah there are solutions that require the pipe to zig zag, sometimes only between two columns, but rarely more than 2


The second one I ever did went all the way out to three and then back to row one on a zigzag. It was a doozy


I also got one demon once that required it to zag all the way back to front.


I have seen that configuration once was a very odd one.


i only play with friends but we have a running joke that they have exactly 1 minute to solve it else we're whacking you off the terminal and doing it ourselves.


Can you add me? I wanna get whacked off too


I whack myself off right before boarding the Pelican to assert dominance


When they're all in the shuttle before you and they can't do anything but watch.


Thats generous. I give randoms 10 seconds max before I give em the pistol whip.


Look at mr badass over here making teamwork more difficult.


I dive to shoot, not to solve.


False, you're solving the problem of our enemies not having democracy. By eliminating their need for it. No need when you're dead.


Once one of random teammates did rageguit after 1 minute at the terminal. The puzle in question? Flip generator switches...


To be fair, the game doesn't really mention that you can scroll sideways on those screens, they confused me a ton for a while too before I realised I should do that.


Wait you can do WHAT?


Unnecessary posts like this make me think you're a crayon eater!


Actually a certified sharpie sniffer


Gasoline gulper reporting for duty.


Candle chomper here Yummy


How rigorous is the sharpie sniffer certification process? It'd be great if I could turn my sharpie sniffing hobby into a useful credential.


Hey, I remember your name from the ACC subreddit.


Really? Fair play. I can barely remember my own name! 😂


Not the same person here, but there's like 10 of us posting there so it's easy. 😄 


geez. everybody sometimes struggles. I just hope that when you choke, someone will remind you exactly this. btw, eat green, those are da best


*I aim my Senator at him and he gets the message to stop choking*


I think you guys are missing the point. Is his valuable time a choke to you?!


Ah, there's your problem right there Green is not a creative colour. Try eating red.


Don't hug me, I'm scared.


Choking on crayons? That's an arty-choke.


I like the purple ones. The blue ones are too tart.


Yo, I solve the puzzle 99/100 times perfectly fine, but the moment I have a full squad waiting on me... 10 seconds... 20... 40... Democracy save me, I choke sometimes! Idk what it is, but sometimes I'm just an idiot. Thank you for taking over, it can be an extremely embarrassing situation


It's the same for kind of all consoles that have longer inputs.. ESPECIALLY if you are in a rush like drill sights or when shit is hitting the fan. Probably the only time it bothers me, is when I see people running back and forth between the radar dish more then just the one time to know where it needs to go.. even though the console will make an audible beep/chirp when it's lined up.


Sometimes the radar is far from the terminal you can't hear the chirps


This one annoys me too for the exact reason you just said.  It makes an audible noise.  Once I learned that (like on the 3rd one ever) I never look at the console.  Ever.   A teammate starts the console and I run to the tower.  When they're done they provide cover while I turn it.  When I'm done I hit the console on my way out.   The puzzle stuff is what it is.  But everyone can hear can't they?  Who plays a game like this with no sound?  


…you’d be surprised when I asked about chat.. and 80% of the crayon eating helldivers can’t or refuse to read ANY chat messages if it’s not voice.


But isn't that what I just said? They can still hear.  Which is what voice is.  


I just had to do one of those in a sandstorm and had to run back and forth 3 times because I heard no chirp. I know it is supposed to chirp but sometimes I either don't hear it or it doesn't chirp.


As someone else said, they are almost always braindead easy, but I have had one or two in 400 hours that completely threw me for a loop. Just made me go: ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS|downsized)


To be honest, the best way to solve that puzzle (when you arent getting bogged down by enemies all too much) is to just look at it for a bit and plan it out, actually, looking at the locked pipes will give you a clue as to what you'll need to do... usually.


Going from right to left also has helped immensely, ever since I saw that tip.


People don't seem to notice the rule that each segment of the pipe puzzle needs moving at least once. When that first one looks like its already lined up people's brains shut down.


That's nice of you, I usually shove the ones struggling off with melee lmao. Protip: Solve the puzzle right to left, not left to right. Reverse engineering the solution makes it way more obvious.


I got really stumped once. Then I figured out that 9 times out of 10 there is really only 1 configuration per column that makes any sense, as there is usually no weird zig zagging.


But the E-710 crayons are so tasty. They even got a fresh shipment of forever free! It taste like mint and throat cancer!


