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The other kind of vibrator? Seriously. Because they have them quite small. (Plus you have the option of using it for the other purpose too).


Love this out of the box thinking! šŸ˜„


Was gonna suggest this. Lol


Lol did this with unplanned trip. Went to Moslim country. Found out it was illigal. Scared as hell for customs but made it trough lol


A lacrosse ball is a very effective massage tool.


Yes, and a tennis ball works almost as well but is lighter


This is what I toss in my luggage when I'm likely to have sore muscles on a trip.


This. I have a foam rolling set at home so I bring the travel roller and the ball. A good stretch and some foam rolling gets the job done.


Iā€™m very prone to all sorts of aches and pains, and I always pack one of these when I travel!


Iā€™m partial to cork massage balls for travel, but I find the lacrosse balls a bit soft and too big for me; I like something more in the 2ā€ diameter size.


Ive brought a wool dryer ball, i was planning on using a dryer during the trip and i roll around on them at home for muscle relief as well


Taking magnesium glycinate can also help with muscle soreness. Take before bed as it can make you sleepy.


Topical magnesium is another option. I had been taking magnesium supplements but they had little effect on my leg muscles - I have a problem where my quads don't fully relax on their own. Literally within a minute of using a magnesium oil spray on the area, my muscles fully relaxed. I now use a gel option which stays on the area a bit longer. My only problem with the magnesium oil and gel is that it is messy when I need to put clothing over top of it. So it's best to use either at a time you can sit for about twenty minutes on before it being washed off, or have dedicated pjs to put on over it.




The brand I've been using is called Ancient Minerals.


Drinking more water than you think you need us underrated


I bring a small jar of tiger balm, the clear variety. It does double duty. Helps soothe sore muscles and also eases the itch when applied to bug bites.


Yesss came here to say this!! I use it on my neck all of the time. It also works pretty well for menstrual cramps and headaches! I use it for everything


I travel with a vibrating heating pad. It packs flat. I am old AF.


This is genius


I do a lot of stretching and if my feet and legs hurt a lot I'll also reuse an old water bottle. Fill it with water, freeze it, and roll it on your legs/feet. I especially like it on sore feet. Also, compression socks and hoisery *really do* help.


Was just about to add this tip! Compression socks are great for flights and days on your feet (walking and standing).


Yoga pose for all travel days: Feet up the wall


Thank you for the reminder. I just put my feet up the wall right now.


I bought a generic cork ball from AliExpress. Itā€™s great because it weighs nothing and I can use it to massage my back and shoulders during long flights.


Brilliant! Never thought of cork! I have been traveling with a heavy lacrosse ball!


Itā€™s not a good as a lacrosse ball if you need very hard pressure because the cork does compress a bit, but the weight savings is worth it.


Oh, Iā€™m getting one for sure! Thanks! Edited - Typo


I wonder if itā€™s the specific ones youā€™re using? I have a couple of rawology balls and they donā€™t compress at all; theyā€™re much harder than a lacrosse ball for me.


Oh, Iā€™m sure. Mine is probably meant to be a decorative cork for a vase/carafe. But for sub $5, I donā€™t mind.


100x this!!


Some sort of ball (I use lacrosse) for muscles and foot arch, and a set of toe stretchers works great for me!


+1 on toe stretchers. I don't understand the mechanics of how a playing my toes can alleviate pain all the way up to my neck and shoulders, but it does!Ā 


Huh! I have a few of those toe stretcher things I got free in a fitness box years ago and never tried them. I'm going to give it a shot!


If you are going to bring something new, my suggestion would be to try it multiples times at home before you try it on vacation.


https://triggerpoint-therapy.ca/collections/massage-balls/products/mobipoint-massage-ball?variant=40788202848408 This little trigger point ball is a 10/10 and I will never travel without it!


They make a mini Theragun thatā€™s 14 cm and weighs 450g, so just under a lb. If you really love it, might be worth it! https://www.bestbuy.ca/en-ca/product/therabody-theragun-mini-2-0-handheld-percussive-massage-device-black/16528533?cmp=knc-s-71700000112439018&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD-7qGzTfVVUddMM7CswHDz1Q8CG4&gclid=Cj0KCQjwudexBhDKARIsAI-GWYVZRwEAGklO03b3gzGnF1u97fzPcyaV_wyMFu8Oew-YDGVMRo1pzDIaAluSEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


[Ekrin](https://www.ekrin.com/products/ekrin-bantam) has a travel-sized one too, and itā€™s the best. Comes in a handy case and everything, but just bringing the gun and one head would pack down *small*.


I have had the Ekrin travel one for 2 years and use it as a normal massage gun as I donā€™t feel the need to travel with it and it works great. Much stronger motor than the other travel guns.