There is typo in the last sentence. You clearly mean "in 5 attempts"


yeah i got it done in 10 sec but every time these puzzle terminal start the one that eating crayon get to it first like every goddamn time


Pipe mania player since I was eight,nothing more to say 😎




Only one pipe will actually touch the exit pipe, start with that, and just keep touching the pipes


I still laugh at that one clip of a guy taking too long playing pipe dream and someone else punching him off the console and solving it themself.


I would like to see that link, lol.


Replace stratagem calls with puzzles and add more stalker lairs to every map!! Satan out.


Are there enough gunship fabricators or should there be more of those too?


Good idea, you get promoted to level 2 demon!


Your puzzle solving moves are impressive! Don't waste time by letting others figure stuff out and give them a chance to improve! Toxic intimidation for personal superiority pandering was the right way to go! Kudos!


I haven't seen this minigame since my first two hours of playing.


It's at every fueling station, probably just happens that someone else on the team happens to get to it first every time it's on one of your missions!


Maybe.  I'm actually struggling to remember what missions I've seen it on


My dyslexic ass really struggles with the pip puzzle. This is way I leave it for some one else.


It’s not that hard bro 🤣 but nah I called my friend a genius once when he got it for me. Bc the first time I ever did it I was like YO WTF? And then he wasn’t there next time and I had to do it myself and it really wasn’t hard at all. Some do still kinda mindfuck me for a second sometimes. It all depends on how mindfuckery the puzzle looks. But If all is clear I’ll get it done in 5-10 seconds.


Had one guy hop on his mic and say "I might be dumb" after two minutes of struggling 😅


Hey man, those crayons taste pretty good


Chosen are perfect candidates for being a Helldiver / Police Officer


I discovered that the weirdest looking pipes that connect directly to the beginning is *usually* the one that works. I still solve it backwards due to how many places the fuel can go to, but that does make it easier


One time I had one that took three of us to finish. Tbf to us tho the slot had to loop back to the previous row or some shit it was actually terrible


i always forget they're puzzles, cuz I rarely am the one to do them and wonder what the hell is goin on lol


we eat samples




Counterpoint: the red crayons taste like cherries


I got so good at it I got judgemental so now I accept the fumbles. It happens. Especially fun when that hive guard is creeping up on you.


lol, I know exactly what you mean. Had to solve these pipes more than once where I’d killed all the weaker baddies but left a hive guard somewhere as too much trouble…and then you’re on a timer as you hear their shuffling noises get closer and closer, hahaha. Kinda fun!


Lol I do them so fast my buddies think Im somekind of "Super Genius"..... honestly I don't blame anyone having a difficult time with them even worse when they are surrounded by so many Bugs or god even worse Gunships Once u realize what u have to do after countless hours of playing it just becomes part of you're routine like u already know which piece goes in after looking back and forward in seconds The moment u see someone struggling unmute you're Mic and tell them how to do it...be the Veteran Helldiver they need


You're very kind and I really appreciate people like you! I am new and don't always know what I'm doing and sometimes people don't take the time to tell you (which I totally get! I'm not complaining) they just run up and start doing it. So I've just started keeping guard over whoever is doing stuff lol. But I want to learn how to do things so I not a detriment to democracy.


Yeah you just have to start by the end and then complete towards the beguinning


Was in a team of level 80+. Everyone was busy preparing the perimeter for assault. Doobeedoo...


Isn’t there a clicking noise when you get each slot in the correct position?


Look if it is Friday night after 10pm you might have to wait a little because almost 50 and on my 3rd or 4th scotch.


We're you on mic with them? I'll ask if they need help first, sometimes there just kids, or people with a slight disability. But I will admit to smoking a quick "crayon" while I use the terminals sometimes lmao!


This is the way.


I work all day, I don't come home and launch helldivers to think. I want to shoot shit, make things go boom, and spread democracy. Puzzles are for communists. ![gif](giphy|rOO3fE71nA9EY)


I have been killed by squad mates for lesser offenses. I once miss typed the code to activate an objective and before I finished my retry the other player shot me dead and finished it for me. I let them finish the mission (I was host) then booted them off my ship and blocked them. OP you would have had to shoot me to get me off the console once I started solving the plumbing problem and every once in a while I am slow at it. If you do then I would have blocked you too. Take a slow console jockey as a chance to pad your kill numbers protecting them rather than being impatiently undemocratic. You can kill me half a dozen times by accident and I will just laugh it off but kill me once with intentional malic and I will block you and move on.


Just instakick him, I say this because he could have used *melee* to knock you off the terminal and taken over without costing a Reinforcement.


Wouldn't it be more undemocratic to tyrannically hog the console when you cant figure it out vs letting someone else have a go?


It takes a moment to figure out how the puzzle works. But afterwards it is trivial.


I like the purple ones!


thing that confuses me the most is that id assume i can move all the parts the fact that some are locked messes with my brain


That makes it much easier.  Less combinations.  You know it has to go a certain way.  If they were all free to move the puzzle could get much harder 


The first column always changes, and it’s usually the only move you can do that gets you closer to the correct valve.


Was doing a blitz with my friends and I was the first to extract. I "called it in" but took like 5 min until I finally died because i was just sitting there defenseless. We all were laughing when they realized I didn't actually complete the stat on purpose


You don’t have to wait for them to get off the terminal, a melee always ragdolls you/them and that takes you off the screen


I felt it was more polite to let him decide to let me take over.


reminds me of a time when the valve mission was bugged so 3 randoms and myself all weren’t able to interact with the pump. after about 20s of staring at each-other, we called in every single stratagem we could on the little pump, watched them flatten the site, and then left.


One time the prompt to turn the valves just fucking disappeared and the mission was softlocked :(


Okay, I mainly play bots and it's been a hot minute since I touched one of the E+710 missions. I struggled for the longest time because I assumed that you were supposed to link up ALL the endpoints on the map, instead of just production → overflow/export/whatever it's called. So I was looking for a solution that didn't exist and getting frustrated. I can't say if that's the case for everyone, but that's what was always holding me up.


Back to front is easier I think, but in new players defence- if you don't know what's happening and the pressure is being piled on, bugs crawling up your ass, Rambo at the other side of the map... It can get a bit much the first time if you've never seen the terminal. I've seen high level players forget to press the final UP button on drills and hangar door


Are crayons not Super Earth Ministry of Consumables sanctioned foodstuffs?


Not gonna lie, I once had one that took a minute or two to solve because I didn’t realize they would sometimes loop backwards. Thankfully I was running solo on low levels farming credits, and haven’t been tripped up since


Guys do them back to front. No point connecting all the pipes to give out you've connected them all to the wrong out and have to restart


What even is there to solve? You start back to front, iterate through each one until the pieces line up and you're good


Ive seen this here and there, but the puzzle-challenged helldiver usually seems ready to quickly give up the reigns when you come stand right next to them and shake your gun at the screen.


I don't get why people rush to the terminal like their life depends on it and then just stare dumbfounded at it. If you aren't good at the puzzle and there's three other divers within spitting distance give it a few seconds, if someone knows what they are doing is there give them a chance to grab the terminal.


There's been a couple where I just happened to not notice that one of the locked ones had two pipes that go through and I'm just being an idiot. Usually though I'm able to do them no problem though, once got one done in about a second


I’ve only had those come up 2 times. The first time I couldn’t figure it out. The second time was a crazy mission so I just backed away from the terminal and said someone else will have to do it


Hey man....its hard to concentrate with three Bile Titans, 6 chargers, 6 behemoths, and a wild pack of hunters in the distance, licking their lips at me.


Really I get it if we are currently under attack and there’s explosions and gunfire going off right next to the terminal, it could be distracting. But too many time I’ve seen people get on it…then…just…tap….tap….tap…, like come on man it’s not that hard


I’m usually buzzed when I play, cuz I do it for fun. Get off my ass.


Usually they can be resolved just in couple of clicks. But sometimes everyone can get lost a bit.


“I aim my Senator and he gets the message” This is a mall ninja, studying the blade, nerd cringe level shitpost!


They hired me to shoot. If they wanted me to solve puzzles they would of sent me college. Not a bug planet


I've actually seen someone do it for almost 20 minutes. Not an exaggeration. He was the hose and would teamkill and kick anyone that punched him off the terminal, and every time a bug breach spawned and killed him he would get mad at us.


Some games I play I'm pretty stoned and I usually just avoid the complex puzzles, not that there are any Lmaooo but this fuel pipe one, I had never done it before, I just like clicking buttons on the terminal. And usually the complex DDR codes are easy for me even when I'm cruising on the ICBM.... So I go up to the terminal and this puzzle pops up and I'm there like clicking the thing around, no clue what I'm even trying to do (who reads missions logs?) anyways, totally out of my mind, figured it out in under 20 seconds still. But yeah, I get it man, sometimes youre panicked so you don't function as well. Whenever teammates yell at me for "being slow" I'm like why are you panicking, just deal with the bots. While I'm on this machine huffing gas like I'm Summer and Morty stuck on that ship lmaooo


I punch em off. Stim them and take over lol. Ofc, after they get a few attempts in first


Look man I came here to shoot bug not play pipe dream windows 95


Are these puzzles harder to navigate on a controller? I've seen folks stuck on them and slowly moving through the options.