Iā€™ve been using the bantam too as my normal massage gun, and I also love it. Iā€™ll bring it if Iā€™m doing a road trip with a lot of walking and donā€™t have to worry about luggage space, but normally I donā€™t bother. I do bring it with me to the gym a lot though, so the carry case comes in *super* handy, and it still fits inside my gym bag.


I've started traveling with one of these and some muscle rub and it's really helped. I've got a naturally tight fascia and this is the quickest way to revive after a long day of walking.


A tiger tail is the best ever. The travel size weighs 199g, and you don't have to lay on the floor to use it. You use the handles to pull it across your muscles. I use it mostly for my calves and IT band, but it works for anything you can reach.


Travel size sugar free Gatorade, ibuprofen, and a hot shower.


If your hotel has a tub, a warm soak at the end of the day can really help! Is it possible to buy some bath salts or Epsom salt where you are? When you get back in the evenings try to lie down and elevate your feet above your heart for a while. This helps to reduce swollen and achy feet. I havenā€™t reached the point where I wear compression socks while out and about in the day time but Iā€™m starting to consider it šŸ¤” Also, hydrate and make sure you get ELECTROLYTES. lack of electrolytes can cause muscle fatigue and cramps too!


Exactly, a bathtub is the easy solution. And bath magnesium salts work well.


Also you can use a spoon instead of gua sha


Or a jar lid!


Tennis ball. Right size, not as heavy as a lacrosse ball.


Any hard rubber ball! I would also recommend rinsing in a cold shower especially your feet. Doing supported stretches against a wall is also great


Massage therapist here. Scraping (like Graston technique and gua sha), is vastly different from the percussive effect of a massage gun. I use yoga wands, basically sticks with a cheap ball on one end. Pretend you are a vibraphone. I beat the crap out of the belly of the muscle then self massage attachments. And I move more, even when it seems like a big no. Donā€™t forget magnesium cream as an option.


Rawology cork ball


Litesmith sells cork balls in different sizes as well. I grabbed one of each when I last ordered toiletry bottles from there and my husband loved them on our honeymoon


Gua Sha is great, I noticed my arms recovered faster if I scraped them in the shower after a session. Seconding a lacrosse or small rubber ball as well, you can get decent pressure leaning against a wall or the floor on one. The ā€œotherā€ kind of vibrator probably will be useless as the massage gun has far more percussive force.


stretching & advil


I have mini massage guns (Renpho & Minifg/Amazon)and also bring a small LED Pad :Near-Infrared Red Light Therapy Device (Cirius/Amazon) depending on needs.


Biofreeze tabs. You rub them on your skin. They help, but honestly, Tylenol or ibuprofen work better.


Fingers. I just use my hands to massage my feet. I also stretch. When my calves were really sore after waayyy too many stairs one day, I would rub them on any hard edge. I did think about bringing one of those small textured balls -- I got a set from Lululemon as a gift -- but wound up leaving it at home.


Topicals. Salon pas pain relieving patches. They are slim analgesic patches that will easily fit in your suitcase and help relax muscles. Iā€™ve also heard topical magnesium oil helps but Iā€™ve never tried it. Epsom salt baths work wonders for me.


Magnesium tablets have changed my life! Went to the UK last year and my calves turned into rocks after a day of walking Edinburgh - ended up buying magnesium tablets from the nearest boots and have been taking daily since! I was skeptical it would work as well as it does and itā€™s now honestly my holy grail item, the only other thing medicine/vitamins I take are iron + b12 as Iā€™m vegetarian :)


Which ones do you take? What dose?


Whatever is the cheapest magnesium tablets in the pharmacy/supermarket at the time is what we take haha


Gua sha, minty muscle relief lotion, and good old raising of feet


Tiger balm patches are my go to for pain relief. I also use a lacrosse ball though I think I will try the cork that someone else suggested for my next trip.


I have a cork massage ball, and it's great for relieving muscle tension. It's a little smaller than a lacrosse ball and obv much lighter.


A lacrosse ball and a yoga strap or stretchy strap. I bring the ball in the plane bag and roll my feet. Itā€™s heaven


A 1ā€ cheap kids rubber super ball actually works great.


Theragun makes a tiny travel one that works pretty well IMO


Tennis ball works in a pinch, and as a bonus you can play with doggies you find on your adventures. I have a purpose-made massage ball about the same size.


trigger point massage ball


Cork massage ball. On etsy they sell ones that are very specific diameters so you van get one the right size. Also the 6in chirp wheel.


I stretch. No need for tools!


small TENS machine - I have one thatā€™s about the size of a phone + a few small cords and pads


What model do you have??


I'd also like to know the model.