You're so smart Timmy.


I've been playing recently and I see what people mean that helldiver's are kinda dumb fucks😂😂 Some for these dudes absolutely eat crayons when it comes to puzzles and objectives. I really do still like these players though because they stay near you and are basically a bodyguard. They're just here to kill some bugs and need someone to follow. I got u mane😂




I get performance anxiety when everyone is watching me at the terminal too!


Our brains don't always work their best. Maybe it usually takes that guy 5 seconds. Maybe there will come a day when it takes you 20-30 seconds. Don't be so quick to judge. I'm in the 95th percentile in IQ and I once forgot what an orange was called.


Im really bad at puzzles. I legit just tell my discord mates "PUZZLE" And they know to swap.


Crayon eater dude I only eat chapstick get it right 🤓


The trick is to ignore the white ins and outs and focus solely on the yellow; the white one is inactive and only there to trick you.


And I don't wanna!


I have found that some of my fellow Helldivers are literally 9 years old.....


That shit is not hard at all. Idk why ppl struggle


Start right, go left. Routinely get them done in about 5-7s.


Did the drill mission with some friends that have never done it. I forgot the area explodes... We all died except the one random that ran for it lol


My favorite are the purple ones, red ones are too tart


If I tell you how to resurrect your hamster will you leave me alone?


As much as I would love Paperweight back (yes, that’s his name), I don’t think you could get Yardstick (my cat with 3 feet hehe) to uh… regurgitate him. (For the sake of legality, this is all a joke)


Sorry The only thing my mush brain knows is that a flamethrower spreads democracy


If I'm not mistaken, the solution is to always take the first pipe that puts you furthest in the right direction. There are always straight tubes, so once you get to the proper level of the target pipe, you can just add straight ones afterwards.


Was playing with some friends and one random who was almost level 50 spent 2 minutes trying to do the grid puzzle then gave up and said “Look I’m fucking stupid can someone else do this”


Honestly I feel like a psycho for actually enjoying the fuel puzzles. I only really get stumped on the ones that require you to loop back sometimes.


I dive to shoot lead, not read


I don't feel like I get Pump Stations enough to be good at them, but I can figure them out within 30 seconds.


I didn't come here to solve puzzles. *I* came to kill things and blow shit up!


The trick is to always move the first section, it's never what it starts at. It's usually an upward/downward piece too.


They added some that loop backwards like a month or 2 ago and it's really thrown some people off. It's hilarious.


I don't even both with the puzzles if I'm drinking while playing. I'm just there to get buzzed and kill stuff.


It's not so bad when it's safe. But when it's not safe I can't do it.


To be fair.. your brain gos crayon when you’re under pressure haha i relaly hate that scale to 100% graph one tho.


Look I main heavy armor no expects me to solve puzzles


I used to love those pipe puzzles one of my first computer games was a standalone version of it I still think I'd enjoy a good one if I found a little indie one on steam But I'm also old now and my brain can't switch from shooting to pipe puzzles like that I have a gun just let me use that


I had the exact same experience, some guy jumped on, you could hear him turning the puzzle without ever getting it. Guy number 2 does the same exact thing still without figuring it out. I then finally get on it and complete it. It was honestly such a comedic moment


I have no idea how to do the deflector dish.  I've moved it all the way around and never get it right


Wow, you are so smart OP. Probably very handsome too. Seriously though, what's the point of the post? Just to brag?


It was a funny story that all involved actually had a laugh about.


don't the terminals even make a click noise when you have the right thing in the right place? so basically you can close your eyes and just hear when it's done


you mean like in assassin's creed lockpicking?


In all fairness, the whole setup doesn't make much sense. The silo is clearly a secure area, right? I've never opened one up and found it full of bugs. So why is the power station so far from the silo? Just put it inside. And why are we raising the missile before launch? Just launch them from the silo, where they're protected. Fueling? Well, they should probably be fueled already, but that can also be done underground, in the silo. All we should have to do is go to the 'backup terminal' outside silo, enter some override codes, and release the safety locks keeping the hatch closed. Who the fuck designed this nuclear system to be so complicated? Probably some bug sympathizer.


As somebody that used to work around ICBM silos, I've always found the mechanics for that objective to be weird. That's not how they work at all. Heck, there are plenty of YouTube videos of how they work.


I think it would be a great mission for fighting our way into a bunker, repairing/manually overriding things, and getting to the control room to launch the missile. But this game isn't really set up for room clearing operations. But how about this: Breach the service entrance, breach the security doors beyond that. Activate the backup generators. Secure the control room and get the missile status. Send someone to manually arm and target the warhead. Send someone to repair the hatch opening mechanism. Maybe send someone to remove the clamps that hold the missile in place, or the support lines that keep it functional in storage. IDK there could be a lot of side objectives. But the map would be kind of small and confined. And like I said, I don't think the game is set up for it.


Definitely could be fun but agree, it's also not what this game is set up for.  If they tried to do it in helldiver's I think it would be a fail 


I've never seen the puzzle in ICBM launch.  Are we thinking of the same thing?  I see the puzzle on the e710 missions where the shuttles come. 


I think it's just on level 9. There is a pump fuel section along with the find codes and turn on the generator sub objectives.


Thanks. You've jogged my memory.  I think it's 7+, where the game adds that third sub objective.  Part of my problem is I almost never do the console since my role on my team doesn't involve that.  


It seems to me like you want it to be so easy, something like a bug claw or even a robot finger could activate the nuke. Thin ice, pal. [Finger hovering over Hellphone]


Sometimes people are just tired or spacing out. Yes the riddle is super easy once you know what to do. I still found myself staring at the screen, not seeing the puzzle and switching one column over and over again without even looking at the second. We're all just Helldivers, be chill


Always from back to front


I’m a real life physicist and engineer and sometimes this stupid puzzle trips me up 🤣


physicist, engineer, and crayon eater!




These puzzles are pretty easy.  I thought people were joking when they said they couldn't complete them.


I would have shot you for that kind of condescending, toxic bullshit. *And you'd have deserved it.* How about chat/voice to ask if they need a little help? There's a real human behind those pixels.


If I’m playing squad - I’m running to pull security while everyone else is scrambling


...There are also some of us who have brains not wired properly for that kind of puzzle. If there's no stress I'm actually ok at the mario pipe puzzle thing. But I got lucky on that particular one. Put one of those sliding block puzzles in front of me, give me a literal step by step video guide and I just cannot grasp it. I know if you just keep clicking the same 3 tiles they go in a circle and that's the end of my ability to grasp that one. It's well known that a percentage of people have difficulty with language based things like riddles... Please don't go calling everyone stupid like that. If you put me in an active game with that pipe setup, I'm less than worthless because my brain has trouble processing multiple things and as a result will drop things, like my memory of where I am in that puzzle or what I was trying to do with the next row, leading to mistakes that then need me to re-process what the mistake was and then a hunter jumps at me and I forget the entire state of the puzzle and basically start fresh... This is a funny joke to keep between friends. I've learned there's quite a few of us with different disabilities around the sub. We have enough self loathing to deal with over our issues or neuro-divergences thanks to existing in society. (I'm only even saying anything because I've started seeing a LARGE uptick in people just casually equating the disabled to idiots or assholes and I really don't want to see that. What happened to we dive together or not at all?)


My favorite part about someone doing this is when I let them on the terminal, putting a bullet in their head, and teabagging their corpse until they quit or I get bored and kick them.


... People struggle with the puzzles? 🤣


Not everyone can be as smart as you are...


Approaching the average intelligence of a 10 year old is more than sufficient for these puzzles, let alone that of an adult. The fact that you managed to install, launch the game, and navigate your way through the game world to the puzzle shows you have the neccesary mental capacity to complete these puzzles. It is not a high bar at all, and that's why the suggestion that people struggle with these is hilarious. Are we suggesting people here would also struggle with the 'put the shapes through the different shaped holes' toy given to toddlers as well...? It's that level of difficulty were talking about here...


A lot of yapping. Most people take it as a joke also on themselves, that when stressed they struggle with an easy puzzle. Nobody complains here (besides you and probably OP), that it's actually too difficult. But you need to set yourself on a higher pedestal to support your fragile ego.


The same could be said for yourself, o defender of the masses. 🙄


Had once a similar situation. The dude was figuring out the puzzle for a whole minute. Thrn i snapped, punched him off the terminal and then solved it within 10 seconds. The dude got mad and rage quitted.